Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 56: Don't Miss Me Too Much

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When Samantha and Kai were at the café, they ordered their drinks and sat at a window table. Both of them kept silent. Kai was thinking about who that man was earlier and why did Samantha suddenly wanted to have coffee with him. Samantha, on the other hand, was also thinking about Daniel Cho. She was very surprised to see him here. 'Is he here for me?', she became very nervous that her palms began to sweat. She was still wearing her jumpsuit and although the weather is cooler than usual, she seems to suddenly feel very hot.

"Wait here, Kai… I'll change out of my suit.", Samantha got up from her chair and went out of the café to get clothes from her car. Just when she reached her car, a hand gently grabbed her wrist. Feeling the familiar touch, it sent an electrifying wave through her body which caused her to flinch from it. She turned her head to the man and looked at him in the eye.

"What are you doing?"

"Let's talk.", Daniel said with an emotionless expression.

"About what? I already told you, we have nothing to talk about.", Samantha replied while trying to suppress her emotions.

Daniel's expression darkened as he reached his hand in his pocket and took out a piece of paper. He raised the paper in between his index and middle finger and presented it in front of Samantha's face.

"You think you could just leave me with a note? How insulting.", Daniel said fiercely.

Samantha swallowed at the sight of the white paper in front of her. She knew exactly what was written in that paper and she never thought that Daniel would keep it until now and show it to her.

3 months ago, back at the hospital, Samantha had called Assistant Chen when Daniel left. She had asked Chen to get her passport and clothes from her house and told her to come at the hospital in the evening. Samantha had done all the preparations by transferring her money to an offshore account and made it very hard to trace with the help of Carlos. Before she left, she had written 2 letters. One addressed to her family including Hannah telling them that she needed to leave but not to worry about her.

The other one was for Daniel. She had thought long and hard about what could make it less painful to read but she ended up with a very cliché one. In the paper, she wrote:


I'm sorry but I don't deserve you, so this isn't going to work. Don't look for me.


She folded the paper and placed it inside a small envelope with 'Daniel' written in the front. She reluctantly placed it on her bedside table and left her hospital room.

Samantha sighed, "What do you want?"

"I already told you. Let's talk."

"We're already talking."

"Let's go somewhere else."

"Look, Mr. Cho, I'm sorry but I don't remember being with you. So I really don't think there's anything that we can talk about.", Samantha said before she gently removed her hand from Daniel's grasped.

She opened her car and took out a bag and went back inside the café.

Daniel felt dejected but he's not going to give up this easily. 'I refuse to believe that you're not going to remember me.'

When Samantha came back to the table after changing her clothes, Kai had a smile on his face. "That was your ex-boyfriend huh? Are you running away from him?"

Samantha didn't respond. She just stared at the window.

"Kira, it's the first time that I've seen you like this ever since I met you months ago."

"What do you mean?"

"You're always so full of energy but now, you're clearly flustered by that man… your mood is way too low."

Samantha just pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

Kai sighed and sipped his coffee, "I actually thought that you're finally going on a date with me but it turns out you're just using me as a shield. Ah! It hurts.", he said as he clutched his chest like he was in pain.

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Samantha chuckled. She scrunched up a tissue and threw it at him.

After having their coffee, Samantha went back home and stayed in bed all day. She was actually starting to feel woozy, so she took some medicines and lay in bed. She then regretted that she went cliff diving yesterday afternoon because she's now feeling terrible. When she left the café at lunch time, Daniel had followed her car. And when he saw that she was going home, he decided to just stay in as well.

It was already 7 in the evening and so it was already dark. Daniel noticed that Samantha's villa didn't have any lights on so he thought that she had gone out but when he tried to peek, he saw that her car was in the garage.

Daniel remembered that earlier that day, she looked like she caught a cold. He bit his lip and pondered for a minute before he went to the kitchen. He started preparing chicken soup for Samantha. The cooking took about an hour and when he was done, he transferred it into a thermos and brought it with him outside.

Samantha was still sleeping when the doorbell kept on ringing. The sound woke her up and so she tried to get up. It was very dark in her room as she fumbled around to turn the lights on but she was feeling very lethargic that her body didn't cooperate with her. She bumped her knee on the bedside table and she shrieked, "AWW!! Son of a!! Damn it!"

Daniel heard some noise and curses from inside, he has been waiting by the door for 10 minutes and he was getting anxious. "Samantha? Are you okay?", he tried to yell.

When Samantha managed to turn on the lights, she glanced at her knee and saw a small cut with blood and she winced as it stung. She kept on hearing the doorbell so she walked towards the front door and took her time because her knee started to ache. Finally, she reached the door and when she opened it, her eyes widened in horror and she stepped back by instinct.

"What the hell?", Samantha exclaimed as she saw Daniel whose right knee was raised and his foot was flexed as if he was about to kick.

Daniel was surprised to see Samantha opening the door, he put his leg down and composed himself.

"Were you just about to break my door?"

He looked at Samantha. "I heard you scream and you weren't opening the door. I got worried."

"I bumped my knee because it was dark. What are you doing here anyway? And how did you even know where I live? Did you follow me here?"

Daniel ignored her question as he scanned her body noticing the wound on her knee, her red stuffy nose, and pale lips. He raised his hand and touched her forehead which rattled her but she could only stand frozen with his touch.

"You have a fever. Here hold this.", he gave the thermos to Samantha and she received it subconsciously.

Daniel stepped forward and bent to pick up Samantha in his arms. "Ah! What are you doing?", Samantha got flustered and her heart began to race as soon as she felt the warmth of his body which felt really comfortable. She stared at him in amazement like she has seen a god. Heck this god is even carrying her.

He already walked inside her house and looked around. "Where's your bedroom?"

She pointed at her room and Daniel carried her towards it. He placed Samantha on the bed and looked at her tenderly, "First Aid Kit?".

"Bathroom bottom cabinet.", Samantha was in a daze, she answered Daniel's questions without realizing it. She had already fallen under his spell.

Daniel got up and fetched the kit. With a serious expression, he meticulously cleaned her wound and applied an ointment like he was an artist creating a masterpiece.

Samantha gazed at him intently, looking at his nose... his lips.. and his manly arms that just carried her earlier.

"Ow!", she winced.

Daniel glanced at her, "Sorry. Bare with it, I'm almost done."

When he was done, he cleaned up and put the kit back to its place. He retrieved the thermos from her, went to the kitchen and poured the soup into a bowl.

He carefully placed the tray on the bedside table and gave her the spoon. All this time, Samantha just watched him go about and she didn't know what to say so she just kept mum.

Daniel put the spoon in her hand, "Finish your soup.", he said before he stood up.

When Samantha saw him turn and walk towards the door she spoke, "Where are you going?"

Daniel stopped and turned to look at her. He lowered his head towards her and a mischievous smile formed on his face. "Don't miss me too much.", he leaned in and kissed her forehead; the kiss sent tingles through her insides, "I'll be right back.", he winked before he turned around and left.

As soon as Daniel disappeared, Samantha released her breath like she had been holding it for a long time and touched her cheeks. "I must really be having a fever.. My cheeks are so hot."

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