Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 384: Wedding Invitation (RSVP) ~ Q&A

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[You have the option not to unlock this chapter and instead, skip to the next one. This contains mushy stuff about love and S&D's wedding invitation. And some Q&As]

What is love? 

From my favorite bible verse, I would like to quote 1 Corinthians 13 verse 4-

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


There are billions of people in this world. And to find your one true love is definitely like finding a needle in a haystack. But how do we really know if we have found "the one"? 

Some say: You don't.

Others say: You just do.

But what is right? And what is wrong? 

Love is very complex... but it also is the simplest thing in the world. Because you don't have to learn it... your body, your mind, and your heart just... feel... even if you don't want it to. Even if you don't tell. 

And there are many kinds of love – from parents to child/children, from the kids to parents, friends, enemies, to the opposite sex, to plants and pets and fluffy things and ties ;)... shoes! (okay I'm getting weirder.)

I'm inserting my love for food... Chocolates... fries, and ice cream. ♥

But just hear me out...

Love is not wrong. You can love anyone you wish to love, in all shapes, colors, and sizes and it won't be wrong. It doesn't matter if others see you as different compared to what they believe is the "norm".

Just like how Samantha got past Daniel's dark past... (and possibly future)... and how Daniel accepted Samantha's character for who she really was and is. These two people aren't perfect... but together, they are perfect for each other.

And to celebrate their love, I'm handing out invitations for you:




Samantha Kim


Daniel Cho


We cordially invite YOU 

to celebrate this special day with us


You are reading story Serendipity – A Chance Encounter at

SDC Resort, Hillberry Isle


∞∞∞∞✩ Beach Wedding ✩∞∞∞∞

Please RSVP in the comments and include the following details:

(RSVP = Répondez s'il vous plaît = Please respond.)

1. What song do you think would be perfect for this wedding?

2. What are you wearing to the wedding?

(what kind of dress/suit, color, style, shoes/slippers)

3. Who are you going with? Or who do you want to sit with?

Are you going alone, with a date, or tell me who among the characters you want to sit with... or sit on. ;) Could be characters from SACE or FF. It doesn't matter. Don't be boring, bring a date! 

Dress fabulously! Lots of Food and Dancing to follow.


Q&A from a readers:

Why you choose this title?

** Honestly, at first, I didn't know what title to use when I started writing it. But when I thought about the plot, it's obviously a happy coincidence for the two main leads to meet and be entangled with each other's lives. I'm also an optimist and I want to believe that apart from coincidences, the encounters led them both to something beautiful. Serendipity makes me happy :)

What's your inspiration in writing this novel author? Did it just pop out of your mind?

** I no longer remember how it exactly happened the first time that I have thought of the plot. The idea just came to mind while I was reading a bunch of stories and the title came in later. I wanted to create something that was not only focusing on their status in life but also that they're real people who do stupid things, make mistakes, fall in love to the wrong and right person, that they're not perfect and that we would realize, in life, it will not always be fair. People say I am a romantic person and I want to channel that to the characters that I have in this novel. I guess, my inspiration isn't only one thing but rather it's constantly evolving and multiplying like how my loved ones are always there for me and that every time I gain a new reader and when my readers enjoy what they're reading. So thank you, beautiful creature, for reading my work. You are one of my inspirations♥

Do you believe in Fate?

** You know what? Yes, I do believe in fate. But I also believe in decisions. I believe that things happen for a reason but whatever you do about those things will be your decision. A lot of things happened in my life and as a positive person, I always think that it's happened to me because I'm being tested. Much like Daniel and Samantha, the two of them met, but they could have turn the other way and choose not to be together but they did.

Who is your favorite character?

** This is tough because I love them all. Every single one of them, even the villains because they are a product of my imagination. However if I have to choose a character, I would definitely choose Samantha. Probably because I could see myself in her. She loves deeply… so she hurts deeply as well. She sees the good in people even though others don't see the same.

Who is your least favorite character?

** Equally tough. But I would have to say… Devyn Nam. Because she was evil. Even writing the scenes about her made my skin crawl. It was always so tough. The same goes for Yanovich. I don't like evil people (I mean who does?) And probably I created them to be really hateful that I myself hate them just as much as you all do.


"Serendipitous discoveries are made by chance, found without looking for them but possible only through a sharp vision and sagacity, ready to see the unexpected and never indulgent with the apparently unexplainable."

— Horace Walpole

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