She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 40: Vol 4, Chapter 4: To The Beach! Part 2

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Volume 4, Chapter 4: To The Beach! Part 2


...well...this is awkward...

Right now, Hoshizawa and I were alone together. After Hoshizawa saw us in that situation, Maria made up an excuse on the spot to convince Hoshizawa. Although that might work, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to lie like that to Hoshizawa. Rather than relying on Maria's lies, I had stick to the truth...

...after that, I almost forgot about why I was there in the first place, which made Hoshizawa grab my hand and remind me of it... we're in another place far away from the dock. We're both sitting in the sand as we looked at the sea...

...Hoshizawa believed in what I've just said that really the case...? Why does it look like she's not entirely convinced about it...?

I couldn't ask Hoshizawa about it since whenever I look at her right now, she looks like she's spaced out while staring at the sea...

...even her side face is beautiful...

I've kept silent as I glanced at her from the corner of my eye when suddenly she called my name

"Amagasa kun..."


Don't tell me I'm caught!

"Do you like...Maria san?"


"Um...what's this about, Hoshizawa san?"


No response, huh?...Is she asking this because she thought Maria and I was about to do something there if she hadn't come?!

"N-N-No! Maria and I aren't like that!"


"*Ahem* what I meant was no. I don't like Maria in that way at all"

"...not in a romantic way...?"

"Maria's the least girl I'll even fall in love with"

Sorry Maria, I had to be honest here!

" like someone else...?"

"Why are we back on this topic again?!"


Hoshizawa weren't like this back when we just got here...I guess she really just wants the truth...

...I do admire her but I don't know if I also like her...should I tell her...?


" don't like anyone, Hoshizawa san"


I think she's finally done questioning me-


-Wait, there's more?!

"-Would you be surprised if I said I like someone?"


Wait...Hoshizawa likes someone? Seriously? Since when?

"You like someone, Hoshizawa san?"


If she's looking at me while blushing hard then I guess she really does like someone...

...I'm a bit surprised about it...but my mind's been focused on making Hoshizawa go to many places and have fun...

If that'll make Hoshizawa happy, then I'll do my best to help her

"That's great, Hoshizawa san! Who's the lucky guy?"

"...that I can't tell..."

If she doesn't wanna tell it then I'll leave it at that, I don't want to pry other people's personal stuff too much after all...

...from the looks of it, she seemed to be like the devoted and affectionate type of person. Whoever that guy is, he sure is lucky...

...was this also the reason why she keeps asking me if I like someone? To ask me for advice?

...but that doesn't seem to be the case...I mean, she reacted indifferently ever since she saw Maria and I in that situation earlier...I wonder what...

...wait....was she reacting and asking me these kinds of questions because...I'M THE ONE THAT SHE LIKES?!


...nah. Too far fetched. She wouldn't like someone like me, a commoner at that. There's just no way that's the case

I shrugged at the absurd thought of mine, forgetting about Hoshizawa that's just next to me for a minute

"Amagasa kun...?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sorry. I spaced out a little bit"

"I-Its fine..."



"What are your plans?"


"You said you like someone, right? How will you make him fall for you?"


No response...huh? Then I guess that means-

"...what type of girl do you like, Amagasa kun?"

"Huh? Me?"

Why she's asking me this all of a sudden?...

...oh! I think I know...she's asking me this because I'm also a guy! Only a guy would know about another guy they say

"I don't know if I'll be of much help since all men have different tastes when it comes to women-"



"I want to know yours... Amagasa kun..."

Now I really don't get her!...but still, a type of girl I like...huh?

"To be honest, I've never thought much about it"


"I don't know myself either, but if I were to say something, I guess it'll be something like your personality, Hoshizawa san"


"Yeah, your kindness, shyness, your loving and caring nature, and most importantly..."

"...most importantly...?"

"...I like how you're taking my advice to heart, Hoshizawa san. My advice where I told you to be true to yourself"


"You see...although us people can be true to other people, the same thing can't be said to ourselves"


"Its because of ourselves...There are people who can't accept their own faults, there are people who can't realize their true selves, and there are people, who can't accept for who they are"


"I myself not excluded either, but I'm trying to be honest with myself, even if its little by little"


Hoshizawa kept silent the whole time I was talking...


...few minutes after, she started to talk

"But...what if..."


"What if...that person saw who she truly is and hates that side of her...?"

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"What if...she'll be disliked by that person because she loves that person too much...? Just an example..."


I couldn't help, but laugh at that time

"E-Eh?! W-why are you laughing?"

"I'm sorry, Hoshizawa san. The question was too ridiculous for me to keep a straight face"

"I-I was serious you know!"

