Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 229: The Speech

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As if time had stopped, the room turned silent that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone looked at her way and watched as she walked confidently — her smooth and flowy long skirt swayed to her every move as if she was walking in her own land.

Everyone's attention was taken by her, they were put in a trance and it took a few seconds until they realized who she was.

"Is that…"

"No way."


"It's her. That weird girl who doesn't speak."

"Why does she look-"

The whispers started growing as they watched and judged Samantha walking across the room.

The women who were aware of her new status as Mrs. Daniel Cho kept mum about the whole thing as they were too proud to even talk about it. They were afraid to feel and look like they were jealous. And it seemed like they all agreed to shut their mouth as they did not want Samantha to hog any more attention — silently, they sneered in their thoughts.

However, there were two men among the crowd who works in Cho Corporation. Both of them did not go to the same school as Samantha but rather they were plus ones of her classmates. And obviously, they knew who she was as soon as they saw her.

One of the men chose to keep silent as he could not afford to offend his boss if ever he might accidentally say something that he shouldn't.

However, the other one did not mind announcing, "That's our Madam, she's our CEO's wi-" before he could even finish, his girlfriend elbowed him on the side making him groan. "Quiet!" she scolded in gritted teeth, not wanting him to say anything foolish in front of her classmates. She sighed in relief when the others looked like they did not hear him talk.

Despite the others trying to keep it in, there were still a few who gossiped about her marrying Daniel Cho. Some were indifferent and others were very judgemental.

The rest of their batch could not believe Samantha's appearance. She was once a plain looking high school student who does not have many friends. Back then, she looked like an outcast yet the guys could not help but silently crush on her. Her clothes were very plain and she wore brands that were not even known even though her parents brought her plenty of really good and expensive clothing.

Samantha did not want any attention to her so the colors that she would always wear were dull in the shades of grey, black or white. And used things that are very simple, not even a piece of jewelry can be found on her.

But now, she resembled a Calla Lily. A flower that symbolizes magnificence, beauty, and elegance. A truly fitting description of how she appeared right now as she ascended the stairs of the stage.

Looking refined and charming with a faint smile on her face, Samantha's eyes twinkled when she looked at the crowd below her.

Accepting the microphone from Eli with slightly shaky hands, she swallowed when she was finally going to say her piece.

"I'm doing this for you, Sam. You should seize the moment. I believe in you." Eli said from behind her in a low voice that only she can hear before he walked to the side, giving Samantha all the attention.

She was quite surprised at what he said but she brushed it off right away and concentrated on what she was about to say in front of so many people who possibly did not like her from then until now.

Samantha did not prepare a long speech and just wrote something on a piece of paper as a guide. Unfortunately, in her nervous state, she put it in her purse which was left on her chair. Breathing in, she briefly closed her eyes and cursed herself for being dumb before she looked at Hannah for encouragement. And sure enough, her best friend gave her a thumbs up.

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Bring the microphone in front of her, she breathed deeply before she spoke with a clear and airy voice like she was a fairy saying her chant, "Good evening, everyone. For those of you who don't remember me, my name is Samantha Bella Kim of Class 1.

"It is with great pride that I am given the honor to speak in front of you tonight… even though I do not really know what to say," she lightly chuckled and the crowd surprisingly laughed with her.

"So I'm just going to talk about a few important things that I have learned in life so far. And all of them are focused on success.

"Success is not measured by the level of ranking or position in any job or field, rather it is measured by the knowledge and skills that you have learned while you rise in your chosen career.

"It is not only measured by how many contacts or influential people that you have in your phonebook, rather it is measured by how many loyal friends… people who would always stand by you no matter what battles you face in life.

"And success is only deemed worthy if you achieved it with your own blood, sweat, and tears.

She paused for a few moments before she continued, "I hope that everyone will agree with me on this… that in life, Success is measured only when you are truly happy without having to step on someone else's toes.

"Classmates, I wish you all good luck and success in your endeavors. And I wish that… everyone will enjoy tonight's party.

"Drink to your heart's content… but ladies and gentlemen, make sure to keep your hands to yourselves unless you're given consent."

She smiled a mischievous one and the crowd laughed once again at her remark, making a few ladies blush with the thought of them doing the first move if ever they got drunk.

Receiving a glass of champagne from Eli, Samantha raised her hand to give a toast, "A pleasant evening to all. Cheers." and she gestured to Hannah before she clinked her glass with Eli's.

"That was an amazing speech. You made everyone here astonished." he complimented with a nod towards the audience below them and Samantha turned towards the crowd again. Seeing that a lot of them stood up and clapped for her, she offered a gentle smile and slightly bowed.

Everyone listened to her intently as she spoke of very humble and inspirational words of wisdom. They did not expect to be moved by her simple yet meaningful speech.

Hannah was of course, the one who cheered very loudly, obviously proud of her best friend's brain and cleverness.

Oliver Su was one of those who stood up and clapped, a smile filled with satisfaction was evident on his face. "Interesting," he muttered.

While everyone rejoiced and cheered for Samantha, a certain bitter lassie remained seated, sulking at the way Samantha pleased the crowd. Lauren Wang was used to having all the attention given to her. But after the speech, it seemed like she has to share the spotlight. Crossing her arms, her brows knitted as she thought of her hatred towards Samantha.

From the backstage, Logan had his arms up with a mobile phone in his hand as he recorded Samantha's speech live for his boss.

Daniel had told him earlier that day to video call him as soon as Samantha goes on stage as he wanted to see his wife being incredible.

Every single happening and Logan's doubts have been reported to Daniel Cho while he was still at that dinner invitation from one of his clients.

He was wondering if he could go against his plans and just rush towards where Samantha was.. Realizing that he could not just look at her through the screen and constantly worry about her while she was away. Having gotten used to sleeping next to her every night, how could he sleep alone tonight?

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