Shadow Walker – The Otherworldly Thief

Chapter 46: Chapter 46: Let the Universe guide me!

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The unity between the merchant families of Nulis City made them able enough to compete against the other big business organizations across the whole kingdom. The healthy competition and cooperative atmosphere allowed the merchants of Nulis City to earn a sizable profit that was enough for everyone's contribution. Everyone was walking forward and progressing together…

But twenty years ago, everything changed…

It was the dream of every merchant in this kingdom to have their network reach the capital. It was the place where many different cultures, some even from outside of the kingdom, gathered and coexisted. This created the best environment a merchant could desire.

The merchants of Nulis City were the same. In fact, it wouldn’t have been long before their steps arrived in the capital. But before they could reach the capital, the capital reached out to them…

The capital is occupied by many forces besides the royal family. These forces group together to create various business and political factions… And due to the collective strength of the various forces, these factions have a considerable amount of influence in the matters of the kingdom. Some factions support the Royal Family directly, while some choose to act separately in a neutral manner. But one thing is certain, no one dares to go against the King's family… At least not directly...

The force that approached the merchants of Nulis City belonged to one of the business-oriented factions. Sornio House was a merchant family said to have been around since the establishment of the Kingdom. It would be strange for one to have visited the market in the capital and not heard of the Sornio House.

Having established themselves in a place like the capital for so long, it was normal for them to have an extensive information network.

Although there were other cities that also bordered the Zeru forest, some of the resources were unique to the part near Nulis City. This made it a popular choice for the merchants from the Capital.

The Sornio House had also appointed some merchants specifically for managing the trade with the merchants of Nulis City.

Everything was going normally till one day, when a merchant belonging to the Sornio House came to address the Nulis City merchants as a messenger.

The courteous messenger explained the intentions of his family to make some direct deals. It was a common tactic in the business world and would allow both of the parties to profit from this cooperation.

But then came their strange terms of agreement. The united force of the merchants didn’t consider it appropriate to destroy the alliance that they had nurtured for so many years. But they also couldn’t hope to go against the Sornio House directly.

They had to wrack their brains to finally think of the brilliant idea to unite the two main families of the alliance through marriage.

Everything was progressing smoothly, when suddenly, the first tragedy struck…

The Handler Family Head died, while his friend, the Safaira Family Head, returned carrying fatal injuries.

The last push that broke the alliance completely was the act of the Handler family offering the bride to the Sornio House as a concubine. This allowed them to skip signing the agreement for the annual submission of resources, but it also ended the friendly relations between the two families.


Gamus sighed as he remembered the days when it was considered a glory to be a member of the two big families. Every power from Nulis City, whether big or small, wanted to have good relations with them. Even the City Lord had a favourable opinion regarding the union of merchants. It was no wonder, as the alliance was helping him by promoting business in his City, directly contributing towards its development.

Anom fell in thought for a while before he asked, "Why were they so interested in this city? Was it really just for resources?" He had his doubts as the death of the previous Head of the Handler Family and the silence of the previous Safaira Family Head raised many suspicions.

Gamus shook his head. "The cooperation was never successful, so we didn't know the thing they were really interested in… But whatever it was, it was important enough for them to be able to go to such lengths."

Anom nodded. Whatever it was, its importance was clear considering their willingness to destroy two families to achieve their goals.

Then only one question remained, "Why did they stop?"

Gamus shook his head again as he also had no idea. "The only connection we have left with them is through the representative that comes every year. He takes the resources as per the agreement that my family had signed in the past."

It was clear that he didn’t like to do so. It was humiliating enough for the Handler Family to have sent the bride over to their oppressors. Being forced to supply resources to them every year only made this humiliating feeling even more depressing.

Anom nodded as he stood up. "Alright. Now I basically know everything that I need. I also have a good idea about the situation in this city and the various forces… So what's left is for me to go and collect some information by myself."

Gamus remained quiet as he agreed with a nod, but Loreana rebuked, "Do you think it is a joke to sneak inside the Handler family? Not to mention, we have no idea about their new strength after they allied with the Sornio House… You must want to die to think of sneaking in there." Her worry was clear, she didn't want Anom to do such a pointless and dangerous task.

Crystal also became worried when she heard her mother's words. Although she still didn’t understand some of the things that they were talking about, she still got the general picture. Thus, she realized the danger Anom would be in he went out now.

But before she could say anything to support her mother, Anom chuckled.

He looked at Loreana and said while smiling. "I know you're worried about me… But do I look like someone who wants to die so badly, that I would jump into a pit without even knowing its depths?"

"What kind of example was that? And that means that you'll jump into a pit if you know its depth?" Loreana fumed as Anom didn’t seem to be clear of the situation yet.

'Maybe it's my fault for allowing him to interfere in these matters… It would’ve been better if he had taken Crystal with him and left for someplace far.'

Loreana tried to speak again but Anom interrupted.

"Don't worry. I'm not thinking of going to the Handler family yet. Besides, I won't need to go there anytime soon… I think somebody might have already left some clues for me to follow."

Loreana and Crystal sighed in relief when they heard Anom. It would be fine as long as he doesn’t go near the Handler family.

"Then… what are you going to do?" Crystal asked, as everyone looked at Anom curiously.

Even Gamus was wondering about someone having left clues for Anom to follow.

'Who can be such an idiot?'

