Seulgi’s Bad Day Gets Better

Chapter 19: Nineteen

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Some days, Seulgi goes to work to get away from the chaos of her life. Last night, when she got home, there was another, blessedly less, a mess from the cat. She got a call from her mother, once again nagging her to come back ‘home’ and start producing babies.

The only really good thing was that her ankle is back to being strong enough to do a proper workout. She had built up a healthy sweat with not as much effort as she was worried she would need.

A shower, a light dinner, and a book in bed was the perfect way to wrap up her evening.

Her morning routine was exactly that: routine. Cat, bathroom, cat, breakfast, cat, dressing while avoiding the cat fur, and finally grabbing her lunch and saying goodbye to her cat. This was the busiest part of Suki’s day, so she would get everything out of it she could before putting in a long, hard day of napping and plotting mischief.

Seulgi’s day is usually a bit more complex.

Unless there was some business reason, such as a meeting when walking in the door, Seulgi decided that wearing sneakers into work was the way to go from now on.  This was widely acknowledged as wisdom on her part.

She was dog trotting in because she was a little behind. There was a street market pancake dealer that knew her weakness as she was trying to be on time.  One pancake on the move later, one crumpled napkin in a waste bin, and she continued to try to make it on time.

One of the advantages of being the boss is no one calls you on it when you skate in, nearly on time, just as the morning started. Most people turn a blind eye to her shenanigans anyway. It was easier to chalk it up to ‘It’s Seulgi’ with a shrug than to try and figure her out.

Her morning started as usual. A cup of hot tea (with spillproof lid), booting up her laptop, seeing what crept into her In Box last night, remembering where she left off last night on the current project/projects.

There was nothing new that was overly important. A couple of rubber stamps, a couple of notes to update a few things, and two signatures and she was ready to start her own work for the day.

She brought up her Spotify and put it on random, turned it low, and started enjoying her sonic wallpaper. There was an eclectic mix of old and new, Eastern and Western, pop and traditional music. She was pleasantly surprised by the opening song. An old Western blues song by someone named BB King, The Thrill Is Gone. The orchestration backing the sad guitar was just more impactful than she normally started her day with, but it did set the mood.

VP A had emailed her further details on the project he had dumped on her.

VP B asked her where they were on a project that had successfully completed two weeks ago.

VP C wanted her to sound out a couple of vendors for a potential project.

The CEO asked if she was free for lunch this week.

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A couple of other people who were doing tasks for her asked for some clarification on what she was needing.

She shot back the answers that they were all needed, one by one.

Including suggesting lunch either Thursday or Friday with the CEO. What was that about? It would be something either really, really good, or really, really bad. The problem was that the CEO was also her mother’s childhood friend.

Seulgi’s eyes narrowed. He had better not be presenting another marriage proposal that had been set up by her mother. That would be wildly inappropriate for him to do so. Again. The last time did not end well. The least of it was the hour-long yelling match over the speaker phone between her and her mother, in his office.

The CEO was embarrassed, Seulgi was mortified, and her mother was unrepentant.

Thinking about this, she put an addendum on the email to the CEO before sending it, asking for what the lunch meeting would entail. This was one of the rare times that she would prefer to get chewed out for making a mistake than meeting for personal reasons.

He may be the boss, but just because he was friends with her mother did not give him carte blanche to get into her personal life, no matter what her mother insisted. She did not get this job by nepotism. She did not even know that the CEO was friends with her mother when she applied here. She didn’t know about their friendship until a slightly tipsy CEO told her during a Christmas party. Evidently, he had a thing for her mother back in the early school days. That got awkward and she excused herself. It was never mentioned again by either of them.

Fortunately, her mother was just as surprised about finding her old friend as her daughter’s boss as Seulgi was. When her daughter dropped a name from her distant past, she was lost in memories for a bit, but brought back to the present with a “Mother?”

The warning issued about not interfering with her daughter’s professional life was immediately ignored. This led to the Marriage Proposal Incident that nearly ruined her daughter’s incipient career, had lost her daughter’s trust, and left a year long silence. That was when she understood that her daughter was seriously angry this time.

Despite him telling her several times to call him ‘Uncle.’ She has never, after that event, called him anything other than ‘Sir’. And not in the same playful way that Min-Jeon called her ‘ma’am’. There was nothing playful about it.

Seulgi physically and mentally shook herself getting back into the moment. She remained coolly professional to the CEO even now. Not brisk, not cold, but not with the warmth that she gives everyone else. She was still a professional businesswoman, after all.

There are some lines not to cross with her. This was when everyone found out that this was one such very important line. Even Seulgi was surprised by her own reactions. She had had arguments with her mother before, but this was the first where Seulgi spewed such vitriol. Especially in front of a stranger. A stranger that was also her boss.

Everyone understood that this action ruined any chance of a personal relationship between the CEO and Seulgi. Any possible hint of familiarity on his part was still politely shot down. He was still the owner of the company that she worked for, so she had to mind how she responded and chose her words carefully.

On the flip side, the CEO had to be careful with her as well – she was one of his most outstanding employees, and he would be loathed to lose her. He was naturally a warm and generous man and it was not exactly uncomfortable talking strictly professionally to her, but it was closer than he’d like to admit.

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