Shadow of Angmar

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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Imladris was indeed homey. As soon as they arrived, Glorfindel knew Mistril will enjoy herself in this new environment. And she did, she looked at everything with bright eyes and smiled every time they'd pass by an elf. Watching her from the side as they walked up the stairs, he couldn’t help but see the old glow of his city in her. It was consoling to know that she was alive and well and that he was going to make sure she will never be taken away ever again.

However, Glorfindel's hopeful view was not exactly Mistril's true experience. After a very long journey, she was tired and wanted nothing but to lie down and eat something. Moreover, as soon as she looked into lord Elrond's warm eyes, she couldn't help but compare it to Thranduil's cold gaze when they first met. The difference between the two leaders was also felt in their lands, each having such a different ambiance and personality. Greenwood had always felt as if it it could turn against her but Imladris felt more innocent, in many ways. The wind was not as cold and the waterfalls made her feel free. It was interesting how the architecture itself made Mistril more comfortable, as well. But Imladris was not Gondolin, that much was certain. It was itself a place of warmth, goodwill, and joy but it wasn't home.

"We have prepared your room, Mistril. Lindir will show you the way as I have still more to discuss with Glorfindel." Lord Elrond said signing for an elf to come to her before he waited for the two to leave up another pair of stairs.

"My name is Lindir. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Mistril." He said as soon as they stepped away.

The way was full of wonder on her part. Elves were singing about a guest, one from the fallen city and she knew it was a welcoming gift in a way. It was embarrassing yet she couldn’t help but gleam at the honor.

"You don't have to call me lady. Even back home I was just the daughter of a blacksmith."

"But Valdaglerion was not an ordinary blacksmith if I recall Glorfindel's stories correctly. His skill were equal to Celebrimbor's, if not better. His swords were like none we had seen in other cities." Lindir replied, leading her to a room somewhere near a waterfall.

Mistril raised an intrigued eyebrow at the elf. He was talking with ease about a man he hadn't met.

"Do not praise him too much. Glorfindel could have overestimated my father."

Lindir glanced at her with an air of offense, one might say. Clearly, he liked the golden-haired warrior and had him in high esteem. Everything Glorfindel said was more or less real and that was fine with them.

And yet the disappointment of having been forgotten could not let her regard Glorfindel like the rest. A shadow was covering her heart and it was almost impossible to break through it. She did not even realize it when Lindir stopped in front of a door and turned to her.

"Lord Elrond will want to speak to you later but until then you can familiarize yourself with your new home. If you need anything, you can ask me anytime." He said and smiled softly at her before he left.

Her new room was far better than the one in Greenwood, with a fluffy bed and a lot more toiletries. It looked like it has been slightly redecorated for a woman which meant Elrond really put thought into it.

"This is nice," she said falling back on the bed and closing her eyes. Opening them a few minutes later, she took a long look at everything, especially at the light beaming through her window while the waterfall outside made light noise. Mistril smiled and sighed in joy, her mind wandering everywhere but her past.

When dinner came around, she expected Lindir to come and lead her to the halls but nobody arrived. She ventured by herself and she quite enjoyed the sights. Corridors were slim but well enlightened, decorations were not too eye-catching and everything made her feel like she was walking in a dream. One spot she discovered was a balcony that had a great view of the city. It made her smile as she watched the sun going down, the rays of reds and yellows growing faint into the distance.

"You must be Mistril." A voice interrupted her moment and she spun around, her short hair swirling in the light breeze. Her green eyes were such an impressive contrast to her hair and the colors in the sky that the elf felt like he was looking at a painting. "I'm Elrohir. I suppose you were searching for the dinner hall?" He asked seeing how she might have gotten lost.

"I intended to, yes. Thank you." She said smiling at the young elf. He looked to be around the same age as Legolas, maybe a bit older. "Have I seen you before? You seem vaguely familiar."

"I have a twin, Elladan. Maybe you saw him around?" Elrohir asked once they started to walk.

"No, not here. It was long ago, in Greenwood."

Elrohir suddenly started to laugh and nodded fervently.

"Right, I remember. That was indeed Elladan who went as an ambassador of Imladris to the prince's birthday. He did say something about it back then but I'm afraid other things interfered." He said as he decided to walk her to the hall. "What a coincidence that you ended up here!"

"I only followed Glorfindel." She said, pulling her hair behind her ear. Elrohir noticed the softness in her voice while speaking of the noble elf and smiled.

"You two must be really close. You haven't seen each other in a long time and then suddenly met. It must have been overwhelming."

"It does seem very suspicious, doesn't it?" She asked only partially joking.

"The Valar has plans that cannot be perturbed by anyone, not even someone as mighty as King Thranduil." He joked as well, mimicking Thranduil's usual sassy expression. She laughed loudly surprising every elf passing them by. It sounded joyous and it resonated in the corridor.

