Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 79: Mile High Club's New Elite Members

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Samantha was caught off guard by Daniel's advances but her body didn't even refuse it. Welcoming his initiative, she started kissing him back and taking his clothes off as well. She had been waiting for this, who is she to refuse this sexy man?

Her senses seemed to have been heightened by a hundred folds now that they are making out high up in the sky. The restraint that Daniel had been doing to her a few times before began to slip away and was replaced with lust that he himself can no longer hold back.

"This isn't in my bucket list but I sure am willing to put it on the top spot. You're way more adventurous than I am.", she declared as Daniel kissed her neck.

"Glad you're warming up, now let's make it to the mile high club.", he spoke in a low voice in her ear, tugging and playing it with his teeth.

"Mr. Cho, you sure know how to flirt.", she hissed when Daniel's hands found her sweet spot.

"Oh, Ms. Kim. I don't flirt, I'm just calling my mate."

Samantha giggled, "Then you better make it worth it."

"I love it when you challenge me.", Daniel spoke with a smirk on his face that urged Samantha's excitement before he removed every single piece of clothing on Samantha's body and his.

The couple made out and had hot and passionate intimacy inside the master suite of Daniel's private plane thousands of feet in the sky. Samantha thought that Daniel proved his alias and was truly giving it justice. The word suited him, how naughty.

With the large luxurious bed underneath their nakedness, the two of them were very engrossed in their closeness. With the exhilaration and anticipation of doing the deed in a flying plane, Samantha and Daniel were sent to a sublime carnal pleasure. Making them submit to their innermost sensual desires for each other as they experience an increase in orgasmic intensity because of the drop in atmospheric pressure and obviously thanks to the airplane's vibrations which heightened their arousal.

These two sure know how to maximize their time, they even know the best places to take pleasure.


After their little 'action', the two were cuddling when Daniel remembered something.

"Back then... what did my grandfather tell you?"

Samantha propped an elbow and faced him, "Right, I forgot to tell you about that. It's quite complicated... I think it'll be hard for your grandfather to accept me."

His brows furrowed, "Why? I don't understand. You were okay when you met him at the party. What happened?"

"I wasn't sure at first either, maybe because he hadn't seen my face yet at that time."

She recalled what happened during that day when she went to Cho Corporation and met Grandfather Cho. Daniel didn't know why his grandfather has said those. He actually tried to meet the old man then but he refused to talk and then he left the country. It slipped Daniel's mind and had just remembered it.

"But... now I know why...", she announced.

Daniel Cho was now very curious, "Why? How?"

"My grandfather told me. When he visited me at the hospital, he told me everything when I asked him."

"Is it bad?", he probed.

"I'm not sure. It's complicated."

"We have time... tell me.", he said as he tucked a loose hair behind her ear.

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"Okay... so..."

Many years ago, Grandfather Cho, Daniel's grandfather, and Grandmother Young-Hee, Samantha's Grandmother were apparently childhood sweethearts and were almost lovers until their late teens. Young-Hee came from a wealthy family and although they weren't against Cho Chang Woo as a person, they wanted for their daughter to be married into a wealthy family.

"Young-Hee, we are your parents, we just want what's best for you.", her mother said.

"But mother, I am just 19 years old. How could I marry at this age and to someone I don't even know?"

Her mother tried to console her, holding Young-Hee's hands while she spoke, "He's not someone you don't know, you have met him before when you were very young. You may have forgotten about him but he hasn't forgotten about you. Besides, all we ask is for you to give him a chance."

"Why are you doing this to me? Why can't I just be with Chang Woo? He's a very nice person!"

"Child, we aren't against you being friends with that boy, after all, you have been friends for a long time. But you have to think about your future! How can we live in peace knowing that you will be suffering in the future with someone who has a poor background?", her father insisted.

"I can't believe you, although he is from an average family, he is very hardworking! I don't need money! I will marry who I want!", Young-Hee tried to protest.

He had enough of the talk, so he ended it with a firm statement, "This isn't a negotiation, Young-Hee! You are going to marry the heir of the Kim family whether you like it or not. End of discussion!"

Young-Hee who was still a teen at that time didn't know what else to do. She was young and naïve and the only option she had was to listen to her parents. After telling her childhood friend, Chang Woo, about her parent's orders, their relationship was on the rocks. They weren't officially together because of Young-Hee's parents not allowing her to be in a relationship, probably because he was from an average family. But even so, they have a mutual understanding of each other, they liked each other very much.

Young-Hee consoled him, "Chang Woo, I know that this is difficult for you, don't worry, I will try to convince my parents again."

Chang Woo who was also young at that time felt depressed for not being able to do anything because of his status. It wasn't his fault to be born in an average family but because of his family background, he couldn't be with the girl he liked. There wasn't anything that he could do to convince her parents, after all, he was up against the Kim Family.

At first, Young-Hee opposed the marriage but then after getting to know the man, she came to like him. He wasn't a bad person and he was always kind to her. Kim Yong-Hwan was very sweet and caring towards her that it didn't take long enough for her to get swayed. She felt really guilty that she was feeling that way for another man, but what can she do? Her young heart was acting on its own.

Kim Yong-Hwan was aware that she had a childhood sweetheart but he and Cho Chang Woo haven't met each other face to face.

When Yong-Hwan met Yong-Hee for the first time in a really long time, he fell in love with her. She was really beautiful, had delicate features and had a smile that could capture the hearts of men. She was good in a lot of things and was smart. She was very humble and down to earth despite being born from a wealthy family, unlike other socialites. Because of that, Yong-Hwan fell in love deeply, and he pursued her without holding back.

He thought that Yong-Hee would never give him a chance especially that she already had someone special in her heart.

Cho Chang Woo felt very discouraged, so he spent less and less time with Young-Hee. Oftentimes, he worked hard to fend for himself and his family, he had dreams and ambitions and was willing to do anything. Thinking that he wasn't good enough for Young-Hee, he started to think that maybe, they just weren't meant for each other. So although he liked her very much, feeling unworthy was enough for him to back out.

Therefore most of the time, he just focused on improving himself. He wanted to prove to everyone that he was a capable person. He had become a jeweler with the help of his uncle and he made a name for himself after a few years. During those times, Young-Hee had spent a lot more time with Kim Yong-Hwan and eventually they fell in love.

Chang Woo hadn't seen her for a while even though he misses her very much. In his mind, if he doesn't have enough money, he couldn't support Young-Hee, after all, he cannot feed her with his love alone. Knowing that the Kim family is very much well off, Young-Hee should be able to live her life comfortably.

After a year of courtship, Kim Yong-Hwan finally wanted to make it official with Young-Hee and ask her to marry him. So he designed a necklace for her and looked for someone who could make his design on paper a reality. No matter how much it costs, he was willing to pay. He provided the black opal and diamonds to be used, but after searching high and low from the jewelers in the area, he was disappointed. They were either, not able to do his design or was too afraid to use the expensive material in fear of damaging it and not being able to fulfill his request. Until one time, he went inside a small shop where Chang Woo was working; he was an ambitious and skilled person who also likes to try new things. When he saw Yong-Hwan's work, he was thrilled.

"This is a really beautiful necklace design and a very precious stone, your woman must be very special to you.", Chang Woo complimented.

Yong-Hwan was delighted, "Yes, she is indeed. I am planning to propose to her with this necklace. Do you think she will like it?"

Without hesitation, Chang Woo said, "I have no doubt that she will!"

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