Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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"Yiran, wait!" Serina called out, wanting to chase the little girl but Nicholas held her hand to stop her. "Nicholas, I have to apologize to her."

"Just let her be. She's just being a brat since we all spoil her."

"Even so, I am the one who really didn't pay any attention. I don't want her to hate me even more."

"I doubt it if she'd listen to you."

"It doesn't matter if she'd listen to me or not. As long as I do my part, I won't be bothered anymore."

"Fine. I'll let you handle this matter but just so you know, my wolf can hear everything she'd say and Kiro will report to me."

"Just leave this matter to me."

Serina went back inside the mansion and found the butler coming downstairs with an empty tray. It was the same tray that Nicholas asked the maid to bring to his mother. "Excuse me, can you tell me which room is Yiran's room?"

"It's the third one to the west side from the young master's room."

"Thank you." Serina let out a faint smile before going up. She thought she'd have a hard time looking for Yiran's room which was why she asked the butler but when she got there, she thought she was a little foolish. It turned out, Yiran placed a wooden plaque on her door with her name written on it.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

"Who is it?" Yiran yelled from the other side of the door and based on the nasal tone of her voice, Serina could tell that the little girl hadn't stopped crying. She knocked once again. "Just, who the heck are you?!" Yiran shouted and abruptly open the door. Her eyes turned dark the moment she saw Serina.

"Wait!" Serina tried pushing the door a little but Yiran used her strength to slam it close. Serina jerked her fingers away from getting smashed by the door but she was still a second late because of her slow reaction.

It was painful. She felt her finger bone has cracked and not a minute later, there were dead blood clotting inside her finger. She groaned in pain, her tears welled up her in eyes while she tried to stop her sob from coming out.

"Rina!" Nicholas came running towards her and found her clutching her hand. "What happened?"

"No-nothing. I just…I…I…I slipped on the floor and accidentally pressed my hand in the wrong direction."

"You are lying! Yiran! Come out of your room now!" Nicholas knocked his sister's door with his fist but Yiran didn't come out at all. This commotion brought his mother to come out of the master's bedroom and even the butler went upstairs to see what's going on. "If you won't come out right now, I'm telling you, I'll destroy the garden and kill all those fish in the pond!"

"Nik, stop it. It was my fault. Stop banging her door. You will only hurt her feelings."

"But she hurt you!"

"No, she did not. It was really because of my carelessness. Don't blame your sister for something she didn't do."

Nicholas looked down on her finger which looked purplish-blue with the blood clot. He gritted his teeth from controlling his anger and when he looked at his mother, he only glanced at her. "Your daughter is too much. She's disrespectful. Rina came to find her because she wanted to apologize. I can't believe she'd grow up like this. You and dad should discipline her."

Nicholas left right after saying these words while holding Serina's hand with his. He knew that Yiran heard him because that's part of their enhanced abilities unless she made a barrier to prevent anyone from disturbing her. Though, he doubted it because she was able to hear Serina earlier.

"I'm sorry this happened to you."

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm fine."

"Say those words to me when you're not gritting your teeth in pain and without those tears hanging on your lashes." Nicholas retorted and brought her back to his room. Five minutes later, someone knocked on the door and Nicholas opened it, a man with a briefcase appeared. "Thanks for getting here real quick."

"My pleasure to serve you young master."

"This is Rina. I want you to check her finger."

"This looks like hell. Did someone throw a tantrum and made your woman the target of her hatred?"

"It's far beyond throwing a tantrum." Nicholas answered. He stood behind Serina and watched the man pulled a needle kit from his case. "This is Dr. Ryan. He's the head doctor of our small hospital in this village."

"Nice to meet you, doc. I'm Serina."

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"Beautiful name. It suits you." He spoke and without even a warning, he pricked Serina's finger thrice. She didn't even notice it until she saw the dark blood slowly coming out of her finger. "I coated these needles with numbing medicine so your finger or your whole hand will feel numb a little while later."

