She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 28: Vol 3, Chapter 3: In the Hot Springs Part 3

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Volume 3, Chapter 3: In the Hot Springs Part 3


"...Ugh...its so hot..."

I woke up from the heat that was accumulating in my room. It was so hot that even the fan was also producing hot air. I took my phone, looked at the time and apparently I woke up at 8:03 AM. I then stood up, thinking about how I can make Hoshizawa and Aya to get to know each other better...until...

"Uuu...And I still came here despite what I said last night!"

I couldn't quite hear what the other person said at the other side of the door but from the looks of it, they might be infront of the door. They could've just knock though...

I opened the door afterwards, only to see Hoshizawa standing infront of me

"Hoshizawa san!"

"A-Amagasa kun!"

I was a bit surprised since I didn't expect it to be Hoshizawa from the other side, but it seems like Hoshizawa was even more surprised than me, but I wonder why she was standing in front of my room though...

"Do you need me for something?"


?...then what is she here for?

"Oh! Amagasa kun! I was about to wake you up"

"Oh, Aya, yeah...the heat from my room woke me up"

"It does get quite hot in summer *chuckles*"

"What's Hoshizawa senpai doing out here?"


Oh! Perfect timing! I was thinking of something for these two to get to know each other better...

...How about going out somewhere with them...? Will they accept?

"Hey, Aya, do you have any work to do today?"

"Me? Your grandma says that we don't though, since all of the chores were done yesterday..."

"All of it?! They really don't want me to help at all do they?"

"*Chuckles* its exactly the opposite, Amagasa kun. They did all of it because you were coming"

"*Sigh* so thats why the staffs that I've met with yesterday didn't seem to have that much work...anyways, how about you, Hoshizawa san. Do you have free time right now?"

"Huh? I do..."

"I see, that's good..."

"Why did you ask though, Amagasa kun?"

"...Well Aya, I was thinking of going out for today. Since Hoshizawa san is new around here, there may be places here that she didn't had the opportunity to go to, and its been a while since we hang out, right?"

How about that? Its a good reason to go out with the two of you, isn't it?

"You're right about that, Amagasa kun. It is indeed been a while since we hanged out..."

"You're right, Amagasa kun...My father and I only had gone to a mall yesterday, so there are many other places that I really haven't been gone off to"

A mall?...wait...does she mean the shopping district nearby? Dang! I was thinking of it as one of the places we would go to, but there's still other places out there, I just need to convince them 

"Then how about it? The three of us?"

"With you...?..."

Hoshizawa and Aya both said that as they looked at each other...they both looked back at me again for their response

"Sure, I don't mind, since I'll be with you and...Hoshizawa senpai..."

Aya looked at Hoshizawa and looked away afterwards

"I-I don't think my father will mind if I go out for a bit... especially if its with you, Amagasa kun..."

Hoshizawa said that as she looked at me in a appealing way, I got embarrassed for a second, but I tried my best to hold it to not make them notice it

"I-I about we go out after lunch?"

"That's fine by me"

"Me too..."

I was surprised that they quickly both agreed to it but didn't let it show. Aya left afterwards to prepare and tell to grandma that she'll go out for a bit, while Hoshizawa said that she'll inform her father first and then prepare for it

While I, had gone back to my room and wait for the time to pass. I used my phone to kill some time and play video games, watch some anime, or surf through the internet


Some time had passed and it was already time for us to go out. I was already outside with my casual clothes put on, waiting for Hoshizawa and Aya to come out

"...girls sure do take time to prepare themselves..."

I said that as one of the girls showed up

"I'm here, Amagasa kun...sorry for the wait"

It was Aya who was first to come out, she was wearing a pink-flowered-yellow-styled sundress. It matched with her  ponytail hairstyle. She was stepping out from the hot spring with a such refined walk

"No, you're just in time, Aya"

"So, Amagasa kun, what do you think?"

Aya quickly turned herself around as if to signal me that she was asking about her dress

"I think it really looks good on you. You're already cute, so you're even cuter in casual clothes"

"I-Is that so...? *Chuckles* thank you, Amagasa kun"

She warmly smiled at me as she said that...I wasn't kidding though, she's cuter when she's in her casual clothes

"Where's Hoshizawa senpai?"

