She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 232: 232 231 History of continuity and director

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Two hundred and thirty-one.

"Life is different."

After listening to the long story, Mira smiled small after just responding so briefly, "Sounds like fun and above all," she said.

Mira, who had been talking half way through, was able to figure out how the director started his detective business. Everyone has a history. Nevertheless, the important thing is whether you enjoy it now or not.

"It's been a long time since I found out about this delight, but I don't think I've wasted any of it."

The director, who said so, said that it was also the influence of his family that he liked pancakes and other sweet things, and began to fall in love again.

I'm sure you love me as much as you love me, the story of the family plugged in every time. When this happens, it gets longer again. and at that time,

"That's why the director's detective business is like a half hobby."

Yes, Julius brought up another topic. Then the director stopped talking about his love affair and said, "Well, will it? But I'm always serious about trying," he says, changing the words. A boulder should be called an assistant or he seems to know how to handle it well.

However, in the end, it didn't change what would be a long story. Still, it would be a few things rather than just keep being asked to fall in love.

What followed was about the usual detective business. As Julius said, the director is a detective to satisfy his awakened adventurous spirit, and he says he has a fairly wide range of requests to receive.

From basic things like missing pet searches, cheats, people searches, infiltration into large-scale criminal organizations and cult denominations, and from what seemed like a complete crime to an investigation into the hunting and murder of his own hair. Seemed to be quite active from what I heard.

Both that and this, says the director, live the experience he developed during his adventurous years. Even though I have only received solid and reliable requests, if it is also A-rank, it will be difficult for me to make any requests easily. The fact that there are certain things in such a request that can be accomplished is also quite significant.

Even though he hasn't had an adventure, he's still not Dada's ultimate background in the top A-ranks.

"But again, that's a lot of turbulence..."

There's enough to adventure. Mira puts the first thought into her mind and smiles bitterly at the intensity of the director's history.

Some of them no longer even had jobs like spies and undercover agents rather than detectives. But the fact that Julius does not deny this means that these are true. Instead, Julius was gazing at Mira with the look on her face just saying how she was doing as the director talked about her work so far. Apparently for Julius, I'm sick of the director's love story, but not about the long martial arts tradition.

"Well, for that matter, there are a lot of failures."

The director, who said so and laughed, said that's why all detective fees are received only for success rewards.

Detective business started with the aim of challenging things that I had never been able to do before. Therefore, there is no NG on the request to be received, and unless it is contrary to the law, it seems to be generally received.

However, because of this, there are many times when impotence passes and fails. In that case, they don't even receive all the expenses, like expenses or anything, and they cover them with their own stomach.

Is it fulfilling and making a living from it? I was a little worried about Mira, but when I touched on the matter, the director laughed off that there was no problem at all. Whatever it is, he said, the top of the A-rank is a dream world, and even after retiring, he still has enough of his Adventurer Age accumulation left. Even if the sum is somewhat extravagant, it is said that the current life can continue for the next two hundred years.

Understanding the true meaning that Julius said the director's detective business was half a hobby, Mira envied the director a little, saying that it was an ideal way to spend the rest of her life.

And the director, who sings such a great deal about the rest of his life, likes to talk, and that was troublesome, this was tough, and now he started talking about failures.

The fact that a pet that I thought I found a little further away from the city was actually just a child a little further from the wild group and was driven around by my parents. Even though she was having an affair with her husband, she sometimes fell in love with her wife.

But that's not the end of the failure talk. He said that the infiltration had been missed while infiltrating a certain smuggling organization. And because it was about to end, the director cleaned up all the people in the trafficking organization on the spot.

"At that time, I stepped on a simple dodge for a long time. The plan was to trigger the deal and drag out other connected organizations."

The director survived safely, but the infiltrated tissue was almost destroyed. Although some information was obtained by interrogating the survivors, the operation was suspended here because the matter was widely alerted to other connected groups.

Especially heterogeneous undercover requests among the director's detective business. The client is an international bureau of inquiry organized jointly by the Three Kingdoms and aimed at tightening the illegal drug trade.

The director was invited as an agent by such an organization, but when he refused to do so, he said that a request for this job had come.

"As a result, they've been very annoyed."

Though I seemed sorry, the director's expression was no longer a thing of the past. Nevertheless, if one organization was destroyed and some information was obtained, it would not be so bad. In fact, according to Julius' supplement, the Bureau of International Investigation, which asked the Director to do this, was grateful for his cooperation.

The Director's undercover investigation was probably one of several prepared operations. The next day after we failed, they were starting another operation.

"Ho... there was such an organization."

The intensity of the detective business the director has been doing is also surprising, but Mira was now intrigued by the Bureau of Investigation that had come up with the story, based on the current situation.

