She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 246: 246 245 Teaser Day

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Two hundred and forty-five.

Mira fell asleep after rushing around the city until she was tired to find out how to prepare. And finally, the day that Thief Fuzzy Dice heralds, Mira, awakened in full physical condition, begins to act just as quickly.

The time of the appointment with the Director is 6 p.m. It's ten hours from now.

Having finished his morning assignment faster than usual, Mira rolled out to the city to carry out the operation he had come up with yesterday.

"What is this..."

Out of the city, Mira raises her voice as if surprised, in front of the sight.

Until yesterday, the city of Haxthausen looked greatly buzzed by the fuzzy dies effect, with commemorative sales in many stores and fans walking wide. It is already like a festival.

That had become today and had developed into an even more outrageous buzz. Yes, the situation Mira was looking around in was nothing more than a rehearsal, so to speak.

Mira, out on the boulevard, goes on like a change from yesterday.

If you look at it, isn't all the stores there making the sale to welcome Fuzzy Dice? I also saw a lot of stalls and other places in the store. And most importantly, the number of fans. Wherever I looked, the more I was bound to see, the denser it was.

Everywhere, there is a mood to welcome the thieves.

"But again, it's a hell of an influence."

Mira looked at such a sight, I thought. A little, I was wondering if it might be an excessive way to cheer up.

This time, it was the city's leading chamber of commerce that was targeted by the thieves. If so, some stores will have some connection. There must be some stores that will be damaged by the fact that we can't make a deal with them.

From what I've seen, however, every store is a welcome mood. Was the Dores Chamber of Commerce not as influential as it was this time targeted?

Where he had such doubts, Mira found a face she saw among the people crossing the boulevard.

"Thanks for looking around."

It was the soldier chief and his men who spoke in front of Haxthausen's gate that Mira rushed over to speak to. In places where people gather and are very busy, naturally the incidence of problems is also often higher. The Soldier Chiefs seem to be patrolling to keep an eye on them.

"Oh, Spirit Queen. How's it going?"

The soldier chief who looked back, when he admitted Mira's appearance, broke his crisp expression and smiled frankly. Also, the soldiers that followed were laughing uniformly at the presence of Mira for healing.

"You're doing great inside."

Mira, who gave it back, continued, "By the way," and asked the soldier chief about the question he had just felt. Then the soldier chief answered, "Oh, that's..." with a slight bitter smile. Recently, I saw the influence of the Thief Fuzzy Dice.

Anything, it seems that the events of the last few years have led to this massive festival. Until then, some fans were gathered together, and there was no such thing as the whole city, as there is now.

That's why this is happening now, says the soldier chief, caused by a certain leading chamber of commerce that was once the target of the robbery.

One day, a notice was received by a certain Chamber of Commerce from Thief Fuzzy Dice. And it was still a chamber of commerce famous for its constant bad rumors.

And at that time, the Chamber of Commerce, which was in rivalry with it, made a huge sale welcoming the thieves as if they could stand up.

Naturally, the Chamber of Commerce, which was given a notice, has not shut up. He moved merchants and shops under his umbrella, protested against everything.

Ultimately, however, as we heard, the Chamber of Commerce targeted by Fuzzy Dice will be exposed to all previous evils and will disappear completely from the surface stage.

However, at this time, this was not the end of it. Now he was protesting against a big sale welcoming the thieves, merchants and shops, who began to rise to the top.

Because there were also rumors that those who responded to the voice of the evil chamber of commerce were in the same pit.

Eventually, the voice reached the king and the merchants and shops were specially investigated. Then the result was a lot of black, as rumored, and the people disappeared from the city.

As a result, it is a story that the Chamber of Commerce, which made the welcome sale, made its position in the city immovable.

In addition to such past events, Fuzzy Dice's fornication of targeting only villains has combined, and now he will be found guilty by the public at the time he is targeted.

As a result, they say nature and many stores have now begun selling in the city where Fuzzy Dice's notice arrived. as to claim that it has nothing to do with the targeted person.

"And that's what happened. Well, there's a lot more where you're simply welcome. As you can see, it will be a festival, so as a store, it's a sales opportunity."

The soldier chief who talked to me that far closed the explanation by adding at the end that he was having trouble saying, "It's just that now they suspect the relationship if you're not making a sale, it's been everything".

"I see... It's quite a troublesome problem."

Mira is surprised that the festive mood that spreads in front of her had such a secret, and laughs bitterly at the influence of the Thief Fuzzy Dice again.