Anom smiled mysteriously and decided to keep them in suspense. It would be much more fun when he returned after collecting some useful bits of information.

It was finally decided that Anom would leave. But Loreana didn't allow him to leave right away as…

"It's almost lunch time. You should eat lunch before going out…" Lorena advised, though it sounded more like an order.

"That's right. Besides, I want to give you some things before you go out. They will make it even more convenient for you to have a secret stroll around the city." Gamus added as he smiled. The situation of their family looked bleak. But he didn’t know if it was an illusion, as he could now feel a ray of hope shining through the dark clouds.

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'I hope these dark clouds scatter soon.'


Anom finished the food on his plate and let out a satisfied breath.

"It was amazing." He praised the food while looking at Loreana.

"Why are you thanking me? I was not the one who prepared this lunch… Thank Luna as she was the one who made the soup that you liked so much." Loreana spoke plainly while taking a sip from her cup.

Crystal sat opposite to Anom as she munched on her food while thinking about something.

Anom turned towards Luna, who was standing at his side, "It was delicious." He smiled, making the little maid blush.

"I can make it again whenever you want to eat more." Luna smiled. Anom's compliment made her feel pleased as she had given her all to make the soup.

Crystal looked at this cute interaction with an attentive expression. She really admired Luna for being able to express her feelings so clearly.

Her eyes turned firm as she decided to be more aggressive. It would be embarrassing if she couldn't even be as bold as a young girl.

"I'm going to see if Uncle Gamus needs any help. Finish your lunch and come to the main hall quickly." Loreana stood up from her seat and left the hall without waiting for a reply.

Anom chuckled as he knew the reason Loreana was getting uncomfortable here.

He stood up while speaking to Crystal, "I will be back soon. You and Luna should go now-"

He wanted to continue but was interrupted by Crystal as she jumped from her chair and hugged him all of a sudden.

The surprise didn't end here, as he saw a flushed face coming forward. Cute red lips were approaching his face as Crystal was trying to kiss Anom. But she was so flustered that she had already closed her eyes, making her aim at Anom's nose instead.

He smiled in amusement as he moved up to adjust the angle and welcomed the soft pleasure.

Although it was meant to be a gift for Anom, the one who got really surprised was Crystal herself. Even though she had shared a kiss with him before, her feelings were too chaotic for her to feel it clearly.

But now that she did it of her own initiative, the embarrassment she felt was multiplied as her heart thumped wildly.

Anom grabbed her waist and pulled her in his arms. The kiss got intense as he took the initiative to guide the young maiden.

A few pecks and caresses were enough to relax Crystal. Anom then began the next step by trying to insert his tongue.

This move scared Crystal, but as she had already decided to be more aggressive, she had do to her best. So she opened her lips to make space for his tongue.

A jolt went through her body as she felt Anom's tongue attacking her now defenceless mouth aggressively. She lost the strength in her legs and ended up leaning on him.

Anom grabbed her head as he deepened the kiss as he guided the naïve girl through this wonderful and pleasurable experience.

Meanwhile, the little maid, Luna, was having a hard time preventing herself from blushing. This scene was not something she could get used to just by seeing it a few times.

Her young heart was racing rapidly as she looked at two people intertwining their tongues. They looked as if they were addicted to each other's saliva and were wanting more with every passing second.

Crystal felt her mind being engulfed by pleasure. She tightened her grip around Anom and turned even bolder. But Anom responded in kind, making her eagerness turn into breathlessness.

The intense fight between the two tongues ended after a few minutes as Crystal leaned on Anom while breathing heavily.

Anom turned his head towards Luna. The little maid was looking at them with an entranced expression as she still didn’t notice them ending the kiss.

Anom pulled Crystal closer as he walked towards Luna. He bent forward a little and gave the cute maid a quick peck on the lips.

Luna felt as if an explosion had gone off as her mind blacked out. She came to herself only after a few seconds as her face blushed harder while her heartbeats were audible to the sensitive ears of Anom clearly.

The next instant, a feeling of happiness washed over her whole body, making her fear for her heart explode from sheer happiness.

Anom hugged them both as he spoke…

"I still don't know what lies ahead of me… So I have left it for the universe to decide my path… A path which made me stumble upon a helpless lady in peril… The universe surely must have had a reason for guiding me to you," said Anom as he stroked Crystal's hair.

He then turned towards Luna, "…And when I was thinking about the many wonders that the universe would guide me towards, it gave me another surprise… A little fairy came walking under the moonlight, bringing food to satisfy my hunger… while her pure heart satisfied my soul.

…I'm no longer the person who did things logically, thinking of the benefits before doing anything… That was not the real me… Now, my soul is free, capable of exploring this infinite world, while the universe itself guides me…"

He gave them both a kiss on their foreheads and continued, "You two are the first two people who made me feel connected to this unknown world… A world that is going to become my stepping stone… towards the whole universe…" He paused and looked towards the door that was closed. "And that's why… I'm going to always take care of you…" His gentle but determined voice entered deep into the hearts of the two young ladies, making them feel complete. Being in his arms like this made them feel a sense of safety that not even the strongest person in the world could provide.

Meanwhile, Loreana, who had returned to call Anom and the girls as they had been taking too much time, was standing frozen outside the room.

She clenched her fists as she knew that he had detected her presence…

"Why?" A sigh escaped her mouth as she regained her bearing and entered the room…

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