She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 283: 283 282 School Now

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Two hundred and eighty two.

The next morning. Mira, who woke up at 8: 00, had breakfast and then quickly began researching the summons.

Don't think about the next errand, just explore the subpoena. Studies and experiments have been carried out in between journeys. But it's been a long time since I've sat on my back and now Mira's head has one after the other that I've never been able to do before.

"This way, the distance between Consciousness and Tone is much better than it is now."

"Hmm...... To this point, the Spirit King's influence..."

"I see... So the system set a cap..."

"If I could do this here, I'd be better off than I am now."

"Well, there's more to the Spirit of Arms..."

"Oh, and these things..."

Mira will repeat various experiments as she summarizes a wide range of research. After identifying beneficial benefits in this way, the beneficial improvements will be considered.

Thoroughly pursue, forgetting time and striking even in. But there was a presence that gently brought Mira back to reality like that. Yes, Mariana and Luna. Don't overpack the roots. The words I said to Cleos last night were meant for me again, and Mira gets a good dinner seat at lunch and dinner time. Then you play with Luna after dinner, talk to Mariana about casual topics, and then head back to the lab.

And when Cleos arrives around eight o'clock, he begins his mentoring.

The partial summons of the Dark Knight is quite difficult. But boulders are only entrusted with sage proxies, and they don't end without anything. By the end of today's special training, we had clearly seen more possibilities than yesterday.

Thanks again tomorrow, Cleos going back to his room. Feeling comfortable with his excellence, Mira is bathing time. The bath to be taken with Mariana, it was already full of tranquillity and the healing of Luna went hand in hand, Mira enjoyed happiness.

When I get out of the bath, I enjoy another night meal substitute sweet, talk to Mariana, and when I get sleepy, I go into bed.

Those days went on for days. There is no substitute every day, and a similar amount of time passes. But there was no boredom whatsoever, and Mira was filled with the fullest feeling ever.

If there is a shape to happiness, it must be in the form of someone close to you. Mira realised so, staring at Mariana and Luna sleeping next door, smiling softly.

That day Mira had been coming to Alkite School with Cleos since morning. I once participated, because I heard there was going to be a technical review board.

(Since that day, it has changed a lot. Well, I'm not looking forward to what it looks like)

According to the story, unlike before it was all about looking good, it is now appreciated from a more operational point of view.

This time Mira, who is not a performer but a participant as an audience, was looking forward to seeing what technique would be shown, especially by the students of the subpoena department.

The jury will begin and representatives of each surgical department will present a number of techniques specially trained for this day. And here's one thing, there was a difference from when Mira joined. That's number of people. There were three representatives.

Creos says it's to give more good magicians a chance, as well as not narrow the diversity of the surgery.

The technique handled by delegates becomes a so-called one indicator. When it comes to this technique, many imitate it and the development of other techniques stalls. As a result, three people with different skills and directions were elected as delegates.

Indeed, it has become a much more meaningful jury than it was back then. Though from Mira to Mira on the boulder, its strength is still within the realm of students. However, the ingenuity and the uplifting attitude of trying to go further up was so feverish that it reminded Mira of her beginnings.

(I'll do my best not to lose, too)

Determined new burning Mira watching the student magicians act. Over the past week, I've been studying spreading it sideways, but should we really get into the transcendental summons?

And while I was thinking about it, the Summoning Representative's turn came.

"Oh, that girl..."

The first person to come out as a representative of the Summoning Department was a blonde, twin-tailed girl. The day I returned to the Alkaite kingdom, when I passed through the school grounds, I saw a girl.

After all, it's like we've met somewhere before. Mira, who felt the same way this time, asked her neighbor Cleos somewhat. I wonder who she is.

"Well, she's..."

Is it because they are Mira? It's the student's personal information. I don't care what it is. There's no bare hands, and Cleos told me more about the girl in the rep.

The girl's name is Emilia. He said he was the nobleman of Ozstein, the three women of the Flores family. And as I'm here as a delegate, they say he's only fourteen years old but one of the best in the subpoena department.

"Ho. A nobleman's maid? I see..."

So, Mira wonders in her heart if she looks petty at all. Obviously full of prejudice against the noble lady, but the fact is Emilia had put together the atmosphere that Nineteen Eight or Nine would feel that way.

