Shadow Hunter (A Progression LitRPG)

Shadow Hunter (A Progression LitRPG)

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Shadow Hunter (A Progression LitRPG)

Review: 8.7/10 from 17 ratings

After spending most of his childhood in the slums, Noah Gait never expected anything good from life. However, one day, when gets attacked by a Loose Nightmare, he suddenly awakens his Hunter Mark, a power that is only held by a very small number of elite people. He is then scouted into Elaine Academy for Hunters where he will train to become a Hunter in the harsh, dangerous world of Shadows and Nightmares.

Although Hunters were the people who protected everyone from Nightmares, Noah would find out that they were not as benevolent as they appeared. Not only did he have to fight Nightmares and Shadows, he would also have to fight other Hunters.

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