Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 193: Handsome Grandson-in-law

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"How long will it take for you to finish that?" Daniel asked when he arrived in the kitchen. Samantha was making her grandfather Kim's favorite mango cheesecake. She had already done baking and cooling the cheesecake itself and was ready to decorate it.

"I only need to put these mangoes on top and then I'm done. Prolly fifteen to twenty minutes."

She pointed to the bowl of sliced mangoes and Daniel handed it to her.

"Why so long? Aren't you just going to dump it on top?"

Samantha chuckled when she glanced at him. "No, honey… I have to make it pretty."

"But we're just going to eat it."

"Still, it makes me happy to see my work pretty."

"Don't make it too pretty, or else it'll be a waste to eat it."

Samantha smiled as she poured enough amount of mango puree that she made just earlier on top of the cake. After which, she got a thin slice of mango strip from the bowl and placed it really carefully on the center. She kept placing one after the other in a spiral direction until it formed into a very pretty rose.

When she finished, she clapped her hands. "I'm done!" She exclaimed.

Daniel emerged from the living room and saw her creation. His brows lifted and his mouth formed into an 'O', "Wow, honey. That turned out really good!"

"You think so?" She asked with a grin.

He came behind her and gave her a hug from the back, "Oh I know so. You are amazing." He spoke before he kissed her neck.

"Go freshen up and change, we'll leave soon." He said.

Samantha nodded as he pulled away from him and started walking towards the stairs. Daniel leaned on the the island counter to examine the Mango Cheesecake when Samantha came back hastily, "Don't touch my cake!" She said, raising her index finger as a warning.

Daniel raised both of his hands in front, "I wasn't going to!"

Furrowing her brows, she glared at his man. "I know you, you were thinking about it."

"Do you read minds now?"

Samantha and Daniel arrived at the countryside where grandfather Kim lives. When they got off the car, an old man greeted them by the door. He was standing at the entrance of the big mansion together with a few househelpers.

Samantha grabbed Daniel's hand and held it whilst walking towards her grandfather. When they were nearing, a house helper received the cake box from her and entered the house.

"Gramps!" She pounced on him causing grandfather Kim to step back a little.

"Oof!" He grunted but embraced his daughter with a huge smile on his face. "My peachy!"

"You might want to do it a little slowly for your old grandfather, Ms. Samantha. ." Said the woman who was beside grandfather Kim, she was his private nurse.

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"I'm not old and I like my granddaughter's hugs!" He rebutted.

Samantha continued to hug her grandfather and scrunched her mouth and nose playfully towards the nurse which made her laugh. "My gramps loves my hugs."

"Okay, enough. I want to see my future grandson-in-law."

Daniel formed a smile on his face when Grandfather Kim looked at him, "Hello Mr. Kim. It's nice to see you again."

This was their first face to face meeting. The first one was when Samantha came back home from Country D but her grandfather was sick at that time so he couldn't come to the housewarming party. But Seo Joon arranged a video call for them and that's the old man met Daniel for the first time.

"Ah! I was right, this boy is more handsome in person! Do you see it, Jenny? I told you that my grandson-in-law is coming today!" Grandfather Kim boasted to his nurse. He was so proud as a grandfather.

"Yes, you did Mr. Kim. You have told me a hundred times already today."

"You brat! I didn't say that many." He complained.

Daniel chuckled, he thought that Samantha's grandfather was adorable.

"What are we all doing out here? Let's go inside." The old man turned around and walked inside the house, everyone else followed behind.

When they arrived at the patio, Samantha excused herself and went to the kitchen as she wanted to prepare the cake that she brought for her grandfather.

Grandfather Kim signaled for the private nurse to leave before he turned to Daniel. "Young man, I hope Samantha isn't giving you too much trouble."

Daniel smiled at his words, "She can be quite a handful but I'm not complaining."

The had a smile on his face, "Ah… Young-Hee was very cheerful just like her." He looked at the clouds in the sky, imagining the face of his deceased wife.

"Mr. Kim-"

"Please call me grandpa. We will soon become families."

Daniel revealed a slight smile and continued, "Grandpa… Has Samantha told you about my grandfather?"

The smile on Grandfather Kim slowly faded away. "Yes... My Young-Hee did like your grandfather before me."

"I heard about your story. And my grandfather… well, he's against me and Samantha because of it."

Grandfather Kim's brows scrunched up, "What?! That old geezer is still hung up on it until now?" He scoffed. "What are you going to do about it? Don't tell me that you're having second thoughts on marrying Samantha?"

"Oh of course not, grandpa! I actually have thought of something but I don't know if Samantha's going to like it."

The old man's focus was all on Daniel. He leaned forward as his ears were ready to hear the young man's plan, "What is it? Tell me and I'll help you!"

Pursing his lips, Daniel thought for a second before he decided to tell Grandfather Kim. When he started to speak in a low voice and told him his thoughts, the old man's eyes grew wide thinking, 'This young man sure has guts.. I wonder if Samantha will even agree to that.'

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