She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 105: 105 104 West

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Hundred and four.

Mira and the others, who had returned to the headquarters of the Fifty Bells League, all over the lake, were still reporting to the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifty Bells League, Usume, on their mission.

"If you look at the results, it means failure."

The quail, facing each other across a large table in the board-stopped Japanese-style room, looks straight at Mira after hearing a single report.

"I also feel like I can't help it from the circumstances, but it was your uncle... uh, your master's bad habit to deal with strong enemies and get on with them, wasn't it? Could that have been taught, too?"

"Ugh... sorry"

"Anyway, like when we fought against the player killer Leviath, Hing rode for nothing, and even slapped each other lightly, didn't he?

"Hmm... you're right..."

The power of the Spirit Bomb seems overwhelming and there is no choice but to be escaped. But if I had been on guard from the beginning, there might have been a way out of Mira's strength. For a long time, the quail, who has a good understanding of the nature of Mira, went around slightly, pointing out a bad habit, yes. Mira drops her shoulders like a kitten, by contrast.

"Well, if you're not Mira, you look like someone you can't handle, and well, fine. So, you said you brought that instead?

Trying to change it, the quail turned his gaze to the coffin and the black sword he kept aside. It is what the executives of Chimera Clozen had.

"Bye. The ghost curse that erodes this Spirit may be the root of Chimera's power. It would be worth a closer look."

Originally, the presence of the Spirit is a very powerful individual and not an easy opponent to capture. But it is a group called Chimera Clozen that has accomplished it many times. the secret. In other words, it would be this black fog that gives the Spirit opponent an advantage. If we can examine this and grasp the characteristics and so on, it will be possible to put in place measures.

"Ghosts...? That's kind of awesome."

The quail looks up at the ceiling with his hands on the floor and his body against it. Mira also talked to the Spirit King about the ghost she asked. That's one of the history of disappearing from the table, not even in books, inheritance, etc.

I'm surprised, too.

Mira shrugs emotionally, also thinking back about when she heard the story again.

But there were three people beside them who had different thoughts than those two. Aaron and Sasori, are snakes. I was more surprised that Mira saw him in person with the Spirit King than that a ghost had lived in the long past.

A Spirit King is a great being comparable to God. Only two people in history have exchanged words with such spiritual kings. Besides, it's only for a few moments: the final phase of the Ancient Demon Wars.

One of them was the head of the people of the time. He is the legendary King Hannibal Ex Earthclaw who cooperated with the Spirit King and took command of the operation.

And the other is the ancient great hero Fawcesia. Fawcesia received power from the Spirit King, and took over the king of the demon army with his power.

These two were the only ones who later and earlier met directly with the Spirit King. If what Mira says is true, it's the first encounter in thousands of years, and it's a historic event.

But Mira, the party, did it with a word of "surprise," and the quail doesn't look like she cared about it again, and it's buzzing with ghost stories.

Aaron and the others just waited silently for the conversation to end between the two of them, who were somewhere out of common sense.

As far as the operational situation is concerned, it looks like we're just waiting for a member's report to head to the armoured persons' library. If we were able to capture executives, we would never have gone beyond that, but we would not be able to overconfidence them again.

After the report, Mira and the others also conveyed information brought by the mysterious provider S.

The earliest returning Mira and the greatly unavailable Mira will begin the second operation tomorrow based on the information they have brought home.

After gathering the executive officers for a meeting, Mira and Aaron looked into the home of Chimera Closen in St. Polly and the former Spirit Sword owner, and Sasori and Snake decided to infiltrate the Rose Line ahead and explore the Melville Chamber of Commerce.

If you decide to do it, you act fast. The temporarily dissolved Aarons head out to the commercial district to prepare.

Mira never prepared to try Sanctia's user-friendliness in the courtyard until late.

The next day. To the regrouped Mira, Aaron and Sasori. The snake flew from the headquarters of the Fifty Bells Federation towards the West under a new assignment.

The western side of the continent is a land of scarce greenery where the wilderness occupies 50% of its area. Instead, however, mines and other mineral resources can be harvested abundantly, and thus land with more people and things than any other land can beat.

The day after passing over the territory of Ozstein, one of the three kingdoms that stretches from the foot of the mountain range. The Garuda Wagon, which continued to fly from the middle of the morning, landed inconspicuously by the rocky mountain a few kilometers from the Rose Line around the beginning of the evening.

