Servant of the Goddess

Chapter 14: Chapter 6: Training Pains

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‘Alright, today’s finally the day.’ Ash thought with a grin as he started to do some light stretching. ‘She’s finally gonna start training me.’ Ash was currently standing in the front of the church in a small clearing to the left of the gravel pathway. He turned and waved at the skull-faced girl who was sitting in the grass on the opposite side of the path. The girl simply stared back. 

Ash turned his attention to Amelia as she walked out of the church and towards him. “I hope you’re ready boy, I did warn you training would be hard.” The woman said as she stopped in front of him.

“Don’t worry, I’m ready.” Ash said with as much determination as he could.

Amelia looked over her shoulder, facing the young girl who was watching from afar. "Girl! Pay attention to what I say. I don’t know how much you know, but we will start with the basics." Amelia stated. The young girl rolled her eyes but played along, giving Amelia a nod.

“This will be your first lesson.” Amelia said as she pulled out a small knife. “Pay attention because this is maybe the most important thing I can teach you.” At her words Ash leaned closer, giving the woman his full attention.

Once she was sure he was paying attention, she took a deep breath and stabbed the knife into her palm. Ash, and even the young skull-faced girl flinched when they saw this.


“Pay attention!” Amelia snapped, interrupting Ash’s startled shout. Ash wanted to look away, but he listened to her words and forced himself to look. But instead of seeing her bloody hand, he simply saw the blade pressed against her skin without breaking it.

“Wha? How?” he questioned, not sure what else to say.

“Using the Mist circulating in my body, I tightened my skin and strengthen the muscles in my palm. This kept the blade from cutting me.” Amelia held out her hand, allowing the boy to feel her palm.

“A-Amazing.” Ash said in awe as he pressed down on her hand. Instead of feeling soft and squishy flesh like his own hand, Amelia’s palm felt as hard as stone.

“We call this ability, hardening. With enough training you can keep your body like this with out thinking about it. Keeping your body in this state will be as natural as breathing. But, don’t misunderstand, this won’t make you invincible. Someone strong enough can cut off your arm as easy as cutting through paper. But, this combined with armor and training can protect you from fatal blows.”

“Uh, so how does it work?” Ash questioned as he held out his own palm.”

“First, you have to feel the Mist in your body, then you have to draw the Mist into your muscles. Doing this is the first step in unlocking your potential in every aspect. Everything we do, starts with channeling the Mist through out our body. So we will start there. For now, sit.” Amelia turned back to the young girl. “You too girl, follow what I say.” The young girl sighed, but nodded.

Amelia nodded once she was sure both children were paying attention. “Let’s begin.” 


"COME ON, BOY! FOCUS!" Amelia shouted as she flicked another pebble at Ash. They had been training for days, but had no results to show for it.

"I! AM!" The boy shouted back as he held out his hand. The boy was trying his hardest to tighten his skin like Amelia showed him, but nothing happened as the pebble struck his palm again. "DAMMIT THAT HURTS!" Ash shouted as he clutched his hand. The was a  deep purple bruise laid in the center of his palm, caused by being repeatedly being hit by pebbles.

Unfortunately for the young boy, he didn't have time to nurse his injury as another pebble smacked him in the forehead.


"Awww, is the baby upset?" Amelia taunted as she flicked another pebble, hitting Ash in the shoulder.


"Well, it's going to keep hurting until you learn how to channel the Mist." Amelia punctuated her point by hitting Ash in the leg with another small rock.

"I-I can't do it," Ash whined as he covered his head with his arms, blocking another rock that was aimed at his forehead.

"You CAN do it, Boy, you're just not focusing." Amelia stated while flicking another pebble.


Amelia knelt and placed a hand on Ash's shoulder, looking him in the eyes with her bandaged covered ones.

"You CAN do this, Ash, I know you can." The Priestess stated firmly, but Ash still had his doubts.

"I-I-" Ash wasn't able to finish his sentence since Amelia stood back up.

"Ash, I'm not hitting you with rocks for fun, you know. Normally this is the best method for teaching someone how to use the Mist. People are more likely to channel the Mist on pure instinct when under stress.” Amelia said with a sigh, but then she tapped her chin in thought. “Well, I suppose, normally this training is done with knives instead of rocks. Maybe I should grab some knives instead of rocks." The woman thought the last part out loud.

