She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 201: 201 200 Machina Guardian Battle Settlement Hero Christina

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Two hundred.

Far, at the forefront of the battlefield. The Machina Guardian, much damaged by Christina's stealth descent squad, was rambling around as if even the limiters had come off. Moreover, from the legs slashed off by the unity of the Grey Knight, a straw and a 'guardian of mechanical tricks' are gushing out.

As Eisenfald suppresses the body, Mira quickly gives instructions and the sisters head to deal with them.

(Though I'm glad I had the Lord's help...)

While moving around as an aid to Eisenfaldo, Alfina's eyes captured Christina, who came running sharply and farther back.

Summoner's Skill 'Guide to Evasion' used as an emergency evasion. Alfina understood that Kristina had escaped the ordeal due to its effects. And that eye gets more and more rugged because I understood.

(It is not worthwhile to annoy the hand of the Lord with such alarm. You need to do some special training to make sure this doesn't happen again)

A broken sword was an accident that I wouldn't expect. But that's why we have to move more calmly and quickly when we lose our swords.

Even so, Christina took the foolishness of staring at the broken sword in surprise in front of the enemy, then just looking up at the enemy without protection, etc. And it was in Alfina's eyes.

This time, because Mira's summons brought her up, if she had been hit directly by Enchantrey as it were, it would have triggered a forced repatriation immediately after the defensive barrier was completely destroyed, so nothing would have happened. They just give it back to where it was before the subpoena.

But that's why Alfina couldn't have allowed the situation just before he died.

Shall I teach you how to fight with a shield as a weapon?

While perfectly accomplishing Eisenfald's aid, Alfina, thinking for Christina, concluded that when this battle ended and he returned to Valhalla, he should train around standing when he lost his means of attack.

"Back -"

Kristina also arrives at the front line willingly, just as soon as the other sisters finish the end of the Guardian. And she joined the Cristina squad's ash knights with a confident look, looking straight up at the Machina Guardian. Never before has she been more motivated than she seems to be Kristina.

"Christina. What is it that exposes such a gap and annoys the Lord's hand? Shame on you."

Shortly after returning, Christina gets scolded by Alfina just as quickly. In contrast, Christina said, "I'm sorry. I'll be careful later!," and showed an attitude of reflection. That's enough to make the color drift that you're reflecting from all over your body.

But when I reflect sincerely, it seems like a gift that simply comes from getting used to. After thinking about how not to keep Alfina's novel going and ending it on the spot, Christina knitted it, it was a 'pose of full reflection' and the essence was just the mouth.

"Damn, if it were you... Well, that's fine. There's nothing you can do with a broken sword first, so use this."

Reflections on the surface. I had noticed thin, alfina, but now I'm still in battle. Later, the novel offered Christina another sword of her own.

"Your sword...!?"

I gave it away, but Alfina finally realizes it then. Christina already has a sword in her hand.

Alfina's eyes stain with amazement as soon as possible. Because the sword knows what the Holy Sword Sanctia is like.

"Christina. Why do you have the Holy Sword of the Lord?"

A special holy sword summoned by Mira. That was Alfina's perception of the Holy Sword Sanctia.

Now, the dark knights and ash knights only have it in their hands, but Alfina knew that the sword was gaining its sharpness, and strength, every time it was used.

Sacred Sword Sanctia is growing. And one day, when the growth of the Holy Sword is at its best, it would be a dream for Alfina to have permission to wield it as a sword user.

But at this time, even though it is growing, isn't Christina in possession of that holy sword? At this very moment on this day, Alfina gave a stunned look that no one had ever seen since she felt that the Lord (Dumbleph) was gone from the world about thirty years ago.

"Eh, this is instead of a broken sword from the Lord..."

With a chill on Alfina's rare expression, Christina briefly explains. I was given a sword by the Lord. It's an honor. I accidentally get a little applause while hiding something like that from Alfina, and say that it feels like it for now.

For Valkyrie, it is a great honor to give her a sword over the Lord she serves, but in fact, the circumstances in which Christina received the sword are not all that reclining, just like she was given a substitute.

But for Christina, who has used all her sisters' ancient swords, that was special. Besides, it's a sword that hasn't even gotten my oldest daughter Alfina yet.

But that's why Christina explains that there was no special meaning to it, and that it was nothing. Because I intuited that the Alfina's grief had been fulfilled one foot ahead of the other, even if only on one scale, and that it would not have happened if special training had been imposed.

(Sister Alfina could. You deserve the Lord's use of the Holy Sword, and you must be stronger!)

