Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 98: Apologize To Me!

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The next day at Sun Studio.

Becca Wise was in the middle of the platform with a fierce look on her face as the photographer snapped pictures of her. She was endorsing a local brand perfume that became popular recently. Though it was just less than a year old in the market, a lot of people have already embraced its presence; the scents are captivating.

She had heard of its brand when she arrived in the country about a month ago and because of her popularity online, a lot of brands have tried to reach out to her hoping that she would be willing to endorse their product. This particular perfume brand had caught her attention simply because, during her flight on the way home, the woman sitting next to her on the plane was wearing it. She's quite familiar with a lot of branded perfumes so she'd be able to recognize scents right away except that one.

The scent lingered for the entire 15-hour flight, she just had to ask before they landed and the woman happily told her about the perfume. So, when she received some bottles of perfume from the said brand, she was extremely excited. Her review of the products led to an offer and now she was chosen as a brand ambassador.

The photo shoot just ended and Becca was packing up her things when she heard the staff gossip not far from her.

"Have you seen her? She's very pretty! She's quite a good actress too."

"Nancy Jung? I guess she's okay. But I heard that she's dating the Regal Wing's CEO."

"Really? Where did you hear that?"

"Sophia told me she overheard it from one of RW's employees. Judging by how fast Nancy became famous, I'm sure she's doing some unspoken rule."

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if it's Mr. Andrew Park. He's always been playing around even before his father stepped down."

"But still, knowing that she got the fame because of those things. Isn't that too shameful?"

The two women just noticed Becca who glanced at them. They pursed their lips and walked away, embarrassed.

Becca didn't know who they were talking about so she just shrugged it off. She wasn't interested in such gossips. Her phone rang just after she closed her bag.

"I'm outside.", Seo Joon spoke as soon as she answered the call.

"Okay, I'll be right out."

After saying farewell to the team, Becca walked towards the exit with a smile on her face. She was excited about their weekend trip.

Just as she was about to reach the door, someone called from behind.

"Are you Becca Wise?", the woman in Black Channel outfit spoke, "You are. I could recognize you from afar.", she said with an expressionless face; beside her was Nancy Jung.

"Sorry, do I know you?"

"You don't know me?", she scoffed. "Rejuve Brand."

Becca's brows scrunched up. "What about it?"

"You made a terrible review about the product, now people are boycotting!"

Becca crossed her arms and sighed, her brow raised, "And what does that have to do with you?"

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The woman's face contorted, 'How could this b*tch speak to me like this? Does she not know who I am?'

Nancy Jung spoke, "She's Hazel Kun, she's Rejuve's endorser."

Becca glanced at Nancy and looked at Hazel again, "Huh. I see."

Hazel's expression became dark, "'I see?', is that all that you have to say? After what you have done? You destroyed my brand's reputation!"

Becca had a sinister smile on her face that made Hazel even angrier. She didn't respond, she just watched as Hazel's vein was about to pop.

"How dare you look at me like that? Apologize to me!", Hazel demanded.

Tilting her head, Becca was amused by the woman's behavior, "Why should I apologize to you? I didn't do anything wrong."

"What do you mean you didn't? You sabotaged my product! Right after your video and your blog was posted, people have been leaving terrible feedbacks all over the internet! They even questioned my taste!", Hazel Kun sneered.

"And how is that my problem?" Becca was getting bored by the immature woman in front of her. She was very excited about her and Seo Joon's trip but then this crazy woman came.

Nancy Jung during that time was just watching her friend, she was also observing Becca and she thought that the woman wasn't easily flustered.

"You did this to my brand! You did this to me! Now apologize!", she insisted.

Becca sighed and rolled her eyes, "Look, Miss, I don't even know who you are. I don't have any reason to attack you. Besides, I didn't do anything wrong. I was merely giving a review of the product that was sent to me. Unfortunately, after using it, I developed a rash. I simply gave my honest opinion. That's what I do."

"Then you take it back! Apologize to me and apologize to the public!", Hazel was fuming with rage as she demanded. "Or else, I will destroy you!"

"Destroy me?", Becca laughed, "How are you gonna do that?"

"What? You think I can't do it? Do you think I'm not capable? You better watch yourself, Becca Wise! My fanbase is bigger than yours.", Hazel sneered.

Becca smiled even wider, "Huh. I wonder how true that is? Numbers aren't everything. If you're such a big shot, even if my feedback about that particular line of the brand was negative, people wouldn't have been so biased and directly attack you just because you endorsed it."

She shifted her weight and casually checked her nail polish and added, "Now tell me, if I had made a favorable review... people wouldn't thank you, would they? They'll thank the product and they'll thank me for making the review. But... after I made that review, they were sorry about what happened to me and thus they were cautious about using the product. In the end, they attacked you, you know why? I can make a guess... maybe... it's not really the product."

Becca leaned in a little closer, talking very slowly, "Maybe... they really just don't like you."

When Hazel heard her words, she froze. For an artist like her, fame is everything. It's extremely important that she will be liked by people. That's the only way that her fame will grow. And if people or her fans are very fickle, then with just a simple scandal, her career will crumble. She clenched her teeth and glared at Becca.

Becca, on the other hand, was an independent talent. She's her own boss and she doesn't care about people's views about her, she's doing what she loves to do whether people like it or not. And this fact, Hazel is very much aware of.

"You-", Hazel was only able to mutter a sound before Becca interrupted her.

"So, Miss... Kun was it?", Becca looked at her in the eye and spoke, "If you want to attack me...." she snickered "I'll be waiting."

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