Shattered Memories

Chapter 32: 32

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He had a splitting headache. Even though it was a hot summer day, the wet clothes clung to his skin, so the cold seeped into his bones. His body shuddered intermittently. Besides, since he had not yet sobered up, Erhart cursed inwardly.

‘His Majesty misses His Highness the Prince…’ 

The message, which started with nonsense, ended with the news of the emperor’s visit. A messenger was sent to find out what was so urgent, and within two days the magic circle in the nearby castle was activated.

‘It is worthwhile to send the prince to recuperation. He grew up healthy.’



Upon arriving in Arhen, the emperor looked Erhart up and down and commented. He couldn’t even be bothered to snort. He had never been sick. It was none other than the emperor who put him here on the guise of sickness and prevented him from taking a step out of the palace.

‘It’s all thanks to Your Majesty’s care. Now that I’m better, please don’t worry.’ 

In a sarcastic sense, he was able to spread his broken wings and take off because he let go of his grasp. The emperor, who must have guessed his intentions as much as he knew his movements, raised one corner of his mouth crookedly, and Olivia, unable to hide her trembling hands in the subtle war of nerves, hugged Marielle.


The emperor’s visit was enough to send Arhen into a frenzy. The procession was not grand because it was only an unofficial visit to see the prince, but the Arhenian nobles and territories were excited by the fact that the emperor had arrived. It was nothing compared to the heat of the summer festival held a few days ago.

‘It’s your birthday soon, so I want to share that joy with everyone.’

And with the emperor’s words, the ship that was preparing for Lady Canavan’s birthday party was transformed into a stage to celebrate his birthday.


He didn’t regard it as anything special, but the birthday party, which was properly planned as an excuse to bring people together, was held grandly on an untimely day because of the emperor. Certainly, being the son of a favored consort, there was no need lack of wandering talk among the social world that the emperor was very fond of him.

Erhart hated the crowd. It was disgusting to hear praises of the emperor, and it was ridiculous to be deceived by false feelings. If there was a party in the castle, he could hide anywhere for a while under the excuse of being tired, but there was no other suitable place to hide on board a ship.

The deck was full of people, and the cabin was a meeting place for aristocratic men and women. How many times had he walked back after opening the door and seeing those passionately intertwining themselves? Besides, the emperor recommended alcohol too much.


‘Your majesty. The prince is still young and not fit to drink alcohol.’ 

‘Liv. When I was younger than the prince, I learned drinking etiquette from my father. One naturally has to learn about alcohol from the father. Prince. What do you think?’

Olivia dissuaded him, saying that Erhart was not suitable because he was not yet of age, but it was to no avail. Drinking wasn’t a big deal, and Erhart had to empty his glass over and over again, as he wouldn’t offer poisoned drinks in front of Olivia. Later, even the nobles around him offered him a drink.

At one point, his body didn’t move the way he wanted. He said he needed to rest for a while, leaving people and music behind and going to a remote place to get some fresh air. Thinking of Rayan, whom he hadn’t seen a peep of for days.

In addition to being drowsy from repeated drunkenness, he was leaning against the railing of the swaying ship. 


The force of someone’s pushing pushed his body off.


“Oh my god. Oh thank God.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

As Erhart entered the castle, Olivia, who had heard the news from the guards earlier, jumped up and hugged him with a tearful look on her face.

“Cgf sbe tega jcsktfgf?”


Vtf mieamtfv tlr mtffxr jcv kjr yers mtfmxlcu ab rff lo tf kjr tega.

“P jw bxjs, Zbatfg.” 

“Qtja tjqqfcfv? Gb sbe xcbk tbk kbgglfv P kjr yfmjerf sbe vlrjqqfjgfv?”

Yilnlj’r ojmf kjr qjif. Lbk regqglrfv rtf wera tjnf yffc ab rff tfg rbc, ktb tjv yffc olcf, vlrjqqfjg ktfc atf kfjatfg revvfcis aegcfv yjv. Pa wera tjnf ofia ilxf tfg tfjga kjr vgbqqlcu.


Erhart turned his head. The emperor was approaching him. The atmosphere was chaotic. The aristocrats were bewildered, Marielle was still hiccuping in the arms of her nanny, and Leah had only her lips quivering with an expression that was no less pale than Olivia’s, or even more so. 

“It’s a relief that you’re safe.”

“Wouldn’t that be lucky.”

“Because of the bad weather, we couldn’t go out to search, so we were arguing over what to do.”

It was ridiculous. Those false concerns. 

“What happened?”

“I was leaning against the railing and the ship rocked and I fell. It seemed like someone pushed it.”

