Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse

Chapter 10: Chapter 010

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"Holy crap! She just dealt over 6000 damage!”

“Shit bro we have to get out of here before Arrrgghh!”

Another -6386 flashed and the player that was talking burst into red glitter.

“Fuck! Everyone scatter!” The lead player said before diving into the nearest patch of trees. The other players followed suit and soon the clearing was empty. Soon a figure walked out of a shadow wearing a cloak that mimicked the night sky. Naturally, this figure was Robin.

"Shadow Walk is too damn OP! Even if I can't open my inventory while in the shadows, if I already have them in my hands then that downside is mute! I should really make a satchel to hold potions. Oh and a quiver for arrows. Fufufu if it's not a better version of shadow walk then I'm never changing out of this cloak!"

While thinking of crazy ideas to do with Shadow Walk, Robin walked back to town. It was getting dark now and Robin wanted to turn in the Chosen One quest before the church closes. Not that she knew it would close or not, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

During the walk back, Robin checked her inventory to see what epic items she got from the chest.

[Tellellier's Crown (Epic)

Slot: Head

Equip Requirements: 35 Int, 35 Spr

Spell cooldown -20%

Spell MP cost -20%

Set Piece 1/6]

[Tellellier's Robe (Epic)

Slot: Body

Equip Requirements: 40 Int, 35 Spr

Magical Attack Power +20%

Magical Defense +150

Gain passive skill [Lesser Mana Battery]

[Lesser Mana Battery: When not in combat, MP can fill beyond maximum MP. MP overflow capacity (1000). ]

Set Piece 1/6]

"Son of a bitch! More crap I can't use! Almost half of the items I got from this fight are for Mia. Speaking of which, let me call her."

Robin quickly pulled up her contact list and called GoldenSun ‘Mia’.

“It’s about time!” Mia said angrily. Her outburst made Robin’s eye twitch.

With a defeated voice, Robin replied “I’ve been busy. Also, I’ll be sending you some items. Make sure to pay me back later!”

She then used the item transfer function of the system to send Mia all the items she couldn’t use. She also sent a goblin flute and 5 platinum coins. If Robin didn’t know better, she would think that she was Mia’s sugar daddy.

“Oh oh oh! Thank you daddy ~kiss~” Mia playfully replied and made a kissing face.

“Ak! Stop! By the way, Have you been feeling… different lately? Like, you're easily… umm…”

“Turned on?” Mia finished with a smile.

“Sigh~ yeah. I’ve never had this problem before. Even in the past.. Er future, I wasn’t “distracted” by anyone as much as I am now. You, FlowingPhoenix, and even that idiot BrightEyes. Seeing y'all, my mind always went to sexualizing mode. It’s aggravating and a bit scary.” Robin said in a low voice. Her meeting with FlowingPhoenix was challenging. Even though the looming threat of the super rich and the poor rebels fighting each other squashed most of her raging libido, she still found it hard not to stare at certain body parts on FlowingPhoenix. Thankfully FlowingPhoenix didn’t seem to mind or things would have gotten more awkward than it already was.

Unfortunately, Mia chose not to care about how Robin was feeling and replied “Oh so you get aroused from looking at me? What in particular gets you off? My face, breasts, hips or… something a bit lower fufufu." Mia struck a sensual pose that showed Robin way too much.

"Would you stop! I'm serious!" Robin snapped

"I know you are, that's why I did it." Mai said with a small smile on her face. "Robin, it's OK to be scared. Hell, I was scared at first too."

"So you're feeling it too?" Robin asked

"Well yeah.. Until I went online and asked around, I was feeling a bit scared. Like the higher plane messed something up in my brain. Well it did but not to the degree of being concerned." Mia said, taking a seat somewhere. Robin too decided to sit down on a tree branch.

"What did you find online? Is this really a problem that a lot of people are going through?" Robin asked, confused. In the past/future, she didn't come across any information about this phenomenon. It would be huge news if a large group of people suddenly became horny dogs.

