Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 379: The Wedding Week (8)

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Thinking that they could get away with it, Liam and Seon Joon glanced at each other before Seo Joon crossed his brows and replied with a cold voice. "Shouldn't I be the one asking what you girls are doing inside? You seemed very pleased to see those men dance before you."

"Babe… come on, they're just dancing. Besides they're for everyone… I mean, it was for Samantha's Bachelorette party. What's the big deal?"

"Did you enjoy yourself too, Becs?" Liam questioned with an expressionless face.

"So-so." Walking closer, Becca held his hand and stroked it. "Were you spying on us?"

"What? Of course not!" Liam quickly denied.

While the two couples were "discussing", Samantha and Daniel met halfway with grins on their faces. She snaked her arms around his waist and leaned on his chest, hugging him tightly while Daniel warmed her shoulders by stroking them up and down. He placed a kiss on top of her head as they quietly enjoyed their peace at the same time witnessing the two couples in front of them.

"You're cold," Daniel muttered above her. 

"Yeah… and you're warm. So comfortable." Samantha snuggled cozily in his arms, inhaling his scent that she loved so much along with his warmth that she always longs for. 

Daniel removed his coat quickly and placed it on her. "You have to take care of your body... Always bring something to cover up."

"You're just saying that because you don't want me to show some skin." She looked up to him with a playful smile.

"Well… that's true… especially since you're showing too much of these!" Daniel tried to tug the cloth up to cover her chest more but it was tightly fitted. Samantha chuckled at his attempt and was surprised when he suddenly cupped her breasts. "Have they always been this plump? It seems to get fuller."

Instead of swatting his hand away, Samantha just stared at him as he groped her in the hallway. And the rest of the people were just too busy to notice them.

"Yep, they've definitely grown bigger." He said, finally releasing her breasts and closing the button of the coat.

Samantha could only laugh at him and nuzzle back on his chest. "I miss Ashy…" she said.

"Me too." Daniel lifted her chin up and kissed her lips affectionately. 

Just then, two female strippers from the boys' room came out in skimpy outfits, catching everyone's attention — especially Hannah and Becca.

And especially when the strippers walked past Liam and Seo Joon and brushed their hands on their men's shoulders, winking at them as they went, "Thanks boys," they chimed.

Hannah and Becca scoffed at the sight and glared at their men – who at that point – shook their heads profusely like they were denying something.

"It's not what you're thinking!"

"We didn't do anything, I swear!"

The two of them tried but Hannah and Becca had already turned away and walked back in the room, slamming the door shut in their faces.

Daniel and Samantha snickered at the scene in front of them. They had just witnessed their friends' plans backfired. 

Pulling her closer to him, Daniel kissed her nose and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you more." She smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"Wanna bail this party with me?" Daniel asked as his hand slid to hers and intertwined their fingers together, enveloping his warm hands on her cold and delicate ones.

"I would love to. Let's see if Ash is still awake." 

They turned towards the exit and walked hand in hand, taking their sweet time and enjoying the calm and peaceful night.

"Honey, I'm craving for some ice cream."

"But you're already cold. Are you sure?"

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"Okay, let's go find one."

"And some fries…"

Daniel chuckled but could only give in. "I'll buy anything you want, love."

"You're the best."

"I know."

Later that night, after their parties have ended, the two couples who had a heated exchange of words went home to their respective rooms. However, similar to Daniel and Samantha's reaction, they also spent the night in blissful lovemaking.

They channeled their frustrations by making their partners forget the strippers they saw that night and made it their own memorable night instead. 

What a lovely turn of events.

The next day.

A knock on Daniel's door woke him up. Getting up from the bed, he grabbed a robe and strolled to open the door.

He squinted his eyes to see Oliver Su with a huge smile on his face. 

"Sorry I missed your bachelor's party. I had to tie up a few more strings before I had to fly here just in time for this." Oliver invited himself inside Daniel's room and handed him s small paper bag.

An expectant smile appeared on Daniel's face when he received the bag from him. "How is it?"

"It's beautiful. Just like how you designed it." Oliver sat in the armchair and slumped. He was too exhausted. "Your grandfather is such a headache, by the way, I don't think I can handle any more of his nagging."

Daniel took out the velvet box and opened it. Inside sat two beautiful wedding bands that he designed. He asked his grandfather's help with it but the team who worked with the rings was only able to finish them yesterday. 

"Thanks~" he closed the box and hid it in the closet. "What about the other things I asked?"

"Right." Taking out folders from his bag, Oliver gave them to Daniel. "These… took me a while… but, I'm Oliver Su." He shrugged. "Everything's perfect." 

Daniel went over the papers and happiness was evident on his face. He had prepared a few things for Samantha and he was excited to give it to her.

"I'm just going to borrow your bed for like five minutes. I'm beat–" Oliver fell asleep as soon as his face landed on the pillow.

Meanwhile, a guest also appeared on Samantha's door that morning.

"Coming." She skipped towards the door after having just finished dressing up. 

She opened the door and was shocked to see Gael standing in front of her that early. 


It wasn't really at all surprising that he was there as they have sent him an invitation but Samantha did not expect that he would go and see her that morning.

"Can we go for a walk?" he asked with a gentle smile.

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