"N-NO! R-Rocks are great!" Ash quickly shouted, his face paled at the idea of being turned into a pincushion.

"Hmm, I suppose using knives would be a bad idea since I can't have you dying on me. Instead, why don't you try focusing on your own for a while. I already taught you everything you need to know. All you need to do is, put your lessons into action." Amelia said as she patted Ash’s shoulder, she then turned walked away, towards the small skull-faced girl.

Ash was quick to do as he was ordered, completely relieved about knives not joining his training regiment.


Amelia walked up to the young girl who was sitting in the grass besides the gravel path. The young girl was enjoying a bowl of ice cream with a wide grin on her face. The young girl loved watching Ash's training, the boy's pain-filled yelps always made her silently laugh.

The young girl's hair was now tied into two pigtails, with small bells tied to each tail's ends. Amelia put the bells in the girl's hair herself. The Priestess was getting annoyed with the girl sneaking up on her. But unfortunately for Amelia, this only served as motivation for the young girl to try harder when sneaking.

"Come, girl," Amelia said, interrupting the girl's peaceful meal. "enough lazing around, it's time to start your training." Amelia stated as she held up a pebble. The young girl looked up at Amelia, and after a few seconds, she shook her head, causing the two bells to ring. Hearing these bells, Amelia knew the girl shook her head. So with a frown, Amelia crossed her arms, and she narrowed her nonexistent eyes at the girl. "You don't have a choice, girl, we made a deal. I'll take you in, and you'll train to become a member of the Church, just like Ash. Are you breaking our deal?"

If Amelia had eyes, she would see the glare the girl was sending her. But unfortunately for the young girl, she knew she had no choice but to do as Amelia said. But, the girl was smart, and she knew Amelia was strong and far deadlier than she was. Unless the girl wanted to face Amelia's real wrath, she had no choice but to play along. So with a sigh, the girl jumped off her seat and stood in front of Amelia.

"Good. Now, have you already started your skin hardening training?” Amelia asked. The slight sound of bells slightly ringing sounded out as the young girl nodded her head. “Alright, show me what you know.” Amelia ordered. 

The skull-faced girl did as she was told, she shifted the bowl of ice cream into her left hand while holding out her right. While Ash was just starting to learn how to use the Mist, the girl already had basic training with her Mist. So, it was easy for the girl to focus the Mist into her palm, into her muscles, and tightening her skin. Except the girl wasn’t able to make her palm as tough as Amelia’s. The young girl also had a hard time controlling the Mist, only able to toughen her skin for more than a minute at a time. 

"Well done," Amelia stated with a satisfied nod as she felt the young girl’s palm, which caused the young girl's cheeks to turn red as she stared up at the Priestess. Since Amelia didn't have eyes, she couldn't see the look on the girl's face, and she kept talking.

"Your ability to toughen your skin may seem weak now and hard to maintain, but don't worry. Over time and with training, the Mist inside of you will grow. Your ability to control it will also grow, making you far stronger." With a nod Amelia stood up and held up a pebble, aiming it at the young girl’s palm.

"Now hold it the best you can, taking damage while maintaining your hardening ability is the best way to train it." Without another word, Amelia flicked the pebble at the young girl. The Priestess expected the young girl to be able to take at least two hits before dropping her hardening. But what she didn't expect the young girl to be frightened by the rock flying towards her.

"KYAHH!" The girl shouted in surprise. 

As soon as the pebble left Amelia's hand, the young girl's eyes widen, and she fell backward. She avoided being hit by the rock, but her bowl's remaining ice cream was sent flying. The flying frozen cream landed squarely on the woman's robes, staining her white robes brown and pink.

"Girl…" Amelia spoke the word softly, but couldn't say anymore as the girl in question bolted and ran inside the Church.

‘Well, at least I now know she can speak.’ Amelia thought with a sigh. “Now to get her over what ever trauma is holding her back.” Amelia could hear the young girl run through the church and to her room. So, instead, Amelia turned her attention towards Ash.

"COME ON! WORK, DAMMIT!" The young boy was shouting at his hand, trying to get his Mist to work.

‘Must not kill the kids. Must not kill the kids.’ The Priestess chanted in her mind as she walked towards the Church. She could already feel the migraine forming in her head.


