Sharing the Dorm with the Enemy from Previous Life

Chapter 41: CH 18.1

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Treat You to Eat Fish (1)

The chaos between the Class 1 top students and Class 9 underachievers didn’t end with a fight. The spark of fervour had just been ignited and flew around, but it was ruthlessly extinguished with cold water by the two classes’ physical education teacher.

The last afternoon class ended, and students from every class emerged from the school building. They immediately found out about the strange scene on the sports field.

Four boys, dripping with sweat, ran in circles around the sizzling hot sports field.

It was usual for someone to be punished during the physical education class. But if one carefully looked at them, those being punished were the sports representatives from two classes and the big top student Qin Yuan; this was truly a little strange.

The sophomore students slowed their hurried steps to the canteen and curiously inquired with each other. “What’s going on? Aren’t those the two school grasses from Class 1?”

“What the hell! Didn’t we see both of them receiving awards every day on the podium? Did they decide to descend to the mortal world?”

Someone squinted and looked over. “The other two were from Class 9; seems to be the sports representative Liu Jun and his follower?”

Soon, someone took out their phone and searched on the big group chat. “Ohh, got it. The people from Class 9 and Class 1 fought, and the two classes’ physical education teachers joined hands to punish them!”

The onlookers were startled. “Class 1’s top student fought with Class 9 sports representative? Why?”

The person looking at the phone was also a little hesitant. “Ah, they said it was because of…..Ruan Qingmu?”

Ruan Qingmu’s name was unknown during their junior year, but he was already well-known in these few short days. Someone suddenly cried out in surprise. “It can’t be! To get Ruan Qingmu’s first kill, they decided to fight first??”

“What magic is this? To obtain the first kill of this wild map boss1, both factions directly rushed for an open fight while the boss was fine, without losing any blood or skin?”

Wasn’t that the case? Those four people ran out of breath from being punished on the sports field, but Ruan Qingmu sat under the immense camphor tree’s shade and supported his cheeks with a leisurely appearance.

Someone finally inquired for more information. “Fuck! It’s not that, not that. The people from their class said that Ruan Qingmu snatched Liu Jun’s sports representative position, and Liu Jun came first to hit others today.”

“Ohh, did he hit anyone?”

That boy said, “It was said that he hit someone called Fang Li, Ruan Qingmu’s close friend. After that, Ruan Qingmu blew up, picked up a basketball, and smashed it against Liu Jun’s face at once.”

“Fuck, so tough??”

“Yes! They said blood gushed out and his nose was dislocated to the other side. It was like a soy sauce shop was opened, and all the saltiness, sourness, and spiciness came out of it2.”

The group of boys was stunned. Why did it sound so familiar when they heard it?

The giggling boy said, “It was said that Ruan Qingmu raised his fist and only aimed it between the tip of his eyebrow and eye socket, causing Liu Jun’s eye ridge to crack and the black beads burst out. It also resembled the opening of a colorful silk shop; all the red, black, and violet burst out3.”

The boys finally reacted. They threw themselves at the boy reciting the textbook and pressed him underneath their feet. “Are you cheap or not? Who wants to hear you reciting Lu Zishen fighting and subduing Guanxi Town? Speak the truth!”

The pressed boy wailed and cried out, “Fine, fine, I’ll say it. Anyway, Ruan Qingmu smashed a basketball and caused Liu Jun’s nose to bleed. It was absolutely the truth!”

“Then? Quickly speak. We still have to go to the canteen to fight for dishes!”

“Could Liu Jun endure suffering such a big loss? He had just wanted to pounce and hit Ruan Qingmu, but no one knew why the two bosses from Class 1 suddenly came out. One one one, they pushed Liu Jun and Li Zhiyong to fight.”

The onlooker boys couldn’t endure their hunger anymore. They ran to the canteen while turning their heads to look at the sports field. “Have the people from Class 1 gone mad? What were they scheming?”

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“That’s right. The matter from a class should be finished by themselves. What did it have to do with them?”

“I don’t know about that. In any case, Liu Jun and the others started the fight first, and Ruan Qingmu fought back. Then, Qin Yuan and the others meddled, so everyone was at fault. The physical education teachers from both classes were half-dead from anger and punished them by running.”

“Bullshit! Ruan Qingmu isn’t being punished. Isn’t he sitting nicely there?”

Someone rolled their eyes. “Thus, Ruan Qingmu is the most cunning among them. He is still on crutches and an injured patient. The teacher could only punish him by writing a self-review letter.”

The group of boys gasped in surprise. “Fuck, is this the mantis stalk the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind4?”

“Too awesome. This is an unmoving man in the center of a whirlpool, ah.”


At this moment, the man who stirred up the situation in both classes sat under a tree and looked at the assignment book on his knees with boredom.

“The death penalty can be avoided, but one couldn’t escape from the living sin5.” A thousand-words self-review letter that should be handed in before the afternoon class.

Fang Li carried a few iced soda bottles, walked in from a small convenience store outside the school gate, and ran to the tree shade.

He handed one bottle to Ruan Qingmu, then carefully put the remaining on the cool ground.

Ruan Qingmu nudged him. “Hey, I will entrust you with the self-review letter. Please help me to write one thousand words.”

Fang Li hurriedly took the assignment book, bowed his head while babbling, and contemplated what to write in the self-review letter.

Ruan Qingmu raised his head and looked at the sports field.

The four punished runners were scattered on the track. Qin Yuan and Fu Songhua were close together, running with neither fast nor slow and uniform speed. Their shadows turned into two small dots.

After a circle, both of them finally ran back. They bent their waist and halted nearby the camphor tree.

After all, it was a sizzling hot August. Although the physical education teachers were angry, they didn’t dare to go all out and ruthlessly punish them. Each person only did two laps of 800 meters.

There wasn’t any time limit, but one would sweat profusely in this weather. Nobody would feel comfortable after doing two laps. Fu Songhua approached the tree while panting; his face and neck were full of sweat, and his black hair was damp.

Qin Yuan unhurriedly followed behind him. His usual beautiful jade face also faintly turned red, and there were droplets of sweat condensing on top of this pair of sword eyebrows. He lowered his head and lightly wiped them.


1 Wild map BOSS refers to the BOSS that is refreshed in the wild map.

2 Just a metaphor to exaggerate that the blood, snot, saliva, tears, brains, etc. all dripped out from the blow.

3 Another metaphor with the same meaning as soy sauce shop opening. Basically to exaggerate that the blood, snot, saliva, tears, brains, etc. all dripped out from the blow.

4 To pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger.

5 Sometimes this sentence is used in the trial of a prisoner, which means that he will not be killed directly, but will suffer from other punishment.

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