She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 244: 244 243 Exactly the reward

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Two hundred and forty-three.

After a brief introduction, Mira and the others were in the fitting room. All you need to do to choose your inner trousers is to make sure they are compatible with your current costume. That's why the three girls brought Mira here in a natural stream.

It should also be noted that the room was not the same as small personal items commonly found in clothing shops, but was like a spacious dressing room.

"Even so, I've been wondering since I first saw it, but this design doesn't look familiar to you."

"I don't see the producer's logo, but where is this product?

"Very well made."

The three magic girl-style costume lovers were considerable and the enthusiasm was tremendous. That's why Mira arrived in the dressing room, and when she was wrapped around her collar and skirted, she was in the middle of doing whatever she wanted.

Three people observe Mira's clothes carefully. Lena is the best sister and the girl dressed in a uniform-style costume. It seems curious, Marietta is the girl in the costume with the image of an animal. And Sarah is the Japanese-style costume girl who seems seemingly adult but boldly wraps Mira's skirt around.

"Well, this is something someone I know made for me."

Crowded by three fornicating but adorable girls. I didn't feel bad about the condition. Mira answered their voices honestly until she was.

"Wow, it's handmade!

"You're in the mood!


The completion of Mira's costume is so high that the boulder should be the work of the royal castle ladies, rather than beating the off-the-shelf. At first glance, the three of them find out more about Mira's whole body (costume) in a more exciting way.

And along the way, the coat that was woven with feathers was completely taken off, and Mira, who was made to look like just one piece, was made to do whatever she wanted from the three of them with even more momentum that seemed to take it off.

I'm sure the average woman would have made a stop, "Wait, more than that." But Mira was immovable. Never moving, and never turning against, but still accomplishing, embracing everything.

Mira's situation today is considerable from the side. Anyone should think that they would flip that far just checking their clothes. If you're going to make it that far, take it all off, so check on the person who took it off, and that's what you're supposed to say. But Mira didn't complain one by one and was exposing everything to the girls.

(I don't know what you're checking, but women's fashion is a hassle)

Mira, skirting on the collar and sleeves and being thoroughly looked at and just standing there saying nothing, had such a slight out-of-the-box feeling in mind.

I guess it's normal for a woman to do this with her clothes on in order to check their compatibility and combination. Yes, Mira was learning from her previous experience. The samurai involved in the costume relationship also, like the three of us now, no, no, no longer, as if they were greedy. This is how they checked the size and some detail.

Instead, the girls who pay even more attention to the costume are even a few times more serene than the tight eyes of those samurai.

As a result, Mira, who was unwillingly accustomed to the work of the samurai, came to the point of enlightenment that she could see as much as she liked with a warm and tolerant mind even in the present situation.

"Oh, could this be, Combat Cotton? And it's pretty good stuff, isn't it? Awesome! And this is a fine technique. I've never seen anything so beautiful."

In fact, Mira's costume was interwoven with various elements, even professionally.

First, Combat Cotton, developed for military use and later spread to adventurers. It is a specially processed cotton, highly tough, shock absorbing and breathable material. Treasured with magician robes, warrior armor, and protective equipment made from Combat Cotton were popular materials that proved to be a one-man adventurer.

Among other things, the superior Combat cotton used for high-ranking military officials is so luxurious that one digit rises. And on the coat Mira was weaving feathers, this Combat cotton was plentiful as a lining.

"When it's all this, it's a first-class piece of equipment. I feel the love of the people who made this for Mira!

Mira's costume is engineered to protect the wearer. Lena, at first glance at the ingenuity, seemed to feel the love the samurai put in from there. But it is how unreadable that love is until how crazy it is.

Nevertheless, things are certain. In the eyes of those involved in the battle, Mira's coat will be a reliable piece of protective equipment. Moreover, because it is a magic girl style coat, for magic girl enthusiasts, it was a delicacy that was particularly attractive, and in fact, on Lena's face, there was a common envy.

(I heard it cost a lot of money, but is it that much?)

Mira's costume production is for the samurai, but its production costs are mainly paid by Solomon and Luminaria. According to what I heard, it was a good amount of money, but Mira is impressed by how much it was spent on these parts.

From there, Lena gained momentum as she uttered other jargon words. Apparently, she says, Mira's costume contains plenty of magic girl enthusiasts' ideals.

In addition to the lining of combatted cotton using magic guidance engineering and the finely crafted ceremony to technically protect the wearer, various elements were brought together that Mira had never heard of.

(What a substitute for that...)