However, according to Cleos' description that follows, it seems to be really serious and enthusiastic about studying, contrary to its apparent image. Besides, he said he hates crooked things.

"And above all, she told you before, she is the leader of a faction that brings together fans of Master Dumbleffe"

"Oh my God!"

Speaking of which, I remember the story then, Mira. That's the story of the young lady eating and hanging by other students of the department when she made fun of Dumblrf. Apparently it was Emilia who appeared in the story at that time.

It should also be with that evidence, or Emilia's summoning show, which began while we were talking about it, was the concurrent summons of the Dark Knight that Dumbleff was good at.

It is the extraordinary number of simultaneous summonses - a thousand bodies - that are indispensable elements in speaking of Dumblrf, as it is in the army's street name. She loves Dumblrf like that, she's even dawn on that special training.

"Ho ho. You haven't mastered the technique yet, have you? So you're both great at the same time. Hmm, hopefully in the future."

Previously, where did you get the assessment that you seemed to be being petty? It's like a parent watching my child on a class tour, Mira begins to affirm everything about Emilia.

But in fact, Emilia's technology was definitive. Not instantly, like Mira, but takes time to prepare. But if you can't do that, it's very different.

In summoning techniques, there is a maximum number of frames that can be summoned. And simultaneous summons isn't just about summoning multiple forces. The greatest advantage of this technology is that it holds multiple weapon spirits in one frame.

With as much strength as the students, three frames would be the limit no matter how many. In other words, once the three Dark Knights are individually aligned, they cannot be summoned any further. However, if the three bodies are summoned simultaneously, two more frames will be empty. That's how much more strategy there is.

There may be something she can tell you when she enters the simultaneous summons. Mira felt that way and wanted to do so, staring closely at the summoning technique that Emilia would perform, observing the flow of mana and how the procedure was assembled.

In that way, the Technical Review Board was terminated without delay. Examiners will gather to determine the evaluation of each surgical department. At that time, Mira was also allowed to be there again.

Grading results, the highest score was in the Department of Sacred Arts. The Summoning Department is sixth.

Emilia's simultaneous summons ended without so much appreciation. Although it is considerable in terms of technology, the failure to provide a point of how to make use of it is why it did not work.

To that, Mira was also convinced that she did. Given that the scoring criteria have become more operational, if simultaneous summonses are to be performed, it is important to even show how the strategy can be given width by the number of available summons frames.

Still, the Summoning Department came sixth because two other people in Emilia summoned griffons and redfoot ponies to show the diversity of riding as well as mobility.

Though still inferior, he escaped from the bottom of 10,000 years. It is also a gift of the efforts of Creos, Hinata the teacher, and the students.

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"But you'll regret it..."

Grading results and evaluation details are communicated individually from teachers to students. I'm sure Emilia will be hearing that fact by now.

Mira was thinking about Emilia's feelings on her way to the holding room with Cleos in order to labor the Summoning Department representatives. Must have made considerable efforts to master simultaneous summons. However, it was not reflected in this evaluation. Even though he came to the stage as a delegate, it turned out that way. I thought it would be rather regrettable.

"Idiot! My idiot! Just like Mr. Dumbleffe, I was floating because I was able to summon at the same time...! You can't do this! If I'm satisfied with this much, Master Dumblrf will laugh at me!

When I plugged it in front of the holding room, such a scream rang from across the door. From its content, it would definitely be Emilia's voice.

"That's not true. Your lord did!

As he opens the hall door, Mira, who said so, approaches Emilia with a grand foothold. All of a sudden, I don't know if it's going to open the women's hall door, but Mira wanted to tell Emilia the words so badly that she couldn't care less.

"Huh? Ah...! Are you...!

Emilia shook her shoulders frightened by a sudden voice, staring at Mira bewildered, with a look of surprise as she noticed something.

"I'm suddenly sorry, Mr. Emilia. Uh, this is Mira, Dumblrf's apprentice, whom she spoke to the other day."

"Oh... I knew it..."

Apparently Emilia also remembered seeing it on the school grounds last week. When Cleos introduced Mira after checking her condition softly, she revealed the colour of joy slightly, but next she gave me a bad look somewhere.

For the rest of my life, I guess I regret the results of this review. So intuitive Mira tells Emilia that it was a really great simultaneous summons.

"Yes, was it? Thank you."