Indeed, if you look at the previous crimes of the Thief Fuzzy Dice, all of them targeted are the black ones. Nevertheless, at least there was just a connection, and the righteous would be among them.

In the end, though, it is the bad guy who dyed his hands of evil and became a target. Then I'm only asking you to make a big sale, very limited. Because that's a better deal, and with a fucking grin.

After speaking the words of labor to the soldier chief who taught him so much, Mira walked around town, as initially planned, in preparation for tonight's production.

Hungry along the way, Mira stops by a restaurant on sale to order a special lunch set. It's a lunch set featuring big, fine meats, fluffy danish and potage, lots of salads, and another brilliant cake for dessert.

"You don't look like Fuzzy Dice!

Menu content that you won't see unless it's a luxury restaurant. Sale price of just a thousand riffs, while also excellent flavour. While I guessed it would definitely be a deficit, Mira replaced the cake and finished her lunch with great satisfaction.

Mira, who also restarted her preparations where her belly swelled, then proceeded smoothly to complete the planting, completing all of her appointments after 3 p.m.

Four hours till teaser time. You have three hours to make a promise to the director.

"Which... and try it"

Will the operation I put together yesterday with my thoughts work? Just in case, Mira decided to give it a try.

Mira's manoeuvre is to place observers all over the city. And the observers are the Valkyrie sisters and Ket Shy, the Koropokle sisters and Words Lambert, and Undine, Normead and Sylphide.

It should be noted that the three spirits who could not communicate information in words were to report through the interpreter of the Spirit King. 'Not to be missed tonight' is the word of the Spirit King and Martel.

By the way, the reason there is no salamander here is its appearance. Salamander mislooked at the little dragon, so he missed the input in this operation.

I didn't add ANRTINE again because someone... is a hassle to be found by a woman adventurer hungry for water.

"Hmm...... Maybe it's more effective than I thought."

Instead of Fuzzy Dice, the result of having Popotwise fly the city was quite something.

Popotwise flew to hide in the low altitude. It was a pop-wise that could fly without sound and discreetly, but the observers captured it brilliantly. Then, reports from various locations indicate the current location of Popotwise.

In other words, even if Fuzzy Dice's mobility is higher than Mira's, and the tracking of the instrument is shaken off, this visual observation allows us to know the exact location of Fuzzy Dice.

In particular, the observational eyes of Kett-See, who is good at foes, and Elezina, the second daughter of the Valkyrie sisters, who are bow famous, were overwhelming. Along the way, "Poppot, unbeatable," so much so that the runaway Poppot-wise became mean.

Popot-wise, which also uses even phantom magic, and Kett-See, who gazes, as well as Elezina's observational confrontation. It was already a confrontation so fierce that the phantom magic made it noisier all the time down there.

However, Mira penetrated an attitude that she didn't know existed about. And before there was any fuss, I sent Popotwise back to finish the preliminary exercise of the operation with nothing to eat face.

It should be noted that Mira thought that along the way, maybe Ket Sea and Elezina would have been enough, etc., but she didn't seem to mind that.

So I just finished confirming the observer's placement and its effect, and the time is just before six. It is almost time to make a promise to the Director.

Experiments showed that almost all of the city was within observation range. It is difficult, however, if you are fled outside the city. The neighborhood is a plain meadow, because there is a strong fear that they will soon be noticed as well as tailed.

"In times of need, your lords depend on you."

Mira, considering them, teamed up with Popotwise and Team One. Both animal types found it difficult to be noticed. In particular, Team One is good at being dispersed in the dark, and Popotwise can blend into the night sky by phantom magic and its quiet wings. In the field of nature, it can be considered the best tracker.

I'll take care of it!

"Poppot, good luck."

When such a reliable and adorable voice returns, Mira tells everyone, once again now, 'All right, then, do me a favor'. Immediately afterwards, when Alfina responds, other people continue to respond in a temper.

It's the voice of my trusty people. Mira smiled at it and headed to the rendezvous point with the director.

First, let's check the operation.

After the rendezvous, moving the place to the meeting room of the Union of Magicians, the director said so and spread the map of the city of Haxthausen on the table. And do a recap of tonight's operational outline.

The whole area of the city of Haxthausen is about three kilometers square. From the union of magicians to the target Dores Chamber of Commerce mansion is a kilometer and a little. And it is about three hundred meters from the mansion of the Dores Chamber of Commerce to the church, whose church lies between the mansion and the union of magicians.

Julius stands by the mansion to check on Fuzzy Dice trends. After Fuzzy Dice finishes his offense at the mansion, he makes contact where he's headed to church and the flow is to rush back to the union of magicians.

