Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 261: Blindfolded

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When Samantha woke up, she was already on their bed in the master bedroom of the cliffside villa wearing comfortable sleepwear. She remembered that she was still in her office in the afternoon so how did she get home?

"You're awake…" Daniel said as soon as he entered the room. He had a tray of food in his hands and he placed it on the bedside table.

"I don't remember going home," Samantha answered in a sleepy voice.

Daniel touched her forehead and then sat next to her, "You were a little feverish earlier in the afternoon. Chen called me an hour after you fell asleep and I picked you up soon after. You slept through the whole ride on the way home." She was no longer hot but he could see that she still felt uncomfortable.

Nodding, Samantha snuggled close to Daniel in which he gladly embraced her, "I'm sorry that I keep getting sick. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Samantha, you should not be sorry about it. I'm your husband, it's my duty to take care of you." His heart ached that Samantha felt bad for him. How could she think of that when she was the one who was sick?

"Aren't you going to get tired? You are already very busy enough with work. As the CEO of my own company, I understand your responsibilities. Although obviously, you have more workload than me... I can't be a burden to you, Daniel."

Daniel saw the worries in her face and he knew how she was ever since they started dating. She was the kind of person who did not want to burden others but this is different. Her health comes first and even if Daniel had to push aside all of his work just to take care of her, he will gladly do so.

To lighten up her mood, he laughed. "What are you talking about? You are not a burden, okay?" he pinched your cheek gently. "I love taking care of you. And why would I get tired? Don't you have faith in your husband? I can have meetings all day and I would still have more than enough energy for a sexy time with you." He winked and smiled a devilish one at her causing her to giggle at his response.

She snuggled even closer, inhaling his musky and citrus scent as she placed a kiss on his neck. "I'll definitely get better for you so that we can have more sexy time," she concluded with a chuckle.

"Good! You better!" He leaned down and kissed the corner of her mouth. "Come on, get up. You need to eat."

Smiling brightly at him as if she wasn't feeling sick at all, she agreed, "Okay."

A couple of days later and it was already Samantha's birthday, she was turning twenty-six this year.

When she woke up in the morning, she instantly felt more cheerful and lively. She did not know why but it was like she was excited about something and it made her health condition and her mood to turn really good. She had been feeling well recently and both she and Daniel took it as a sign of her getting better.

Stretching her arms and legs, Samantha looked to her right and noticed her husband looking back at her. "Oh good morning, darling." She greeted with a beam and Daniel pulled her close for a kiss.

The kiss was deep and passionate, it left her breathless that she moaned. He released her and a smirk appeared on his face, "Happy birthday, my love."

Samantha chuckled and before she could even say her response, Daniel hovered over her and trailed kisses on her neck down to her exposed shoulder. She closed her eyes and enjoyed her husband's playful kisses on her as she combed his hair with her hand. "What a lovely morning to wake up to."

"Yeah?" He ran his hand under her top and searched hear bare skin as he continued to shower her with kisses down to her cleavage. "What do you want to do today?" He asked but he did not stop caressing and kissing her.

Samantha had a hard time thinking about her response when Daniel found her breasts with his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. His kisses went lower and with the tip of his sharp nose, his lips, and the tiny stubble below it, Daniel teased the hills of her breasts tickling her a little that she bit her lip to suppress a moan.

His teasing sent hot shots of volt down her core making her toes curl in excitement. 'What is up with this sexy man this morning?'

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Was it because it was her birthday?

"I did not really plan anything… we could just… ahh... stay here... in bed all day... and cuddle," she responded in between ahhs.

"Mhmm… that sounds nice. We could actually do that," He lifted his head and kissed her on the lips when his phone rang, interrupting their morning make-out session.

Both of them chuckled before Daniel rolled to the side and got his phone. When he saw that it was his assistant who was calling, he released a sigh and got up from the bed. "I have to take this call. I'll meet you downstairs, honey."

When Daniel left, Samantha clicked her tongue, wondering what would've happened if Daniel did not receive that call. Soon after, her phone also rang and a smile formed on her lips, "Becca! What's up?"


"Just one more step, and… you're good." With the help of Becca, Hannah guided the birthday girl towards the elevator who had a fabric covering her eyes. Becca pressed a button and their ride started ascending.

"A blindfold? Really?" Samantha scoffed and shook her head. After she was instructed to 'dress nicely' by her two friends earlier that day, she was kidnapped by them in the afternoon and was dragged to Four Seasons Hotel. She already knew that there was a surprise but as to what was waiting for her… she had no idea and she thought that the blindfold was quite amusing.

"Hey! It adds suspense if you are blindfolded," said Becca who had been smiling the entire time that they were on their way to the hotel.

"That's right. Just trust us on this, okay?" Hannah added, she couldn't wait for them to arrive at their floor.

Despite being blindfolded, Samantha rolled her eyes when she found them too suspicious but nonetheless, she had to admit that she was actually feeling a little excited about whatever they prepared for her.

When they arrived at their floor, Samantha felt a bit awkward with how she walked as the darkness somehow hindered her balance. She clutched onto Becca and Hannah's hands as she tried to steady her feet.

When she heard what sounded like a huge door opening, hushes and whispers echoed but she could not guess what was happening. However, she felt that there were a lot of people in the same room.

The next thing she knew, a pair of small arms wrapped around her legs and she felt a small face pressed on her thighs, the small chin stabbing her when it slammed onto her.

A child?

But there were no kids in her or Daniel's family. She was confused and before she could ask, the soft fabric loosened and the cover on her eyes was removed.

"Happy Birthday, Samantha!!!" She heard them shout though she had trouble seeing everyone so she had to squint her eyes.

"Kira!" A little voice sounded from her legs, making her look down at the small creature who was hugging her.

A mixture of surprise and uncertainty formed on her face when she saw the little boy, "Jacob?!"

The other people in the room called for her and she shifted her gaze in front. The instant that she saw the familiar faces of the people whom she called her second family, her eyes teared up.

On the right side of the crowd were Kai, River, and Chelsea, her Skydiving friends. And beside them were Quinn and Charlie, with a few other friends from the race track. Frankie was also there and Jacob whom she had already picked up in her arms had smiles on their faces.. Her family from Country D came to celebrate her birthday with her.

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