Sex System Academy

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Exploring the Campus

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I took a deep breath of the fresh air while enjoying the cool breeze on the nape of my neck. It smelled of roses and pollen, no doubt because of the expansive garden we were walking by. This was a nice change from the stink of cheap booze and cigarettes from the hellholes the system kept teleporting me to. Our steps were loud on the pavement path beneath us, but nobody else was around. We were alone, and this was the perfect time to reflect on what I had learned.

I had agreed to join this academy, at least temporarily for the chance to grow stronger. That was true, and yet, I couldn't help imagining others had similar goals. There was no way Claire and I were the only ones in an entire school.

"Where is everybody?"

"Um... classes are just finishing up, so we'll probably start running into crowds soon."

True to her word, a giant bell began to chime from a bell tower a bit away from us. The deep, persistent toll echoed off the surrounding walls like the sound of a church signaling the commencement of procession, and we stopped and listened. The bell continued to toll, and soon enough the courtyard began to fill with people loudly chatting about their homework or horrible teachers. Everyone wore the school’s uniform, making Claire and I the odd ones out. Even with such a discrepancy, they paid us no mind, but Claire clammed up more. It was obvious she was shy, yet this was too much.

Almost like she was expecting someone to start something with her.

We rounded the bend of an old building made of stone and came to the fountain I had seen from the window. The fountain has a wide basin full of crystal clear water, and some odd dragon statues surrounding the outside. Students were milling around it, joking around with their friends, and pretending to push them in. If it weren't for the iron gate around it, some of these unfortunate souls would have fallen in by now.

"T-this is the courtyard. People like to hang out here after school."

"Speak up, Claire, or he won't be able to hear you."

I turned to the blonde girl sitting on a bench who had spoken. She wore a haughty expression, which was a sharp contrast to the more docile appearance her hair done up in twin tails gave her. Flipping one over her shoulder, she huffed. "You know you're not cute enough to be so fucking useless."

Just then, a group of five guys came jogging up the pathway towards the fountain. She greeted them all before turning her attention back to us, giving me a quick once over. "Well, anything to say?"

Claire remained silent.

"Thought so. You," she said, pointing at me, "why don't you join us? We can show you around campus. It'll be better than being stuck with that loser, at any rate."

I snorted in disgust. "Like I want to be stuck with some bitch and her sausage fest."

Her brow creased, emerald eyes narrowed. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Or are you too stupid to understand, bitch?"

The tallest guy in her posse approached me. He had to at least be two heads taller than me and his biceps were clearly defined even through his baggy uniform shirt. "Care to repeat that?"

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"You too stupid to understand too?"

Claire's quiet gasp was the singular warning I got before his fist collided with my jaw. The pain was instant, the punch coming completely out of the blue. I could feel a blistering sting work its way up from my jaw to my ear, resulting in a splitting headache. I poked my tongue around my mouth to see if I had any teeth knocked out. Thankfully, I didn't.

I smirked at him, blood dribbling down the side of my mouth. "Bitch boy likes his cheap shots. I'll keep that in mind."

He growled yet didn't fall for the provocation. I dropped into a fighting stance, bringing my hands up to defend my face and spreading my feet shoulder length apart to support myself. I didn't think I could beat him but fuck it.

I was going to send a goddamn message.

"That's enough, Lloyd."

The blonde bimbo motioned for him to stop, and he obediently returned to her side like a mutt looking for a treat.

Her lips were set in a pout as she glanced at me; without another word, she turned and walked away. The rest of her little gang followed along. I spat on the ground, saliva and a bloody loogie dying the pavement red.

"Are you alright?"

Claire grabbed the right side of my face, her grip surprisingly strong. She forced me to turn to her, grazing her pointer finger over my injury. I flinched away, gently peeling her hand away.

The two of us locked eyes for a moment until I coughed. "I'm fine. What the hell was up with those fuckwits, though?"

Her arms went rigid at her side, and I grabbed her hand, hoping to comfort her. That did nothing but make her more nervous until she sighed and squeezed my hand back. "That's a group of upperclassmen. The girl's name is Emma, but I don’t know any of the guys’ names besides Lloyd."

"Those are upperclassmen?" I laughed. "Kat must've been exaggerating when she said they were all that. They're nothing but a bunch of pussies too afraid to even fight fair."

Katy blinked. "That was fair by their standards."


"They could've used their systems, and you would've been dead."

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