International Bureau of Investigation. According to the Director's story, it was an Interpol-like organization in the real world. And that's an organization that wasn't there at the time of the game, and as far as I can tell, it was founded more than twenty years ago.

Upon learning about it, Mira asked the director with further expectations. I was wondering if any of the agents sent by that organization to specialize in apprehending thieves Fuzzy Dice are captains.

"Their aim is a massive criminal organization. I've never targeted a single thief, I've never heard of him."

The director's reply was unfulfilled expectations, and Mira sighed, "You don't have that either..." An euthanasia-style detective unlike the image and a captain who disappeared into fantasy. Later, we only prayed that the thieves appeared to be thieves.

"and when I was getting all those jobs,"

It was also during the bundle that I thought I had a paragraph. The director still doesn't seem to talk enough, and opens his mouth just saying it's coming.

I don't care if they ask me any more about the Director's martial arts. Where Mira thought so,

"Whoa, Lord Mira, are you hungry already? If it's still coming in, why don't we order an extra one?"

That's what the director's been suggesting. Mira's heart is shaken violently as soon as possible. The plate placed in front of Mira was already empty, but Mira's belly was still empty enough.

Pancakes from this store that the director is a favorite. Fluffy and not an exaggeration when it comes to the unparalleled deliciousness, but it was a lack of volume for Mira anyway. This beautifully put together plate is so stylish that it would be particularly popular with women, but Mira didn't ask for that. Above all, it's the deliciousness and the satisfaction that lingers on the belly that makes Mira ideal.

"Oh, yeah? Yeah, well, I guess so. I'll see you around the corner."

For this pancake, two more plates are needed before that satisfaction can be satisfied. Yes, Mira's belly was complaining. Mira therefore received the menu table given to her by the director.

As such, Mira, who ordered the pancakes additionally, would be asked to continue the conversation while waiting, as the brilliant director thought.

The story is about the director now. It was a reason to go after the Thief Fuzzy Dice.

That was five years ago now. When Fuzzy Dice sent a notice to the seventh target. The vicious merchant targeted said he used his full financial power and hired many mercenaries, advanced adventurers, etc., to defend himself.

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And at that time, the fact that his name had just been sold as a namesake detective, coupled with the fact that if he failed, he would be unpaid, made a statement to the director as well against Fuzzy Dice personnel.

"By then, the name of the Thief Fuzzy Dice was also quite widespread. And the target's common denominator."

Thief Fuzzy Dice rumored to be a prostitute by the public. The primary reason for this is after those who have been targeted. Evidence of the evil that has been done has sprung up from nowhere one after another, with the result that everyone and he are all sent to prison or to the execution bench.

"I've also been through adventurers and detectives, and my eyes on people have been well nourished. I saw the client, and I picked him up right away. I'm not just scared of being targeted for personal property."

That's how the director decides to let his eyes shine sharply.

And just then, the pancakes I ordered were carried. He seemed to have ordered well, and Julius' share can be arranged on the table with Mira's pancakes.

"Take your time"

The clerk leaves after a gratuity. At the same time, the director decided, "I was sure that the rumor was true, and I was convinced at that time," and continued with his face.

A little interruption seems trivial. The director began to talk about the day of the teaser, as he had always done, as the two began to eat pancakes.

Fifty adventurers were supposed to be working together on Operation Fuzzy Dice Interception. They also had a few A-ranks. In addition, he said he was part of the "Alex Mercenary Corps", famous for dignitary protection and the escort of large merchants.

Especially a trusted mercenary regiment to protect and adventurers who can respond ad hoc to the situation. Mercenaries in the mansion. He said the wide outdoor range was in charge of adventurers and places where they could be placed without excess and the director could also fully demonstrate his abilities again. According to the director, this arrangement was a truly brilliant formation while being a bad merchant.

"Well, I guess it was around the Mercenary Corps staff that I actually instructed."

You remember that time. The director laughed with his nose, but "That was an event, no way," he added heavily to his voice just saying that it was the real deal from here on out.

Although all are in place, the Thief Fuzzy Dice can only issue a notice to discipline, and the notice time has never been different. For that reason, the adventurers were a little relaxed because the notice was only three hours away.

And at that time, meals were distributed to those under guard. While an easy-to-eat sandwich, the sandwiched ingredients were so extravagant that no single adventurer could speak of them, and they were all delighted with the wicked merchant's sheer reckoning.

But the director also predicted that the staff would have proposed this in anticipation of the adventurers who were losing their minds. In fact, the post-meal adventurers said they had plenty of energy.

"But I didn't expect that to go away"

The director, laughing all the time, spoke of what had happened then. I plugged in a little before the teaser time, and all of a sudden the adventurers fell one after the other.

