Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 188: Pregnant For Two Minutes

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A couple of days later at the Airport.

Samantha was leaning on her car, Taz when a female's voice called her from afar.


She looked up and saw Becca approaching with luggage in her hand. "Becks!" she beamed at her and waved.

"Oh my gosh! I've been gone for only a couple of weeks and you look radiant!" Becca gave Samantha a brief hug.

"And you girl… are tan! Wow, Becks! And you look great!"

"I know right?!" The two of them laughed as Becca tried to pose in front of Samantha.

"Get in, let's talk in the car."

Samantha brought Becca at the Four Seasons Hotel for lunch, she thought that it was better for them to dine where they can feel safer since Cho Corporation owned it.

As they sat down, they ordered their foods right away and started catching up.

"So how was your trip? I saw the pictures that you sent me and they were beautiful!" Samantha gushed, she was excited to hear about her friend's trip, especially that she went to a beach.

"I can't believe you weren't there with me. I swear, Sam it was perfect! Amazing sceneries, friendly people, and the food was the bomb! You really should go and visit that place."

"Well, you have to list down and tell me about the places that you have visited so that when I have the chance, I will be able to see them myself."

While the two of them were talking, they noticed some whispers from the next table. They turned their heads and saw three young women who were looking at them.

When the three women saw that they were noticed, they beamed.

Samantha and Becca looked at each other and giggled. Becca then waved at the three women and gave them a smile.

Without saying anything, one of the women took out her cell phone and waved it with her hand. She was signaling Becca that they wanted to take a selfie with her.

Becca had already gotten used to this whenever she goes out. Although her fan base is limited to her niche, it is still quite strong and so many people believed and idolized her.

She nodded and waved for them to come over. The women squealed in excitement as they hurriedly walked towards their table, the other customers turned their heads towards them.

"Hello." Becca greeted, her eyes smiled along with the corners of her mouth and she looked very pretty.

"I can't believe it's you. I am a huge fan, Ms. Becca!"

"Me too! You are such an inspiration!"

"Can we please take a selfie with you? You look very pretty even in tan!"

Becca laughed covering her mouth as she got shy because of their compliments. "Sure, no problem!"

They were about to take a selfie when Samantha offered to take a picture for them so that they can all fit better in the frame. That was only when they noticed her closely.

One of the young women widened her eyes in surprise when she saw Samantha.

"S-Samantha! Y-you're Samantha right?", she probed.

Samantha was a little surprised but she nodded, "Yes. Hi."

The other two also looked at Samantha and got excited as well.

"You are very beautiful too!"

"You two are always together! I envy your friendship!"

They continued to get all hyped up seeing that two of their favorite influencers were there in front of them.

At the other end of the restaurant, a good-looking man in a business suit who had similar features with Daniel Cho noticed the liveliness. He stretched his neck and saw Samantha and Becca on the table.

A smile appeared on his face and he decided to go over and say hi.

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"I didn't expect to see you two here today, what a nice surprise." Liam had his hands in his pockets, he was looking very sharp in his navy blue suit.

"Liam, Hi. Are you alone?" Samantha asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, I had to check some things over here and decided to eat first."

One of the young women decided to bravely ask while putting on a smile on her face, "Hey, mister. Um… is it okay if you take a picture of us?"

Liam agreed right away and when they finally had their pictures taken, the young women left.

"You two are famous!", Liam commented which made Becca and Samantha guffawed.

Samantha excused herself as she had to go to the restroom.

"So how have you been, Becca?"

"I'm alright. Just like always, living my life to the fullest."

"Good for you. I've watched some of your vlogs by the way."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, they're quite entertaining actually."

As the two of them were talking, a stunning woman in a bodycon dress stood a few meters away from their table. "Liam?"

Turning his head, Liam saw the woman whom he had been avoiding forever.

"Oh boy.", he muttered in which only he and Becca could hear.

"Who is that?"

"Someone that I've been trying to dodge but she just couldn't take the hint."

Becca chortled upon hearing him. The women looked attractive and slender that she could pass as a model so what could be the problem?

The woman walked towards their table and while she was approaching, she looked at Becca from head to toe and she rolled her eyes.

'Wow! This bish.' Becca sneered in her thoughts when she saw the woman giving her an attitude.

"Liam, I have been trying to call you. Why didn't you call me back?" She spoke with a coy expression.

Becca resisted the urge to cackle so she pursed her lips as she glanced at Liam who was looking very uncomfortable at that moment.

"Um. I was very busy. I don't have time these days."

"But you promised me that you will go out and play with me." She whined and pouted like a child.

Liam stared at Becca and tried as hard as he can to communicate with her telepathically. In his mind, he shouted, 'HELP ME.'

Although Becca didn't receive any telepathic message, she had sensed that Liam couldn't handle the woman. She composed herself and decided to lend him a hand.

Crossing her arms, Becca raised a brow and griped, "Hubby, who is she? Why did you promise that you will go out with her when you have a pregnant wife right here?"

Liam's mouth hung open upon hearing Becca's statement. 'What?'

The woman had a very shocked expression as she looked at Becca's belly and then Liam. "Is that true? She's pregnant with your child?"

Becca didn't say anything else as she just crossed her arms and raised a brow at the woman.

Feeling threatened, the woman's chest heaved up and down. "Don't call me anymore!" She stormed, stomping her feet before she turned around and left.

Liam was bewildered, he watched as the woman left and faced Becca again. The two of them burst out laughing and high fived.

Just then, Samantha returned. "Oh we're laughing. What are we laughing at? What did I miss?"

Becca snickered, "I was a pregnant woman for 2 minutes."

Samantha scrunched up her brows, "Huh?"

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