She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 43: Vol 4, Epilogue

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Volume 4, Epilogue


By the time we got back to Hoshizawa's House, we were greeted like how we were greeted earlier. Ban san invited us for dinner. We wanted to refuse since they've done so much already for us but Ban san insisted. In the end, we ate and thanked them once again for the delicious meal that they prepared

Although looks like he was surprised, Ban san didn't ask me any questions regarding about Hoshizawa and I, considering that we're both sitting next to each other at the dining table. Earlier, us boys we're sitting in the left side while the girls are sitting on the right side. I was sure he would confronted me about it, but it seems to me that even he knew what just happened

Before we could even go home and say goodbye to Hoshizawa, Ban san reached out to me and said:

"I don't know what happened to you and to my daughter while you're at the beach, but if I'm right, then I hope you take good care of her for me"

I looked at Ban san with a smile on my face to reassure him

"That goes without saying, Ban san!"


Leaving Hoshizawa confused, Ban san and I shook hands afterwards and left as we say goodbye to Hoshizawa

"Thank you everyone! I had a lot of fun!"

We all looked at each other and smiled back to Hoshizawa  

"There'll be more of where will that came from!"

"Yeah, Ito kun's right, Miucchi! We'll be having lots of fun onwards!"

Hoshizawa replied back with a warm smile on her face and said her next words

"Amagasa kun, take care"

"Yeah, I will"

"Oh come on! No hugs at least you two?"

"This isn't the time for that, Ryu! Ban san's infront of us!"

"HAHAHA! I don't mind!"

"Even if you don't Ban san, I still can't-"

Suddenly, Hoshizawa hugged me without hesitation

The people's *Whoooa!* Echoed around us while I, was left speechless

"Look at these two go!"

"Boys in our school would kill Shun if they saw this!"

"You look good together, Hoshizawacchi, Shunicchi!"

"Why the heck is browny, musclehead, and blondy reacted like they've seen this just now?!"

"I'm surprised you're not reacting like they are, Fuji kun"

"So do I to you, pinky"

"Oho? Will there be a new couple forming over here?"

"As if I'll ever like this girl!"

"I-I'd rather die than be with this guy!"

"Masacchin and Mariacchin are suspicious! Sooo suspicious!"

"Your actions are creepy you know"

"Ah! Auntie Fay is nagging again!"

"Who're you calling auntie?!"

"My eyes, someone, pull out my eyes"

"H-Hoshizawa're infront of Ban san right now..."

"HAHA! Don't mind me! Just pretend that I'm not here!"

"Are you really her father?!"

"Father trusts you that much, that's why he approves of you"

"I'm glad and all but this is still embarrassing for me!"

" don't like it...?"

Aaaaagh! There she goes with that line again! She's so cute!

"N-No...I don't hate it..."

Hoshizawa just smiled at me while we remained like that in a few more minutes...


After a few minutes of hugging, Hoshizawa eventually let go and said goodbye to us. We then parted ways with Hoshizawa's friends because their houses are in different direction than us, leaving me, Ryu, Yuu, Take, and Masa behind...also Maria, I almost forgot...

Afterwards, Yuu, Take, Masa, and Maria took the bus that was headed to the west, finally leaving me, and Ryu behind. We took the bus that's headed east, to where our home was


"You know Shun...I've been thinking..."


"Can love do things that a person can't normally do?"

"What do you mean?"

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"For instance, if that person normally isn't studious but he or she found out that the other person he or she likes, likes a person who's smart, would he or she study hard just to be liked by that person?"



"Is this what happens to you if you don't eat any chocolate for a day...?"

"What are you talking about? I ate 3 bars before we even had gone to the beach!"

"*Phew* So you're still sane then"

"How rude! I'm not going insane!"

"Then what's with the question?"

"Well, it's because of Hoshizawa san"

"Hoshizawa san?"

" noticed it too, right? She was acting different than she was before after she confessed to you"

I can tell by the look on Ryu's face that he's serious on the topic, when Ryu's like this, its most likely that he's feeling a bad thing that'll happen at any point...

"I find it surprising too...but what about it? What does that have to do with your question earlier?"

"If love can change people...then the same thing can be said to what's happening to Hoshizawa san right now..."

"...I'm not following your train of thought..."

"What I'm trying to say is, Hoshizawa san, who she is right now, might still not be the Hoshizawa san that we truly know!"


"Shocking, right?!"

I want to deny Ryu's logic, but thinking about it again...he may be right...if love can change people...then...who knows how deep love can change Hoshizawa...

As I stayed in silence, my phone suddenly vibrated, giving me a notification. The notification came from Hoshizawa, who gave me a message just now

"Are you home now, Amagasa kun?☺️"

"So that's how Hoshizawa messages? That's cute!"

"Dude, stop snooping"

I'm never gonna get tired of seeing that emoji from her

"No, not yet, Ryu and I are still on the bus"


"Okay! I'll be waiting for you to get home before I sleep, take care, I love you!❤️"

Aaagh! For some reason, I could hear her voice as I read her message! I can't believe this is my girlfriend!

"You both sound like you're a newlywed couple"

"I told you to stop snooping!"


I then replied to Hoshizawa

"Alright, I love you too"


"Took you a while to send that message to her, feeling embarrassed?"

"If you were in my situation, you would be too as well!"

Hoshizawa replied back in a heartbeat with a heart emoji. I just smiled as I saw that message

"I hope you didn't forgot our promise"

"There wasn't even any promise to begin with!"

"How cruel! After all I did to you and this is how you repay me?!"

"*Sigh*...I'm pretty sure that store is still open at this hour"

"Make it 5 chocolate bars then, Shun!"

"5?! Do you think I have that a lot of money on me?!"

"Tsk, fine, I'm fine with 3"

"You obliged we're planning 3 from the get go huh?"

"Was I? Hehehe"

Out of all people, I can't believe I got played by this guy...*sigh*...

The day started with all of us going at the beach to have fun, and ended with Hoshizawa and I going out...

Although Hoshizawa's confession was surprising and unexpected, I realized deep down after that, that I also like Hoshizawa...

...I can tell right now that because of these sudden events, new things will be coming at my way...and in Hoshizawa's way...


End of Volume 4

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