Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 276: Havoc (2)

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Daniel's upper body was tied to the pole with a rope and his wrists were also tied up together behind him, making him unable to move. He was sitting on the floor with his legs in front of him; he was thankful that they were not restrained, his heart pounded in his chest. He looked behind him and realized that he was actually tied to a metal piping system.

He heard a wince and his eyes darted around, — he found that Kevin and Lucas were also there; the three of them were in the same situation.

Daniel's head was pounding so bad that it felt like something was banging inside his head. "Nnghnn…" His eyes scanned his surroundings and saw that they were in some kind of a storage room. There were no windows at all and the only entryway was a door.

There were two men in the room – one was guarding by the door and the other was the one who splashed the water on them.

"Release us!" Lucas roared and as soon as he did, he was kicked in the stomach. "Shut up!" said the man.

"Ah!" Lucas whimpered. The kick was pretty hard he thought that he broke a rib.

"Don't touch him!" Kevin growled and glared at the man who kicked his cousin. "Don't you dare touch him!"

The arrogant man scoffed and turned around. Signaling his mate, the two men left the room and locked it, leaving the three of them inside.

"You guys okay?" Kevin asked. He was a couple of years older than them and he always acted like a big brother so he was concerned for Lucas and Daniel more than himself.

Daniel nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay. Where are we?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

"I don't know. Whatever that yellow smoke was, it knocked us out. Woke up and we're all in here, tied up in this hell hole." Lucas groaned, wincing as he felt the pain in his stomach.

Daniel looked at Kevin and noticed that he was not looking well. His face was still moist because of the water thrown at him but he was pale and his gaze looked weak. "Kevin, are you in pain?" Daniel asked, his eyes moved towards Kevin's injured leg and saw that the bandage was stained with blood.

Kevin formed a faint smile, "I'm fine. Just a little tired." He lied. The truth was, he was running a fever because of his gunshot wound.

Daniel furrowed his brows, not believing Kevin's answers but he did not call him out. Observing two of his friends, he suddenly remembered someone else, "Where's Sean?"

Kevin and Lucas snapped their heads and looked at each other. It was only the three of them inside the room and there was no sign of Sean.

"Do you think they-" Lucas' question was interrupted by the sound of metal clinking. The door swung open and in came the man who got in earlier. Another man entered the room and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

"You-" Kevin uttered. His eyes grew wide as he looked up at the man who stood in front of him.

"Hello," Vladimir Yanovich greeted with a sinister smile on his face. He looked at Kevin thoroughly and scanned the room to see Lucas and Daniel who glared at him.

"You did this? Who the hell are you? What do you want?" Lucas spat. He was stunned to see the creepy man from a few days ago.

"You do not know me?" Vladimir bent down and stared at Lucas in the eye. "I am Vladimir Yanovich."

Lucas and Kevin's eyes darkened when they heard the last name. Yanovich was a family that was just like theirs but from Country R. They have heard about them before but had really never come across any of them.

When the Olsens' business came to Country A, Yanovich Clan had already been there for a couple of years and their business had started to flourish in the underworld, however, they were mostly focused on counterfeits and ammunition trade. So when Eddie came, the Olsen's illegal business on arms trafficking was not as flourishing as their drug trade.

They have kept themselves away from each other to avoid conflict. So what was Vladimir doing?

"You're a Yanovich? What do you want with us?" Kevin asked. Since he was Eddie's son, he knew the business in and out as much as Lucas did.

Turning his head to Kevin, Vladimir's smile disappeared and was replaced by his menacing stare. "I want your father to return the goods that he stole."

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"What goods are you talking about?"

Without saying anything, Vladimir slapped Kevin hard on the face, surprising Lucas and Daniel. The hit was so hard that Kevin spat out blood, he had bitten his tongue by accident.

Vladimir let out a chuckle, "Don't mock me. I know that you have my container. If you return it, I might let you go."

"Return what?! We did not steal anything from any-"

*Bam!* Vladimir's fist connected with Kevin's eye, shutting him up.

"Stop it! If you want to hit someone, hit me! He's already injured!" Lucas bit out, his heart raced while seeing his cousin being beaten up in front of him. Clenching his jaw, Lucas challenged Vladimir, "Don't touch him or I swear-"

Vladimir threw his head back and laughed like a maniac, "Or what? What can you exactly do? I am the one in charge in here if you have not noticed it yet. You three are tied up and I'm the boss of this place. You cannot do anything to me."

While they were wrangling, Daniel concentrated on trying to free himself from the restraints. The rope binding his wrists are tied pretty tight and he was having a hard time moving them about. He needed something to cut the rope — he silently wished that a knife would fall from the sky on to his hand but obviously, that was impossible.

Just as he thought of this silly wish, his palm hit on something sharp from the pipe as he was trying to loosen the rope, blood trickled down his hand and he felt the thick liquid in his fingers. Daniel bit his lip when it stung but forced himself to keep mum about it as he already tried to search for that sharp thing that had cut his skin.

His fingers traced the base of the pipe carefully going around and then upwards in a very slow motion to avoid getting cut again. Since his wrists are tied together, it was extremely difficult for him to do even just a little movement. He focused all his attention into it, using his fingers, palms and even the back of his hands just to find that damn thing.

He limited his movements as to not attract attention. The arrogant man was standing by the door and looking at Daniel when he noticed him move a little, making Daniel freeze but he shifted his gaze towards his boss Vladimir who was then busy interrogating Kevin.

Daniel sighed inwardly and swallowed before he continued looking for that sharp metal. He was already getting tired and frustrated but he kept on going until his middle finger touched a small bump with a sharp edge. He touched it carefully and thought that it was probably sharp enough to cut the rope. He decided to take his chances and started rubbing the rope on that edge as stealthily as possible.

"Where is it?!" Vladimir growled, his eyes were so sharp it could cut through a paper as he glared at Kevin.

Kevin already had enough telling him that they did not take any cargos from them so he kept his mouth shut and just stared back at Vladimir. His face had already started to swell up and there was blood on his cheek and temple due to Vladimir's ring that broke his skin after the fourth punch.

Seeing that he did not intend to talk, Vladimir pulled back his arm and was ready to give Kevin another punch on the face when Lucas screamed, "Stop! You should be talking to me not him!"

Vladimir's arm froze mid-air and he turned his head towards Lucas, "And why should I be talking to you? Who are you?" Vladimir knew that Lucas was also an Olsen but he did not know that Lucas was actually the son of the head of the Olsen Clan.

Lucas clenched his jaw and started, "I'm the son of-"

Fearing that Vladimir will turn to Lucas instead of him, Kevin snapped, "Don't listen to him. He's just an adopted son of my father. He is not important." Kevin gave Lucas an eye as if telling him to shut up and not say anything else.

Lucas brows knitted, perplexed why Kevin would say something like that. He was about to respond when Vladimir rose to his feet and ordered his men by the door, "Untie this one and move him to the other room." He pointed to Lucas and continued, "These two are too noisy to be together."

"No! Don't touch him!"


Daniel and Kevin became even more nervous that Lucas was being moved.

Vladimir's men by the door acknowledged his orders and they marched towards Lucas. They removed his restraints and dragged him outside of their room.

"Where are you taking him?!" Kevin yelled which earned him a hard kick on the stomach from Vladimir who just grinned down at him.

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