Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 153: Compensation

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The staff hurriedly went to the sink just beside her and ran water on her arm.

Hannah stood up from her seat and went over the counter while Samantha stayed behind and browsed on her tablet.

When she got there, she looked at Hazel and thought that she looked familiar. Though it was a little bit hard to recognize her because of her disheveled hair and puffy eyes; she looked like she had been crying earlier.

Before coming to the Busy Bean Café, Hazel went to The Fortress club where she and Nancy's group usually frequent. She spent her afternoon drinking in the club because she and her rich backer boyfriend had broken up. So she came to the café already intoxicated and Hannah could smell the alcohol from her making her nose wrinkle.

"What's going on?", she asked and had just noticed the mess on the counter and her staff Debbie who was cooling her arm under the running water.

Hazel Kun looked at Hannah and spoke in her drunken state, "Are you the manager? Your staff is stupid!"

Hannah raised her brow as she looked at Hazel and then back at Debbie. "Tell me what happened."

Debbie then timidly started to explain the matter to her boss regarding Hazel's order. Apparently, Hazel had ordered a tall Chai Latte with three pumps of pumpkin and a pump of caramel syrup but when she tasted it, Hazel said that there was too much caramel syrup. Debbie told the customer that she only followed her order so she had only pumped caramel once but Hazel insisted that it was too sweet and insisted that Debbie made a mistake and said that she pumped two or three times.

Debbie didn't want to aggravate the situation so she apologized but Hazel became irrational and asked for the manager. Debbie who was still new in the Busy Bean Café got nervous because she was afraid that she would get fired over this issue. So she offered to replace Hazel's order and just make a new one for her.

But despite her attempt to resolve the issue, the drunk Hazel found everything irritating and so she picked up the tall cup and threw it on the counter scalding Debbie's arm in the process.

While Debbie was explaining, Hazel just glared at her. Hannah shook her head and thought that nothing good comes out of having drinks go up to the head; it should stay in the stomach.

"Apply some ointment on your arm, it's on the first aid kit.", Hannah instructed Debbie before she faced Hazel. "Ma'am, we apologize for our mistake. We will replace your order or you can also get a refund. Which one do you prefer?"

"What refund?! I don't need it!", Hazel angrily answered.

Breathing deeply, Hannah answered, "What would you like then?"

"What I want is for you to fire that girl! She's stupid!", she snapped.

The customers in the cafe were already looking at them. Hannah didn't like this one bit so she was trying to solve this problem as calmly as possible but this woman is really testing her patience.

Clenching her teeth, Hannah tried to calm herself, "Ma'am this is just a minor problem, I can lecture my staff but I cannot just fire her."

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"Huh! You're a manager! You can fire her! Don't you know who I am?", Hazel suddenly questioned.

At this time, the customers who were watching the commotion looked at her carefully. Because of how Hazel looked like at that moment, they hardly recognized her but as they observed further, that's when they noticed.

"Isn't she Hazel Kun?"

"Yeah, she looks like Hazel."

"Who is that?"

"She's an actress. I think she was the second female lead of 'Deadly Everyday' movie from early this year."

"Oh really? I didn't notice… and she looks drunk."

The people around them continued to gossip and probably because Hazel was drunk, she really didn't notice the stares that they were giving her. Some even started to take pictures or record a video.

Hannah heard the gossips and she realized who this was in front of her. Though Hazel was still a rising star, she had a few endorsements from small brands that Hannah was familiar of.

"I can't do that. No matter who you are, I can't just fire an employee without a valid reason.", Hannah said firmly.

Hazel felt even more irritated that Hannah ignored her demand. "Then I demand compensation!"

Hannah couldn't believe what she was hearing from this actress, 'Compensation? Are you serious?'

The customers who had caught on what was happening also found her demand laughable.

Hannah wanted to keep her cool but every word that was coming out of this drunk and rude actress was getting absurd every time she opened her mouth.

"Compensation? For what? For your wrong order?", Hannah chuckled, it was too funny for her. "I already gave you a choice, it's either we'll make you another one or you get a refund. Don't be too greedy."

Hazel Kun snapped, "You're calling me greedy? How dare you! You're just a manager!"

Hannah couldn't take it anymore so she fired back, "No!! How dare you! You dare to ask for compensation after what you did to my staff? If anything, we should be the one asking you that!"

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