She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 234: 234 233 Fuzzy Dice Activities

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Two hundred and thirty-three.

"Sometimes it's a long story of pursuing a thief, but do you have any other information? I'd rather be a safe house, a collaborator, and use the money I stole."

I just ordered a second soft cream and Mira threw the next question.

As for Fuzzy Dice's strength, it turned out to be considerable. The next thing I want to know is other information.

What Mira ultimately wants is the location of an orphanage where the Nine Sages Artesia may be. As long as I knew that, I could have rather cooperated with Fuzzy Dice.

safe houses, collaborators, and a stream of gold. If you find out any of it, you may also see a connection to the orphanage. Gold flows in particular are the most noteworthy part.

"Hmm, other information? Now, what would you like to..."

The director answered Mira's question pleasantly after only a few thoughts.

First, regarding Fuzzy Dice's safe house, the director told us that it seemed to be somewhere in the city, but that it could not be identified because it changed from one crime to another.

After a long time of research, the director thinks Fuzzy Dice is using the Inn as a base.

"I happened to ask the boy that he was staying up late. He saw a strange shadow entering the inn through the window."

Boy's testimony. That seems to be the only reason, but the time I witnessed it was shortly after I lost sight of Fuzzy Dice and said it was in the vicinity.

It should be noted that, after obtaining this testimony, he checked the room of the relevant inn, but found no trace of it as such. However, some information was obtained from the owner of the inn. On that day, I was staying in the room with a very mediocre adventurer youth.

"Ho, mediocre, huh?

Meaning to the adventurer, purposely mediocre. When I returned it, the director explained the situation at the time.

That is an important eyewitness testimony, which may loom over Fuzzy Dice's identity. Therefore, the director also tried to find out in detail the characteristics such as the appearance of the young person who was staying in the hotel and the outfit.

"Hair color, eye color, height. I asked the store owner everything I could think of, but all the details were vague and everything I remembered was average."

Information obtained by the Director from the store owner. That, he said, was just a statue of someone who seemed to be everywhere and didn't get to identify Fuzzy Dice.

Hair is corny brown, not long or short. As for the human face, there is no characteristic of this, so vague that it is difficult to recall. They also wore outfits, gear as adventurers, all of which are generic items sold at Adventurers General Union. A man who looks and tones and everything is average and can only be described as a mediocre adventurer anyway. That was Fuzzy Dice and a guest.

"That's how suspicious it gets."

The look of a man as if he had disguised himself as mediocre. That's why Mira wonders if the man was indeed Fuzzy Dice.

"Oh, I think so too"

The director also said he agrees, that being so mediocre, he'd rather not be able to do it without aiming.

"In the woods to hide the trees. A person would be less conspicuous to enter the city. And in this case, the profession of adventurer is very convenient."

says the director. If you're an adventurer who often travels from the city to the city, you'll never be suspicious if you visit the city fluttering. Especially if you're a man without character.

"My prediction is that Fuzzy Dice is already lurking in some inn in this city. As a mediocre adventurer."

Due to mediocrity, it is difficult for people to remember. And it's unnecessarily hard to connect because it features Fuzzy Dice masks and costumes. The offense is flashy, but Fuzzy Dice also seems to combine high latency skills.

"It would be easier if we could find it somehow."

Before the date of the crime foreshadowed by Fuzzy Dice, he identifies and captures the latent location. Mira muttered that it would be the fastest if she could do that. But it doesn't seem that easy.

"That's right. An adventurer is a man of intense city entry and exit, and it was impossible to identify and find someone who didn't even know his name."

Apparently, the director has tried several times to identify where Fuzzy Dice would be lurking. He concluded, however, that the results were scattered and impossible to identify.

In the past, the place where the Thief Fuzzy Dice appeared was all a big city and naturally that's all the adventurers came and went intensely. Even if limited to entry, it is difficult to identify all adventurers who move around freely, and it is also difficult to capture.

If you're an adventurer who enters the city and immediately faces the union, it's quick to confirm. However, because many of them do not, unions are not alone in figuring out how many adventurers there are in the city.

And most of all, the most difficult thing is the period of time that needs to be confirmed.

In addition to just intense entry and exit, it's unclear when and at what time Fuzzy Dice will infiltrate the city. If you are also sending a notice after you are ready, how much time do you need to go back and investigate? In some cases, it can then be assumed that they entered the site just before the date of the crime.