After contacting her, Mira was disputed by the female adventurers posing as Fuzzy Dice fans and waited in the building across the street. When Fuzzy Dice shows up on the Magician's Union beacon, use and mark "Lock-on M-Type". This is the point of this operation.

After being contacted, the Director waits within the Union of Magicians. And it will be the role of the thieves to break into the union and signal at the same time to seal off the union.

But this is just performance, so to speak. Fuzzy Dice will scratch and escape this blockade without difficulty, the director says. So, it's Mira's turn again. Fuzzy Dice is tracked using the marked Lock-on M-type.

And this is the outline of the operation set up by the Director.

"Okay, you don't seem to have a problem with the motion"

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After the reconfirmation of the operation, we also checked the instruments used this time. The results are good. The communication tools were able to interact with each other without any problems, and the "lock-on M-shape" used by Mira was also telling me exactly where Julius was.

"Well, you're going"

Upon completion of the preparations for the first street, Julius left first for the Dores Chamber of Commerce mansion in order to get to the holding area quickly.

Speaking of Mira and the director, slowly taste the cake they brought in before leaving the meeting room behind. And we're on our way down the hall.

"Oh, yeah. Let me give you this before I forget."

That's what the director said, offering Mira a suspicious design mask. Fuzzy Dice fans of everything wear these and thrive on the real thing. This time, it would be better to wear this because it would be an operation to get into such fans' minds.

"Hmm, okay"

Mask of making covering the area around the eye area. Mira, who received that from a design that seemed to be used in the Water Capital carnival, quickly wears it all.

"What do I look like, a Fuzzy Dice fan?

When Mira said that, the director stared at Mira just a little and then laughed, "Either way, you've got a stronger sense of queen," he said.

"Which queen..."

The queen in the mask. I'm sure that will come with a 'night's' on your head. Mira, though so frightened, tries to confirm herself now with a mirror placed in the corner of her foot.

"I, little devil wind"

Mira smiled unexpectedly at her suspicious cuteness in the mirror.

"More and more."

Mira, out of the union of magicians, shrugged unexpectedly looking around the boulevard at its front.

"Oh, the usual. There's still more."

The director also answered that while looking at the sight.

Where it has been established that the Thief Fuzzy Dice will appear. It's the Dores Chamber of Commerce mansion and church with the letter of notice, and the union of magicians. These are common sense among fans, and there will be a particularly large group of fans in those three places.

In addition, the director and Julius, rivals, were also popular with them.

"You're getting caught..."

"That's the same thing as always..."

Seeing, Julius, who should have left first, is surrounded by the fans. And there was some support. The beautiful young detective assistant who keeps challenging the difficulties seems attractive both as a rival and as a man.

It should be noted that eventually, when the director was also found, he also gathered Fuzzy Dice fans. They seem to be the type to be attracted to sinister adult men.

As a result, Mira was completely outside the mosquito net.

(If I were an old me... If I were an old me I'd be sure...)

The Dumbleffe era combines tannin, majesty, and strength. Mira was driven outside as something she wasn't, but she gave her thoughts back in time.

As Julius and the director were being thistled by Fuzzy Dice fans, the abandoned Mira had even come in front of a store that would be built earlier across from the union. This store is supposed to have a beacon loaned to target Fuzzy Dice.

"Oh, here I come, here I come"

There were already three female adventurers there who would cooperate with the operation now. Also, I introduced myself to them yesterday when I went through them. Nina is the swordsman and wears a sword in her armor. One wearing a robe is Mina the Mage and the other Nana the Necromancer.

"Is that it? Where's the director?

When Mira rendezvous, Nina says so.

"See you there."

Mira tried to point the place with her gaze as she answered the question. It's about inside the boulevard, crowd.

"Oh, well. The director's popular too."

Apparently, it's a well-known fact that Fuzzy Dice fans are also popular with directors. The woman, who said as she was convinced, laughed that she had to wait a while.

"By the way, I was upset when I met you yesterday... but you... uh, you... you? That's the Spirit Queen, right?

Well, somehow I made sure the other two hooked me up, and Mina in the robe asked me that. But the attitude was that it seemed to explore somewhere and I couldn't grasp the sense of distance. Though, maybe that doesn't help either. Obviously younger from the looks of Mira, but if the rumored High Spirit Queen herself, that ranks A. By contrast, they are all C. From the adventurer's girlfriend, the Spirit Queen becomes a superior being. It won't be hard to grasp.

"Uh, um. Right. That's what they call it."

