Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 190: You're Just Jealous!

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The instant that Melissa heard Samantha's words, her expression turned grim.

Daniel walked towards his woman who was sitting beautifully on his sofa and bent down to give her a peck on the corner of her mouth. "Hey." He muttered.

Lifting her head, she smiled to him showing her brightened face. "Hello."

Melissa's heart ached when he saw that kiss. Although it was just a peck, she couldn't help but compare herself to Samantha. 'You don't even look like that when you kissed me before.' She sneered in her thoughts.

Liam, who was still at the door, was utterly confused why his soon to be sister-in-law suddenly acted like that just now. 'Who is this woman?' He wondered. It was the first time that he saw Samantha acted so mighty and he was impressed.

His gaze veered towards Melissa. Judging by how she looked, she seemed like someone who was refined. But she was nowhere near Samantha's beauty. And when he saw his brother's expression from when they entered the room earlier, it was pretty obvious that Daniel Cho didn't like the woman's presence in the room.

Melissa bit the inside of her cheeks, she was trying her best not to say anything back no matter how much she wanted to lash out on her. That one time back in Country D was a huge mistake for her as she was stupid to think that Samantha wouldn't understand her little comment. But because of what she did, Daniel thinks even worse of her. So now that they were again in the same room, she had to try and keep herself from getting agitated.

She placed her right hand at the back and clenched it so hard that her knuckles turned white. She did so because she wanted to compose herself.

Swallowing her pride, she introduced herself to Samantha. "Hello, my Name's Melissa Qin. I would like to apologize for what I said before, I hope you don't take it to heart." She said as she put on a fake smile.

Daniel looked at her and knew that she was just faking it.

"Oh don't worry. I don't take any of your words seriously. I just treat anything that you say as trash." She replied with a smile and she could swear that she heard Liam from the side, stifle a laugh but then suppressed it.

It was another blow to Melissa's face. Just how many times had she been hit since she arrived in Daniel's office today? She wanted so badly to smack Samantha's face with her bag.

"You are very humorous." Melissa chuckled and the looked at the man beside Samantha. "Daniel, I have to go. I hope that you consider my offer." She took out a business card from her bag and left it on the coffee table. "You can call me anytime."

Daniel didn't respond to her and when she walked out of his office, he didn't even take a second glance at her. He turned to face Samantha, "I'm sorry, I didn't know that she was going to come here."

She raised her hand and placed it on his chest. Patting him lightly, she responded "It's okay, honey. You don't have to apologize for things that you have no control of."

Lifting herself up, she tiptoed to kiss Daniel on the lips. "But I don't like her being too close to you."

Daniel's heart thumped with her 'reminder', "That won't happen. Again. Ever."

Samantha smiled at his response. And seeing that smile, Daniel thought that it was rather more chilling because it came with a threat.

A voice sounded from behind them and they turned their heads, "Um… hello?! Does anybody even remember that I am here? I'm very much hard to miss because of my looks but you love birds clearly don't care and just keep throwing dog food everywhere." He walked towards the table with heavy footsteps and set the bags he had in his hands. "Tch, I can't believe you people."

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Liam sat on the sofa and Samantha and Daniel glanced at each other.

"Did the two of you come together? I thought you were picking up Becca from the airport?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah and then we went to eat lunch at the Four Seasons Hotel. We met your brother there."

Daniel nodded and continued, "And what's with all these bags?"

"I bought some baking stuff and ingredients from the store beside your building, I will be making something tomorrow."

Liam's eyes grew bigger when he heard that Samantha. "You're going to bake tomorrow? I get to eat, right? I get to taste it, right? I helped you carry these after all!" He spoke excitedly, trying to convince Samantha to feed him good food.

Samantha chuckled at Liam's enthusiasm. He sure looked adorable, "Well, I was going to bring it to my grandfather. But I guess I can also make some for you."

"What? What about me?" Daniel questioned.

Samantha opened her mouth, "What about you?"

"You're going to make something for your grandfather and my brother but none for me?"

Samantha stared into his eyes, he looked serious with his question. "Um… we're going to grandfather's tomorrow and we will eat it together…" She tried to explain that they were going to eat what she made tomorrow anyway, so... why?

"But that's for your grandfather. Not for me."

"Wow brother, I can't believe you would be so-" Liam remarked

Daniel turned to him, "Why are you still here? Don't you have work to do? Or you do you want more workload?"

Liam gaped at his brother. 'Is he seriously jealous?', he thought.

Getting up from the seat, he let out a huff and complained as he walked towards the door. "Tch. What a tyrant. Such a bully. Acting like a child. You're just jealous."

"I heard you!" Daniel said.

Without turning around he replied, "I know! I intend for you to hear it!"

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