I knew that the samurai's calories were very high. But Mira thought it would be just a hobby range. On an extended line of hobbies that adults have earned without adulthood. And funny. Something that just got two investors on board. Excellent work, but the perception was that it was a hobby area.

But as far as Lena, who was extremely excited, said Mira's clothes were overwhelming in completion and had comparable performance to the finest Magical Knights products adjusted for combat.

Apparently, it's a market price, and it won't drop 10 million. Lena touches Mira's costume with a lucid glance. Then Marietta and Sarah also began to worship with a coveted face. One day, I hope we can go around all this costume, and...

Sometimes it seems that a hobby that has grown even reaches the line of duty.

At the same time Mira understood how much performance she had in her costume, she also learned its tremendous value. And back to the enthusiasm of two friends and the samurai.

As a matter of course, Mira receives outrageous questions about the producer from Lena and the others. I wonder how amazing a craftsman I am to know who can create all this stuff.

In response to that question, Mira merely replied that costume making was a hobby and a very head-headed group, and told him that it was more of a secret.

The prying is not good. The girls also seemed to be able to speak around the place, and it looked like they knew very well, but they swallowed it and never asked me more.

After this fits into Mira's costume performance, she returns to the initial diagnosis of costume design and inner pants. And in the middle of it, Lena noticed Mira's left arm.

"Ah, the fucker's bracelet! If so, I knew Mira was an advanced adventurer?

"Wow, that's awesome!


At the time they took off their coat, that should have looked round but I guess they were paying attention to all the costumes afterwards, the three of them shouting up as if they were excited at the same time. Looking at the bracelet that was on that arm, it looks like Mira finally realized she was an advanced adventurer.

Then the girls started staring at Mira with admiration and respect for what had happened.

Would there be a man who stood on its arrow and was not pleased? Mira leaks again and flicks, "What, just about A-rank," and makes her laugh well. And with insignificant manoeuvres, I caught my adventurer's badge.

"Really, it's A-rank!

"I've never seen you before"

"And a summoning magician..."

Speaking of A-ranks, they are advanced among the advanced. I don't care about Mira's obsession, and Lena and the others who confirmed her Adventurer ID are awesome. Then Mira also makes a great appeal that things are getting better and better, and from now on, the time of the Summoner will come.

And that's the time.

"I thought, of advanced adventurers, and also in A-rank, the fight would be fierce after all, so inner pants should be a must, right? What has Mira been up to?

Marietta said what she thought was a regression of origin. I'm sure there's a lot of fierce fighting going on. I wonder why A-rank adventurers are now searching for inner pants.

Apparently, Lena and Sarah are also concerned about it. Silence turns over and concentrates on Mira's answer.

At least if you just enjoy it as fashion, you definitely don't need inner pants. It was understandable to them even if it wasn't there yet. But if you are also an advanced adventurer, a fierce battle with demons is a must. Especially since the skirt length Mira is wearing now, it is inevitable that she will see underwear. I mean, it's natural to wear inner pants.

But I haven't worn it before, Mira says. For them, that was something they didn't understand as women.

"No, I don't know what to say... I've never cared before..."

If you answer poorly, you might be treated like a crazy woman. Such anxiety passed for a moment, but Mira still answered the facts honestly here and again. Because I thought the extent to which underwear could be seen was trivial, and I'm sure it will be.

"... I see. Sometimes that's the kind of man you beat."

"Was Mira that type?"


From a peeping look, the three daughters said so, laughing, as if they were somewhere stunned. They say that some adventurers of anything have completely broken those things off. For example, if you stay away from your people to get dressed and get attacked by demons, you don't have an ex or a child. It's just that they're still a completely inseparable group.

"Nevertheless, I've never met that type of person dressed like Mira as a girl."

Lena and the others' experience, and according to the encounter, the male winning type of female adventurer was mostly just a pragmatic outfit. Lena went on to say that there were no exceptionally well-dressed girls, especially like Mira, and no one was broken up.

"I heard that A-rank people have some characteristics, but it's true."

"Yeah, something special"

Marietta squeaks with a smug look as she stares about Mira and Sarah turns a respectful eye. Apparently, many of the A-ranks they know have a strong habit of something.

"Yeah, well, maybe..."

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After just a few thoughts, if you ask me, sure, Mira smiles bitterly as she looks back at the A-rank adventurer she once met. First off, Cyril, a former player. Heinrich, the samurai we met on the road to the Abandoned City of Heaven. Aaron, a warrior I met at the base of the Fifty Bells Federation. And Jack Grave and Eleonora aboard the airship when they settled with Chimera Clozen. More recently, Tride met in an ancient underground city.