Mira affirmed a bit well, looking like she was used to being confirmed that way already. Then the expression of the three lightened up as soon as possible.

"I knew you were! Zach from my group took care of me. Besides, take even such a precious thing. Thank you."

Nina suddenly said that and bowed her head. Then make sure it follows. The other two, too, continue to say thank you.

Well, what is it about? Mira tilted her neck slightly, but after a few thoughts, she somehow got to her senses. Speaking of giving someone something, he said it was about the man who gave him the Spirit Crystal two days ago.

"Ah, what if the lords were fellow men on that roof?

When Mira mouthed her thoughts, apparently that was the right thing to do. They nodded, "It's him," and again, with their words of gratitude, began to talk about how happy it was.

Anything. They're four sisters, and they have another sister, a year apart, besides the three of us here.

The sister, who turned ten, was duly tested six months ago because of her talent as a magician.

My sister said she had said it for a long time. He wants to be a saint and help his sisters, who are fine adventurers.

But what the examination found was the fact that propriety was only for summoners. When it comes to summoners, it is difficult to even stand in the mouth, and those whose talents have become only summoners are the most difficult types of procedures that most of them supposedly give up becoming adventurers. That was the public perception.

My sister also said she didn't leak into the example and was desperate and blocked by the consequences.

She told me with excitement that it was the Spirit Queen who appeared refreshed at that time.

An adventurer who was a summoner but an A-rank, so active that rumors of distant lands arrived. That seemed like a real hope to my sister.

Even summoners can do enough to become famous. I'm sure I can do something useful for my sisters. Yes, their sister said she was excited.

"Then I worked out my body and started studying summoning... The more I studied, the more I found the difficulty and the less material I had, and I was depressed again."

It was Nina who made me smile bitterly with her mouth so much, but so she shone her expression and continued, "That's when the real thing came," and stared straight at Mira.

If I thought I saw hope, it was so high that I couldn't reach it. Where I was so depressed, rumors broke out that Teng himself had come to the city, a factor that once aroused me.

And did not the Spirit Queen tell us much about the usefulness of the Spirit of the water, and also tell us in detail the way to the covenant?

Nina and the others rushed to secure the spiritual crystal that was needed for her sister. But it was already too late, less numerous than originally, and it quickly disappeared from the market.

That's how I was depressed, and now rumors broke out that the Spirit of Water was coming to the city.

For my sister's sake, Nina and the others explore the city. and Zach, a fellow member of the group in that, encounters the Spirit Queen herself. Besides, she was so happy that her sister had never seen it before because she had given up her spirit crystals from the person.

Besides, that doesn't end there. If you come to the urgent request received from the detective's director, what is it that you were hearing about the Spirit Queen?

"I don't know, something must be holding me back already, so I thought..."

After much talk, Nina, who uttered such words, turns a blind eye to Mina and Nana. Then, correct your posture and head to Mira.

"Um, what are you asking me to do this here... just a little bit. Why don't you tell your sister about the summons?

When Nina said so, the three bowed their heads together. Nina and the others decided last night to do this. Above all for my sister.

A ranked adventurer with a street name is comparable to a cloud person for low-ranking colleagues. If other adventurers were here, such as asking someone to do something like tutor, they might have laughed at something stupid. In some cases, he might have been pissed off not to bother A-rank adventurers.

Not so long ago, Nina's words were out of place. But Nina and the others, they knew that. But still, I couldn't help wishing for my sister.

"Yeah, I don't mind."

Mira responded instantly to the words of Nina and the others, who thought and worried and worried and decided to ask for it. Sometimes the feelings of the sisters who think of their sister have been strongly conveyed, but above all, if it comes to summoning, Mira is instant.

I teach my sister, who has fallen prey to summoning, the Iloha of summoning. It was normal if I tried Mira, and now I have another thought. It's the presence of Bruce. Besides Mira, Bruce is committed to spreading the summoning technique. With the presence of yet stranger but comforting comrades, Mira's motivation was more than usual.

"Ah...... thank you!

To Mira's reply, which was too early, Nina and the others were flabbergasted only for a moment, but quickly expressed their gratitude in awe. Mira, by contrast, nods back all the good.

(Little by little, but it sounds good to see that the wave of summoning is starting to come!

Once desperate for her future as a summoning magician, the girl began to take that path again by virtue of the activity of the Spirit Queen, and her missionary activities.

Being becomes someone's hope. And I can give hope. What we have done so far has borne definite fruit.

When Mira realized it, she laughed in a good mood, especially as she chewed up this response.

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