"Well the information I found wasn't really about the game itself, it's more to deal with having both sets of genitals. I asked Trevor about it. He said that it could be possible that having both sets will lead to higher dopamine. But he wasn't too sure.

So I looked at some forums and found a tiny group with only a few dozen people in it, talking about being a futanari in the game. Most of the posts were just hook ups but there were a few showing concerns about being horny all the time. It was laughed off by the group, since most people get both genitals because of debaucherous reasons and being horny should be normal."

"So… this is because we have both sets of genitals?" Robin asked, trying to wrap her head around that concept.

"Mostly yeah" Mia replied, but then she took on a sly grin and said "Or maybe you've always wanted to get in my pants but now you can do it with no strings attached."

"W-what's wrong with you?! No, don't answer that. We'd be here all day if you did."

"Har Har, very funny. Anyway, tell me about your grand adventure. How did you get to level ten so fast?"

“Ah! Thanks for reminding me. Hurry and use the items I gave to level up! I used the goblin flute to summon a bunch of goblins and used an AOE spell to kill them all.” Robin said in a hurry. She hopped down from the tree and re-started her trip back to town.

“Oh yeah, I should check what you gave me. I do have an AOE spell I can use but it’s going to be night time soon. I don’t wanna be swarmed by a bunch of jacked up monsters. Also, I wo-HOLY SHIT! How did you get these!! I-I-I think I’m in love.” Mia yelled, finally taking a look at the items Robin gave her.

“It’s part of that grand adventure you wanted to hear about hahaha. I also gave you some money so make sure you buy a ton of potions. Also, it's better to fight at night anyway. More exp and loot drops."

"Oh don't worry, with these items I should reach level 10 in an hour or two." Mia said with a wicked smile. "I need to go back to town first and stock up on potions."

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"Alright then, remember we are meeting up in Tyr City. Message me when you get there and I'll come pick you up." Robin said, getting ready to end the call. Mia picked up on this and said her final goodbyes and hung up.

Robin was sure Mia was going to be either the 4th or 5th person to reach level 10. (She's just too OP) Robin thought as she remembered what Mai said about her skills. Not only did Mia have 5 Mastery Skills, she also had 2 Expert Skills. The only thing that concerned Robin was that when Mia gets the honor of her name being announced, there will be rich elites biting at her heels. Robin wanted to figure something out that will keep the elites at bay for a while. She just didn’t know what that something was. Robin decided to think about that a little later, preferably with Mia.

“2 heads are better than one” Robin said as she picked up her pace. It didn’t take long for her to reach the town and by that time, the sun was just on the horizon which dyed the sky a mysterious purple and red color. Robin walked past the other players who gawked at her thanks to the ghost cloak and headed straight towards the church. She really wanted to see where this quest is going and also had a few questions about being a chosen one. She figured if it was anything bad then she would just not finish the quest and continue grinding on her own.

The church was less populated than it was in the morning, which Robin preferred. She walked in the opened doors and almost instantly regretted it when the priest that she met earlier rushed at her with stars in his eyes.

“Your grace! You’re finally here! I knew you could do it. Please, please, follow me. The bishop of the church would like to speak to you.” The priest grabbed Robin’s hand with an iron grip and began to drag her towards the inner church.

“Let me go!” Robin snapped but the priest either didn’t hear her or chose to ignore her. Neither of which Robin liked so she pulled out a fanged dagger and cut the priest's wrist.

He immediately let go and yelled “Urrggh, W-why did you do that!”

“Because I told you to let me go!” Robin snapped. Rubbing her wrist.

“That-I’m sorry your grace.” The priest bowed “I was just so excited. Please follow me to the inner chambers to meet the bishop.” The priest righted himself and walked at a more moderate speed towards the inner church.

Robin stared at his back and contemplated leaving… And so she did.

(This was way too weird for me.) Robin thought as she printed out of the church. The first time she meet the priest he already gave her a crazed fanatic feeling and now he ramped it up even more. Also, She didn’t think that she needed to talk to the bishop or at least needed to go to some sacred inner chamber. This screamed suspect. The only logical thing to do was run away so Robin left the church and never looked back. Instead, she went to her next destination, The adventures guild.

