Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 368: A Day At The Mall (1)

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On a Saturday morning, Samantha and Daniel decided to spend the day preparing the stuff that they needed for the charity program that they planned for Ashton's birthday. They have already chosen the orphanage that they were going to visit, therefore, they know what they need to buy.

There were over a hundred kids in the orphanage and Samantha thought that she should prepare presents from Ash that are going to be packed in bags to be given to the kids. There were bill notebooks, papers, crayons, pencils, coloring books, toys, and other school supplies that the kids would love. She wanted for Ashton to learn about giving, thoughtfulness or generosity at an early age which was why she decided to start on his first birthday and hopefully, it will become a tradition.

Samantha had also thought about other things that the orphanage needs. Though the kids were the main focus, surviving from day to day is also a challenge for the staff. They go through food, toiletries and cleaning supplies very fast. Therefore, she also included those on the list. Since there were a lot of things to buy, she had asked for help from the gang. 

Together with them in the mall owned by Cho Corporation were Hannah and Seo Joon, Liam and Becca, even Assistants Ahn and Chen also helped out. They have divided the tasks so each pair was responsible for something. Samantha and Daniel were going to take care of toiletries so they went to the supermarket and started their shopping.

"Honey, which shampoo should we choose?" Daniel asked as he gaped at the aisle of many brands of shampoos.

"A mild one would probably be good to prevent any rashes from kids with sensitive skin," Samantha started browsing and was about to choose a medium-sized bottle.

"Ah, ah. Not that one, choose the biggest size." Daniel stopped her hand and reached high up the shelf to get several bottles of it. "Save more, get more product." He winked at her as he tapped on the price tag. Although it is mostly the case, Samantha still did a quick math in her head and found it to be true. A smile flashed on her face and she tiptoed to give him a peck on the cheek. "You're amazing!"

They continued down the aisle and were able to buy hand and body soaps, toothpaste and toilet paper, etc. All throughout their shopping, Samantha had a very satisfying feeling. She loved shopping for other people and she began to feel excited to donate what they bought today.

When they were done with their shopping, Daniel called the others to meet up so that they could eat lunch before heading home. As they approached the activity center of the shopping mall, they heard people cheering loudly. Turning their heads, they saw a large crowd gathering around the stage where there was a promotion going on. 

"Babe, let's check that out," Samantha grabbed Daniel's hand and dragged him towards the side of the stage. Daniel was still on the phone with his brother Liam in which he quickly ended the conversation after telling him that they were going to wait for them at the activity center. 

"What's this?" he asked.

"It looks like a press conference… I can't see…" There were too many people in front of them that Samantha couldn't see the front of the stage clearly. 

"Get on."

"What?" Samantha looked around and found Daniel bending down, waiting for her to get on his back. Her eyes grew wide upon seeing him. "What are you doing, honey?" she chuckled.

"Come on, get on my back… I'll carry you up." A smile formed on his face as he faced to the side. Daniel had never done this before to any girls and he wanted to do this for her.

A blush crept on Samantha's cheeks when she thought about what she was going to do. Covering her mouth and stifling a laugh, she scanned the surroundings and a few people giggled while looking at them.

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Brushing off the giddy feeling inside, she climbed on his back and encircled her arms around him. "Oh my gosh, I feel like a teenager," she chuckled some more along with Daniel.

They heard several small squeals around them, making them feel even more amused.

Finally, Samantha could now clearly see what was on stage. Apparently, it was a press conference of Nancy Jung's movie. On stage, there were a few other actors and actresses with Nancy and as the female lead, she sat in the middle while at the end of the row was Hazel Kun.

Daniel and Samantha watched and talked a little about the movie until the host shifted his attention to Hazel Kun.

"Ms. Hazel, tell us about your character. I heard it's your first time to act on a role like this, we would love to hear about your experience as well."

With a huge smile on her face, Hazel started to introduce herself and talked about her character in the movie. However, a sound coming from the speakers interrupted her explanation. She stopped and looked beside her, wondering about the technical problem.

Everyone's focus darted to the huge screen next to the stage. At first, the video looked like it was an advertisement of some sort. But after a few seconds in, a familiar face appeared on the screen.

"Isn't that her? That woman on stage… Hazel?"

"Are you sure? Oh… you're right… What is she doing– Oh god… Oh my god."

Gasps and whispers were heard from the crown below the stage. Even Daniel and Samantha who were only watching casually had shocked expressions on their faces.

There were two screens on either side of the stage and where the couple stood, the video and audio were crystal clear.

When the video started, a woman wearing a sexy nightgown danced in the middle of the room with a bed behind her. Later, giggles and voices were heard just as two men entered the frame. There were now three people in the video. Slowly, they started taking off their clothes until the woman was left with only her underwear. She continued to dance with extremely provocative moves, grinding and touching the two men that sandwiched her.

"You're amazing, Hazel," murmured one of the men.

"I can't wait to taste you," said the other.

By this time, Hazel's eyes have become wide. She had just realized that it was a video of her and two men that she knew. 

"No…" was the only word that she could say while she was still shocked seeing herself on the screens already half-naked for everyone to see.. "Stop! Stop it!" she screamed.

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