Shattered Moonstone

Chapter 90: book 2 chapter 48

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Taaffeite sighed, leaning back in her chair as she eyed Irithyl, “so, they sent four heroes.” she stated as the Queen nodded.

“It appears they don’t harbor any hostilities; they traveled all the way from Sandstone without causing any trouble.” Irithyl’s expression gave nothing away as she spoke, though Taaffeite couldn’t help but feel the queen was still hiding something from her.

“And you are just going to let them attend tonight?” She asked, looking past the queen at the single window that adorned the queen’s personal study, the nearly opaque stained-glass blocking everything but the most persistent rays of light, the softening orange glow being the only indication of the impending sunset.

Irithyl smirked as she sipped a glass of water, “of course, I sent the invitation myself. I did not expect them to send 4 heroes; however, word is they even dispatched their very own saint.” She swirled the glass in her hand as she spoke, “though, they were smart enough to not send any heroes that had been here before. I think they sent out the spear, bow, and staff along with the saint…”

“And my son?” Taaffeite narrowed her eyes, neither the queen nor her cared for “political games” yet that did not mean they did not play them. 

Irithyl paused for a moment before shaking her head, “their still has been no word on Jasper’s whereabouts, though rumor is he has been instated as the “world sage” and is currently training the heroes.”

“Irithyl, my queen, I don’t wish for hearsay. I wish to know if my son is safe.” Taaffeite knew there was something more going on, as to what she wasn’t sure.

She did know that Alamgir had closed its borders completely, having tried to dig up any information herself on what was happening within the nation ending in nothing more than rumors... Yet somehow the queen had an alarming amount of information about not only Alamgir but the heroes themselves. Even knowing which four heroes were coming before the ship had “officially” landed at Sandstone, a slip up on the queen’s part when she told Taaffeite of the coming heroes before she had heard of it herself.

Taaffeite however, only had speculation, she did not claim to know how Irithyl knew such things but the only logical conclusion she could come to was that somehow the queen had contact with someone within Alamgir. 

Taaffeite looked to the terminal that hung over the fireplace, it’s the only thing that makes sense. but they would have had to know I was bringing a terminal to the capital… And why would they keep it a secret for so long? 

Irithyl sighed as she tapped a finger on the rim of her glass, she didn’t need to read Taaffeite’s mind to know what she was thinking as she glared at the terminal in her office. “I will say only this on that matter, my dearest Taffy,” the queen took a deep breath as Taaffeite looked back to her, her eyes causing the queen to bite her lip as they bore into her… 

Queen Tari Irithyl, the current ruler of the United empire of Crown; the woman who stood unmoving as the world shook around her, who did not bat an eye at the threats of kings when they demanded her support in the war, who confidently overturned decrees as old as the nation she led itself as she tried to protect her people… for the first time in her life; while looking back into the eyes of a mother who had openly denounced a god for the sake of her children… Irithyl’s confidence failed her as she averted her eyes.. “It was his idea.” 

“Irithyl.” Irithyl nearly flinched as Taaffeite’s calm voice called to her. “What, exactly, was his idea?”

Nearly two hours later Alexa knocked on the door of the queen’s private office, “mom, are you in…” she paused as she heard a loud shuffling behind the door before she heard the queen's voice calling out.

“Aw, Alexa… do come in.” Irithyl called, causing Alexa to raise an eyebrow as she looked to the two guards posted at the door, both standing stone still with a distant look as they stared at the wall directly across from the door.

She shrugged as she opened the door only to see her mother sitting at the queen’s desk calmly rubbing her wrist with the queen standing beside her, Irithyl arms tucked behind her back as she smiled weakly at Alexa.

“Alexa, right on time,” Taaffeite didn’t even look up from the terminal sitting on the desk as Alexa approached. “It seems I have sprained my wrist, if you would be so kind.” 

Alexa paused as her mother held her arm out, looking to the queen for any hints about the strange sight. She knew her mother and the queen were close but to be openly sitting at her desk, not only that but to have the queen herself basically answer the door…

Her eyes met the queen who stood beside Taaffeite, only to find herself with more questions as Irithyl seemed to shift uncomfortably as she shifted her dress.

“OK?” Alexa replied, taking her mothers hand, noticing the redness of her palm as she turned it over to inspect her wrist. “What were you doing to sprain your wrist?” She asked cautiously knowing her mother had been in the queen’s study for the better half of the day.

“Nothing,” Taaffeite replied, glaring at the queen beside her. “I assume you have come to retrieve us for the ball?”

Alexa nodded as she proceeded to heal her mother’s hand, “yes, Princess Arsis is awaiting the queen’s…”

“Oh my, how time flies.” Irithyl chimed in as she quickly made her way to the door, her normally graceful movements seeming… off, as she passed Alexa. Taking small sporadic steps… 

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Alexa was about to ask the queen if she needed healing only to stop as she felt a chill. 

“Tari,” Taaffeite’s voice felt like ice as she called the queen's name, even Alexa shrank away as her mother addressed the queen by her first name. “We will finish this… discussion later.” She stood as she flexed her now healed hand, a wicked smile on her face as she walked past the queen. “Come now my queen, hurry lest we make everyone wait.”

The walk was… awkward as neither of the women spoke. Alexa left to wonder what exactly happened as the queen slowly regained her composure, thankfully by the time they made it to the celebration hall she could at least walk normally…

“Mother,” Arsis called as she hurried through the empty corridor. 

Arsis, the crown princess of the empire, was the spitting image of her mother, if one did not know better, they could easily be mistaken as sisters instead of mother and daughter. 

“Arsis,” Irithyl smiled as Arsis stopped before her. “I do hope we are not too late, we lost track of time.”

Arsis shook her head, her long black hair dancing around her as she did. 

“Alexa, we should go.” Taaffeite said bluntly as she turned to leave, unlike the princess and the Queen, the two of them would need to enter the main door like the rest of the guests. “Arsis,” Taaffeite called back as Alexa went to leave. “I have a strong feeling my son will be returning soon, and once he does, we will have much to talk about.”

Alexa was sure she saw the princess' olive skin go pale as Taaffeite passed her with no more than a glance, not bothering to slow as the princess began to stammer.

“ye… i… of course.” She finally managed as the two women departed.

“What was all that about?” Alexa finally asked as they rounded a corner.

Much to her surprise her mother did not reply but summoned a small Babylon terminal and handed it to her.

Members of the Lapidary bloodline.

Taaffeite Lapidary

Alastair Lapidary

Alexandrite Lapidary

Jasper Lapidary Irithyl

Amethyst Lapidary

Hecatolite Lapidary

Arsis Lapidary Irithyl

Saffron Lapidary

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