Kristina, who was given a sword by Mira and in the best mood, kept coming out poorly saying that it was nothing special when she fully rotated her head to derive the answer.

"Really? Then be careful next time. I will not allow you to expose your ugliness with the Lord's holy sword."

"Yes, I know it very well!

After a quick conversation, the two jumped in again during a whirlpool of war that was left to Eisenfald and the sisters.

(Somehow, I guess I was deluded...)

I'll take care of the battlefield. Normally, Kristina doesn't stand out, unless she's an Alfina, the Lord's supremacy. In a little while, I still know. But it wasn't always possible to leave someone behind the assignment that Mira had given her, like this one, and reveal Mira's obsession with the Holy Sword.

Not so much, I guess, it's a special sword.

Christina stares at the holy sword in her hand, in front of the raging Machina Guardian. And then he laughs.

"Because I'm going to decide!

Cristina quickly and only left the fierce battlefield and laid the holy sword where she had stepped back. Kristina's stunt is to take a sneak break during the turmoil, but this time the stunt to show off looks like something different.

Christina holds a brand new holy sword that her sisters have never used. Keep skimming and do the holy sword the concentration of mana you were better at than anyone else as a result of continuing to disguise it.

Then, a few moments later, Mana, whom Christina had concentrated, emitted a dazzling flash of sunshine, transforming the Holy Sword Sanctia into a sword of light so great that it was more than three metres long.

"... Huh?

Everyone on the spot breathes in the sacred sword that releases a divinity that can be considered overwhelming. In that vortex, though, only Christina had an unusual upset about the changes in the Holy Sword.

(Oh, I don't know what to do, something's just changed!)

The holy sword given to me by Mira has been transformed. Could it have done something wrong? Christina looks up at the Sword of Light with that in mind.

(... very cool)

It's like a hero is the protagonist of a story that works. It was when Christina fantasized about that.

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"Christina, avoid it!

Christina's most fearful, Alfina's sharp voice of caution came through.

Following the advice, or from instinct, Christina reflexively jumps off the spot shortly after she hears that voice. Then I couldn't get my hair in there for a while and the running of light pierced me.

Black burnt floor. That was a blow by Enchantrey. When Christina looked up, there was a Machina Guardian totally aimed at Christina in front of her, and at the same time those thick legs were looming just that far.

(scaffold the shield... no, we can't make it!)

Christina's body was still in the hollow while she jumped out, leaving no means to avoid that massive blow at the earliest.

But as soon as the Machina Guardian's swing strikes directly, multiple explosions sound, that blow slips away slightly, passing by Christina's side with a single haircut.

"Wow, that was dangerous..."

Christina flies back even bigger as she lands, looking sideways at Machina Guardian's legs, which are heavily punched against the floor.

On the side of the leg, there were countless new landing marks. Apparently, shelling from the walls and turrets forced the legs off track. It is precision to the point of horror.

and it was also during the bundle that appeased. The Machina Guardian goes for Christina. Swing it down to a shovel. And laser machine guns. All of which were even directed at Christina, ignoring the sisters, the 'army', and even Eisenfald.

"Why me all the time -!

Up, down, left, right, and Christina moving around desperately and turning herself away from them. Earlier light had been lost from the Holy Sword, either because it was dedicated to evasion, or because it had returned to normal at some point.

"Noh, it's Seoul Howl. What do you think of that one?

Machina Guardian, who stubbornly began to target Christina. Intensive attack in defiance of the greatest threat combined with the great firepower and endurance of Eisenfald. Have you had enough of a blow in the stealth team? Overall, however, the person who should still be most careful for the Machina Guardian should still be Eisenfaldo. As such, Mira has been directing attacks and adjusting hostile values (Hate).

But it came to the final phase, and it started to go crazy. unprecedented Machina Guardian behavior. Watching how it goes, Mira asks Seoul Haul.

"I just saw it, I guess it's caused by the sword of light. If you condense your mana so densely, you'll be on your guard."

Even naturally, Seoul Howl answers. Because, as you can see from afar, the sword of light you saw earlier was emitting an overwhelming force.

"I guess that's what happened."

I guess I sensed a huge concentration of mana. Mira had generally anticipated it, and her views were consistent. So Mira immediately told Seoul Howl and his sisters about the new operation she had come up with.

"I'm in awe."

Alfina and the other sisters follow Mira's instructions and take action quickly. And Eisenfald also started moving slowly.

"Because I can't - because I can't anymore -!