Dinner was fun. Mistril met Elladan as well as many others and she enjoyed the brothers more than she expected. Glorfindel was sitting next to Elrond while the other side was occupied by someone else, just as high in grade, named Erestor. Mistril was next to Glorfindel and both brothers decided to stay next to her. She laughed that night with more joy than in any other and all the bad thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind

…until she went to sleep.

"Feel the power run through you and embrace it. Embrace pain and fear as they are also sources of power." The same low intimidating voice almost whispered to her.

From what she could see he was holding tightly onto her wrists. He chuckled as a surge of pain ran up her body and she screamed. It was worse than being wounded physically or emotionally. It was a different kind of pain, one that didn't leave scars but felt like fire in her veins.

"Rise, Daewen, and do not fear me for I am the source of both your life and death." He hissed.

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Her green eyes opened and she looked down at her hands. Her hair was messy and all comfort was gone. It was as if she was in a cold cell and she shuddered, bringing her legs up to her chest.

"Daewen," she whispered feeling sick in the stomach just thinking about it. He called her Daewen as he bound her. She was just a pawn, she knew that from the beginning yet she accepted it. Just how mad was she when it happened?

Days passed, slower it seemed, in peaceful Imladris. Mistril was free to do whatever she wanted and nobody really looked twice at her wrists. Glancing at them, she thought about her discussion with Elrond.

It happened late at night when he found her on the balcony where she could see every tree in Imladris. Mistril raised her eyes to the moon and pondered on her memories, especially the recent ones. The chains were cold on her bruised skin and there was blood everywhere. And then, in just half a moment, she was free and the filth around her was dead. There was no pain and no remorse; just anger and repulsion.

"Are you thinking about your past?" Lord Elrond asked, approaching her slowly from the shadows inside.

Mistril turned to him and moved a bit so he could sit next to her. He seemed serene in the light like a man sent by the Valar. If only he came to her earlier.

"I can't help it. I try not to but every time I close my eyes, I find myself in that place."

"Do you know where that is?" He asked softly. It was clear he understood it was a sensitive subject for her.

"An orcish cave," Mistril replied, fidgeting unconsciously. His eyes were staring into hers but she could feel his interest in more than just her memories. "It was not by them that I was bound but by someone else." She added knowing already what he wanted to know.

"Are you afraid?"

"No. Is that wrong of me?" She asked knowing it was odd. "Should I cover them? It won't be long until Lindir sees them too, or your sons."

"Those bindings are part of you. Even if you hide them, they won't disappear. But if you want to hide them, you are free to do so." He said before he got up and got ready to leave.

"Wait- what am I to do while living here? As work, I mean."

"Anything you want." He said, "You can finally fight and travel alongside your hero."

Mistril blinked in confusion. He was referring to Glorfindel, whom he probably spoke carefully about her, but things changed so much from the happy times of her youth.

And so she ended up in the same place, only by day. She didn't have anything to do so she just laid back and enjoyed the air. Trees were humming to themselves and birds were talking to each other lively. Food was being cooked and swords were being forged. Horses were neighing in the stables, Asfaloth making greater noise than the rest. Then a slow-paced yet beautiful song reached her ears and she nodded along. The sound of a harp was melancholic especially here in this place that seemed to feel like home. And yet something was missing.

A few hours later Mistril visited Lindir and tagged along in his business, which was not much. He was a gentle elf much like Gweluven but Lindir was younger and more genuine than the former. His long hair was down to his chest, dark and shiny. He'd move it with long elegant fingers every time it fell into his eyes while writing something. He was medium in height and very thin in the frame as if he'd be slain with ease by a mere child. But his robes were made of soft colorful fabrics and he smelled like fresh flowers.

"Why are you smiling?" Lindir asked although he didn't look away from his paper.

"You're so young." She said boldly. Lindir chuckled to himself as he continued to write. "Do you have a lover already?" She added.

A sudden flush went up to his neck and into his cheeks. He wasn't exactly blushing but he was embarrassed. Mistril's eyes glinted with bemusement as she leaned back in her chair and bit her lip.

"You do, don't you?"

"That is not a matter I'd like to discuss with someone I just met." He said trying to sound firmer than he was.

Mistril hummed and decided to let it go. Her eyes wandered around the office and she saw more papers lying there innocently. She grabbed a pen and in lack of anything else, she started to draw Lindir.

He knew she finally got busy with something else because she became silent. The elleth was breathing heavily alongside the soft grazes of the pen over the paper. Lindir looked up and went to check on her when he gasped.

"Is it that bad?" She asked not stopping until she had the shadows right.

"It's not bad at all, quite the opposite. Why didn't you tell me you could draw?" Lindir asked amazed by the drawing. It was him, standing in his chair writing.

"I never knew. Drawing was not on Gweluven's list so I never tried it. Can I borrow more paper?"

"Of course. Take whatever you want but let me keep this." He said grabbing the drawing from her quickly.

She remained there surprised while Lindir smiled to himself as he watched the drawing.

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