When Robin first joined the “game”, she got a quest called ‘Beginning Adventurer’. This quest was an introductory quest for players that introduced some of the mechanics of the “game”. Things like monster drops, critical hits, item rankings, etc. were all explained here. This also gave new players direction and pointed them to the best places to level up. Robin didn’t need to go here because she knew all the information beforehand. The only reason she’s going here now is that it has the portal to the novice city.

If the auction house was the tallest building in town, then the adventures guild is the widest. Even though it only has 3 floors, it takes up about 200 yards of space. Like most buildings in town, it was made of both wood and stone, with a more medieval style. The 12 ft tall saloon doors were open at all times and a steady stream of players were coming in and out of it.

When Robin finally entered the guild the familiar bar-like scene was revealed. Dozens of tables and chairs were sprawled about in a somewhat chaotic manner. Barmaid NPCs wizard about, taking players orders or striking up conversations with them. Players for their part, treated this like a happy tavern and laughed, joked, and goofed about with their party members.

Robin moved through the tavern area towards the reception which was a long counter with 10 NPCs behind it. Robin lined up in the shortest line and waited till it was her turn. Some nearby players tried to talk to her but Robin gave them the cold shoulder. She wasn’t in the mood to strike up conversations or explain where she got the ghost cloak. There were even some that tried to touch her. They were quickly dealt with. Though killing NPCs was a crime in towns, killing players was perfectly fine. As three dead bodies slowly disappeared around Robin, the other players finally took the hint and stopped bothering her.

It didn’t take long before it was Robin’s turn.

“Hello Miss, How can I help you?” The pretty receptionist asked, business like.

“Hi, I just reached level 10 and wanna use the town’s portal.”

“Oh! You are the first person to reach level 10. One moment please. I’ll inform my manager and he’ll take it from here.” The receptionist replied happily. She then took out a blue stone and spoke a few words into it. After a quick moment she turned back to Robin and said “Ok Miss, He’ll be here in a bit. You can wait over there near that door for him.” She pointed to a small door in the middle of the long counter.

Robin thanked her and walked towards the door. On the way she heard murmurs and exciting conversations about her being level 10. More and more players were not looking at her and if Robin could hide in the shadows at this moment she would. She just hoped that the guild manager would arrive soon before any player would get the courage to talk to her again.

Like most of her hopes and wishes, it was dashed as a player in dark red armor sauntered up to her. He was tall around 7ft and damn good looking. Not unlike everyone else in this fake world but there was something about him that reminded Robin of FlowingPheonix where his beauty was more natural. His skin was a rich dark color and his black hair was in a dreadlock fashion. He had a goatee and full lips. The only unnatural thing about him was his yellow goat like eyes, but even that was mysterious and fascinating.

“Hey there Miss,” He said and a deep sultry voice that could melt butter “My name is ProudMike and I couldn’t help but overhear that you’re level 10. I was wondering if I could buy you a drink and you can tell me how you were able to get there so fast.” He smiled and revealed his perfect white teeth. Robin did her absolute best not to drop her eyes to look at other parts of his body. Instead, she focused on his eyes which were nice all on their own.

Robin shook her head and said “Sorry but this information is pretty expensive and one drink wouldn’t cover it.”

“Oh?” He said while chuckling “How much would that information cost? I’m sure we could work something out.” He took a step forward, almost entering Robin’s personal space.

Robin kicked herself in the head because the moment he took a step forward she glanced down. Feeling like she betrayed herself, Robin's mood dropped and suddenly she wasn’t in the mood for any flirting. She took a deep breath to calm herself and looked at ProudMike. This time with boredom instead of interest. “Sorry, but my price is 15 gold coins for a detailed explanation or 1 gold coin for a quick note version.”

ProudMike was a bit taken aback by the tone change from Robin but was quick to take a step back and resume a more friendly stance. Which Robin appreciated a lot and won ProudMike a few good points.