"Well you're the first to come out, so she's still in there..."

After I finished my sentence, Hoshizawa stepped out from the hot spring

"S...sorry for the wait... Amagasa kun..."

At this point...I didn't know what to say...because even the word "beautiful" or "gorgeous" can't even describe her...

She was beyond my imagination, she was wearing a white, flower styled bouffant dress. It perfectly matched with her long hair. She was dazzling in my eyes with every step that she was at this point that I can't believe that this girl in front of one of my of my friends...

"Too beautiful..."

"T-thank you, Amagasa look very handsome in your casual clothes too..."


I didn't realize that I just blurted out what's on my mind, I got embarrassed and looked away while holding my hand to my mouth

"You two...if you got time to flirt around, then do it after we're done hanging out"

"We aren't flirting!"

Aya looked at us with irritating eyes, I quickly denied her assumption while Hoshizawa stayed silent to what she just said

After a few mins, I regained my composure and took the lead to where we'll be going. Aya insisted that we should go to a nearby shopping district, but I told her that Hoshizawa already had gone in there. Hoshizawa said that she didn't mind to go in there again so I heed to Aya's wishes.


"The shopping district! No matter how many times I've gone in here, it still amuses me!"

"You really love coming in here, huh, Aya?"

"Of course I do! I always wait for Kuma the Bear to show up!"

"That mascot again? He's still around?"

"He shows up here sometimes, but he is! and always will be!"

"You really haven't changed, do you, Aya? *Chuckles*"

"How mean!...*chuckles*"

Aya and I got too absorbed into our conversation that I forgot about Hoshizawa, I quickly turned around and saw her staring at us...she had this blank, starry eyes looking at us. Those eyes quickly dissipated when she suddenly saw me looking at her, she smiled back at me while I walked towards her to ask her if something was wrong

"Are you okay, Hoshizawa san?"

"Huh? Um, yes, I am, why do you ask, Amagasa kun?"

"I just noticed earlier that you were staring at us with dead eyes...I was thinking if you were bored being around here or something"

"O-oh! Sorry! Was I really doing that?! I didn't mean to!"

"Its fine, Hoshizawa san, if you want to go somewhere, you can tell me, you know?"

"I'm sorry! I really wasn't my intention! I was just deep in thoughts about something..."

"About something? Is it something that you can share?"

"That...I can't tell..."

"I see..."

If its something that she can't tell, then I won't pry. Its not my thing to butt in someone else's personal matter anyways...but if the time comes that she does need help, I'll gladly lend a helping hand to her

"Hey, Amagasa kun, lets go to this one!"

Aya pointed out at the mini arcade place

"I don't mind but...what about you, Hoshizawa san?"

"I don't mind as well"

"Then what are you guys waiting for? Lets go! *Chuckles*"

Aya was eager to go into the arcade than anyone else. She always like going to one ever since we met. Although its not surprising for Aya, it is indeed surprising for me for Hoshizawa to go to an arcade...maybe its because that its her first time going to places like these? Even then, I'm glad that they seem to be enjoying our hang out together

Aya only played the crane games that the mini arcade has to offer while Hoshizawa did the same. Although Aya sucked at crane games, that didn't stopped her to play all of them. She gets lucky sometimes but...mostly she doesn't. She only stops after her wallet gets burned out 

Meanwhile, Hoshizawa stopped playing the crane games after getting 3 stuffed animals that she wanted to get in 3 tries. Forget about Aya, I'm surprised that Hoshizawa got them in only 3 this what they call "beginner's luck" ? But if you think about it, she's too lucky if that was the case...does she perhaps had played these kind of games before? 

"Amagasa kun! I got them all in three tries!"

"I know, I was surprised, Hoshizawa san! I didn't knew you were good at crane games! Did you play crane games before?"

"T-thank you, Amagasa kun...and no, I don't. I never had the opportunity to do so...I only saw how to play it from my friends from our school whenever we hang this is my first time doing it myself"

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"This was your first time?! That's amazing!"