Standing still for a long time in a narrow, painful wagon for the four of us is also quite tiring. So I need a break from time to time. But in addition to that this time, there was also a point in unloading the sawdust and snake.

Then I'll go.

"Um, let's wish you a good fight."

"Good luck."

"Leave it to me."

Sasori and the snake are going to infiltrate the rose line during the night. The two broke up in front of the wagon, stretching out their bodies, walked straight under the starry sky disguised as adventurers.

Mira and Aaron, who dropped them off, start preparing dinner. Even so, I'm at Aaron's disposal for cooking and all that. Speaking of Mira, all she has to do is summon a white knight for watch and then give Aaron the ingredients he wants to eat in the mood of the day. It's the right material.

That's how Aaron finished his meal. Aaron was a spectacular audience, and Mira laid a futon in the wagon for an early night's sleep.

Half a day after Mira and the others started moving towards St. Polly at dawn. A large city can be seen on the horizon ahead of the wilderness that stretches beneath the evening approaching sea sky. And beyond that, a large sea reflecting the sky was quietly wavering.

The city is less than ten kilometers away. Having landed the wagon inconspicuously, Mira summons Guardian Ash after a brief thought.

Shortly after the red magic formation that floated on the ground swelled red and large, a grey bear emerged from it. It is a bear-holy beast, with the street name Guardian.

The bear stared at Mira with seemingly gentle eyes, while holding very fine nails and fangs as tall as a wagon.

"Ash or. You're as good as ever."

That's what Mira says to her companion, who hasn't seen her again in thirty years, and gently touches that body, which would be twice its own back length. Then Ash turned from that figure at an unimaginable speed and licked Mira's cheek with a pepper. A testament to my love.

Then Ash, who happily undertook Mira's request, leads the wagon and digests the rest of the journey. Bears moved quickly in addition to their thoughts, and they were able to reach the city in less than an hour.

St. Polly Trading Countries. It is an emerging country and the city is only St. Polly, the capital, but vibrantly speaking, there was momentum approaching the Three Kingdoms. The city, without its walls, is still developing, and the surrounding wilderness offers a view of the facilities under construction by the way.

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There are four lanes of streets leading to the city, with many trailers and adventure-like carriages. Mira and the others' wagons joined the street from a little off, and now they were about to take the stream into the city.

The city of St. Polly has no gates, no walls, no gates. There's just a big facility on the side of the street with security.

As divergent people stare intriguingly at the Guardian Ash. A wagon with Mira on board, though quite conspicuous, stepped into the city without any problems passing in front of the security facility.

For some time after entering the city, Mira sat on the stand alongside Aaron, looking around at the sight as if taken aback.

Because there was somewhere in St. Polly that led to modernity (...). Simply put, they are tall. There were more than five stories of buildings in front of us.

The city is well zoned, with boulevards and trails connecting them in vain. There were numerous shops in the centre, surrounded by inns and even smaller shops.

Mira is stunned by its size and rate of growth, as well as the incredible sights of modernity and fantasy intruding, as she compares the map and surroundings of this city Aaron had.

"What's up, Miss Mira? Have you eaten?

Aaron said so to Mira, who kept her mouth open, manipulating the reins to a point of rest while instructing her to head toward the inn where the garage was located.

"Oh...... no, um, right. I'm surprised there's such a city."

When Mira folds the map and returns it directly to Aaron's bag, she says so from the bottom of her heart and looks up to heaven. What I see in my eyes is a sky that looks the same in both worlds. But there was not a single shining star there as it shifted into the night, and the shining moon looked different.

"I was surprised when I first came here, too. Well, I heard that this city is referring to Atlantis, the great power."

"Oh, my God, Atlantis!

Mira was surprised by Aaron's words and at the same time convinced.

It is the Earth continent where Mira is now. Next to it, on the other side across the ocean, there is also a large continent, the Ark continent. There were many dungeons for advanced players, most importantly the largest state the players were interested in, the kingdom of Atlantis to the north and, after that, the empire of Nirvana to the south.

Yes, the Atlantis that Aaron spoke of has many of the same origins as Mira. It is not strange, then, that modern technology is being applied, and that if we want St. Polly to refer to it, we can still get a glimpse of Atlantis today.

(Oh, they are. It's been a pleasure.)

Mira, who had friends with the players of Atlantis because of what should be called the vertices, manipulates the terminal and opens the friends list, remembering the time. And when I made sure the name there was white, I smiled joyfully and looked up into the sky again.

