Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 299: A Mother's Heart

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Six months ago.

Daniel was in his office when Liam came and brought him some documents.

"You look horrible. When was the last time you shaved?" Liam placed the folders on Daniel's desk.

"I'm growing a beard," Daniel responded sarcastically, making Liam chortle, "You? A beard?" Liam's smile faded away slowly when he tried to imagine his brother. "Actually… you might look sexier with a beard."

Daniel's phone rang and when he checked the caller, his lips slightly parted and he swallowed. Without saying anything, he pressed the green button and placed the receiver on his ear. He was afraid of what he was going to hear but his heart was telling him to hope.

"Samantha woke up. She's healthy." Nathan Yun spoke on the other end of the line. He waited for a bit but Daniel did not say anything.

Having heard the news, Daniel closed his eyes and breathed deeply. It was the only news that he had been waiting since. He opened his mouth to say something but decided against it and instead, he ended the call.

Liam who just sat on the sofa asked his brother, "Who was that?"

"She's awake…" he muttered as if he couldn't believe his own words.

Sitting straight up, Liam's mouth gaped. He had been dodging the topic regarding Samantha just to avoid making his brother sad. Even he was also extremely happy when he heard that his sister-in-law had already gained consciousness.

"I need to see her," Daniel hurriedly took his coat and a few other things from his desk while simultaneously patting his pockets to check if he had his wallet.

Liam dashed towards Daniel and held his arm. "You can't. You know you can't."

Turning his head to his brother, Daniel scowled at Liam, "Let go."

"You don't even know where she is. How the hell would you go to her?" Liam refused to let go of Daniel, gripping his arm tight.

"I will search everywhere if I have to. I need to see her, Liam." Daniel retracted his hand forcefully from his brother's grip and then hastily headed towards the door.

"And then what? What about mom and dad?" Liam questioned.

Daniel stopped in his tracks when he heard his brother. He felt like someone just stabbed a knife in his heart repeatedly upon the reminder that everyone's life was at stake if he were to try and look for Samantha.

"Did you not remember what you told me? No matter how long it takes… you told me that. She'll understand you, brother. You just have to stay strong." Liam convinced Daniel to remain rational.

Daniel raised his chin up and placed his hands on his waist, sighing when he knew that what Liam said was right. 'Hang in there, Daniel.'

Walking back towards his seat, he dialed Lucas' number and spoke as soon as the call was answered. "What's the situation?"


A week after Samantha gave birth.

Samantha had just finished putting Ashton to sleep when the door to the room opened. Tilting her head, Hannah peaked through the cracks and grinned.

"Shh," Samantha placed a finger over her mouth to signal her best friend before she walked out of the nursery. "Where is it?" She asked as soon as she closed the door, leaving a small opening. She excitedly opened her hands in front of her.

Hannah chuckled at the sight of Samantha, "You are such a dork." She placed the paper bag on her best friend's hands, shaking her head. "You're lucky I called them to reserve these for you."

Samantha pursed her lips and opened the bag quickly. Inside were lactation brownies that were individually packed — they were brownies that helped increase her milk production. She took one piece and ate it right away as she flopped onto the sofa.

"I swear these are sooooo good! You should try them!" She almost shoved the piece onto Hannah's mouth but the latter quickly backed away. "Umm… no thanks! I don't want my breasts to leak milk." Hannah gently pushed Samantha's hand.

Samantha chortled upon hearing her best friend's remark, "That doesn't work like that, you dummy. It's just a taste."

"I don't wanna take my chances!"

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"Hmm! More for me then." Samantha nonchalantly finished her brownies and drank the water that Hannah handed to her.

"How long have you slept today?" Hannah asked when she saw Samantha's eye bags, carefully observing her friend. Samantha had been working hard as a mother for the past week. She would mostly refuse help from the people around her and insisted on taking care of her son by herself. As a result, she had been sleeping less.

"I don't know… four?" Samantha replied.

Hannah smacked her best friend's back, "Why aren't you sleeping properly?!"

"Aw!" Samantha flinched from the hit and glared at Hannah guiltily, rubbing the sore spot.

"You know that you don't have to watch him 24/7, S. That's why we're here… we could take turns, you know?"

Sulking, Samantha laid her head on Hannah's lap after tossing the plastic wrap of the brownie onto the table. "I just don't want to miss it when he's awake… what if he does something and I won't be able to see it? What if he says something... and-"

Hannah slapped Samantha's forehead, "Now, you're just being silly! Ash is one week old! How in the world would he speak?!"

Pursing her lips, Samantha snorted. "I just want to be always there for him… no matter how hard it is… I want to be there."

"And you are, Sammy. No one's saying otherwise. But for you to be able to always be there, you also need to take care of your body. You know how hard it was for you back then right? You were weak then... Ashton is a miracle." Hannah said as-a-matter-of-factly.

What Hannah said made Samantha recall what happened after she woke up from being unconscious several months back.

Back then, when Samantha had just woken up about six months ago, Nathan introduced her to an OB-Gyne Dr. Lee whom they could trust. The doctor was briefed about how her body was before she woke up, so the doctor already understood her situation.

Samantha went to see the doctor and asked her, "How is this possible that I'm pregnant? I even had a chemical pregnancy back a few weeks before I last had contact."

"Chemical pregnancy is very common. It can happen even without being detected and it will look like you will just proceed with your normal monthly period. But it's still possible to conceive two weeks after it happened if you had unprotected sex.

"While you were poisoned, your body must have suffered and… this pregnancy… honestly, it shouldn't have happened or shall we say, it's most likely that it would have also been a failure." Dr. Lee smiled before she continued, "but seeing that the fertilization was a success, then you and your partner must have really good and strong genes. This pregnancy is a miracle."

Samantha looked down at her stomach and as if by instinct, her hand stroked on it and a smile appeared on her face. "Will it be okay? Am I healthy enough?" Samantha worried, considering the previous incident, she wanted to make sure that she would be able to keep the baby this time.

"I understand your worries but don't fret, I will be with you all the way and we will conduct check-ups regularly to make sure you are healthy and be ready for when you go on labor."

Samantha did not respond and just continued to stroke her tummy.

"Is the daddy around to discuss the course?" Dr. Lee probed with an innocent tone.

Her question made Samantha froze but she forced herself to smile and responded, "The father is not in the country at the moment… it might take a while for him to come home. It's okay, my family is here."


Hannah tapped Samantha's shoulder which brought her back to reality. "Hey… you spaced out."

"Sorry… I just…" Samantha smiled as she thought about what happened to her. "Ash is indeed a miracle."

Looking at her friend, Hannah decided to let her know. "S… I've been meaning to tell you… before I arrived here last week, I saw him. He didn't see me though but I saw him at the airport."

The smile on Samantha's face was wiped off as soon as she heard Hannah. Her friend did not even have to say the name and she already knew who she was talking about from the first 'him' that she mentioned. She was damn curious but what can she do?

"Have you... ever wanted to tell him about Ash?" Hannah asked curiously. Samantha had always dismissed questions like this when her family was around.

Closing her eyes, Samantha sighed. "Of course... Many times... I even want to call him right now..."

A male's voice sounded from behind the sofa, "You may not do so. Remember what we've agreed. You cannot contact him."

Startled, Samantha's eyes shot open. Hearing her father, her heart drummed in her chest. "I know, dad.. I won't."

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