Well, Mira thought the tride might have a high personality ratio, even though it was somewhere rude to say that it had so many characteristics… And I laugh in a complicated mood at what I've been added to it.

Nevertheless, Mira was at the same time relieved because the reactions of the three returned were more positive than she thought. Because I thought they might say things like, "It can't be a woman." Mira came here and again realized the success, and tolerance, of the women going the way of the adventurer.

But it also changed the color of the eyes of the three daughters in the next moment.

"The world's rarest, masculine magic girl-style A-rank adventurer's choice of inner pants, huh? Our responsibilities are serious. If that's the case, we have to make a good choice!

"Yes! This is an emergency mission level!

"Absolutely Dead"

For them, the presence of Mira was elevated from a beginner magic girl to a coveted A-rank adventurer. Besides, isn't that longing being brilliantly dressed in the magical girl-style costume that I sincerely love? That common denominator further amplifies Lena's envy.

And extremely, he was entrusted with the inner pants coordination of such a longing existence. At this time, Lena and the others were burning like never before.

I'm not ashamed because I'm not wearing pants, even if I can see it in the ordinary way. Wearing inner pants would generally be a countermeasure in that sense. But in the case of Mira, an advanced adventurer, that premise changes dramatically.

Advanced, but also A-ranked, it is natural to be able to move quite well with a magician, and its intensity also corresponds to the rank. Therefore, in the A-rank world, there is no such thing as a skirt.

That's why we have to choose based on the assumption that it doesn't look slight, but completely visible. Lena theorized so forcefully.

We need inner pants that can handle any situation and condition, do not compromise the appeal of costumes yet and now, and can be even more positive. The operational meeting of the three daughters, in which Mira, the person of the day, proceeded without any gap of opinion, was thus passed.

As a result, Mira was scrutinized with the hands of Lena and the others pushing to achieve perfection, further inside her body.

"Isn't this cute?"

"In shades, it's hard to throw this one away."

"Lingerie type, how's it going?

Three daughters arrange inner pants of various types and colors on the dressing room table to exchange opinions with that or this. And when you take one that this is it, let Mira wear it and see what it looks like from the multilateral. Protection from low angles and even the appearance from skirt rolls considering when exposed due to intense exercise.

Lena and the others had no compromise whatsoever in their work.

Whether this is what female adventurers are, or whether the common denominator of Magic Girl Freak builds bonds with them, Mira was friendly with her three daughters enough to look like each other in underwear over the past few decades.

I was in a good mood to get along with my young daughters, Mira. But it also mourns the present situation, which was in its extension line, and just looks softly into heaven.

(... I wonder why this happened...)

Mira begged three girls to teach her senior as a woman about the inner pants that would be her first challenge. As a result, Mira was made into a dressing doll for her inner pants only, after getting along and trying things out.

"Next time, why don't you try the adult cord"

"Nice. There were definitely a few new ones from last month. I'll get it."

"It didn't suit us. But Mira would."

The inner pants coordination of the three daughters will be further heated without the initial momentum waning. There is no denying a slight rumbling feeling, but their expression was serious in itself. That's why Mira couldn't say anything. You don't have to do that, it's easier, if not better.

But the time to say the word was no longer missed. Because the dressing that started with the selection of inner pants for Mira sometime developed into a situation similar to a fashion show. In addition to the clerk, if I noticed, I would peek into the dressing room just to visit another customer.

All inspired by the clerk who came to see how things were going: "Well, beautiful! It was a word." It wasn't a flattering tone, but a voice that just came out of the bottom of my heart called in the surrounding guests to see what it was.

And if you look at the person who caused the voice, whatever the contents, she is a beautiful girl of the world. It should be called a boulder, its appearance was still easy to attract attention, and it was also suitable as a model.

The inner pants Mira made me try on shine more beautifully than usual.

If I noticed it, I could even get Mira to try it on and use it as a reference to the flow of choosing products.

What kind of psychology was that? Is it in the same mood as the one you admire? Mira was now a representative model for the magic girl enthusiasts gathered here.

(I wonder how long it will last...)

Mira, who wears it off and wears it over and over again when she is taken off, was not left groomed like this, though confused as to what happened.

"You can disarm the reconnaissance trap and even nymph. I can reach the itch. We pride ourselves on being partners like that."

Mira summoned Kett-See beside her to tell her all about the convenience of summoning. The contents were of summoning technique, rather than of ket sea, but the reputation was very good.

