Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 77: Don't Go, Stay With Jacob.

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"Say something.", Samantha spoke after not hearing any response from Daniel. Her cheeks started to turn red, she turned her head to the side, her boldness slowly fading away replaced by embarrassment. "Oh my God, how could I ask that? Sorry, don't answer, forget about it. Don't worry. Let's go to sleep.", she got so nervous that she became chatty.

At first, she was really baffled why Daniel was behaving as such that she suddenly became so straightforward and asked the man in the bed with her with such a silly question. 'What is wrong with me? Daniel would surely think I'm just a horny woman!'

But Daniel didn't think so, he only thought that she was being cute. He liked this new Samantha, if it was her from before, she would've probably just sucked it up and kept it to herself rather than being forward and feeling embarrassed. Daniel chuckled, "You're so adorable, do you know that?"

She didn't respond to his comment, instead, she looked away wishing that she would shrink and hide under the covers and never be seen again.

He lifted her chin up to face him, "Fine. Look at me."

Although her head was turned to face him, her eyes were still avoiding contact, "Just speak, I'm listening. I don't wanna look at you right now, I'm too embarrassed."

With his gentle touch, he caressed her face, "I want you to look at me.", he said.

Samantha breathed in deeply before she looked at him, her brow twitched a little as she waited for Daniel to start talking.

"I will always want you. Don't ever think so badly about yourself."

She pouted, mustering up the courage again, she asked further, "Then why? You start sweet but then you suddenly leave me dry. How could you do that? You might as well not start."

"I'm sorry. It's just, you've been in pain the whole day after that night and… I'm just… I don't want to put you through that."

Samantha pursed her lips, so it was because she was sore after? Now, what does she have to say after that?

Daniel spoke, "Samantha, you are the only woman who has ever made me feel this way. You are beautiful, you are sexy and you are everything that I want and need. With how I'm feeling, I'm just afraid that I would lose and not be able to control myself with you. My desires could be dangerous and you are precious to me. I promise to treat you better, so no matter how much I want you; not putting you in pain is my main priority even if it means that I have to control myself."

What kind of confession is this? Samantha wasn't ready to hear all of that. "You're saying that as if you're going to break me apart."

Daniel smiled, "Oh honey, you have no idea how I have been restraining myself whenever we do it."

Samantha's expression was priceless. What?! He has been restraining himself? With what she was experiencing during and after, it was him still restraining himself? 'Dear sweet Santa Claus, I thought the Christmas present you gave was too early. Was this actually not for Christmas but for Halloween?', her thoughts have gone haywire.

After thinking about it, she really doesn't know what to say to him. So she resigned and submitted herself into his embrace. She fell asleep half contented and half scared. Daniel was much too scary.

It was already the night of her going away party and the entire living room, kitchen, and balcony was filled with people she got to know and had become her family for the months that she stayed in Country D. There were smiles in their faces as they listened to Charlie giving his sincere wishes to Samantha.

"…those months have been short but sweet. And we're very honored to meet you. We wish you good luck and happiness wherever life takes you, and we wish that you won't run away from home again.", everybody laughed. "But just in case you do, you know that you always have a family here.", he finished with a smile.

"To Kira!", Charlie raised his beer bottle and the others followed suit.

"To Kira!"

Glasses clinking were heard throughout the villa as everyone wished Samantha good luck to her new journey. It was a bittersweet feeling for her, though she only spent a few months in this foreign country, she had actually met and became friends with a group of kind and fun people.

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She raised her own glass to her friends and clinked it to Daniel's before taking a sip.

"Thank you, everyone. Please enjoy the party."

"Hell, yeah! Who's up for some games?", yelled the enthusiastic Kai. Samantha shook her head as she chuckled, sometimes she wonders how Kai is never tired, always so full of energy. She was very glad that she met this beautiful man, Kai was one of her closest friends in Country D. Despite the silly profession of his crush towards Samantha, he was never overbearing and was just fun to hang out with. She didn't need more drama in the country and Kai never gave her that. What she needed was an outlet to channel her depression and this ball of sunshine was just too warm that it made her feel like she wasn't alone; what a friend to keep.

Daniel noticed her gaze towards Kai, "He seems like a good person, are you sad?", Daniel asked Samantha as he snaked an arm around her waist.

She leaned on his side and watch her friends, "He is. Just a bit but I'm happy.", she looked up to him, "Thanks, honey."

He smiled and kissed her forehead. He realized earlier that she didn't have any romantic feelings towards Kai, and the man also hadn't crossed the line so he didn't have any reason to be sour.

Samantha and Daniel felt a tug on their legs, they looked down and saw a little boy with a very sad expression on his face; it made their hearts thump.

"Hello, Jakey!", Samantha bent down and picked him up. "Why do you look so sad?"

Jacob pouted even more and tears formed in his eyes as he clung onto Samantha. Daniel smiled at the sight of the little boy, he was so cute. When he learned that Jacob's mother was no longer alive, he felt bad for him. No child should ever go through without a mother's love and care. Though Jacob wouldn't realize what he lost, it was still a void in his heart. No wonder the little boy was very fond of Samantha.

"Wait, don't cry… what's wrong?", she asked but Jacob didn't reply, he continued to lean his head on her shoulder. "Did you get hurt somewhere? Let me see."

"I think he's sad that you're leaving.", Daniel spoke as he watched the cute pair. In his mind, Samantha would make a great mother with the way she interacts with Jacob.

Samantha hugged little Jacob tightly, stroking his back to comfort him, "Aww, I will miss you too, baby."

Jacob straightened and looked at her, "Then don't go, stay with Jacob."

She became teary-eyed as well after he asked her to stay. But there wasn't anything she could do, she had to leave. "But I need to go home, my mom and dad are waiting for me. I didn't go home for a long time, so they miss me too."

He lowered his head, his tears started to fall steadily. Samantha wiped them and continued, "You understand, right?" Little Jacob nodded his head.

"Good boy. Don't worry we can talk on the phone sometimes. Also, I will come and visit you. Right, Daniel?", Samantha asked Daniel's help.

Daniel chuckled, "Yes. We are."

Jacob looked at Samantha and then turned his gaze to Daniel, he paused and thought for a while before he extended his little chubby arms in the air. Daniel was surprised but he didn't resist, instead, he took Jacob from Samantha.

With the little boy in his arms, it was such a pleasing sight. Samantha took her phone and captured the moment of the two, she already had a collection of pictures of Daniel and Jacob, her and Jacob as well as the three of them together when they visited the amusement park.

"I think he's gonna miss you too.", Samantha giggled.

Daniel watched little Jacob who was also looking back at him. "Is that true?"

The little boy pursed his lips and buried his face on Daniel's shoulder hooking his chubby arms around Daniel's neck.

He and Samantha laughed. The three of them looked like a family and it was such a happy moment. Daniel had thought that he wanted something like this, a family of their own, his and Samantha's child. He looked at her and his eyes had a certain sparkle in it that only Samantha could ever make it happen. She caught his stare and she raised her brows like she was asking him 'what's up?'.. He smiled and instead of answering her, he leaned in to give her a kiss but just as his lips would touch hers, little Jacob's hand stopped his mouth.

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