Shadow Master

Chapter 1: White Room pt1

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I woke up in a white space, without any knowledge of how I got here. The last thing I remember is getting stabbed while I was walking along the sidewalk. As I was looking around, I noticed a conspicuous Black Leather Armchair just sitting in the middle of the room. I tried to get up only to notice that I had no body. But I could feel my limbs and torso and head. It was about 30 minutes later when I figured out how to move, I just had to think about moving and I could. when i got to the chair nothing happened so I just sat in it. When I did a blue holographic screen appeared in front of me the first thing it said was to pick a name. I thought I already had a name, but when I tried to recall it, I couldn't. As I tried recalling anything all I could remember was how I died. I don't remember why I was walking along that sidewalk when I got stabbed, I don't remember my childhood, I don't remember what I was doing before I was on that sidewalk. As I continued to try to remember anything I suddenly got a bad feeling that was telling me to stop thinking about it. It was like someone, or something was trying to prevent me from remembering. So, I just complied and just picked a random name. What i picked was interesting to say the least, "Shadow Lord". I don't know what that name means or implies but when i was thinking of a name it kind of came to me and it just felt right somehow. After I picked that name the screen changed and what showed up was a list of races to choose from and their respective descriptions.

"Pick a race"


"A race of high undead and blood manipulators. A vampire has immense physical strength and life force, vampires can also shapeshift and suck blood to grow stronger. They also have a high affinity with the darkness, life, and blood element. Their weaknesses however are many, they are very weak to sunlight and to the light or holy element. They also cannot survive long without blood and will enter a feral state to desperately get blood and if they don't, they will shrivel up and perish.

Can evolve into: Vampire chimera, Vampire Noble, Vampire Lord, Draconic Vampire, Dragon Vampire and Vampire Blood Masters

Vampire Chimera is a vampire that evolved into a mix of another race which can be any race even a simple plant. The vampire in question gets the racial abilities of whatever they evolve with or into.

Vampire Nobles are just in a simple sense an upgraded version of a base vampire. They not only get even more strength and life force, but they also unlock the ability to control other people's blood not just their own. Most Vampire Nobles serve a Vampire Lord and those that don't are considered arrogant and think too highly of themselves.

Vampire Lords are the highest pure vampire rank. They command legions of normal vampires and at least have multiple Vampire Nobles as their lieutenants or military advisors. Some are even given the very rare and high rank of Vampire War General; this rank is second only to the Vampire Lord. Vampire Lords have complete control over the Blood element and have the ability to make other vampire and Vampire Nobles submit to then.  

Draconic Vampires are vampires that have partly evolved into a Vampire Dragon. They have some skills of dragons but mostly only the most basic ones. Vampires who go down this path are rare and normally respected due to the risks of doing so. If one wants to evolve into a Dragon Vampire one must find a dead or living dragon and extra their True essence or their Soul. Normally all dragons whether their living or dead have a counter spell that protects their soul which can kill even low-level gods or severally injure a high-level god. A vampire can get past this however if they have the True essence or soul of the kin of that specific dragon. They can then use this to disguise themselves as those specific kin. Thats only required to become a true Vampire Dragon. To become a Draconic Vampire, one just needs to get the blood of any kind of dragon and then mix it with your blood and you eventually evolve into a Draconic Vampire.

Dragon Vampire is the last evolution in the Dragon path. They have the full abilities of Dragons and Vampires and have the ability to transform into a full dragon. They can overpower even Vampire Lords but only one Dragon Vampire has ever done that, most Dragon Vampires become more dragon than vampire and become lazy or hyper-aggressive.

Vampire Blood Masters are basically a Mage vampire they trade much of their strength for complete mastery over the Blood element. They generally can outmatch even Vampire Lords in control and strength over the Blood element. This evolution path can be done even before one becomes a Vampire Noble, but beware that once you choose this path you are stuck were you are.

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Werewolves are humans that can transform into a wolf on a full moon. Generally, most can only transform on a full moon but some lucky few can transform whenever they want. Very little is known about werewolves because they are protected by the Wolf Goddess and are rarely seen.

Can evolve into: Werewolf Omega, Werewolf Beta, Werewolf Alpha, Vampire Werewolf, Shadow Wolf

Werewolf Omegas are the super stealthy versions of a werewolf " SOUL LEVEL NOT HIGH ENOUGH FOR MORE INFORMATION



Vampire Werewolf is a vampire and a Werewolf mix " SOUL LEVEL NOT HIGH ENOUGH FOR MORE INFORMATION"


I suddenly felt tired like I had exerted myself too much somehow. After I fell asleep a message popped up saying information put on suspension waiting for host to wake up.

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