Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 97: RUMORS II

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Serina left the school campus in the afternoon and Lambert made an excuse that she was not feeling well. Their classmates weren't the least bit worried and in fact, they were quite happy that she was gone. They started to flock around Lambert but he only spoke to them coldly. 'Yes, no, maybe, I don't know or a dead silence' were the only responses he gave to them. He never really engaged in any conversations with them like how he does with Serina.

On the other hand, Serina was sitting on the ground inside an abandoned building with around 10 – 15 men surrounding her. Looking at their faces and hearing the thoughts in their minds, she shivered from fear. She was really afraid this time. She has never fought with humans before. Showing her power in front of them, these people will most likely tattletale the news to other people. She wanted safety and privacy.

"You look pretty." One of the men stated while looking at Serina from head to toe. The expression on his face already showed what he was thinking in mind which only added to her fear. She didn't even surrender that white flag to Nicholas, how could she surrender to some strangers.

Looking defiantly, Serina tried to stand up and faced all of them. "However much your boss paid you, I can triple them. Just let me go. I won't tell anyone about what happened today, too. I just want to go home."

Everyone laughed at her statement and that confused her a little. Tripling the amount of money was considered huge but they didn't agree to her condition.

"We are very loyal to this client." Another man said. He seemed to be the youngest among the group based on appearance and he was wearing a school uniform as well. "No matter how much you can pay, our client's wish will still come first."

On the other hand, while having a call with his sister, Nicholas felt a sudden fear in his heart. He didn't really fear anything except losing Serina but right now, he really acknowledged the strange feeling as fear.

'Kiro, check and find where Serina is.'

'Yes.' Kiro didn't waste any more time and immediately linked with his mate. The moment he linked his mind with her, the overwhelming fear hits him hard and he almost ran out of breath. 'Rina. Rina, what's happening?'

'Kiro!" Serina breathed some relief upon hearing his voice and the fear she felt started to go away. 'Kiro, there are people surrounding me right now. They're all humans and they kidnapped me. They wouldn't accept payment from me and was bent on fulfilling their client's wishes. I think someone wanted to harm me."

'Where are you? I'll ask Nicholas to come over and get you.'

'I'm inside an abandoned warehouse. I don't know the exact location since I was asleep the whole duration of the trip but it shouldn't be far from school. I can still smell the scent of my school mates from the campus.'

'Alright. Just wait there for a sec. I'll give the information to Nicholas. Don't worry, I'll stay with you.' Kiro left for a moment and informed Nicholas all about it. He returned back inside her mind few seconds later. 'Look for someone around you. Look at him in the eyes and do not shift your gaze away. Just look at him.'

'O-okay.' She didn't really know what Kiro was trying to do but she still did what she was told anyway.

"Let's take a video of her and send it to the little miss later." Another man stated and he even pulled out his phone and a tripod to start recording her.

"I'll go first on her." another person said.

Serina looked around and finally found someone who was looking at her. She met his gaze and didn't look away. The moment their eyes met, Kiro manipulated the man's mind and surfaced in his brain. The man looked dazed and unmoving. Inside his brain, Kiro was attacking him and was biting his body apart. He was screaming in fear, asking for help but no one came to rescue him.

As the other men prepared to do whatever they want with Serina, a loud thud was heard and the man that Sofia had been looking at was now lying on the floor, stiff like a stick and his eyes were empty.

"Hey! Man up! What are you doing on the ground?" his colleague kicked him on the side but the mand didn't respond at all. "What the. What's wrong with you?" he kicked him again but when there was no response, the man crouched low and flipped the unresponsive human in front of him. "Ah!"

"What? What are you fussing about?"

"He's dead." The man answered. "I mean no, he's not dead but he's not moving and his eyes seemed to be staring into space."

One after another, they approached the man and checked his pulse. He was alive but his body was stiff like a paralyzed person and his eyes didn't show any recognition of their faces. The youngest man looked back to Serina and frowned. "What did you do to him?"

"Huh? Why are you accusing me? I am bound by a rope and I can't even move a finger. Is that my fault if he's got some illness or something?"

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"But you were looking at him earlier."

"I was looking at him because he looked uncomfortable and in pain. What can I do by looking at him? Are you an idiot?"

The man was still unconvinced but he didn't say anything anymore. Kiro didn't do anything further because it was more than enough to buy Nicholas sometime. Three men lifted the unresponsive person and carried him out of the warehouse but before they could open the door to go out, the door was kicked open from the outside and Nicholas stood there with a menacing look on his face.

"Who are you?"

"You just took someone and you don't know who I am? You didn't do your assignment properly before laying your hands on her didn't you? Just so you know, I am that her fiancé." Serina rolled her eyes at his confident declaration but she remained silent while watching him. It's good to be acknowledged as fiancé for once but she wasn't sure if she could go along with it after all the things that she kept from him.

"Tsk! I don't really care." One of the men pulled a knife from his back and started to attack Nicholas.

Sadly, he was no match with Nicholas. Humans are slow and weak against someone with enhanced skills because of their origin. How could they win against him? Nicholas dodged the man's knife and held his wrist. He was only holding it but the snapping of bones could be heard along with the loud shrill from the man.

The man cradled his bones when Nicholas let go of him. His face was red in anger, embarrassment and pain. His wrist hurts so much like hell. Because of what Nicholas did, the others got angry as well, feeling as if Nicholas was provoking them. Instead of attacking them one after another, they all came to attack him together, except for that young-looking man. He was just standing on the side while watching them. Then, his gaze shifted to Serina.

Their eyes met but he shifted his gaze immediately and wore his glass. This time, Serina could no longer look straight into his eyes.

"I knew it. Something's wrong with you." He said as he strutted forward towards her.

"It's not me. It's you who's got something wrong in his brain." Serina retorted, not scared anymore knowing that Kiro and Nicholas are there for her.

"What are you?"

"Ha?" Serina was stunned for a moment with his question but she gained her composure immediately and just looked at his face. "What kind of question is that? Of course, I'm a person. What do I look like to you?"

"You are no ordinary person."

"Duh! I'm one of those genius people that the country fights for to obtain. Tsk!"

The man held his gaze and looked at her body over and over again as if he was running an x-ray scan using his eyes. He was solely focused on her, making sure that he won't miss anything but before he could obtain the answer he was looking for, Nicholas loomed over him and struck him to the side.

His body hit the wall of the warehouse, leaving a huge dent on it but he still got up on his feet and dusted his pants and clothes. He moved his head from left to right and moved his shoulders in circular motion to shake off the stiffness he felt.

Nicholas has untied Serina already and right now, both of them were looking at the unscathed man. He was still looking fine despite the strong blow that Nicholas gave.

"You are not human." Serina commented in whisper but the man still heard her words correctly.

"And so are you. And you." He said while pointing his finger to Serina and Nicholas. "It's my first time seeing another specie except myself."

"Too bad you wouldn't see another one aside from us." Nicholas intertwined his fingers with Serina and pulled her close to him. In the blink of an eye, the two of them were gone and the warehouse was left in a mess with a bunch of critical-conditioned people.

"We'll meet again.." the man said and smiled before walking out of the warehouse.

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