Sex System Academy

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Her First Time

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Undoing the buckle on my belt and allowing my pants and boxers to fall, I couldn’t help thinking about what Claire had said. While I had tended to stay clear of other system users in the past, hearing her say that struck me as odd. Certain systems were definitely more powerful than others, but they always demanded respect since everyone had some sort of trump card. Is that what she meant? She hadn’t discovered what made her unique yet?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, needing to focus on the here and now. “Let’s begin, Claire.”


She scooted closer as she examined my cock, moving her face close enough that I could feel her hot breath seeping through the gaps in her fingers.

[Grab her by the hair and force your dick down her throat.]

The message popped up in front of me, causing my heart to sink.

"It’s almost the size of my head,” she said, poking around at the head of my penis, while her other hand rested on my knee.

Normally, I would have been flattered and incredibly turned out by that statement. Actually, I couldn’t lie, I was turned on, but it was lessening the more I tried to resist the system. My skin felt like it was blistering, a worse and worse burning sensation until my entire body shook in pain. I grit my teeth, vaguely aware of her massaging my foreskin.

"So warm..."

That was the last straw. "Sorry, Claire."

I grabbed the hair at the back of her head and held it tight. She opened her mouth to say something, but I took the opportunity to shove my cock into her mouth. A sputter came from her as I tugged her lips all the way to the end of my penis, forcing her to kiss my pubes. Her face had become crimson, and her eyes were hazy. I held her there until the hand she had been squeezing my knee with began to go limp. When I let go, she quickly pulled away.

A silver strand of saliva still connected us.

"That... felt incredible..." she panted out, almost completely consumed by the fact that I was trying to rape her mouth. The guilt I had felt began to abate, and I wondered whether I had unlocked some kind of suffocation fetish in her.

"How much do you like that?" I asked, half threatening, half teasing.

Claire ignored me, sucking on my penis. While I couldn't help but notice her technique was understandably amateurish, she was doing everything she could to satisfy me. Her tongue lapped at my penis inside of her mouth, and she pushed it against the inside of her cheek. With a groan, I pulled her face away, holding her by the shoulders.

"Take off your sweatshirt."

She obliged, unzipping it and her white bra did little to hide an expanse of creamy skin. A smooth stomach and supple chest intrigued me, but the single freckle on her right boob fascinated me. Leaning down to examine it closer, she let out a gasp when I started sucking on it. Her fingers combed through my hair, the scent of her sweat driving me wild and causing me to suck harder. With a loud groan, Claire pushed on my forehead, forcing me back.

"That's unfair. We're only supposed to do what the professor demonstrated."

Realizing the truth of her statement, I rubbed the back of my neck. "You're right."

Wasting no time, her mouth went, bobbing up and down without restraint. What she lacked in skill, she made up for in pure enthusiasm. I moaned in pleasure, and my hands gripped her neck with an iron grip. She had figured out just how to move her tongue to get my penis to fit perfectly inside her mouth, and after another minute of feeling her lips glide over the head of my dick, I climaxed.

She had stopped moving her head as I shot off into her mouth. The girl pulled away, an unreadable expression on her face.

"Claire?" I asked, voice light and slightly giddy.

Opening her mouth, my seed leaked out into her spread palms underneath her chin. She held it as though it was the most precious thing in the world.

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"What am I supposed to do with all this?"

I chuckled. "I'll show you another time. For now, let's get you cleaned up."

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The sun had set by the time Kat summoned us back to her office. Through the window, I could see the reflection of the moonlight in the still water of the fountain. It was a rather pretty display, and I wouldn’t mind hanging out there and enjoying the scenery. Maybe I could even convince Claire to join me, and we could make it an outing.

Kat who, up until this point, had been grinning like a cat dangling its prey in between its fangs, finally spoke. “You two had quite the adventure today in class, huh?”

I sighed, neither willing to confirm nor deny anything. What we did was our own personal business. Clair, on the other hand, was like an open book with the way she played with the hem of her skirt.

“Well, I won’t pry.” Kat put a finger to her lips, partially covering her small smirk. “How was he, though, Claire? Big enough? Are other guys in your class going to let you down now?”

Claire looked to the other woman, her gaze becoming defiant. “Cole is the only one I’ll have sex with.”

The director laughed. “Of course. There’s nothing against being faithful here, although that would dramatically slow down how fast you can level.”

“I don’t care.”

“Very well. I wasn’t trying to convince you one way or another.” She turned her attention to me. “How was it for you?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer that since being tactful was never my strong suit. It didn’t help that suddenly Claire seemed intrigued as well. 

“I’m glad she was my first here.”

“Boo~, what a safe answer…”

So much for not prying. 

Kat seemed to realize this, clearing her throat. “Anyway, I just wanted to check in on our newest student and our resident troublemaker. Although, it seems I was right and there was nothing to worry about. I think the two of you are going to be a good influence on each other.”

“Not to be rude,” I said, “but can we go now?”

“You really are so impatient. Go on, then. I imagine you want to go to sleep soon, Cole?”

I nodded.

“Alright, I’ll have someone take you there. Sleep tight, you two!”

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