What is happening. Have you been mysteriously attacked? Being completely unknown, the director apparently turned to the adventurer positioned in the vicinity as he hid himself and watched what was going on around him. And after examining the symptoms, they found that the adventurers were sleeping.

When, how. When he was thinking that, he said he found only one person to move. The man is someone the director also remembers.

"Cause it was that meal"

Only one person who was moving was the one who handed out the meal, saying it was from his client. Seeing that, the director said he noticed. That diet was mixed with a slow sleeping pill.

At this time, the director had not eaten the sandwich he had received. Something is suspicious. Because of that intuition, the director says.

But Mira didn't miss a bad toothpick when the director talked about the area. Instead, I guess the director is not good at lying, there was a verse that was clearly clouding the details on that point. I'm sure he just didn't accidentally mouth the meal for some reason.

I noticed that, Mira, but I didn't dare point it out because it was cumbersome, but I just kept working on the pancakes cheeks.

"That's how I confronted him with all the grandeur for avoiding the thief's ploy."

At last, the Director's narrative just gets hotter and hotter. I wonder if the customers in the surrounding seats are also listening to the director.

Whatever it is, it's about the thief we're talking about. Moreover, if it is to be the raw story of the parties, it can be taken for granted to pay attention.

With such attention, the Director's story proceeds towards a settlement.

"He said. It's a precaution not to eat that one. I said," Pancakes next time. "

The director must have noticed that he was getting noticed again, suddenly with a decision face. And the rest of the story also got really excited about the foot color.

The ploy of the Thief Fuzzy Dice has put all the adventurers, who are important forces of war, to sleep. And already at this time, the mercenaries in need of protection had been put to sleep again. The mercenaries said the foggy "White Mist of Paradise" had gone to every corner without scattering in the wind, or had easily fallen as a result, because it was a closed house called the Mansion.

Therefore, the Director was the last fortress.

"Already then, I was the only one standing. And that's what he told me. I've never been stuck in the front like this before."

Has Xing started riding, the director's tone gradually turns into a play? Guests who are waiting to swallow as if to respond to it. "Ask for one custard ocean," Mira said, perceiving the atmosphere, such as outside the mosquito net, while at the front, ordering a third pancake from the subtle clerk. It should be noted that it was Julius, a well-behaved man, but he still loved the Director's martial arts tradition, and was in a state of complete listening at this time.

"That was the unknown power of the first guy to relate. But I never dared, I challenged every move I had ever cultivated."

There has not been a single act of combat in the past in the offense of Fuzzy Dice until then. Because before it's a battle, you'll be put to sleep like adventurers and mercenaries at this time. In other words, for Fuzzy Dice, the Director became the first fighter in the process of committing the crime.

The director said a lot. He said it was a spectacular battle, where power and power, moves and moves, wisdom and wisdom collided violently. Unfortunately, however, it did not go one step further and I was defeated by Fuzzy Dice. Speaking that far, the director, loosening his strength and staring somewhere far away, said, "I am not after him to judge. It's just the will as a man," he mumbles.

(Nobody is able to do it properly, so I don't know how strong they are, or something like that. I should have said something...)

How far is the director's story true and how far is the footprint? Mira carries a third pancake into her mouth, grinning bitterly at the contradictions that have popped up in a grand way. And I smiled at the deliciousness that blew away the details and other things that didn't matter.

And while Mira was doing that, the reaction around her had also changed dramatically.

What the Director has been telling us so far has been the story of the activity of the Thief Fuzzy Dice, so to speak, from the parties. Because it is a famous Fuzzy Dice as a prostitute, popular support is still strong, and the mercenary regiments, adventurers, and directors that have come out of the director's story are also recognized as enemies in this case.

"Awesome, Mr. Director. I'll back you up."

"You're a man. Oh, that's what makes me a man."

"Oh well, that makes Fuzzy Dice..."

Well, what's the matter? Several people who were listening to the director began to support the director, who is the enemy of Fuzzy Dice. Besides, try to follow that word and be even more cheerful.

"Thank you. I'll do my best."

In response to the guests, the director looked away somewhere with his sad eyes as he gracefully mouthed the blended tea. Regardless of the inner surface, the outer appearance is really the same. The director seeps the colour of the sinister man there. On the way, I heard the yellow voices of the women.

What are you doing? Mira throws such a glance at the director as she chews the pancakes. Then the director returned one wink and said, "Pancakes here would be delicious, wouldn't they?," and let it blur. Give that look a peek at the colour that some sort of plot went well.

At first glance it seemed to be momentum on the spot, but it still seemed like I was thinking of something just as a detective. Mira slowly took her gaze off the director with some of the guests on her side, stopped thinking about the details and focused on flattening the rest of the pancakes.

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