She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 26: Vol 3, Chapter 2: In the Hot Springs Part 2

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Volume 3, Chapter 2: In the Hot Springs Part 2


Ban san, Aya, and I were in Ban san's room. Aya was sitting next to me, while Ban san was sitting on the opposite side of us. While we were waiting for Hoshizawa to get back, Ban san took the opportunity to create a conversation

"So you're also attending the same school as Miu...not to mention, you're also in the same class"

"Yeah...I didn't know that she was your daughter too"

"Well, I never told you my family name, didn't I?"

"That's true, but I did saw it once in our records of list of guests. I just never saw it as a coincidence at that time, or that maybe I've forgotten about it"

"HAHAHA! My bad for not telling you!"

"Its fine, I don't pry too much on those things either, Ban san. But if you're Hoshizawa san's father, then that means... you're the owner of the ChokoChoko Company?"

"Oh! I didn't told you that either now didn't I?"

"Well, I never asked so...Ahaha"

"HAHAHA! Its still my bad!"

"Um! I love your chocolates a lot! They always help me regain some energy whenever I study!"

We both got surprised at the sudden outburst of the quiet Aya, but Ban san and I both smiled afterwards

"Now, now, don't be stiff, Aya. I told you earlier, no need for formalities. Thank you for your feedback as well"

"Ah yes! My pleasure!"

Aya bowed in earnest as she said that, I can't help but smile at her, seriously, this girl can't be any more polite and nice to people

"Back to the topic at hand, I'm glad that you're in the same class as Miu. That makes my mind at ease. As a father, I have my worries you know?"

"Of course I am, you did told me all of it, Ban san"

Ban san only smiled on my response and continued on with the conversation

"Is my daughter doing well at school? Has she made any friends? Is she fitting in well?"

"Rest at ease, Ban san. She's doing fine than you think she is. You can tell at the way she's at right now, right?"

"Then I guess I really don't have any more things to worry about her...for now"

"You really love her huh, Ban san?"

"Miu is my life, Shun. If she's lost in life, then I'm also lost. I want to do everything that I can to protect that happiness that she gained that was once lost. I'm sure that happiness was because of you, right?"

"Me? I don't think I did anything though if you ask me"

"Surely you did, maybe you're even the one who changed her. I've never seen her acted that way earlier before! That's the first time I've seen her do that!"

"Really? I didn't know. But still, I don't think I'm the reason that she changed, Ban san. I think she was able to change because she wanted to change"

"Maybe...Anything you've said to me since the first day I stayed here has always been right. Shun, I hope you watch over my daughter in school, I'm leaving her in your care, I'm counting on you"

"Easier said than done, Ban san, but you don't even need to say it, I'm her friend after all"

"Thank you"

Ban san smiled at me again after saying that, while Aya was...shocked about something

"Aya? Are you okay?"

"Eh?! Ah, yes, I'm okay..."

"If you say so..."

Is she feeling unwell? Probably sleepy? It did take us an hour to pull out those weeds, but still, there were a lot. But if she says that she's fine, then there's probably nothing to worry about

"I'm done adding more food to the order, father"

"Thank you, Miu"

Miu stepped in and sat next to her father. The way she even sits is like a princess as well

"Now Miu, I don't think I need to introduce you to Shun here, so I'll introduce you to Aya instead. She's one of the staff here in this Hot Spring"

"Um yes! I'm Aya Nagisa! 14 years old! Nice to meet you!"

"Likewise here, I'm Miu Hoshizawa, 15 years old, Nice meeting you"

The two introduced themselves both to each other as we watched them do it, the air around us felt more lively than usual since there's four of us now in the room

"Hoshizawa senpai, you're in the same class as Amagasa kun here, right?"

Ban san and I were kinda shocked to see Aya took the initiative in the conversation, since this is the first time we've seen her do that, we instinctively listened to their conversation instead

"'Kun'?! *A-ahem* don't you address Amagasa kun as 'senpai' ?"

