Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 137: Wayward Son

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Samantha and Becca were already about halfway to their destination when they stopped by a gas station to fill their tank. The drive takes about 4-5 hours and so they still have about 3 hours of drive left.

At the rest stop, Samantha had just finished adding gas to Becca's car when a sports car had stopped just beside theirs. The car door opened and a man who looked like he was in his 30s came out, he had a white shirt and a leather jacket on. His hair was styled neatly and he had broad shoulders, he was looking so fine and the definition of 'hot' really fits him.

As he got off the car, he scanned the surroundings and caught sight of Samantha. At first, he flashed his gorgeous smile at Samantha and walked over to her.

"Hi, I'm Callum.", he introduced himself as he extended his right hand.

Samantha couldn't deny that she was flattered by this man but she was no longer interested in anyone else other than Daniel Cho. She beamed at him and accepted his handshake, "Hello, I'm engaged.", she announced as she raised her left hand and showed Callum her ring.

He had a shocked face before he stifled a laugh. Shaking his head he tried to get away from the awkward conversation, "We're already engaged? When's our wedding?."

Samantha laughed with him, "I am flattered but... ", she turned her head to Becca who had just come out from the store. "You should meet my friend instead, she's hot and single."

Callum followed Samantha's gaze and found Becca who was fixing her hair up into a ponytail.

"What?", Becca asked in a confused manner.

"Oh, are all your friends this beautiful, Ms. Engaged?", Callum confidently spoke.

Becca blushed at the gorgeous smile he's flashing at her, 'Stupid flirt. You're cute.'

Despite his fresh personality, Callum seemed to be a nice person and so after a few swings of questions and answers, they exchanged numbers.

He left right after he filled up his tank and he waved goodbye to the two women. Becca and Samantha giggled like teenagers for that brief encounter.

Becca parked her car on the side before the two of them went to the restrooms. On their way out, they bumped into a sickly looking man in his 40s. He had a missing tooth in the front and his hair was messy in a very unattractive way.

Looking at the two attractive women in front of him, he suddenly found the courage from who knows where to pick up girls just like how Joey from Friends used to do.

"Hey, ladies. How you doin'?", he asked with a slight nod and a sleazy smile showing his incomplete teeth.

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As soon as Samantha and Becca heard him try his way to flirt with them, they looked at each other and burst out laughing. The two of them walked around him and didn't respond whilst still laughing all the way back to their car.

"Hey! That's rude!", the man shouted before he walked away, shaking his head. "Kids these days don't appreciate classics."

Samantha heard what he said and in her mind, she thought, 'But Mr., it's not that we don't appreciate the classics. Maybe if you showered a little and you know, fix yourself a little and stop flirting like a creep… maybe… just maybe… you will find someone who will appreciate you.'

Becca and Samantha got back on the road and had listened to almost all the best road trip songs they know until one old song came up. The song "Carry On Wayward Son" by Kansas blasted from the speakers and Samantha screamed as this was one of her favorite songs from her favorite TV series 'Supernatural'.

"OMG! I love this song!", she commented and Becca chimed in, she loves it as well.

Now their road trip was feeling almost complete, from meeting a hunk, a creep, and listening to road trip songs.

As the two of them were having fun on their drive, back in City M was a mysterious man who was sitting on an armchair with a cigarette on his hand while looking over the view of the city.

One of his men entered the room and went over to him.

"Did you find her?", Mr. De Luca asked.

He bent a little forward and answered, "Master, we went to her apartment but she wasn't there. Half of her closet is empty too. From the looks of it, she is still living there but she is perhaps out on a trip."

Gael chuckled at what he heard, he picked up a photograph from the table and looked at it lovingly. It was a picture of him and Becca on a winter vacation.

He opened his mouth and without even looking at the man, he ordered, "Keep looking for her. If you fail me, that will have been my last order to you. Understand that failure is only an option if you plan to cease to exist in this world."

The man shuddered upon the thought. His master had just told him that he will have to die if he fails.. And his master always does what he promises.

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