In the streets that make the world born and raised ཽ, Mila bitterly laughs at the thinness of it all together when she finds a slight star in a white sky with a fog of blur and light, illuminated by a bustling street lamp.

The city of St. Polly was vast. And the boulevards in several compartments are a one-way street, which seems to be alternating directions. The ground paved with flat stone is engraved with arrows in the direction of travel at equal intervals. Aaron said it would be easier if we got used to it because it was tricky at first but there were no opposing cars.

The wagon, which continued for dozens of minutes under Aaron's guidance, finally arrives at the Aaron recommended inn. It was an eight-story hotel. But if you look next door, the Rococo Architectural Palace is seated. It is a landscape as if a cultural heritage was left in the city centre, but naturally it was utilized on active duty there, rather standing side by side in contemporary and half-proportion.

Looking at the sight as if the theme park had crossed into the city, Mira gives Ash instructions to proceed with the wagon to the underground parking lot.

The inn I checked in with was something of a nasty name called 'Eating Sangami'.

The two of them, who took a large room on the grounds that it would be cumbersome to exchange information if it were a separate room, would start a meeting quickly and conclude that going to Gregor's workshop would be tomorrow morning. Because visiting at night would be rude to boulders and the workshop would be closed.

At the end of the discussion in a few minutes, the immediate meeting is dissolved, and Aaron rolls out to the dining room on the second floor of the inn in search of alcohol and meals.

And when it came to Mira, she entered the bathroom in a deliberate foothold and enjoyed a few days of swinging baths, which were followed by eye bliss.

After a refreshing bath, Mira arrives upstairs in the dining room. And I looked at the sight in front of me sighing.

"What a strange inn."

Rather than a cafeteria, it was a restaurant district in a station building or something. The situation in the inn, with a wide variety of restaurants, reflected in Mira's eyes in a truly strange and interesting way.

Speaking of inns, Mira recognized it was a place to serve sleeping beds and cuisine in detention. But this inn took the form of a complete delegation of the culinary part. For this reason, the accommodation is also affordable.

The inn, where you can eat whatever you like in the mood of the day and some of the main liquor stores are like taverns, was popular with many guests.

(I don't know how I feel today. Omelette, is that good? Hamburg, is that good? Fried from, a bowl of cutlets, that's good. Deep-fried skewers and liquor, a pan for one person, and a shop like this. Oh, is there even a lunchbox shop? It's more dull!)

Stepping into the bustling restaurant district with many guests, Mira consults with her belly looking at the samples decorated at the store.

That's how Mira took the time to look around at the stores alongside the dozens, finally deciding on the store and creeping through the warm curtains.

"Welcome -" Mira orders, receiving a cheerful voice from the clerk, pointing her finger at the item writing standing in front of the counter.

"I'd like an L-set of this terriyaki double cheeseburger. Drinks are melon soda. Oh, and goodbye. And a ketchup for potatoes."

"Yes, I'm in awe. Would you like to enjoy it in the store?"

Mira's chosen shop is the hamburger shop, king of junk food. Whatever you think, former players seem to have something to do with it, look around the store where you even feel nostalgic, and then Mira pays an answer fee of "um".

With the number tag given in exchange for the price, Mira takes the window seat. The guests were following him with their eyes. Guests scream at the appearance of a beautiful girl who doesn't look good in junk food.

The audience in the store is halfway represented by adventurers, whose curious gaze is poured into the small lips that would not be able to flaunt a large burger and the peeking chest and lustrous silver hair of white skin that would stand out if sauced on.

But when it came to Mira, she was heartbeat by the junk food for the first time in a long time, completely unaware of those curious glances.

After a while, the clerk brings the dishes ordered on the tray. A little different than Mira finds out, burgers, potatoes, etc. aren't paper wrapped, they're on solid plates, and they seem to serve drinks in large glasses as well. It is a bit like expensive burger shops.

Mira put a burger on her hands just quickly. It was a bigger burger than Mira's mouth, but for that matter it is thick and the nostalgic taste spreads across her mouth.

(This is it, this flavor!)

Mira smiled with a full face at the moment of bliss and accidentally slammed both her legs, "Hmm!" and raise a voice of joy.

Mira chewed the burger without worrying about the sauce attached around her mouth, chewing up the memories rather than the flavor she was once used to.

Mira's appearance of eating full of happiness and looking delicious was full of innocent charm, unlike the impression of a courtesan at first glance.

Is it because such a figure caught the attention of the guests on the table that this store seemed to thrive on this day?

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