Hours later. Heavy-duty construction lights lit up the front of the Church, allowing Ash to work on his hardening ability and channeling his Mist even during the night.

"COME ON!" Ash shouted once more as he held out his palm. But nothing changed. "P-PLEASE!" The boy shouted once more in desperation, but still the Mist did not move.

"Why don't you work." The boy groaned as he dropped to his knees.

"Why-Why can't I do this? Amelia said it's because I don't have enough faith in the Goddess. BUT I DO! I BELIEVE IN YOU! SO PLEASE HELP ME! GODDESS!" Ash shouted at the top of his lungs, but unfortunately, there was no response for the young boy.

"But maybe. You don't believe in me?"

With a disappointed sigh, Ash stood up and walked towards the Church. The boy never noticed the creature watching him from the shadows.


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A day later, Ash yawned as he stretched out his arms, another day of training had passed for the boy as he found himself training into the night. Another day of training and failing to channel his Mist.

"Still nothing… Maybe I should just give up…" Ash sighed in disappointment as he turned and started walking towards the Church's entrance.

"GGRRRAAARR!" Before the boy could reach the door, an ear-piercing roar filled the air.

"SHIT!" Ash shouted as the roar caused him to break out into a dead sprint. He didn't even bother looking around for the threat. Instead, his instincts forced him to race towards the door.

Thankfully Ash was able to make it inside the Church and shut door tight. He let out a breath of relief and took a step back.

‘Man, that was close… But normally, the monsters don't come this close to the Church.’ Ash thought as he tapped his chin. Most of the monsters in the area learned attacking the Church would end in death at the hands of Amelia.

"GGRRRAARR!" Once again, the boy was broken out of his thoughts by a roar just outside the door.

"Uhh… Maybe I should get Amelia." Ash said, but before he could move, the door exploded, and he was knocked backward by the shock wave. The boy was sent flying and crashed into one of the pews landing on his back.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Ash yelled as he quickly rolled over and pushed himself up. Pain filled his body, but panic forced him to move.

"AMELIA!" Ash shouted as he started to run down the aisle and past the rolls of pews.

"GGRRRAARRR!" The roar filled the air once more, causing Ash to freeze in his tracks. He was only able to make it half way down the aisle.

In his fear-induced frozen state, Ash could hear footsteps slowly making their way towards him. The sounds of heavy panting followed the steps. The young boy slowly turned his head towards the source of the noise.

Lurking in the Church's entrance, a lone Direwolf stood among the ruins of the busted door. The beast was dark as night, only its fierce red eyes and sharp white teeth could be seen. 

"GGRRRAARR!" The creature let off another roar that snapped Ash out of his frozen state and forced the boy to move.

Fortunately for Ash, he moved just in time to avoid a direct claw strike to his neck, but unfortunately for him, the attack struck him in the back. The boy was sent flying once again across the room, bouncing off the floor and landing on his back.

‘T-This is it… I'm going to die.’ Ash thought as he laid on the ground.

If Ash were thinking straight, he would have noticed he was simply knocked to the ground and not ripped to shreds by the Direwolf's claws. The blunt force caused by the Direwolf’s paw was more than enough to send pain coursing through his body, but the sharp claws should have ripped his spine out.

Whether it was because of fear or pain, the boy was unable to move. He simply laid on the ground staring up at the ceiling, and that's when he noticed it. Moonlight was streaming through the Church's back window, filling the room, illuminating the Goddess's statue, and catching Ash's attention.

"Goddess… Please… Help me." The boy groaned as he forced himself to sit up and face the Direwolf.

The creature stood tall as it watched Ash, its fangs bared ready to devourer the boy. Except the beast didn't attack, it just stood there watching Ash. An experienced fighter would have noticed this Direwolf's odd behavior, Ash, on the other hand, was too afraid to notice.

"GGGRRRRAAARR!" The Direwolf let out one last roar as it charged towards Ash.

‘I can do this… I can do this…’ Ash thought as he held out his arm, ready for the Beowolf's attack.

That’s when he felt it, the Mist pulsed through Ash's body, filling his muscles with each step the Direwolf took.

"GODDESS PROTECT ME!" Ash shouted as his muscles tightened, and his skin hardened. 

