Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse

Chapter 8: Chapter 008

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Robin left the auction house with a giant smile on her face. Oddly enough FlowingPhoenix, who was walking beside Robin also had a smile on her face.

Robin wanted to make the Myriad Dreams Guild bleed money but there weren't any items that Robin wanted that cost a lot of money. The new set of rare items the auction posted were duds and most of them barely cost more than 1 platinum coin. So Robin and her infinite wisdom asked for the original 10 platinum coins instead. FlowingPhoenix hesitated for a second but ultimately agreed. Information about a rising power was much needed. Since the Myriad Dreams Guild was going to steal something from them,  it was wise to know more.

FlowingPhoenix was very glad that she paid for that information. SwordGodAsura, as it turns out, was a monster. He has an SSS-Ranked talent, an SS-Tier race, and an SS-Tier background. She thought Robin was lying so she acquisitioned another Soul Contract to use. This would ensure that the information Robin told was correct and would only be sold to the Myriad Dreams Guild. Robin agreed but for another 10 platinum.

20 minutes went by in a flash and both parties left feeling happy. Robin got 20 platinum coins and a few auction items. FlowingPhoenix got information about a dangerous group of people that shouldn't be messed with. She wanted to kiss Robin for stopping them from potentially kicking such a big iron plate. Instead, she just thanked Robin for her time and left in a hurry.

Robin for her part raced out of town and towards the beginning forest to fight goblins. She wanted to be one of the first 5 people to reach level 10. Robin wasn't that privy to The World Tower. She had heard of some players breaking records or becoming the first person to do X, Y,&Z but she didn't know that the 'game' would reward you because of it. Had she known, she would have skipped grinding for the second Fanged Dagger and going back to town. Instead, she would have gone straight to the goblin forest and kited the goblins. Sure it would have been slower than using the watchers to call in more goblins but she was sure that she would have become the first to level 10.

If it wasn't for the fact that she gained a lot from the auction house, Robin would be kicking herself for taking her foot off the gas and allowing someone else to take the first spot. Instead as she ran, the smile on her face never left. Not only did she get another free stat point for completing the soul contract ‘which she put into endurance’, she also got 20 platinum coins which were just icing on the cake. The item she got from the auction was why she was smiling so much. Robin only bought one item from the auction and it was upgraded by her skill mastery.

[Gorgon's Earrings (Rare)

Slot: Earrings

Equip Requirements: Level 9 or lower

Gain Active Skill [Weak Gorgon's Breath]

[Weak Gorgon's Breath: Gain poison aura. All enemies within 10 yards are dealt 3 damage per second.

Uses 3 MP per second]

[Your skill [Poison Mastery] Activates! [Weak Gorgon's Breath Aura] evolves into [Deadly Gorgon's Breath]]

[Deadly Gorgon's Breath: Gain poison aura. All enemies within 30 yards are dealt 3% of max HP as damage per second.

Uses 10 MP per second]

“Kekeke with this skill, I don’t even need to fight the goblins. Just jump into a tree and let my aura kill them. I wonder if…”

At that moment a notification chime echoed in Robin’s ear.

[World Notification: Congratulations to TheBlessedCrown for becoming the second player to reach level 10. Rewards: B-Tier Skill Scroll, 1 Rare Treasure Chests, 50 gold coins, and 500 Reputation Points.]

[World Notification: 2/5 reward slots have been filled. After all slots are filled, no other players will be rewarded for reaching level 10.]

“Shit! I have to hurry up!” Robin exclaimed and sprinted to the Alchemist store. She bought dozens of E-Tier health, stamina, and mana potions. Then she went to the armor store and swapped out all of the weak leather armor for better armor, Including a helmet. After all her gear was upgraded she ran towards the town's exit. Of course, she received many odd looks but she was too fast to care about random players.

It only took Robin 15 minutes to make it to the dense forest. The trees and foliage was quite dense but there are a few wide animal trails that players can take. Robin ran towards one of the trails. She could already see groups of expensively dressed players madly fighting groups of goblins. Likely trying to get to level 10 as well.

Robin gave the player battles a wide berth and headed deeper into the forest. Her goal was the larger goblin groups and if she was lucky, a goblin den.

Feral Green Goblins can be found either roaming the forest or huddled up in a cave. The goblins roaming the forest are normally in groups of 5-10. Goblin dens however contain several dozens of goblins. Players would start calling these dens mini dungeons in the future but for now Robin was sure that only a handful of players stumbled across these dens.


Robin heard an odd scream coming from ahead. Through the foliage, she could just barely make out a large group of semi bold green kids.

"Goblins!" Robin said with excitement "And it's a bunch of them. It's time to see how amazing this poison aura is.

