Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 103: WIFE

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Two hours later, Nicholas came home with Serina and this time, Yiran was there to greet them. She was really trying her best to act a little kinder to Cayenne this time. After all, she did really something that almost ruined her relationship with her brother. She was really scared that he'd hate him because of what happened to Cayenne.

"Hi." Yiran greeted with a faint smile. "Uh…uhm…Dad and mom wants you guys to join us for lunch before going to the forest."

"That's great. We didn't really have the time to stop for lunch because she was excited to see the cubs." Nicholas stated while linking his fingers with Serina. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was really happy every time they held hands in public. It delights her that Nicholas wasn't shy or afraid of showing their non-existent romantic relationship yet. There was no confirmation that they're boyfriend-girlfriend but Nicholas has claimed it several time, to the point of saying she's his fiancé and she never really refused any of those things. It felt like there's a mutual understanding between them. It's probably their strong connection with the wolves.

Serina had no idea that there's a wolf in her. Brittislava suppressed that specie to bow down to her, and make sure that she won't just appear out of nowhere which could ruin her plans. She needed to protect Rina and to do that, her wolf will have to come out later on.

"Good afternoon, uncle. Good afternoon, auntie. I hope you are doing well." Serina greeted while handing over her house visit gift. It wasn't anything grand, just some vitamins and fruits for them. "I hope you don't mind me coming here. I just felt really bored and I missed the cubs so much."

"Of course, not. You can come whenever you want. We are very glad that you've finally found the time to visit us." Zalia replied with a sweet smile despite her weak countenance. She felt something was wrong with how fast her health deteriorates and it made her want to do something for her. She was just afraid that it would expose.

"Come here and sit." Yiran pulled a chair for Serina and she even sat on her left side while Nicholas sat on the right. She was really welcomed to their family.

During lunch, they talked so many things about her study and Yiran was also inquiring how the school really looked like in reality, wishing she could go to that place as well. She wanted to study abroad but her parents glared at her, obviously not wanting their daughter to go there. They were against it and so was Nicholas.

"Why did you even agree for her to go there but I can't?" Yiran asked her brother disappointedly. "I am strong. I can definitely protect myself there."

"First, Serina's parents agreed to her decision but our parents don't agree to yours. Second, Serina has a protection coming from me but you won't have?"

"Why won't you protect me?! I am your sister! Sister! How can you just ignore me when you even stayed there for her?"

"How old are you again?"

"I'm 12."

"And you will be going there in four or five years. What am I doing during those years? I'm probably managing the business, helping the pack and busy with my life with Rina. How can you expect me to be there? You are not expecting me to leave my wife just to babysit you, right?"

"Wife?" Rina blurted out in shock. Nothing else registered in her mind except the word wife which entails her position in his life in the future. She didn't even know what would happen to them in the future or if she's still alive during that time. She didn't even realize that Nicholas gave away some clue to her during the conversation about helping the pack. It just wouldn't sink in to her mind. "That's a bit early to say."

"Well, I know you'd be my wife for sure. I won't want to have anyone else."

Serina looked at Zalia and Riordan who were sitting in front of her and she could only give them a faint and awkward smile. "Excuse me for a bit. I think I need to get some air."

"Where are you going?"

"At the back garden. I feel a bit stuffy but I'll be back. Just give me a little breather." She rushed outside and went to the back garden. She was breathing heavily while patting her chest to calm the hammering of her heart. 'How can he say that? A wife? Me? We don't even know if I'd be alive to make it happen. I could end up his enemy the next day if he knows what I really am. How could he say that in front of his parents and sister?' She questioned herself with her left hand on her waist and her right hand pinching the space between her eyebrows.

She thought about what she could say and what response she should give. He already declared his love for her in front of his parents but she has not done anything because of her fear. She stayed there for almost five minutes but she still couldn't come up with something.

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Just as she was about to return inside, a huge wolf jumped out of the bushes and nuzzle her face.

"Kiro!" Serina exclaimed happily and hugged the huge wolf. She could barely wrapp her arms around his neck but she was very happy to see him. "You are a little bigger than the last time I saw you. Did you grow up or is it just my imagination?"

'I can actually turn even bigger but it would be impossible to nuzzle you if that happens.' Kiro responded telepathically, nuzzling her neck, her face her lips and even licked his tongue of her lips.

Serina giggled happily and she has forgotten that she left during lunch. She just hugged the wolf with so much happiness bubbling from the bottom of her heart.

'Why are you here alone?' Kiro asked when he calmed down and sat beside her. Serina leaned on his soft fur and caressed his body while sharing her thoughts to him. 'Don't you like Nicholas?'

'Of course, I like him.' She responded almost immediately. She didn't speak verbally with her mouth this time, worried that someone would hear them talking. 'I am just worried for our future.'

'Why are you thinking about that? What's important is the present. You cannot even be sure you are alive tomorrow. Anything can happen now. Why don't you choose being happy today and left tomorrow for tomorrow? You are only burdening yourself with so much thought.'

'is it really going to work?'

'Trust me. Nicholas would never ever hurt you. He would even go against the world for you. Actually, he was thinking of getting stronger just to protect you.'

'Protect me? From what?'

'From a lot of things. Dangers will always be around the corner and he wanted to always be at your side to protect you.' Serina didn't say anything and just hugged him, let go of him, sighed and hugged him again. She didn't even shift from her position. 'You don't trust him, do you?'

Not only was Kiro waiting for her answer but Nicholas who was inside Kiro was also waiting for her response. It felt like the world has stopped turning for them when she looked at Kiro's eyes. It was like she was trying to see the soul in him before looking away from him.

'I can't even trust myself. How can I trust someone else?'

'What do you mean?'

Serina stood up from her seat and watched the koi fishes swimming on the pond which was specifically built for Yiran as her birthday gift last time. 'I had so many secrets in me. I don't know so much about myself and I felt like anything or everything I have now will vanish in the blink of an eye. I'm actually scared to wake up and find things have changed. I am worried that his love will change. What if it will change? What if I'm not the one for him?'

Kiro closed his eyes while listening to Serina's voice. He knew that there were so many things they needed to consider between them and given the fact that she's a dragon bearer, it's possible that she knew about the issue of the Luna. And if that is the case, once she knew Nicholas was the son of that woman her predecessor hurt in the past, she might break down and get her heart broken.

Suddenly, Serina turned around and looked at Kiro, "You knew Nicholas better than I, is it really okay for me to trust me? I mean, I did it once and I thought I was wrong and it led me to think of so many things and we suddenly became strangers for weeks and I was really hurt back then.'

'If there's one thing that I can guarantee to you, it's Nicholas's love for you. I swear in my wolf form that he loves you more than anyone else. If you ask him to choose between his family and you, he will definitely choose you.'

"Hey. I am not that bad. I'd never ask him to do that. But if you say it that way, I'll trust him one more time. I won't wait for my 18th birthday to come.. Today, I will tell him everything about me.'

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