"I know, I know, but it is a ridiculous question though"

"Why's that?"

"I don't speak for all the men here, but if a girl is like that, shouldn't the guy be happy about it?"


"Every guy would've like that, Hoshizawa san. If she loves that person too much, then that's just how much affection she has for that person ain't it?"


You gotta back me up here! You would love it too if a girl was that affectionate to you, right?!

"Although you may be right, not all men can handle that kind of affection"

"...what about you, Amagasa kun?"

"Eh? Me?...I don't mind that side of a girl...rather, I find it cute"


"Am I the only one who's thinking about it? I mean, isn't it heartwarming to know that a girl loves you that much? You could be the happiest guy in the world if that happened"

" you like them after all..."

"Well...I didn't said anything about disliking it in the first place"

"That's true...*chuckles*"

Oh? Hoshizawa let out a small laugh? I guess our small talk helped somehow

"So, did any of that helped you out?"

" pretty much did, Amagasa kun"

Hoshizawa looked at me with a big smile on her face. Seemingly blushing too

"Is that so? Then I hope you win over that guy's heart"

"Yes...I will..."

She said that as she looked at me for quite a while now...

...there isn't something on my face now, is there?

Right then I realized about what we meet up for

"Well then...shall we talk about what we should be talking about earlier?"

"I'm all ears, Amagasa kun"

...? Is it just me or is Hoshizawa suddenly got...comfortable around me? Its like I'm seeing a new Hoshizawa in front of me...

"*Ahem* then..."

I then talked about what I learned from Ryu and the others...about the rumors that were spreading around the school...


" that's why I met up with you today to talk to you about it"

"You and"

" know how these baseless rumors are. If I only knew who spread it, I would've confronted them"

Although it was really Ryu who started it!

"So until the rumor ends, I think its best if we stop interacting with each other for now, Hoshizawa san-"



"I believe all rumors end, Amagasa kun, so there's no need for us to stop interacting with each other"

"Rumors just don't stop that easily, Hoshizawa san. I think its best for us to-"


"...Could you at least tell me why are you against this...?"

"Eh?! Ah- Uhm! I-I don't like it!"

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"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"My answer's still no, sorry, Amagasa kun"

...I don't think its just me anymore...Hoshizawa seems a little bit different than she was before...

I didn't expect her to reject what I had planned in mind, but if she's opposed to it, then I guess I'll just have to do it by myself

"Okay, I'll respect your decision, Hoshizawa san"


Hoshizawa seemed to notice that I gave up quite easily, but if she doesn't know what I'll do next, then that's fine

"That's all I wanted to say, Hoshizawa san. Shall we head back?"


Hoshizawa and I head back to where Ryu and the others are...but this time...something was different...

" something wrong, Hoshizawa san?"

"I'm fine, nothing's wrong"

"I-I see..."

I was asking her that because this time, she's beside me!

I got used to Hoshizawa who's always either in front or behind me, seeing her beside me this close was new to me!

She's even more beautiful when she's on her swimsuit! Seriously, when will your beauty even reach its limit?!

I calmed myself down by trying to recall each every digit number in the pi 

"Amagasa kun? Is something wrong?"

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine!"

She's even closer than before! What's with her recently?! She wasn't like this earlier!

While I was questioning myself, I didn't paid attention too much to Hoshizawa, who apparently was looking at me the whole time. We stayed like that for a while as we both head back to where our friends at


When we got back, we saw Yuu, Take, and Masa having a volleyball match with Fay san, Maki san, and Risa san

And as usual, Ryu's out in the sea, still swimming like there's no tomorrow...

...and I think I'm missing one more person...I'm sure I'm just imagining it, probably

"Ah! There you are, Shun! You're just in time!"

"Just in time for what, Masa?"

"Switch with me! I can't play anymore!"

"Volleyball, huh? Its been a while since I've played. Sure Masa, I can-"

"You can't"

"We rather sit you out on this one, Shunicchi"

"Eh? Why?"

"It'll be a disadvantage to the girls by a huge margin"

"I completely agree with Yuuchin"

I looked at the scoreboard, only to see that Yuu's team are 10 points behind

"Sounds like you're the one who's at disadvantage though"

"Its because Masacchin's holding us back!"

"I didn't asked to be the receiver you know!"

"He even sucks at tossing"

"I wasn't born to be the sporty type you Musclehead!"

"*Huff* *puff* we're lucky that we have someone athletic like Risa though. She's the MVP of our team"

"Thanks to Risa, I can still keep going"

"You guys flatter me! But its still amazing to see the ace and the captain of the basketball team to be this good at volleyball! I mean, shouldn't they be only good at basketball?!"