They always have mascot characters like Kett-Sea in places like Magical Nights catalogs and presentations. Speaking of magic girls, small animal mascot characters. It's just advertised as being in perfect shape.

It should also be called impression manipulation, which is why, here in Magical Nights store, Team One, which may have enough mascot characters, was so notable that it lined up with Mira today. In other words, it attracts half of Mira's burden and, although it is still limited, it is able to appeal to the beauty of summoning.

There was also a ket sea effect, which greatly improved my image of a summoning magician. Mira smiled and put her foot through the inner pants offered, feeling particularly good that she had been able to appeal to the young people.

As a result, Mira was modeling for about two hours. Moreover, it started with inner pants, which, when noticed, spread to various costumes of Magical Nights, until at some point they were forced to try on the numerous costumes they had in store.

Also, rumors of a beautiful girl having a guerrilla fashion show at Magical Nights spread instantly, causing quite a few people to push over to the store.

Nevertheless, surprisingly, there were fewer men and more women among those who came together. Apparently, magic girl-style costumes build a solid position as fashion rather than cosplay in this world.

"Somehow, I feel very out of plan..."

Just an inner pant choice has developed to take care of itself. Mira, who had been specially given a break in the employee's lounge after time had passed like rage over that and this, stares at her three daughters with such a grunting, shitty smile.

"Well, look, if it's over, it's all good, right?

That's what Lena said and missed her gaze.

"I can't help it because Mira was too attractive, can I?

That's what Marietta said and missed her gaze.

"Two hundred thousand riffs in two hours. Save 100,000 an hour."

Sarah stared at the large paper bag placed next to Mira and then said so with a serious eye. And it was so beautiful, I went on to say that it was helpful to see all the different outfits, and I smile with a heartfelt joy.

"Not at all...... Then it was worth the effort."

When Mira was completely defeated by Sarah's uncontrolled smile and soothed her expression, she took the paper bag in her hand.

The paper bag was packed with various garments for under the skirt, including leggings, coats and tights. Moreover, all of them were carefully selected by the three daughters and the clerk, and were given to Mira by the store as a reward for this guerrilla fashion show. As Sarah put it, the total amount in the bag is about 200,000 riffs.

Apparently, Mira's publicity effect has knocked out sales to repaint history in the Magical Nights store. It is also a reward for its commemoration and for the future meaning.

(Well, let's say it's good)

Whatever it was, I got what I wanted for free. Moreover, it is a selection of products recommended by experts after several dressings. I'm sure all of them will suit me now. While thinking positively, Mira didn't care about the details.

Much more important, but accomplishing her purpose, Mira breaks up with her three daughters and pushes down Boulevard. At that time, a hint of black lace peeks through the hem of the skirt as Mira walks. That's one of the clothes I got as a reward. It's a brilliant lace flourishing spat hem.

Inner for concealing pants. A first glance of commemoration for Mira became this spat type.

The appearance remains the same, then the performance of the pant concealment is outstanding and no obstacle to movement, and the impression is really stylish when seen from the hem of the skirt. But most importantly, she was the spat type again for the first time of her three daughters, which is the result of being pushed off to align for the first time.

It was a short time, but it was much liked. Mira drops her gaze on a single flyer with that in mind.

That was given to me by Lena and the others who hope to see me again someday and somewhere, where it said 'The decision to host the Magical Nights Grand Exhibition of Costumes'. Apparently, there will be a festival for those who love magic girl style costumes.

I guess those three daughters are definitely going to go. And hoping for a reunion, I've given this flyer, which means expecting it.

(I'm not an enthusiast...)

I don't plan to go, but it's a little painful to betray the expectations of my three daughters. Mira has such feelings, I think.

(It was a short time ago, but I liked those girls too.)

Meeting people, connecting with people, favoring people sometimes seems out of proportion to time.

What would they look like if they met again at this exhibition? What would you look like if you didn't? When Mira took care of the flyer, she walked away with no heart or footsteps gently shaking her skirt.

For the record, as for the inner pants, all the samurai are moving into their production. But it hasn't crossed to Mira yet. The cause is the same as what Mira was worried about earlier.

Yes, it was the kind. And costume making was a unified bunch of samurai, but I had a broken opinion about this inner pants production. Besides, it's even the beginning and end of the appearance of a new force that even scrapped underwear and turned it into a one-piece type swimsuit instead.

The fighting is ongoing. Therefore, it is still likely that we will be ahead of time to be able to make inner pants for Mira made by the samurai.

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