"? Isn't it normal? Amagasa kun and I are good friends, he even calls me by my first name"

"Only that's because you told me to!"

"Did I? *Chuckle*"

"Aghck! Amagasa kun...calling her by her first name..."

I was a bit confused why it was important to Hoshizawa, but I'm even more confused as to why Aya's acting strange. She's usually polite, kind and reserved to people that she doesn't know very well, so seeing her acting like this is like seeing a new side of Aya

"Senpai, you didn't answer my question"

"Eh? Ah, yes. We're classmates this year"

"I see..."

Hoshizawa looked at me then looked down afterwards. The air that was lively in the room somehow became dreadful and slowly stagnating. It was like the conversation was leading to something else and not just some peaceful chatting. It became even more gloomier as time passes by

"Ban sama, the food that you ordered is ready"

As Ban san and I were waiting for something to disrupt this tension, the food that they ordered came and I was grateful that we overcame a seemingly great storm that was about to come

"Ah! Finally! Looks delicious as always!"

"Hohoho! You flatter us, Ban sama. I see that you already met my grandson"

"Yes, he's still the man I used to know"

"Quite a charming boy ain't he? What do you say about him and your daughter getting in a marriage?"


"I'm kidding, hahaha"

I got embarrassed after what grandma had just said, and it seems like Hoshizawa was too

"That's not a bad idea! I've always wanted someone like Shun to marry my daughter!"


Oh no, Ban san's making it worse, your daughter's about to die from embarrassment you know!

"HAHAHA! I'm kidding as well, Miu, you're still young so marriage isn't an option, not for me at least!"

"*Sigh* seriously Ban san, you gotta stop those kinds of pranks"

"HAHAHA! My bad!"

"Oh? Aya? You were here? Perfect timing, come help us out clean the girl's bath once you're done okay?"

"Y-Yes! Understood!"

She quickly stood firmly in front of grandma...again, what's this, a boot camp?!

After handling out the food, grandma and the staff left the room, leaving me, Ban san, Aya, and Hoshizawa. We ate the food that Ban san ordered while having a conversation between us. Meanwhile, things between Aya and Hoshizawa are kinda awkward after their exchange of conversation. I didn't paid attention to it for now as I listened to Ban san's stories


"Well then, I'll be going now"

"Are you sure? There's still some food left"

"No thanks, I'm already full, and besides, I have something to do so I don't want to overeat"

"If you say so, thanks for coming with me, Aya"

"I should be thanking you, Amagasa kun *chuckles*"

"Let's meet again later, Aya, at my room"

"You don't even need to say it, I always do it every night *chuckles*"

Aya stepped out of the room afterwards. Meanwhile, Hoshizawa was acting strange the whole time we were talking

"A-Amagasa kun's room....s-she does it...e...every night..."

"Something wrong, Hoshizawa san?"


Ban san and I looked at her confused as she said that while looking away from our direction

"I probably won't get a straight answer from the both of you any you both like each other?"

Hoshizawa looked at her father with a blushing expression on her face while I, didn't take the question seriously

"There you go again with your jokes, Ban san! Hoshizawa san is getting embarrassed again because of what you said"

"Huh? But that wasn't-"


Hoshizawa stopped her father from saying anything by blocking his mouth with her hand. I can definitely relate to the embarrassment that she's experiencing right now, I mean, I just experienced it from grandma earlier

"I get it, I get it! Could you stop now?"

"Please! Don't say anything anymore!"

"I got it, I got it, geez, what's gotten into you?"


I couldn't say anything but laugh at that point, all that I could see was a wholesome interaction between a father and his daughter. I couldn't help but kept silent as they argue with each other for the past ten minutes

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"I was really shocked when the person that father was talking about was you, Amagasa kun"

"That's my line, Hoshizawa san, I didn't know Ban san was your father!"