Robin ran towards the group of goblins. They surrounded a bloodied player, biting and tearing off pieces of flesh. One of the main reasons why people all over the world were hesitant to play The World Tower is because of how real it can be. Although pain from the game is greatly reduced, the sensation of being torn apart by a monster is still there. If a player didn't die fast enough, they could very well be eaten alive. This caused some players to be traumatized and parents to be outraged.  They couldn't stop the game from gaining billions of players but the majority of people refused to play the game because of this.

Robin didn’t wait for the goblins to finish their meal. She ran as close as she could, jumped up a tree, and activated [Gorgon's Breath].  Immediately a greenish purple haze surrounded Robin.

[You applied [Deadly Gorgon's Breath] to Feral Green Goblin]

[You applied [Deadly Gorgon's Breath] to Feral Green Goblin]

[You applied [Deadly Gorgon's Breath] to Feral Green Goblin]

More than 10 notifications went off in Robin's ears. The goblins freaked out and began coughing loudly. Some goblins got up and ran away, while Some whipped their heads around in an attempt to look for the enemy doing this.




The goblins cried out in frustration for not finding their aggressor. After a few seconds, even the most stubborn goblin decided to flee. But how could Robin let her prey get away?

"Hey, you green fucks! Up here!" Robin shouted at the top of her lungs. The goblins that were about to leave and the goblins that were already kind of far away looked at Robin with red eyes. They screamed and with a lack of preservation, ran towards the tree Robin was in.

"That's right, come on up!" Robin taunted as she climbed high into the tree.

(The poison will take about 30 seconds to kill them. I just need to stall them until then.) Robin thought as she reached the top of the tree. The closer goblins had already started climbing and the ones that ran just reached the tree's base.




The goblins clambered as they climbed. Just when they were about to reach Robin, she jumped onto another tree. The goblins of course didn't like that and some even tried to mimic her. Most weren't successful and plummeted down to the ground.

[75 exp gained]

[70 exp gained]

[73 exp gained]

The goblins that fell died on impact. Robin was about to complain about the loss of God's Han triggers but then another notification chimed.

[God Hand (Pick Pocket) Activated - You have stolen Goblins Fang x2]

"Great, it still works. I was a bit worried there since I technically hit them more than 100 times by now. Even with Maria’s Tears, the successful triggers are low." Robin said, a little annoyed. It's already been 15 seconds since she activated her poison aura and God's Hand only activated once.

[God Hand (Pick Pocket) Activated - You have stolen Goblins Fang x2]

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Twice now. It had roughly 180 chances to trigger so far and Robin was annoyed because of this.

Robin chugged a mana potion and continued dodging the nearby goblins for another 18 seconds by jumping to other trees like a scurrile. After one more second, all the tired sickly looking goblins started dropping like puppets with their strings cut off.

Multiple notifications of exp gained flashed across Robin's eyes as she climbed down from the tree. She also leveled up and put 10 points into Dexterity and 5 points into Spirit.

"Hehehe. In 34 seconds I just killed 12 goblins. Not sure if I'll be faster by slashing them, but I wouldn’t get as many God Hand triggers if I did that."

During the last 18 seconds, God Hand activated 3 more times. All of there were common drops but Robin didn’t care much. She knew eventually that something cool would drop. At least that's what she hoped.

After checking to see if the goblins dropped anything, Robin took off to find more of them. It didn't take long since the inner forest was infested with them. This time luck was on her side as this group of 9 goblins had a watcher.

Watchers are slightly different from regular Green Feral Goblins. Their eyes take up most of their face and they have big frog-like cheeks.

These 9 goblins were just playing by a small stream when all of a sudden, a purple haze obscured their vision. Next, their skins started to burn and their lungs felt like spikes were in them.

They screamed and panicked. The watcher blew out a gargling whistle. Calling for their brothers nearby. At this time a white figure appeared in a tree nearby. It yelled some words that the goblins didn’t but they didn’t care. They knew that this was the aggressor and they needed to kill it and feast on its bones.  The Goblins charged towards the white figure and began climbing the tree it was on. The white figure climbed higher and the goblins followed, salivating at the thought of eating the white figure. Now that they were closer they could smell it. The white figure was no doubt a female. Something that would give them much entertainment before their meal.

Unfortunately, once the white figure reached the top of the tree, it jumped to another tree. Then another. Constantly yelling words that the goblins were sure were taunts. This made the goblins even angrier. Most considered more painful actions they would take once they catch this wench. They jumped to the trees to catch the white figure but it was always a step ahead. By this time a nearby goblin group showed up and began chasing the white figure. This spurred on the first group as they didn’t want to lose their prey to someone else.