A ripple of gasping sounds could be heard here and there. Olivia’s blue eyes also trembled mercilessly. Her eyes reddened as she realized she had really come close to losing her son.

“Truly, who pushed you, prince?” 

“I’m not sure. I was too drunk at the time.”


“Anyway, after falling along the coast… Having learned to swim, I somehow managed to get out. Your Majesty.”

The emperor looked at him suspiciously. 

Naturally. Erhart fell not along the shore, but in the middle of the sea. It was hopeless even if the current was calm, but on a day like this, no matter how lucky he was, he would be far from coming out alive. How surprising and regretful it must be that Erhart returned safely, even though he was drenched in water.

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“Mother. I’m worried that you will fall sick because I haven’t changed.”


Erhart pushed Olivia away with a proper expression. She clung to the wet hem of his clothes, still uneasy, but she didn’t hug him again.

“May I go up and rest?” 

“Erich. You should see the physician. You said you were okay, but you could have been hurt somewhere, and you must have been very shocked. Besides, didn’t you say it looked like someone pushed you? We must certainly consider the context.”

“Tomorrow. I want to rest without thinking about anything today.”

It was impossible to reveal the culprit anyway, and yet, the reason why he insisted on adding that someone pushed him was to agitate the emperor. When Erhart lowered his eyes and spoke weakly, only then did Olivia hesitate before nodding her head.

“Tomorrow, you must see the physician. And tell me the circumstances of the fall.” 

“I will.”

“Yes. Prince. You must be shocked, so go up.”

The emperor also reluctantly allowed Erhart to step down. After replying that he was grateful for the generosity, he turned his back. He could feel Leah following him.

“Your Highness.” 

He went up to the second floor and passed through the hallway. Only then Leah called him. There was a tremor in her voice.

“I’m fine, so rest easy.”

“What if things went wrong…”

“But aren’t I safe?” 

Though, he would have died if it hadn’t been for Rayan. He had been more drunk than he expected, and he wasn’t familiar with magic enough to use it while drowning. Besides, he didn’t even know his coordinates, and his ability was insufficient. This time, he barely avoided death, but he assured her because he was all right now.

And now he could not afford to listen to Leah’s anxious laments for long.

“I need to rest. I’ll take care of myself, so no need for an attendant. Don’t let anyone in. Even if it’s Mother.”

Olivia wasn’t pushy enough to enter her son’s room while he was resting, but this time it was an unusual matter. Leah nodded her head in agreement. 

After passing through the drawing room and entering the bedroom, Erhart hurriedly moved. He was about to dry his clothes, but remembered that the emperor had accompanied the magician, so he lightly rinsed it and changed his clothes. Erhart, who had a slightly impatient expression on his face, almost ran into the secret passage.

He pleaded with Rayan, but he didn’t know. He could not rule out the possibility that he would disappear after leaving a note saying that he was originally going to come in 10 days in the first place anyway.


* * *

Erhart, who had been rushing down the road until his breath ran to the tip of his chin, gradually slowed down and stopped. He could see Rayan’s back, who was sitting on a rock. His wavy jet-black hair swayed in the wind. A glimpse of his straight white back could be seen everytime the wind blew and scattered the hair. 


Erhart took a step unconsciously. As a stone chipped his shoe and made a rustling sound, Rayan was startled by the sound and turned his head around. Even though it was so dark in the cave where the moonlight was still raging and the rain and wind were still blowing, his face shone as if it were reflected in the light.

“… Erich.”

Rayan, who had been fiddling with his lips, quietly whispered his name. As if that was a signal, Erhart strode widened the gap between them. 

“Look. I kept my promise.”

Rayan looked up at him and said.


Rayan would not know. Earlier, he thought Rayan was only a dream. The breath that breathed in, the voice that called his name earnestly, the touch that embraced him. He thought they were all the illusions he wanted to see before he died. 

However, after the melody that awakened his spirit briefly passed through his head, when he realized that the one in front of him was actually real and had saved himself once again… There was only one thought that came to Erhart’s head.

It wasn’t anger at the emperor’s attempt to kill him once again.

It was neither relief about surviving nor fear of a near death experience.


He wanted to kiss Rayan on the lips.


He wanted to reach him. More, more, even if they were already touching.



When he called again in a whisper, Rayan replied while twisting his body. The white cheeks were reddish.


“Can I kiss you?”

Erhart held Rayan’s cheek before the latter could answer. He frowned at the lukewarm warmth that was warmer than usual and lowered his head for a moment. Rayan’s eyelashes fluttered like wings. 

“Close your eyes.”

The green eyes disappeared.

Erhart slightly lifted Rayan’s chin and interlocked their lips together.

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