"I guess the world is full of surprises *chuckles*"

Hoshizawa and I walked out of the room after Ban san asked me to accompany her while he rests for a bit. Hoshizawa was flustered when her father said that while Ban san and I looked at her confused. She agreed to it after a few seconds and this is where we at right now

"By the way, Hoshizawa san, is this your first time hanging out with your father in these types of occasions?"

"Actually, I always go with my father to help with his business, but other than that, this is my first time staying at a Hot Spring"

"I see, do you find it a relaxing place?"

"Yes...I love it take great care of your staffs, the customers, and the place as well. I may be exaggerating too much because this is my first time and all, but I really do mean all of it"

Hoshizawa smiled while blushing, looking down as she said that. And at that moment, I saw a beautiful side of Hoshizawa that I always see, yet so mesmerizing to look wonder a lot of boys in our school confessed their love to her...

"? Amagasa kun?"

"?! N-nothing!"

I quickly looked away from Hoshizawa after I realized that I was staring at her for too long. I quickly changed the subject to something else to break the awkward tension

"Hoshizawa san, I know this might seem rude to you but I want to know as your friend...are you having fun the way you are right now?"

"The way I am right now?"

"What I mean by that is, ever since that day, are you finally doing the things that make you happy?"


Hoshizawa looked at me, seemingly confused as to why I asked that to her all of a sudden

"If I were to say something...I'm having the time of my life right now because of you, Amagasa kun"

"Because of me? But I didn't do anything"

She just warmly smiled at me as she said the following words

 "You always said that *chuckles*...but I do mean it, the day that you said those words to me, was the day that I was finally able to realize and change myself...and ever since that day..."

Hoshizawa grabbed my hand and I got completely blushed as it was so sudden of her to do that, she looked at me in the eyes following with the words:

"I was certain that you, and only you...the one..."

W-w-what is this?! I can hear what Hoshizawa was saying but at the same time, she's too close!

"U-um, Hoshizawa san?"


She quickly realized what she had done and stopped holding my hand afterwards, she was so embarrassed that she can't even look at me in the eye the way she did earlier

"S-s-sorry, Amagasa kun! I didn't realize!"

"Ahaha...its fine, Hoshizawa san"

I'm somehow saved! Thank god!

"By the way, about what you said just now, 'I'm the one' I think was it?"

"A-a-um! What I meant by that is that you're the one who might actually change me! Yes! That's it!"

Hoshizawa repeatedly nodded as she said that as to show to me that, that was the case

"You credit me too much, Hoshizawa san, but if you really think that way, then I'm glad I was the one"

I smiled at her and I didn't noticed it, but she somehow got flustered a bit? Or maybe that's just my imagination

"A-a-anyways! I guess I'll go to my room for now, I kinda want to sleep!"

"Is that so? Then I'll guess we'll meet again later, Hoshizawa san"

"Yes, well then, goodbye!"

Hoshizawa quickly stormed out of the hallway to go to their room as I was left there, surprised at how fast she can actually run

"Well then, I guess I'll greet the other staffs here, its been a year so I might as well catch up with them"

I said that to myself as I walk around the hallway to meet with them since I have no other things to do here


Few hours had passed and it was already 10 pm. I had gone back to my room after I met up and hang out with the other staffs. Since there were not that much customers, they were able to rest easily and instead had a feast for me. I also helped with their preparations and such since I had nothing else to do. Grandma and the others didn't want me to help around, but I insisted. They eventually gave in and asked for my help afterwards

After that, I excused myself and had gone to my room. An hour had passed by then and I got bored from surfing the net and playing games on my phone, I stepped out of my room to get some fresh air for a nice change

"The scenery here really hits the spot...*sigh*...They really don't have to throw a feast every time I came here though..."

Troublesome as I see it, they seem to be enjoying doing that for me, so I appreciated it more than anything

"I just hope they don't drink too much though...they also have work tomorrow..."