“15 gold is a lot but fair considering how fresh the information is.” ProudMike then opened up the trade channel with Robin and added 15 gold coins to it. Robin was taken aback by how direct and trusting he was. Information isn’t a tangible thing. The only way to make sure the information given was correct was to use a soul contract as FlowingPhoenix did. For ProudMike to just hand over 15 gold coins, he must be an idiot, extremely trusting, or trying to flex.

(Most likely all the above) Robin thought as she accepted the trade.

She then added ProudMike to her friends list and described in detail how she leveled up so fast. She didn't say any of the skills she used, just that she had an AOE spell that killed the goblins. She also stated that she worked alone and therefore gained all 100% of the exp. Lastly, she told him about the goblin flute and how it attracted all the nearby goblins including the goblin bosses. Writing the message only took a minute and once she sent it, the guild manager came.

“Excuse me Miss but are you the one who reached level 10?” The guild manager asked when he opened the small waste high door. “Please follow me.”

“Yes that's me.” Robin replied and walked through the opened door. She looked back to find ProudMike staring intently into space, most likely reading over her information. She smiled and turned away. They would meet again, in the future she was sure of it.

Robin followed the guild manager to the back of the guild through a dimly lit hallway with many MANY doors. There had to be at least 100 doors on each side of the hallway. These doors “Robin knew” led to single portal rooms. What concerned Robin was that they walked past most of the doors in the hallway. The first time Robin came here in the past/future, she could use any vacant portal room. There were many players leaving the town at the same time so even though there was a slight wait for the portal rooms, they could enter anyone they chose. Now, is different for some reason and Robin had an itchy feeling about it.

“Where are we going?” Robin couldn’t help but ask.

“We’re going to meet the guild master. He wanted to congratulate you on becoming the first person to reach level 10.” The manager explained.

(What is with these higher ups wanting to bring me back to their secret rooms to talk to them? Fuck this noise.) Robin thought and used [Shadow Walk]. Whatever the guild master wanted, wasn’t that important to Robin. She didn’t need any special quest or forced reward. She knew that these NPCs were real people so they have their own motives and Robin wanted nothing to do with them.

Thanks to the poor lighting in the hallway, when [Shadow Walk] was activated nearly everything turned into a starry sky. Robin jumped into the shadow on the wall and slipped into a world where it looked like a video game character fell through the floor. The outline of the building was shown and everywhere that there was a shadow led to an exit Robin could take. She sprinted to the furthest shadow away from the guild manager. That shadow led to the inside of a portal room.

“Hahaha, With this move, I can go anywhere I want! Maybe I should go clean out some shops' storage rooms or infiltrate the auction house. Nah maybe when I’m stronger. For now, I should leave before the manager finds me.”

Robin quickly activated the portal mechanism. It was a blue orb in the center of the room with runes etched into it. When Robin touched it, the orb glowed a pale blue light, and a screen much like the status screen popped up.

[Novice Town Portal Room Activated]

Then an extremely cloudy map popped up. There were only 12 spots on the map that didn’t have clouds. These were the 12 novice Cities that recently level 10 players could go to from here. Robin quickly found Tyr City on the lower left edge of the map. She pushed the Tyr icon and the room began to glow with the same pale blue light as the orb. The Runes that were carved into the orb flashed with a slow rhythm and sped up as the seconds went by. After 10 seconds both the orb and surrounding walls flashed one last time and then dimmed.

Robin smiled and walked out of the room. There was a hallway much like the one in the novice town but this hallway was better lit. Floating lights were sprinkled throughout the hallway and provided a more surreal look to the hallway. Another difference from this hallway and the previous one was that this hallway had people in it. Travelers going in and coming out of the doors. Sometimes alone but most times in groups.

"I finally made it to the real game." Robin said, pulling her hood down lower and following the traffic out of the hallway into the real start of The World Tower.


You can find story with these keywords: Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse, Read Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse novel, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse book, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse story, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse full, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse Latest Chapter

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