Ash could only watch with wide eyes as the young Direwolf slammed it’s paw into Ash’s palms. The attack sent a shock wave through Ash’s body, and caused the boy to slide back a few inches. 

"I-I'm doing it," Ash muttered in amazement, he couldn't believe he was holding back such a powerful monsters attacks. He couldn’t believe he was finally able to channel his Mist, but he could feel his body being drained by the second. His vision was getting dark, and his arm was shaking as he struggled to hold it up.

"Good job, Boy." Those were the last words he heard before he was completely drained, and he passed out. The Mist withdrew from his muscles, and the boy himself collapsed to the ground completely unconscious.


Amelia watched as Ash passed out. The sudden influx of Mist into his muscles locked his body up tight, and the strain was too much for him to handle.

"Did she really have to send you?" The woman asked with a sigh as she spoke to the Direwolf.

The pitch-black creature let out a breath that sounded like a huff. It then turned around and sauntered away without a care in the world.

‘Spoiled mutt.’ Amelia thought as she watched the Direwolf leave.


"GODDESS!" Ash shouted as he bolted up in his bed.

"What… What happened?" Ash asked out loud as he looked around his room. His body was incredibly sore, and every few seconds, it felt like a pulse of pain would ripple across his muscles. But the boy ignored the pain, his need to know what happened pushed him out of bed. He quickly threw on some fresh clothes and raced out of his room.


Amelia stood on the path with a hand full of pebbles as she stared down the young skull-faced girl.

"Alright, girl, this time, you will NOT move. Do you understand?" Amelia growled at the girl, the young girl simply nodded. The bells in her hair let out a pleasant sound with each shake of her head.

"Good, now hold up your palms and harden your skin."

This was the first chance Amelia got to train the girl after the ice cream fiasco, and she didn't plan to go easy on the girl. The young skull-face in question was tense as she held up her hands and did as she was told. 

"Good, now hold it steady." Amelia stated as she held up a pebble and aimed it at one of the girl’s small palms.

After a brief pause, Amelia flicked the small rock at the girl. But instead of hitting a palm, the young girl jumped to the side at the last second, completely avoiding the attack.

"Girl!" Amelia growled as she flicked another pebble at the girl, which again was easily dodged.

"HOLD STILL DAMMIT! AND HOLD UP YOUR PALMS!" An enraged Amelia shouted, and this time instead of flicking one pebble, Amelia launched every small rock she held at the girl in one throw.

Her attack didn't work since the girl dived to the ground and rolled away. The rocks sailed past where the girl once stood and slammed into Ash, who was exiting the Church.

"GAHH!" Ash squeaked as the pebbles peppered his body.

"Quit your shouting. It’s to early in the morning." Amelia said as she regained her composure. She quickly snapped her attention back to the young girl who was trying to sneak away.

"And where do you think you're going." The Priestess stated in a firm voice, causing the girl to freeze in place. "You wait right there, Girl, your training is FAR from over," Amelia growled and then turned back to Ash.

"I uh, I'm ready for my training." Ash nervously said, not sure what was going on.

"No, you won't be training today. Today I want you to rest." Amelia said, then quickly snapped her attention back to the girl once more.

"What? I'm fine, and I'm ready!" Ash shouted as he raised his fist, this action causes him to wince in pain, but he managed to hold back his yelp.

"Just do as I say. You did a good job last night, but you need to rest for now. Even if you don't want to, this is what's best for your body. So go back to bed, or go eat whatever disgusting crap you want, just rest for today." At the mention of eating, Ash's stomach started to rumble, which caused him to laugh as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I guess I'll have some breakfast then."

"It's lunchtime, and don't get used to this. You only get to rest for today, because now that you can channel your Mist, I'll be increasing your train- GIRL! GET BACK HERE!" Amelia wasn't able to finish her sentence since the young girl took off running while the Priestess was momentarily distracted.

"O-Okay then? I guess I'll go eat then…" Ash said as he watched Amelia chase the young girl through the trees while throwing rocks. The boy was impressed by the girl's ability to dodge Amelia's 'training.' Of course Amelia was holding back, a serious attack from the woman, even with a small pebble, would tear through the skull-faced girl. But, Amelia’s restraint was being tested.


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