"Are you going to cut my hand?"

"No, of course not. The young master would cut me, too if I do that."

Serina raised her head to meet Nicholas' eyes and smiled. She didn't know if he'd seen it but she tried her best to hide the pain from him.

The doctor said that he wouldn't cut her hand but he cut the tip of her fingers a little to draw out the dark blood and dead cells. It's not good if they'd clot inside her finger for a long time. While forcing her blood to drip out of her finger, the doctor was gently checking her bone as well. At first, he was shaking his head in worry but when he checked it once again, his worry was replaced with a frown to amazement.

"I swear in my life I felt your bones were cracked." He commented while running his fingers on her hand again.

"I heard it earlier as well." Serina agreed. "But I don't feel the pain now."

"I don't feel any broken bones either."

Serina knew it was because of her dragon but Nicholas have a different opinion as well but he didn't say anything. "Just patch up her wound, make sure that it won't leave a scar on her finger."

"Having a scar on my finger isn't really a big deal." Serina stated, not wanting to give the doctor a hard time.

"Make it look horrible, then."

"Ha?" Serina grasped what he was thinking and he stopped the doctor from doing so. However, the doctor only listens to Nicholas and not her. In the end, her hand was wrapped around a thick gauze bandage with blood stains on it. "You don't have to make your sister feel guilty."

"She should be."

"You are being childish. I'm the victim here but I didn't even want to blame your sister."

"Now, you just admitted it."

"Nicholas." Her voice changed to a stern note and this made Nicholas turned serious as well. "Promise me you won't say anything to your sister. You let your parents handle this matter. I will just give her a letter of apology tomorrow. Just don't say another word because based on my observation, you are the person who could hurt her the most."

Because of this, they left the mansion around six in the evening. It was already dark but because they have a limited time, Serina still pursued to go and meet with the new born pups. The last time she visited the forest, the moon was bright and was illuminating their way. Now, the moon was greeting them early as well. They didn't have any problem walking in the middle of the forest.

When they arrived at the area where the wolves stay, Serina was greeted with her three favorites. Kylo, Hunter and Sierra were running around her in circles. They were so happy to see her just as much as her happiness to see them.

'You were hurt.' A huge wolf was sitting on a rock with his eyes on Serina. She couldn't see his color clearly but she thought his pelt was brown. His eyes were dark with a little bright dot which was the reflection of the moon. 'The young lady hurt you.'

'No, it wasn't her. I was the one who tried to intrude her space.'

'It has healed already?'

'Yes. It was really quick.'

'Werewolves could heal themselves really quick. Their regeneration ability is second to the vampires if we won't include the dragon tribe.'

'No one can beat the dragon tribe, I guess.'

'They are very powerful. They're at the top of the food chain. We don't even know their weakness.'

Serina took a deep breath and looked at the sky with little dots of stars. 'I'm not a werewolf. I just have affinity for wolves.'

'Then how will you explain our conversation?' The wolf jumped from the rock and when he appeared again in front of her, he was already a human with only a bathrobe on. "I'm a werewolf." He stated like it was a normal kind of introduction and right in front of Serina, he grew a little taller than an average person and his ears became elongated. His hands turned to claws with sharp nails and his head was of a wolf's head. "The wolf you saw earlier was my wolf form. The man was my human form and this is my werewolf form. I'm Gregory."

Serina backed a few steps with her eyes unblinking as she looked at him up and down. If she was a normal person, she'd be running in panic now. However, she's something beyond normal. She stood there, watching the other wolves, suspecting if one or two of them would turn to werewolves as well.

"He's the only werewolf here tonight. He's making a patrol but just so you know, this village is home to hundred of werewolves, if not thousands." Nicholas calmly informed her which made Serina turn to look at him.  "I'm not joking."

Serina wanted to say something. She wanted to shout in happiness but her heart couldn't contain the excitement and surprise anymore.. She fainted.

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