Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 17: If I Had Come Home Earlier

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"Sam, why didn't you tell me?" Seo Joon asked while he was looking up at the night sky, with a glass of wine on his hand.

Samantha already knew what this was about but she still probed, "About what?"

"You're dating Daniel Cho?" Seo Joon raised an eyebrow as he looked at his sister. "You surprised me. I didn't even know you two knew each other. For a person who likes to be low profile, you sure jumped from 0 to a 100. Although Andrew Park's also well known, you kept your identity totally a secret from him. But this time, you're dating a famous CEO and even brought him home to meet mom and dad. I'm sure you understand how complicated it is to date someone like him when you want to avoid publicity. "

Samantha chuckled, "I didn't plan this. I surprised myself too. I didn't think I would like him."

"Mom set you up huh?"

"Well, that's true... mom and Daniel's mom were apparently old friends. But Daniel and I have already met a couple of times before."

"You're saying it is fate? or coincidence? That's so cheesy."

"Ugh, you don't have to call it that, but if you put it that way... how we met before could be coincidences... but somehow, just like what Daniel said, if we were meant to cross paths, we won't be able to avoid it."

"Are you serious about him? Does he treat you well?"

"Joon, we just started dating. But... I don't intend to play around, I think I want to see this through with him. You don't have to worry, he's a really good person contrary to what the rumors say."

"I'll only believe you when I see it." he scoffed. "Are you planning on going public?"

"No. We both have agreed. We won't tell unless it's necessary. I just want to keep it a secret for as long as we can."

"But how will you do that? You know how people are if you get caught up in a scandal, they won't care what's true, they just want to gossip about you."

Samantha didn't respond to her brother's words, Seo Joon continued... "When you were dating Andrew, I was surprised that you lasted for 7 months even though you don't see each other that often and you hid everything from him. I am impressed that you are good at hiding your identity so well, but this... Sammy, Daniel Cho is way above Andrew. There are lots of eyes around him. I'm very worried that you'll get hurt."

"Isn't it funny? If we were poor, people would definitely think I'm dating him for money. But our family's well-off, and people will still think that I'm dating him for more money or that maybe our relationship is just for fun. But you see, Joon... I don't care about what they think. And for keeping our relationship private? Daniel and I have both agreed to it, so we'll make this work.", Just as Samantha said this, Nathan Yun approached them.

"Samantha, can I talk to you alone?" Nathan asked.

Seo Joon and Samantha turned their head towards the voice then Seo Joon whispered to Samantha, "Are you okay with it? If you're not comfortable--" said Seo Joon.

"It's okay." Samantha nodded. If she's not going to allow it, she's sure that Nathan would definitely try to find her again in the future.

Seo Joon still hesitated when he turned to Nathan, "Bro, I don't think it's a good idea."

"Please? It won't take long." Nathan said while he smiled kindly.

Samantha's brother sighed and turned his back, "Fine, you're both grown-ups. I'm just gonna go refill my glass."

Samantha actually didn't want to be alone with Nathan. Although they parted ways a few years ago, Samantha was still hurt about their break up. Three years have passed, she had already moved on and just thought of their relationship as something that she had to experience; she no longer had any romantic feelings towards Nathan but she felt a bit uncomfortable being alone with him while Daniel was also somewhere in the house.

The two didn't speak for a minute, it was quiet.

"How are you?" Nathan broke the silence.

"I'm okay."

Nathan looked at Samantha and his heart ached, this woman in front of him was once his..., "You seem happy."

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"Because I am."

He expected this much but it still hurt him, and as if he wasn't already hurt, he asked further, "Do.. do you love him?"

"..." Samantha couldn't answer Nathan. It's too early to say that she does, right? Also, why does he ask these questions? He's making things awkward.

"The truth is, I miss you, Sam.", Nathan admitted without hesitation. "One of the reasons why I came home was because I wanted to try it again with you. But to my surprise, the day I came home I saw you with him. At first, I thought maybe... maybe you were just two friends having dinner. Who would have known, the second time we see each other is when you introduce him to your parents as your boyfriend."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Samantha felt defensive.

"I'm telling you now because I may not have the chance to do so later. I know I was the one who broke up with you, and it's my biggest regret. For the three years that we've been apart, I've always thought of you. I should have been stronger. I shouldn't have given up on us.", Nathan didn't hold back, he had to tell her right now.

When Nathan and Samantha dated back then, he was very kind to her and they didn't even fight. So when Samantha thought that everything was fine, she was wrong. They've dated for almost 2 years and just out of the blue, Nathan broke up with her. Samantha didn't know why Nathan left her, she actually thought maybe he just needed a break but weeks after her graduation, he told her that he was going to leave the country. That's when she realized that they're really over. Samantha was, of course, heartbroken, but what surprised her was that she wasn't hurt for a long time. She just thought that it was a waste, Nathan's a good man.

"There's no point talking about this, Nathan."

"Sam, if.. if I had come home earlier... Would you have given me the chance? Would you have loved me again?"


Meanwhile, at the study room, Mr. Kim and Daniel Cho were drinking a Yamazaki single malt whiskey while they were talking about some current business trends. The two business magnates were very interested in learning each other's viewpoints.

Mr. Kim changed the subject after some time, "Daniel, are you serious about my daughter?"

Daniel Cho had expected for this to happen, after all, Daniel is dating Mr. Kim's daughter.

"Yes, I am, Uncle."

"We're both businessmen, so we understand that in our world, most businessmen only care about money and they do whatever they can even if they have to be heartless."

Daniel Cho didn't talk, he just let Mr. Kim say what he needed to say.

"Over the years, I have met a lot of businessmen who offered their own sons to marry my daughter; I'm sure you know why they're doing this. It's true, I'm a businessman, but before that, I'm a father. My children mean everything to me. I don't need more money, I already have a lot. I just want my daughter to live a happy life."

"I won't chase you away, after all, my daughter has chosen you. I trust her judgment. But, I just want to tell you... Please don't hurt my daughter. If, for some reason, later, you won't like her anymore, just give her back to me. That's all I ask."

Daniel Cho was moved by Mr. Kim's words. He truly loves his daughter, Samantha.

"Uncle, Samantha and I have just started dating. So I can't brazenly promise you that I won't cause her any pain in the future but I definitely don't have any intention to hurt her."

"Although you have just started dating, I'm sure you know how Samantha is... she's different, she likes to live like an ordinary citizen, away from the media. So, Daniel... promise me, you will shield her away from it."

"I'm serious about Samantha, I hope you can trust my words when I say that I will protect her with my life."

Mr. Kim understood Daniel's response. And though he doesn't know why, he had already put his trust in Daniel.


After talking to Mr. Kim, Daniel Cho descended the stairs and looked for Samantha. He found her outside the deck, talking with Nathan Yun. As much as he hates to admit it, he feels threatened by Nathan. There was something about him that gave Daniel an uneasy feeling; he tensed up.

"I've been looking all over for you.." Daniel said as he walked towards Samantha.

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