Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 238: The Regret

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Her blush outfit was now covered by his tan coat but she did not look awkward at all. The coat was oversized on her yet it looked like it was exactly made for her.

Opening her eyes, her mouth slightly parted like she wanted to say something.

"Uhh…" was all that Samantha could utter as she was too astonished and enthralled by the gorgeous human being who was in front of her at the moment.

Daniel chuckled at his wife's reaction, her charmed expression only made her look more adorable.

In a voice that only she can hear, Daniel slowly whispered, "Close your mouth honey, don't drool." A teasing smile formed on his handsome face making him look so sexy.

Samantha abruptly closed her mouth and pursed her lips as she tried to compose herself. She swore that she heard a few sighs from the sides when Daniel flashed his smile. She almost wanted to cover his face so that no one else can look at it.

"What are you doing here? I thought that you had a dinner to attend?" she asked.

"It finished early an hour ago," he answered before he turned to his grandfather and politely bowed, "Grandfather."

"Good that you are here but why were you late? You should have come earlier as your wife was told some spiteful words!" Grandfather Cho spoke while taking a glance at Lauren who was currently standing up, her minions helping her.

"It's okay, you did not have to be here earlier. I could have handled it myself," Samantha tried to reason as she knew that Daniel was busy with something.

Knowing that she did not want to be a burden, he shook his head, "Indeed, I should have been here. You are more important," he said.

Several meters away from them was a man whose sour level had just gone up. Oliver Su felt a prick in his heart upon seeing the scene in front of him. He had only seen Samantha for a few hours but he had already planned to pursue her again. How can he do that… now that Samantha actually has a young, handsome and loving husband? 'Tch,' he scoffed.

Feeling proud, Samantha held Daniel's hand and she turned towards Lauren as she declared, "Ms. Wang, look closely so that you won't be mistaken again in the future. This glorious man next to me is my husband. Don't stare too much though because I'm… stingy, I don't like sharing."

Several laughs were heard from the crowd because of how Samantha used the word 'stingy'. Lauren called Samantha's husband 'stingy' for the bracelet earlier but Samantha was not at all offended. And now she used the same term to describe how she was unwilling to share Daniel to anyone.

This couple… even in front of everyone — they were not hesitant to give out dog food.

"What are you trying to insinuate?!" Lauren retorted.

Before Samantha could even reply, Daniel noticed something and decided to ask his wife, "Honey, was she the one who was unpleasant this afternoon?"

Lauren's brow twitched. This afternoon? Tonight's the first time that they're seeing each other.

Samantha pursed her lips when she recalled what happened in the lobby earlier that day when Daniel was on the phone with her and had heard everything.

Noticing the look on her face, Daniel knew that he got it right. He did not like how Lauren was acting all high and mighty in the lobby and even cursing his people. And tonight, she even dared to insult his wife?

Turning to Lauren, Daniel spoke in a low and dangerous tone, "Miss, I suggest that you pack your things and leave. You are not allowed to ever step foot in this resort ever again. If you don't leave right this instant, I will have security remove you from right where you are standing."

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Samantha snapped her head towards her husband with a questioning look but all she got was a squeeze on her hand as if he was telling her to let him do what he needs to do.

Trusting her husband, Samantha kept quiet and let him continue.

Lauren had a perplexed look on her face, "What?" she could not understand why Daniel was telling her that she can no longer come back to the resort.

"How could you say something like that? Who are you to prohibit her not to come to this resort anymore?!" One of the minions spoke, although she knew that he was a wealthy man, who was he to ban their friend?

Tilting his head, Daniel stared at the woman who had just spoken. "Who am I? Miss, I own this resort. I make the rules here. My words are the law. And I am just protecting my wife and my people who are working here that your friend had insulted. If you don't like it, you are free to go as well," he answered with a clear voice.

The minions swallowed in fear. What else can they say to this terrifying man's presence?

Lauren was once again flabbergasted by this piece of information.

"Seriously, these three idiots sure are friends. How could they not know that this resort is owned by Chos? Unbelievable," a gossiping voice was heard not far from them.

The scene was interrupted by the ringing of Lauren's phone. Looking at the caller ID, she saw the name of their family's butler. She was hesitant to pick up the call but she knew that it could be very important. Unwillingly, she answered the call and placed the receiver on her ear, "Hello?" she spoke.

"Young Miss, your father has been brought to the hospital just now due to hypertension," he said.

"What?!" Fear clouded over her mind as she became scared, guilty and frustrated. 'This is all my fault.', her eyes flickered and the image of her father flashed before her.

Lauren turned her head abruptly towards Grandfather Cho and without thinking twice, she dashed forward, startling Samantha and Daniel that they stepped back. When she reached the old man, she bent down on her knees and started to beg.

Biting her lips, her tears started streaming down her face again, "Grandfather, please I beg you. Take back the withdrawal. It was all my fault. My father is already in the hospital because of me. Please forgive me," she continued to beg.

Mr. Jiang whispered to Grandfather Cho and told him about what happened to Lauren's father. His blood pressure rose up that was why he was brought to the hospital. However, Father Wang was not in critical condition.

The old man scoffed and stomped his cane on the ground.


"Young girl, I already told you that you cannot come begging to me after giving you chances," he said before he turned around and walked away from the crowd. Heading towards the door, Grandfather Cho never took a second glance, leaving Lauren with her guilt and frustrations.

"Stand up, Lauren. Let's go to your father," said one of her minions.

Reluctantly, Lauren stood up looking defeated and left the room with her friends without looking back.

Regret always comes last.

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