I couldn't hide my amusement from her as I said those words. She got embarrassed and looked down. Meanwhile, I just heard Aya getting frustrated on not getting her first stuffed toy on the crane

"Why's it so hard to get?! Its far wide and open! But if you think I'll give up, you're mistaken! My wallet's loaded this time!"

"Oh boy...this is gonna take a while..."

"What is, Amagasa kun?"

"Nothing *Chuckles*"


Hoshizawa looked at me confused as I just laughed off at Aya, who was desperate to get her first toy. She was always been that persistent ever since I met her. The first time I saw that side of her shocked me because her personality didn't really match with her aura at I'm already used to it...

Hoshizawa and I just killed time and have our own conversation about many things while we wait for the desperate Aya san to finish


After for quite some time, Aya blew out her wallet again and got nothing from the crane. I laughed at her demise and quickly suggested about going to a local park nearby for a nice change of pace. Aya agreed because she wanted to forget about how her earnings got swooped from a crane game while Hoshizawa agreed because although she went to a park a lot of times in the past she never went to a park here before. It was also the perfect place to go before going back to the hot spring so I was glad that they were both in agreement about it

"*Sigh* I envy Hoshizawa senpai...she got what she wanted from the crane..."

"I just got lucky, Aya san"

"I don't know if you call it luck but, Hoshizawa san got those three stuffed toys in 3 tries"

I said that to tease Aya a bit

"In only three tries?! You must be good at crane games then, Hoshizawa senpai!"

"I don't think so...that was my first time playing it after all..."

"Your first time?!"

Ah...I can hear Aya's soul getting crush by the minute...or maybe even by second...

"*Sigh*...I can't believe it..."

"Now, now, don't be too moped about it, Aya. I'll buy you girls a drink, how about it-"

"Grape juice please"

"Um, you don't have to but, anything's fine with me...thanks"

"Sure, Hoshizawa san, and really didn't hold back huh?"


"Alright, stay here, I'll go and buy us drinks"

I quickly turned my back from them and head off to a nearest vending machine that's around somewhere in the park, leaving the two of them alone


(Hoshizawa's POV 6)

After Amagasa kun's offer to buy us drinks, he immediately left, leaving me with Aya san...the air between us was kinda awkward since we barely even talk to each other...I wonder what I should say to ease the tension between us?

Before I could even take the initiative, Aya san spoke first

"Um, Hoshizawa senpai"

"W-what is it, Aya san?"

"What do you think of... Amagasa senpai...?"

I was surprised at her question at first, but I knew that it was coming from the way she acts around Amagasa kun...

There were a lot of things that I can say about what I feel about Amagasa kun that probably wont even fit in a single sheet of paper, or even a whole book...but if I were to summarize them...

"He's be able to change someone like be the one who saw my be the one who understood what I've been be my first true friend...he's amazing...he truly is...if I never met him...I don't think I'll be able to change myself..."

"I see..."

I looked back at the time that Amagasa kun helped me at my worst. To someone, that might be a shallow memory, but for me, that was a turning point in my life

I calmed myself down to stop my heart from beating fast after recalling those events and asked Aya san afterwards

"What about you, Aya san? Do you like...Amagasa kun?"

"E-eh?! Why are you asking me that?! W-w-what about you, Hoshizawa senpai?! D-do you like Amagasa sen-"

"I do"


"I love Amagasa much that sometimes...I couldn't even handle it anymore...he's the only one for me..."

I didn't hesitate to answer her question. I looked at Aya san, smiling from the bottom of my heart while hearing my heart pounding so hard. I can also feel my face burning from what I've just said, but that alone didn't stop me from saying that I love Amagasa kun. I meant everything what I just said. I'm serious about him

"...ahaha...I really can't win against you..."


"I can't even admit that I like Amagasa cowardly of me, am I right?"

"Aya san..."

"I also like Amagasa senpai ever since I met him...I even remember that time when everyone else at the hot spring don't even scold me for doing something wrong, they always see me as some little kid that's still learning to work...but Amagasa senpai...he didn't even hesitate to scold me, he always says it straight to my face whenever I make a mistake, and when I do something good, he praises me a lot...that might been nothing to you but for me, his praise and everything was priceless..."