It is impossible to examine all of them between the date on which the notice was given and the date of the crime. The director, who explained that, laughed, "If Lord Mira had as many features, a day would be enough."

"That's why his safe house is somewhere in this city."

That's how the director summed up the answer to the first question, and the second soft cream I ordered was carried. Now they all taste separate.

"Now, the next thing I know about collaborators, I don't know what I've seen, heard, or noticed."

The director said so clearly and vividly no longer.

Always showing up alone, unable to grasp any lurking spots, and no appearance of contact with anyone. In the end, he doesn't even know if he's here.

"There were times when I thought I was among the fans of the thief, but it was all empty."

Fans of Thief Fuzzy Dice. Almost all of them, made up of women, appear in the city with a notice. The move, and the intelligence network, was part of an intelligence organization, and the director sometimes wondered if the fans were supporters of Fuzzy Dice.

But the more I looked into it, the more I found out that the group was just an avid fan. Instead, it was just a bunch of people with the idea that the perfect Fuzzy Dice would cooperate.

"People are so passionate about one thing, I'm even impressed."

I'm chasing him because I purely like him. Fans who admire and support just the actions, the lives, and the various strengths that make it happen. There are also various forms of things that I like, the director groans as impressed and mouths the soft cream.

"Well, then..."

Is that how those fans look in the Director's eyes? Mira just gave back a bitter laugh to the director's words that were different from the impression she had of herself.

"Well, after that, was it the use of gold"

To change it, the director, who spoke so, silenced himself with a thoughtful face. And after a while, he answered with some inclusions, "This is also officially unknown."

"I don't care what you say."

Officially, what does that mean? When Mira questioned him that way, the director returned that the situation was a little complicated.

"I heard rumors that you're donating anything to an orphanage. What about around there?

That's the fold of one day's railway trip, rumors I heard from an attendant woman named Teresa, a publicist at a clothing store called Magical Nights. And it's a possible connection to the orphanage we're looking for. If this is just a rumor and there is no such fact, then there is no point in going after Fuzzy Dice. But if it's true, the possibilities remain.

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First and foremost than bases, collaborators, etc., the part that Mira wants to be most clear about now was this authenticity.

"Did Lord Mira know too? I still can't stand a door in a man's mouth."

In response to Mira's words, the director smiled somewhere like he had noticed before letting him flaunt his shoulders. Based on that reaction, there seems to be no doubt that we know something.

"As far as I'm concerned, rumors are more convenient to the truth."

Mira puts a bite of soft cream on her cheek and then laughs. Then the director said, "If it's informal, let's talk about the results of my investigation".

If Mira answered correctly, the director also developed the illness he wanted to talk about and began to talk in real detail, including the investigation process.

According to that, the director also heard rumors that Fuzzy Dice was making a donation to the orphanage. And they thought something similar to Mira's. If that's true, I was wondering if we could find Fuzzy Dice if we followed that flow of gold.

The director speaks. Various means were used to gather information. Money, connections, and feet. They looked it up thoroughly from all sides and eventually gained one certainty.

"I had an instinct. Rumors are true."

The director, who said so by accident, speaks vividly of the process leading up to gaining that certainty. He said he found the change (...) he had made after following the rumors.

As for Mira, I've always just wanted to know the results, but I can understand some of the director's feelings, so I didn't have to say anything. The time and effort spent, and the glittering flickering everywhere. That's what a man wants to talk about.

That's why Mira gently ordered the third soft cream without disturbing the director. I'm just listening, all you can eat soft cream. That can be Mira's perception of the status quo.

"I struggled considerably, but it was worth going around almost everything"

That's how Mira enters the mountain yard when she was listening to the director while eating her third soft cream.

To sum up the story so far, here's what we've got:

First, the director said the orphanage, which existed throughout the continent, had been crudely washed out.

The orphanage under investigation by the Director covered a considerable number of places. That also includes small villages and so on, numbering over five hundred, although there is a condition that the General Union of Adventurers officially grasps it.

All of them, the director said, had thoroughly investigated whether there had been any donations from Fuzzy Dice.

And to some of those orphanages, he said, he felt uncomfortable.

"In a sip with the orphanage, the system, policies, etc. varied from place to place"

First, there are three main orphanages on this continent.

