Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 146: Sinister (6)

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Pursing her lips, she looked away, "Gael, I'm leaving.", Becca announced.

She definitely didn't plan on saying it but for some reason, a part of her… maybe wanted him to make her stay. She didn't know why but she just did it anyway.

As soon as Becca said those words, Gael already knew what she was about to do. Clenching his teeth, he held her tighter. His words became a little muffled, "Don't… leave…"

Gael's heart raced as he tried to bring Becca's lips to his but she resisted. He started to hold her shoulders tighter afraid that she will push him away; she began to wince in pain but he couldn't hear her. All he wanted was to keep her beside him but all she wanted was to get away from him.

Becca tried to push him more but Gael's strength kept her in place. They were just standing but she got extremely nervous.

The next thing he knew, there was a sharp pain in his leg that made him scream in pain. "Fûck!", he cursed.

His voice was so loud, he was obviously in pain that his bodyguards came barging in the room. Becca was so horrified by what she did, she stumbled back and hit the bedside table; a vase and an alarm clock fell on the floor.

"I-I'm sorry!", she managed to utter before she started to run out of the room. The guards moved to catch her as she tried to escape but what she heard next troubled her.

"Let her go.", Gael ordered and his men stopped pursuing her. He sat on the bed while he pressed on his stabbed wound, the blood gushed out staining the white bedsheet.

Becca turned her head abruptly and their eyes met. She didn't know what to feel at that time, all she had in her mind was that she had to leave the place; she was feeling hesitant to leave Gael but she was also adamant to leave the prison. She quickly grabbed her backpack and duffel bag by the door before she sprinted towards the exit of Gael's mansion.

The moment that she got outside the gates, she hailed a taxi, got inside and headed towards the airport. Becca was determined to leave her memories behind.

When she got to the airport, she booked a ticket to the next available flight which was in Country A where she stayed for 3 months before she decided to go home in Country K. In which she thought that Gael had already stopped pursuing her, but that's where she was wrong because when she arrived home, he started to contact her again.

Mansfield Town.

Becca and Samantha had been in the same room with Gael for the past 10 minutes. Samantha observed the way Gael looked at Becca and it was clear that he had a deep affection towards her but whether it was love or hate, only Gael knew.

"What are you doing here, Gael? And why did you take us here?", Becca asked.

He stared straight into her eyes and slowly he spoke in a low voice, "I came here for you. You didn't think that I would forget you, did you?"

"You have left me alone for three months! Why are you suddenly coming for me again?", Becca questioned.

"Love, did you really think that I would let you go alone anywhere?", Gael said with a smile.

Becca suddenly felt nervous, "What do you mean?"

Gael stood up from his chair and walked over to the window, "I knew the whole time that you were in Country A. I knew where you lived and what you did…"

"You… you had someone follow me?!", she averted her gaze as she tried to recall the past events.

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Gael chuckled, "Tell me, when you got stranded that one time because there were no more seats for a flight back to your city. Where did you think that business class ticket came from?"

Becca thought long and hard back to that time where she had stayed in the airport for 3 hours waiting as a chance passenger before an airline staff came to her and told her that she had a ticket.

At that moment she did wonder how she got that ticket but it was something good and she was already dying to go home so she no longer bothered to verify how she got it.

She was about to speak when Samantha interrupted her train of thoughts, "While I am happy for the two of you reminiscing whatever it is that is going on between you two..." Becca and Gael looked at her with a confused look, "Excuse me, Mister but I need to leave, we need to leave."

"Love, you haven't introduced me to your friend yet.", Gael walked towards them and faced Samantha. Extending his right hand to her, he spoke, "Gael De Luca. What's your name?"

Samantha glanced at his hand and then shifted her gaze to glare at him not saying anything. He retrieved his hand naturally and smiled at her. He called onto one of his men, "Get someone to help this lady's small cut.", he ordered.

"Let my friend go and take me instead!", Becca demanded.

Gael turned to her and smirked, "Sure, if you go back with me... I will let your friend live.", his voice sounded threatening.

In Samantha's mind, she was trying to understand how Becca had gotten herself entangled with this dangerous man.

"Yes. I will go with you right now.", Becca said as she stood up.

What Becca said made Samantha panic that she snapped, "What?! No! I can't allow that! You are not going with him, Becca!"

Samantha grabbed onto Becca's hand preventing her from going towards him.

Becca turned to look at Samantha and smiled, "It's okay, Samantha. He won't hurt me."

Her sentence gave Gael a glimmer of hope, he thought that maybe Becca really did trust him.


At a town next to Mansfield, a black Hennessey had just parked at a building. Several capable looking men waited for their arrival.

Daniel got out of the car and followed Logan inside. Logan was greeted by a younger looking person who was in an all black outfit. "Captain.", the young man greeted.

"This is um, Swift.", Logan didn't know how to introduce Daniel. "Keep us up to date.", he added.

The young man nodded and brought out a tablet that showed a map of Mansfield town, "We have managed to find the possible location of where they are."

"Where is it? What are we waiting for?", Daniel anxiously asked.

"But... we have a problem.", the young man paused before he continued, "All roads going to Mansfield town are guarded.. There is no way to go in."

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