Emilia thanked her happily, even though she was just a little confused. of the admired Dumblrf, his apprentice, but seems to have been somewhat comforting. The remorse that was on its face diminishes, and a slight amount of energy begins to float.

Still, however, there remained a strong confusion in that expression. And the reason for that was Mira.

"Um... eh. I'm sorry about that time!

Emilia suddenly bowed her head when she just said that she had made up her mind after being a little lost. In contrast, now it was Mira's turn to be confused.

(... when was that...?

There can't be anything like this because I was far away when I saw it at school. So when the hell are you talking about?

Mira, who has no particular idea, stares at Emilia, trying to remember somehow. Then the feeling of fumbling over the other day comes back to life.

Speaking of which, I think I've seen it somewhere. Emilia started to be a little shy because she stared too much, but Mira still doesn't care to think about it. However, the image does not become clear in the middle.

And that's where Emilia said potpourri. "On the Continental Railroad," he said.

"Ohh... Ohh! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You're the daughter who was with that sinister old gentleman!

With the tip Emilia gave, Mira finally remembered the time when she realized who she looked like.

Girl and old gentleman coming off the train in a home dedicated to premium seating at Silverside Station. At the time, the old gentleman had an eye for his ideal tannins, but the girl who caught his eye, when asked, did have several characteristics in common with Emilia.

The train came into the home from the Ozstein side. I mean, just then, it was different from Emilia heading to Alkite School.

"What a coincidence."

Mira reminds me of the time with emotion. Emilia, by contrast, softly rests, "So, the…" she glances at Mira.

"Hmm, I hope I remembered... did I ever get an apology or something?

I remember my first encounter. But in doing so, was it also an event that would be apologized for again now? Mira, who remembers it was only a short time ago, still didn't realize that.

Then Emilia says it, even though it seems spicy. I was mistaken for being seen then, and he said I was stuck.

Mira laughs it off when she finally gets to the point with that word. You don't have to worry about Emilia because this is something you don't immediately think you care about.

"Ah...... thank you"

Emilia rejoiced with relief at the words. For her admiration and respect for Dumblrf, her disciple, Mira, is also worthy of honor. But I behaved disrespectfully towards someone like that. Emilia, who had been sick of the matter since the day she saw it at school, was saved at this moment by Mira's... tolerant words.

"At the jury, I let you see the Lord's skill. That's quite a simultaneous summons."

A little off the record, but Mira did so and praised Emilia again. But that doesn't end there.

"Well, if I could tweak a few points, I'd be better off. See you there, Emilia. Do you have time for this?

Yes, Mira was willing to teach her the trick of simultaneous summons.

Special lessons by the disciples of Dumblrf. I don't even wish. I guess I was more than happy with that offer. When she heard it, Emilia instantly shone her expression. But the next moment, as I remembered something, I become a depressed face as a hack.

"Today... swordsmanship training..."

Apparently, I have business after this. To help Cleos take over the explanation, a guide working for the Royal Castle comes as a special lecturer once a week to train Dark Knight and Holy Knight swordsmanship.

Previously, he had made Creos' Dark Knight his swordsmanship teacher, but there were still limits. However, Creos says he can learn a lot from the recent arrival of a guide who entered the royal castle.

"Ho, that sounds interesting!

That means you're better than Creos' Dark Knight. Rather, Mira was interested in the training. He said maybe he could also hope to grow his own dark knights and holly knights.

Has there been any other factor in the protection of the Spirit King? Research over the past week has shown that the growth limits of the highly-headed Martial Arts Spirit itself have widened even further. Simply put, it's like an increased level cap.

This time it will be a good opportunity to see if we can master new swordsmanship.

"My instruction is to postpone."

Yes, I told Emilia. Mira turns to Cleos to take a look at that class. Above all, the pursuit of summons was a priority.

"Okay. We still have a little time, but should we head to the training ground?"

From the look on Mira's face, I guess she felt them. Cleos answers immediately and walks out. Emilia, by contrast, "postponed…", bewildered, but continued afterwards.

A special lesson by the disciple of Kasage. Emilia seemed to think that was her only chance. But there's no way Mira would treat a backward summoner like Emilia, especially a Dumbleffe fan.

Emilia's special lessons are already a matter of decision. But Emilia herself has no reason to know how Mira feels. Is it just a social ordinance thing or can I really believe it? He stared at Mira and Cleos, who were going ahead.

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