One is a church-affiliated orphanage, run by the church with donations. Although it is the most common type, the collection of donations often makes a significant difference in how it operates. And from time to time, it's a complicated orphanage where priests possessed by greed and so on come out.

The other is the jazz-style orphanage, where nobility invests and operates capital. The reasons for the nobility to invest vary from a good appeal with external impressions in mind to a philanthropist with no backdrop. Characteristics include that vocational education is often provided to children, and the majority of grown children become small users of aristocratic facilities.

And the last one is a private orphanage, run by individuals. The number is small compared to the other two species, and the condition is also often very different from the other two.

Among these types, the orphanage the director first laid eyes on was an orphanage that existed in the vicinity where Fuzzy Dice had appeared.

"It was kept very tightly, but somehow you could get a book of donations this way. I checked that and found out the surprising facts. Nearby orphanages had 50% more donations than usual."

Book of donations to orphanages. The director said rush, but that also includes those of church and aristocratic management. It's pretty good to get it, but the director looks like he's in trouble.

But Mira was aware. The director dares to pretend that it wasn't a big deal.

"No, I broke a bone inside that time."

It's just that that should do the same. The director had turned his eyes to Mira, expecting something from earlier. I just want you to ask me that. It's harder not to notice.

"What a wonderful hand to be under the control of a church or a nobleman."

Mira gives the director the words she would have asked for, as she does not begin to speak. Then he still seemed to want it, and the director, who just laughed here, "The connections I built in my adventurous days help me," he prefaced.

And it was when the martial arts of the past tried to start again.

"Ho, that's great. Isn't that all you found out from the books you won in that connection?

That's what Mira said and gently put the story back to the main point. It was just 50% more than usual. From the way things have been, that was the word for thinking I wouldn't pull this far on it alone, but apparently that was a big win. The director laughed with joy as he was interrupted from the martial arts tale.

"Exactly. But they never tried to admit it.... No, maybe they didn't admit it."

That the director further read it from the books. That was the fact that there were several orphanages with donations well over 50%. And the donation is more than fifty times as surprising, the director says.

"But first of all, as a common denominator in these orphanages, there was always the problem of operating funds being in deficit. The operators are cutting their money for the children."

Even a small donation makes a difference in the multiplier for donating an even amount. But even as a forehead, considerable sums had been donated to these orphanages. And they say that all those orphanages were small, poor church administrations in the province or were privately run.

says the director. The donation was at least enough to raise the kids for a year. Plus, the day the money was donated, it was all within a week of Fuzzy Dice's murder.

"I have ascertained directly with this eye all of its orphanages. And I heard the details."

Fuzzy Dice is based in an orphanage or has collaborators somewhere there. The director said he had carefully investigated those possibilities as well. And all I found out was the fact that Fuzzy Dice's shadow was nowhere.

There are no traces around the orphanage, nor inside. Furthermore, the children and caretakers living there could not feel anything hidden.

"I'm confident in the eyes that I see people. I can spot it if it's some acting. But including the kid, he didn't look like he was lying. If it was an act, I'd like to get everyone together and make it in a troupe."

After laughing so, the director went on to say that the large donations had all been delivered anonymously and directly to the orphanage. Besides, no one could find it, and it arrived at some point in the night.

It is the word of the orphanage administrator that when I woke up in the morning there was a suspicious box marked 'To the children'.

Because of that, the administrator didn't know who it was donating from, and it wasn't approved as Fuzzy Dice's work.

"From circumstantial evidence, there is no mistake in Fuzzy Dice. I reported it to an acquaintance in the church, but it was never acknowledged. But I support the church that decided so. If the donation was certified stolen, it would be confiscated from the orphanage by the state."

There is no definitive evidence. For those reasons, the church has acquiesced in a seemingly large donation from Fuzzy Dice. However, only part of the upper management, including people I know, will hold this circumstantial evidence, the director says.

"Just in case, please don't tell me what we talked about here. It's not a single rock, though."

He who holds the priesthood, but whose skin of greed has protruded, is also where he is. Even though the circumstantial evidence alone, what happens if this information gets into the ears of such people? It would be easy to imagine.

"Hmm, I got it. It's a secret."

Because it's stolen money, children's lives take precedence over others. Mira smiled and promised not to take this story out of her mouth because she was not a saint prince or anything else.

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