The chase didn’t last long as the first group of goblins lost their breaths and the cloud of death descended upon them. The only thoughts going through their minds was the hunger and lust from catching the white figure. As they closed their eyes, they could faintly hear the whistle of a new watcher calling for even more brothers.

"Lucky!!! Come! Come to me you goblin idiots!" Robin shouted from the top of a tree. 9 goblins already died and God Hand triggered 8 times from the 300+ hits. The reason why Robin was so excited was because out of the 8 items, a rare item dropped!

[Goblin flute (Rare)

Type: Special

Mimics the Goblin Watchers whistle to summon nearby goblins.

Range: 1 Mile radius]

Robin blew the flute as hard as she could. The new group of goblins screamed as they saw her make a mockery of the goblin watcher whistle. They stormed the tree in an attempt to catch her.

She blew the flute every few seconds while hopping from tree to tree, heading deeper into the forest. More and more goblins showed up, screeching and screaming in anger. They all climbed up trees to catch Robin. Some even climbed nearby trees to corner her. With a quick glance, she could tell over a hundred goblins were chasing her.

She didn't stop blowing the flute, however. This was exactly what she wanted. She didn't need to run around looking for goblin groups anymore. They would come to her. The only thing she needed to do was run away. She thought that this was going to be easy, at least until an arrow grazed her leg.

"Ouch! Who shot me!?" She demanded but only got more arrows for a reply. There were dozens of them. If she stopped moving for a second, she would have mimicked a porcupine. Over the squeals of goblin screams, Robin heard a deeper, more threatening roar.

Robin looked back in horror as she spotted an 8-foot-tall goblin. Its muscles were like boulders and he wore a dead animal around its neck. It carried a giant club filled with dangerously sharp rocks. And worst of all there was a green barrier surrounding him that blocked out the purple poison haze.

"Fuck! Who the hell is that? Ouch! Stop shooting arrows!" Robin finally saw the bowmen who's been harassing her. They were tall lanky goblins with poorly made bows. They also had that green barrier around them. There were over a dozen goblin Archers shooting at Robin.

She ducked and dodged the arrows as she hopped from tree to tree. The goblin brute charged after her and instead of climbing the tree, he instead tackled it. The base of the tree exploded and both the tree and Robin flipped ass over tea kettle. Luckily the tree didn't land on Robin, Unluckily the goblin brute didn't stop his charge and batted the falling tree out of the air like a baseball. Robin was caught in the explosion of wood and splinters. She flew in the air and crashed into another tree.

If Robin didn't swap out her armor before she left, that hit would have killed her. The brutes hit did give her some much needed space. Once she got her bearings, Robin chugged down, a health, mana, and stamina potion.

"Alright you tall fuck! You wanna dance?! Bring it on!" Robin roared as she equipped her Fanged Daggers and ran towards the goblin brute. The brute must have hit her far because there were already a ton of goblins surrounding her. Robin hacked and slashed the small goblins. Multiple -800+ numbers appeared. Adding this to the damage the poison dealt, Robin was able to one shot all the goblins.

The goblin Archers however didn't let her off easy. They still shot at her, disrupting her charge.

"Just wait till I catch you assholes! I'll make sure to bury my daggers in your heads."

[Level Up! Acquired 15 free points]

"Yes!!" Robin shouted, then climbed up and behind a tree to give her a moment to breathe. Even though the brute and archers were harassing her, she never stopped the poison aura.

She added 5 points into Dexterity, 5 into Spirit and 5 into Vitality. She needed more MP for the poison aura and more HP just in case. Although she was angry at the goblin brute, she was also scared. Her new armor (with the boar boots) gave Robin a total of 80 physical defense. For the brute to almost one shot her from splash damage, it needed to deal 140 damage. This might not seem too much compared to Robin, but the players she fought earlier wouldn't even be able to deal any damage at all.

Robin felt that something was wrong and jumped out of the tree into another tree. The spot where she had been exploded with a sickening green ooze. The tree visibly wilted and died.

Robin turned to where the flying goop came from and spotted a withered old goblin in purple furs, holding a staff with a purple jewel embedded in its tip.

"It's you!" Robin shouted as she stared at the goblin shaman. She didn't have time to do anything more as arrows whizzed past her. She darted and dodged them as best she could, while also trying to get close to the archers. Unfortunately they were smarter than she gave them credit for. The closer she got, the further away they seemed to get, doing their best to both stay away from her and shoot arrows.

As Robin jumped to a new tree, she immediately dived to the next as a flying goblin flew over her head.

"Oh come on!" Robin complained as she saw the goblin brute pick up another goblin and toss it at her. The goblin for his part, gripped its stone dagger and cackled as it crossed the air. It slashed at the ducking Robin as it sored by but its vision went black as a bright red -990 flashed above its head. Robin however couldn’t celebrate killing that goblin as more arrows were shot at her.