Just imagining it makes me sigh even more. I looked up, at the stars as the wind gently breezes through the grass, making slight, but soothing noises to the trees as well...until a certain someone showed up to chat with me

"Pretty rare of you to come out of your room huh, Amagasa kun?"

"Aya, yeah, I kinda got bored after spending time in my phone"

"I knew you would say that *chuckles*"

"What about you, Aya? Aren't you going back there?"

"I already excused myself, and I'm already full as it is, there were a lot this year! A lot!"

"Even I was surprised! They sure don't hold back when it comes to feasts"

"*Chuckles* that's true..."

Aya and I continued to chat for a while about many things until one question that Aya asked me got me taken aback 

"So...Amagasa kun..."

"? Yeah?"

"What do you think of Hoshizawa senpai?"

"? What do I think of her?"

"Y-you know what I'm talking about!"

Aya got embarrassed as she said that while looking away from my direction...but still, what does she mean by that? Does she mean about what I think about her as her friend?

"To be frank, she isn't what you think she is, Aya"

"Huh? What I think she is?"

"You see, Hoshizawa san is a little bit shy around people that she doesn't know very well, so if you think that she hates you or something because of earlier, it really wasn't the case...or so that's what I think"

"Um...that didn't answer my question..."

"Really? Anyway, What I can tell you for sure is that she's kind, too kind to be exact. She extends help to any people that asks for her help, she doesn't even say no to them too...well, that was like that in the past...its kinda different now"

"U-Um, Amagasa kun! You didn't answered my question at all!"

"Eh? I thought that's what you meant"

"What I meant was, what do you think of her, as a girl, as a woman?"

That's what she meant? But still, Hoshizawa as a woman... there's a lot of answer for that, but if I were to describe her in one word or line...

"I like that she's slowly being true to herself...she might be still finding her true self but, she's definitely one of a kind woman out there. Same thing may be said to other girls but for me, I like Hoshizawa san for who she is, whether she'll choose to be the past Hoshizawa san, the present Hoshizawa san, or both"

"I...I see..."

I smiled, looking at the stars while going back on the memories that I had with Hoshizawa and the stories of her past that I had heard from Ban san and Herself. Whatever she chooses to end up with, Hoshizawa san will be always Hoshizawa san, and that's for sure

"Sorry, was it too cheesy?"

"U-Uh! No!...I'm just surprised to see a new side of Amagasa kun that I've never seen before..."

"A new side of me? Was I really that cringe?"

"*Chuckles* it's not that-"

While Aya was laughing about it, I suddenly heard something rustling behind me, like a sound of footsteps. I quickly looked behind me and saw that no one was in there

"Amagasa kun? Is something wrong?"

"O-oh, nothing, by the way, do ghosts exists here?"

"*Chuckles* what are you even saying, Amagasa kun? You always stay here every year and you asked that like its the first time you've seen one"

That's because I think I'm about to see one later!

That aside, I've come to a conclusion that it was only my imagination, and instead chatted with Aya more about general stuff. Aya seemed to me like she was taken aback by my sudden change of topic, but didn't seem to mind. We continued on with this until she decided to call it a day


"Ahh! What a day!"

Ban san's daughter was Hoshizawa, staffs making a big feast than usual, pulling weeds with seems like I've done a lot for today but if I were to list them, it really wasn't the case...

"Still...the thing between Aya and Hoshizawa seems like they don't get along well with each other earlier...I wonder why?"

The more I think about it, the less I think of a reason as to why...instead, I just thought of a way to make both of them in good terms with each other

"Planning and thinking about it is one thing...but I don't even know if it'll be a success if I do have a plan in mind..."

Although I haven't thought of anything yet, I'm determined to make them good friends with each other. That's what I want at least...

"I just hope that they'll agree if I have a good plan..."

I then slept through the night while having those thoughts circulating around my head...and I can really say that, I had trouble sleeping that night


End of Chapter 2

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