"We're not a one trick pony you know, Queen of the Field"

"Queen of the Field?"

"Risa san's the ace of the volleyball team. She's been known as the Queen of the Field"

"Oh really? I didn't know that. No wonder you guys are struggling"

"We told you! Its Masacchin's fault!"

"I didn't even want to play in the first place!"

"So? Why can't I join?"

"You're asking us that? Isn't it obvious?"

"We could have a different outcome if we come up with a different strategy"

"Didn't you heard us earlier? The girls would be at a disadvantage if you join in!"

"And that won't be fair, Shunicchi!"

"You guys give me too much credit!"

"Adding Shun to your team won't gonna change a thing you know. We can take you on even if its three against four"

"Uh, no, we're saying this in advance for your own good"

"Shunicchi can even handle them all by himself can't he?"

"What do you guys take me for?!"

While we were talking, Hoshizawa suddenly grabbed my arm

"H-Hoshizawa san?"



"...Don't play..."


"I'm out, I don't feel like it anymore"

"Eh?! Makicchi! Are you really gonna leave us behind-"

"If I collapse here and die, I'll make sure you're gonna pay for my bills"

"P-Please, take a rest. You're probably tired. Thanks for your cooperation"

"Looks like Maki's out. There's no more problem if Fujioka kun left on your team too, right?"

"Looks like the real game is starting now, Yuuchin!"

"About time, Takeshi!"

"Uh, Masa? Are they always like that?"

"Pretty much, its like what you see in those animes. The power of friendship"

"I-I see..."

I looked back at Hoshizawa, who's still holding my arm

"Um...Hoshizawa san?"


"'re still holding my arm..."

"Yes, I am"

That wasn't a question! And why are you looking at me with a confused face?!

"Heya! Shun! Hoshizawa san!"

"M-Maria?! Why are you here?!"

"Huh? Of course I'll be here!"

Oh that's right! Maria also went with us...

...but because of Maria's interruption, Hoshizawa's grip to my arm came off

"Hey Shun, did you know that there's a small spot here for couples?"

"How would I even know about that? We just got here"

Moreover, just how many places this beach has to offer?!

"I know, I know!, But hear me out, I just went there and read the sign that was in there. Apparently, its also for those who want to be a couple forever!"

"Oh really? Then what should those people supposedly do when they go in there?"

"Oh that? I don't know, sit down and have a talk?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"I don't know the details! All I know was that a lot of people went there and truly became a couple!"

"A lot of couples already went in there?"

"That's what the sign says"

"You know, you're quite gullible"

"Ya think so? I mean I don't believe it myself but the sign there was pretty convincing to me"

"That's why I said you're gullible!"

"By the way, what's with you and Hoshizawa san? You seem to be closer than before"

"Huh? What do you mean-"

I looked to my side only to see Hoshizawa, looking down 

"H-Hoshizawa san?!"



The words within me disappeared as Hoshizawa looked at me with a cute, sad face... me crazy, but this is the first time I'm seeing Hoshizawa acting like this!

"I see, I see, I see, I SEE!"


"I feel bad for Hoshizawa san though, looks like it can't get through to your thick skull at all"

"I don't follow you"

"And I'm pretty sure she's wary of me now, because of what happened earlier"

"Can you stop mentioning that! You're making it awkward for the three of us!"

"You don't need to worry, Hoshizawa san. I'm not planning on taking Shun"

"I'm not, I trust Amagasa kun, *Chuckles*"

"Can someone fill me in about what's going on?!"

Hoshizawa smiled at Maria, but the smile didn't contain any kind of warmth. More like, it contained something else...

"Oh! That's right! Why don't you lovebirds go and check the place for yourselves?"

"Hoshizawa san and I aren't like that!"

I smacked Maria's head as I said that

"...for now..."

"Huh? Did you said something, Hoshizawa san?"

I didn't heard what Hoshizawa said since I was near Maria at that point


She smiled at me, this time, I felt like it contained something deeper than her warm smile...

"Why am I the only one who gets smacked?!"

"Deal with it, you deserve it"

"Just go already you two!"

"*Sigh*, obviously were not gonna-"

"Shall we? Amagasa kun?"


"I go with that place..."

"I-If that's what you want, Hoshizawa san"

I'm doing it because she wanted to okay?! Nothing more, Nothing less!

B-Besides, I'm sure Hoshizawa only asked me because her friends are still playing, and she obviously can't go by herself of course, yeah! That seems about right!...

...There's no way what I'm thinking on the back of my head right now could be that reason...right?

"Thanks" to Maria, Hoshizawa and I are now headed off to the place were people who wants to be a couple get what they asked for...


End of Chapter 4

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