The back and forth with Robin, the goblin archers, goblin shaman, and goblin brute lasted 15 minutes. Robin had to use dozens of potions just to stay afloat. Dozens of notifications flashed in her vision, distracting her. Mia even tried to call which caused Robin to slip up and an arrow caught her in the foot. She cried out in pain and wished the notifications would stop popping up but the worst was yet to come. The poison aura disappeared. Not only that but Cesar’s Might was unequipped, which made the Tri Boar Boots unequipped as well.

“Fuck! I hit level 10!” Robin shouted as the goblin horde screamed in excitement. The brute roared and flung another small goblin. Robin dodged the goblin and pulled up her status screen. Because she reached level 10, that meant that she had 30 free points to spend. She dumped 10 points into strength and 10 into dexterity and 10 into spirit. Then immediately re-equipped the Tri Boar Boots.

In that few seconds of adding stats, the goblin horde surrounded the tree she was on. Not only was the ground covered with goblins, they even climbed up nearby trees in an attempt to ambush Robin. Seeing that her escape routes were cut off, she gritted her teeth in anger. She couldn't even lament for that long as she had to dodge a few arrows and another poison bomb spell. This pissed Robin off even more.

"Fuck it! You goblin assholes wanna go! Let's go then!" Robin screamed and dived into the pile of goblins that littered the forest floor. A myriad of -910/-980s flashed as Robin hacked and slashed her way through the goblins. She never stayed in one space and snaked through the group, creating a path of death and destruction. The goblin Archers would shoot every now and then when they had a clear shot but because of all the small goblins, they rarely had the chance. As more and more goblins died, the rest became scared. Some even took time to move back, away from the murderous being but the goblin brute forced them to move forward.

The slaughter went on for what seemed like hours but was only 20 mins. The more goblins Robin killed the easier it was to spot her. The archers and shaman took advantage of the thinning crowd and let loose arrows and spells. Forcing Robin to dodge and roll out of the way.

The Goblin brute saw an opening and charged at Robin with all his might. Even though the brute specialized in strength, his speed was on par with Robins. She could barely evade the swing of his spiked club. Just as she evaded an arrow lodged itself in her stomach just under her body armor. Robin gritted her teeth and ignored it as a red -85 flashed above her head. She put most of her focus on the brute, trying to find an opening to retaliate. The archers didn’t let her though. Every time there was an opening, an arrow would intersect Robin.

The Brute goblin brought his club overhead and slammed it to the ground. Even though Robin dodged the attack, it created a shock wave that took Robin and the surrounding small goblins off their feet. A red -20 flashed above Robin and she took out a health potion to drink but a well-timed arrow destroyed it.

“Fuck!” Robin yelled in frustration as the brute was hot on her trail. Robin did her best to stay alive but the gods laughed at her determination.

Right when things couldn’t get worse, a red notification appeared in front of Robin.

[You have been poisoned!]

A green haze swept the area around Robin. She glanced at the shaman and saw its sickening and mocking smile. Her eyes went wide in shock and the goblin brute let out a victorious roar. This however was his mistake. In the second he took to show off, Robin finally had a window to attack. She madly dashed to him. By the time he pulled his body back in an attempt to move out the way, two daggers impelled him in the knee. Two bright red -750 -755 flashed above his head and he let out a pained roar. Robin didn’t stop and used her momentum to run away from the shaman.  The archers saw her trying to escape but their arrows did nothing to stop her.

Once she was out of the green haze, Robin chugged a health and stamina potion. She was about to escape, content with the fact that she got to level 10 but the goblin brute wouldn’t allow it. Robin had to quickly lay flat on the ground to escape a collision with a thrown tree. That tree destroyed the surrounding trees and any pathway forward. She looked back at the goblin brute who already picked up another tree.

“Just let me leave! You asshole!” Robin yelled as the second tree came sailing through the air. She rolled out the way and batted away an arrow aimed at her head. Seeing that the goblins wouldn’t let her leave in peace, Robin rushed back towards the goblin group.

The goblin brute made another mistake and rushed towards Robin, thus leaving the goblin shaman alone. Robin's eyes gleaned and with the speed of the wind, dodged the oncoming blow from the brute, pushed past the smaller goblins, and was soon face to face with the scared goblin shaman. The archers tried their best to impede Robin but it only took a few seconds to jab both daggers into the eyes of the goblin shaman. Two massive bright red -2000 numbers flashed above its head and his body was obliterated only leaving an echo of a pained cry.

“Take that shithead!” Robin yelled and turned towards the remaining goblins.

You can find story with these keywords: Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse, Read Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse novel, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse book, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse story, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse full, Shadow Raven: Thief God in the Apocalypse Latest Chapter

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