Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 317: Please Don't Go

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Samantha's tears started to stream down her cheeks. She was crying but it was because of so much joy in her heart. "You've finally met each other. I'm so sorry that you only had to know about him just now. I really wanted to tell you the moment that I knew I was pregnant but I..."

"Actually... this isn't the first time that I met him," he began before he told her about the incident back at the hospital in Country A. 

Samantha could not believe the coincidence between them. It seemed like fate really wanted to bring them back together. 

Daniel believed that he had hit rock bottom for the past months and almost two years of not being able to see Samantha but just because of that night when he met her again together with their son, he felt like he was reborn into a different man. 

Although it was only very recently that he came to know about Ashton, it appeared like he found a new ray of light from everything that's going on with them. He was now feeling even more positive that he needed to put everything forward just for his family.

After putting Ashton to sleep, Samantha and Daniel finally found the chance to have their conversation. 

"You still have not told me why you were with that man tonight." Daniel started, rolling his sleeves up, exposing his manly arms. He sat on the sofa and waited for Samantha to come to him. She was making him coffee and she tried her best to take it slow as she did not know how to start explaining.

Carefully bringing the cup of coffee to him, she bit her lip and sat next to him before she answered, "I… agreed to be his date."

Daniel who was about to take a sip from his coffee stopped the cup a few centimeters away from his mouth before he scoffed and drank the coffee. "You agreed huh?" He asked with a threatening voice that scared her a little.

"Yes…" She responded hesitantly. She could not understand why it was hard to talk to him at that moment. She felt like she was a small child who was afraid of getting scolded.

Placing down the cup on the table, Daniel turned to face her with a serious look on his face and with a voice so low, he spoke, "Do I really have to ask every question before you tell me why you agreed and why you were even associated with him?"

Gulping, Samantha decided to tell him how everything started while they were still in Country A. Daniel probed questions from time to time to make sure he understood what really happened. It was only then when he was sure that it was actually Gael who was the client from that night at the docks.

"You asked for his help?" He raised a brow. He detested the thought of her asking help from a dangerous man like Gael.

"I did not have a choice! I was desperate!"

"He's a dangerous man, Samantha! What were you thinking?!"

Not letting him overpower her, she remarked right after, "And so is Yanovich! What else was I supposed to do huh, Daniel? Wait until we're both very old?"

Daniel was hurt and Samantha knew what she just said hurt him, making her look away. He faced her and his expression turned dark, "Is that what you thought was going to happen? That I won't be able to fix this?"

Samantha reached out and touched his arm, "I didn't think like that. I didn't mean it like that. I believe in you. It's just... I wanted to do something too. I didn't want to be useless. I wanted to do something for us... for our family."

Waiting for Daniel to respond but didn't get any, she continued, "What happened in that restaurant, hearing that name from them… it was like I was given hope. It was like God was giving me a sign that I should grab the chance while it was there."

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Daniel chuckled as he stood up from his seat, "Did He also give you a sign to be so close with that man?"

Knitting her brows, Samantha could not believe Daniel's take on what she did. "Are you really being jealous right now?" She got up and followed him towards the tall window where he stood like an almighty king. Looking at his broad back, Samantha felt like Daniel was giving her the warmth that she was looking for a long time. 

Despite their current situation, she still wanted them together even if they were arguing at that moment.

"Why? Don't I have the right to be jealous anymore?" He asked while his back was still facing her. With his hands in his pockets, he looked so cool yet his question sent Samantha's thoughts to go haywire.


"Ah… right. We're divorced now. Is that it?" He asked bitterly.

Samantha could not help but let out a sarcastic laugh at what Daniel fûcking Cho just said. "Are you serious? You were the one who divorced me even after I begged you not to!"

Turning to face her, the air around him turned red. "That was because I needed to save you!" Daniel remarked, his voice rose a little. "If I didn't do that, you would have died! Did you really think I would just let that happen?"

Samantha's heart throbbed as she listened to him. He was obviously right and did not have any choice too but she was still hurt that they had to separate because of what happened.

She was also annoyed that they had to argue like that. It was not the kind of reunion that she wanted but even so, she believed that it was what they needed.

Noticing that she was feeling uncomfortable with the way things were going, Daniel breathed out a sigh and bit out, "I don't like him around you, Samantha. I hate it."

She knew that it was not going to be easy for him to accept it but she wanted to try her luck. "You don't have to like it but he's going to help us. What other choice do we have? He seems like our best shot at this point."

"Do you really believe he's just going to help without asking anything in return? Considering the kind of work he and his family has, I sincerely doubt it."

"How is he any different compared to Lucas or Sean? Aren't they all in the same kind of mess?" Closing their gap, Samantha walked forward and brought her hands up to touch his face, "I asked him to help and all he wanted was for me to be his date for tonight. He didn't do anything else to me or to Ashton. I think we misunderstood him."

Daniel shook his head and looked away. He did not like seeing Samantha's worried look while talking about another guy. Clenching his jaw, Daniel did not speak any further though his breathing became heavy.

He turned around and was ready to leave, making Samantha feel agitated, "Where are you going?"

"To think," he grabbed his coat and headed towards the door.

Daniel reached for the doorknob but stopped when he felt a pair of delicate arms wrap around his torso.

Samantha could not bear seeing him leave like that. They had just seen each other again and he was already leaving because of anger. She thought that if she let him leave like so, it would be the last time that they would see each other again so she refused to let him.

"Please don't go," she breathed on his back.

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