Aya san was holding her hand in her chest, smiling at me. I can tell that her meeting Amagasa kun was the best thing that happened in her life...

I know this is dramatic right now for me to say this but, Amagasa kun, you're so unfair to make Aya san like you when you already have me!

"Hoshizawa senpai, sorry if I was a bit distant from you. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything but, I was trying to see if you're a good fit for Amagasa senpai"

"If I'm...a good fit for him?"

"Yes...I like Amagasa senpai but, since he doesn't even feel or see me that way...those feelings within me are starting to waver..."

That's a lie, Aya san, you still like Amagasa kun, and probably always will be...

"So please, Hoshizawa senpai, I'm leaving Amagasa senpai in your care. Please...take good care of him for me..."

"Aya san..."

One side of me was happy hearing that while the other side of me was stingy about it...seeing Aya san getting hurt like this...

"You might been thinking that I still love him or something but I'm telling the truth. I feel like he'll be even more happier if you two end up together..."

What Aya san just said struck to my ears

"I want you to be the one who'll carry on my feelings, Hoshizawa senpai. So please, promise me that you'll take good care of him..."

I see...I guess I was wrong...she really gave up on him...she was only testing me after all this time if I can be the one for Amagasa kun...maybe that's also why she can smile proudly at me without shredding a single tear...

"You can count on me, Aya san. I'm the only one who can make Amagasa kun happy!"

"Thank you, Hoshizawa senpai..."

We smiled at each other and had a laugh here and there. We talked more about Amagasa kun and got along pretty fast because of him. By the time Amagasa kun came back, he was surprised to see us happily chatting while waiting for him. He ultimately revealed to us why he asked us out, to make Aya san and I to get to know each other better. Aya san and I laughed at Amagasa kun and told him that it worked thanks to him...he then gave us our drinks and joined in our conversation...and of course, we didn't told him about what happened when he wasn't around

(End of Hoshizawa's POV 6)


It was already night, after hanging out with Aya and Hoshizawa from the park, we eventually gone back to the hot spring and parted ways. I headed back to my room, changed to my yukata, and had a bath. I then stepped outside of my room and sat down to enjoy the view infront of me

"*Haaah*...this never gets old..."

I looked at the stars, thanking for a successful day this was

"I'm glad that they got along that fast...I wonder how they pulled it off?"

I never got the answer from Aya or Hoshizawa because they didn't want to tell me. I didn't pry about it too much even when I was curious enough

"Amagasa kun! Thanks for taking out me and Hoshizawa senpai earlier"

"Oh, Aya. don't be...I did it solely because I wanted you two to get along well, but I didn't expected that kind of development in just a day though"

"*Chuckles* we girls do tend to be friendly with each other than you think, Amagasa kun"

"Really? I thought that wasn't the case..."


After a few exchange of messages, things between us got silent. A minute has passed and Aya blurted out something to me

"You and Hoshizawa senpai look good together, I'm sure you two will be a great pair"

"How did you even thought of that? Hoshizawa san and I aren't like that at all, she only sees me as her friend"

"Wait, Amagasa kun, you don't know?"

"Know about what?"

"S-seriously? wonder you didn't even noticed me..."

"Noticed what?"

"Nothing...nevermind... Hoshizawa san's right. you're so dense, Amagasa kun *chuckles*"

Now I really am confused...what does she mean by that...?

"Uh, about that, what do you mean by-"

"I'll be heading off to my room now, Amagasa kun"

"Eh? Already?"

"Yes...I'm already tired because of what happened today, I also need to wake up early for tomorrow too"

"I see...good night then, Aya"

"Good night, Amagasa kun, and by the way...take good care of Hoshizawa senpai okay? Or I really won't be going to forgive you!"


Aya stepped in to her room before I could even finish my sentence...seriously...what does she mean by that?

But all of those aside, even if she doesn't say it, I already intended to take care of Hoshizawa. As his friend, I'll always be there for matter what...

I steeled my resolve while looking at the stars as if I was making a promise to it. A promise that should never be broken


End of Chapter 3

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