Cristina continues desperately to denounce the attack of the Machina Guardian. But at last, the margins were close, or because the Machina Guardian had learned the habit of avoidance, and there was no more room.

After an attack is imminent from a piece of paper to a point of slight plunder, an inevitable blow is finally fired no matter how it falls.

A piercing Machina Guardian blow. Christina flew behind her thoughts as she took it with her shield.

"Okay, it worked"

Cristina succeeded in taking great distances while mitigating the impact. At the same time, trying to block between the Machina Guardian and Christina, Eisenfaldo descended from the universe and the sisters and the 'army' blocked there.

Then I wonder, the aim of the Machina Guardian moves to Eisenfald again, and sights like the Monster Grand Final begin to unfold again. Continuing, the sisters resolutely attack as well.

"Come on, Mr. Christina. You can concentrate."

Behind the fierce battlefield, next to Christina, who retreated so far, was the figure of the silent Spirit Words Lambert. His cover-up of Christina lowered the hostile value (Hate) and removed him from the Machina Guardian's priority target. It's not as powerful as a complete cover-up, but if there were so many on the battlefield, it would have done enough to distract the signs. Adjusting Hostile Values (Hate) by Words Rambale. This is also one of the operations that Mira came up with on her journey.


Christina set up the Holy Sword and began to converge Mana there. At the same time, Words Lambail also completely covers up the flow of its mana.

Thus, in the corner of the battlefield, preparations for the overthrow of the Machina Guardian proceeded steadily.

The place is on the front line. With more than 90% damage, the Machina Guardian's attack was fierce. Relentless laser machine guns were sprinkled and, on the contrary, the use of the enchantrey was steadily increasing. Enchantrey, who is released after being disfigured by a big leg, etc. runs out of vicious words. It is not an exaggeration to say that half of the effort involved in the Machina Guardian battle is here.

In contrast, Eisenfald and the Alfinas challenge each other with a thorough anti-war setup. Because this is where we stand, and in fact, if the damage exceeds 90-50 minutes, the behavior becomes even worse, so we need to decide from here on out at once.

Kristina is getting ready for it now. Eisenfald is also keeping dragon braces warm so that they can be folded further.

Alfina and his team stand around, dispersed on all sides, with an emphasis on dodging. Eisenfald takes the Machina Guardian attack from the front and continues to recieve it again. The Ashes Knights said they were spreading heavily on the battlefield to disperse the aim of the Machina Guardian.

We will proceed with minimal damage to the war situation, but it is difficult to survive all the attacks of the Machina Guardian. Every attack has the power to destroy an Ash Knight with a single blow, with the same defense as Holly Knight. Steady, but the damage was accumulating.

'You can always!

Finally, Christina's signal arrived when the number of ash knights also broke three digits and Eisenfald's protective barrier was also less than 20% strong.

Mira takes it and communicates the final operation to the whole thing.

And the whole army turned to the offensive at once. The Alfinas carried out a powerful sword move just as they waited, and the ash knights rushed out simultaneously to wave the holy sword. And Eisenfaldo pulled a thousand slices of one of the Machina Guardian's legs, which had already been half-baked, with a luxurious blow. Where the Machina Guardian has thus collapsed, a simultaneous Seoul Howl fire lands.

A series of attacks that continue to flow. Right after that. Sounds like buzzers announcing an emergency echoed across the space, and unprecedented driving sounds began to sound from the entire body of the Machina Guardian.

The damage appears to have exceeded 90-50 minutes in an earlier total attack. More than this, the Machina Guardian deforms and enters the runaway mode. Before that, all armies, including Eisenfald, left the scene in unison.

But one shadow that moves forward in that. Yes, it's Christina. Hitherto lurking herself with the power of Words Lambert, she ran through to the Machina Guardian with a holy sword wrapped in light that was as long as ten metres long.

More powerful than at the beginning when the Machina Guardian judged it a threat, its holy sword condenses its mana, as it is pulled out of the sheath of silence, while freeing the atmosphere of no less power than Eisenfald's dragon braces.


The Machina Guardian is still in the middle of a deformation. Christina swung through the holy sword with the mood of tearing toward it.

Flash. The blow even slashed and tore the sound, smearing everything with light. Doom is a momentary event, I'm sure. The flash ceases instantly after a flash of light.

And all that remained was the wreckage of the Machina Guardian, amputated in two in the first place, and the figure of Christina, who lay the Holy Sword in her hand.

A long time, but also a battle with what could be considered the largest. Christina was puzzled by the fact that she had put an end to the battle with her own sword, yet convinced of her victory over the sight in front of her.

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