She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 324: 324 323 Mira vs Maylin

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Three hundred and twenty-three.

Mira came all the way to the Nirvana Empire to find Maylin, one of the Nine Wise Men. With its hard work and the help of Queen Alma, she finally succeeds in finding Maylin, who was in trouble at the house of the knight who became Henry Adams.

And the two of them were now starting the game as a matter of course at the Adams family training ground.

"Go, sir!

Right after Henry signaled the start. Maylin, turning away from her delightful expression, with a sharp glance aimed at her prey, disappeared all the while at the same time as the words.

Henry and his siblings open their eyes in front of that sight. Mira, by contrast, was beginning to defy the enemy immediately without any appearance of panic.

Not exactly what I expected.

Maylin seemed to have disappeared. That's one of the skills of a fairy magician, the shrinkage. Mira is also a highly used skill, so her characteristics are also grasped again.

The law of inertia of traveling at speeds that are not even visible to the eyes is also bright blue, which is why some shortcomings also existed.

One is that you can only move in a straight line, the other is that you can't stop suddenly. Therefore, once you know the moment you enter the shrinkage and where you will exit, it is possible to see an inevitable blow.

Based on Maylin's words, behavior, and personality, a special attack directly from the front by Shrinkage is the most likely first hand. Thus Mira alerted the front, but her ears did not miss a slight noise.

"There you go!

Rear left. The sound heard for Mira rang slightly more than it sounded in that direction. The sound is the coming out of the shrinkage and the coming in. Maylin handles it much more skillfully than Mira, so the sound of standing is extremely small and the connection to the next is vivid.

But that's why the sound also became a signal to gauge the timing.

Immediately reacting, Mira partially summoned the tower shield, trying to pinch it between the direction of the sound and herself.

After taking the back, it is further approached by the shrinkage. Meilin knew Mira would like to use such tactics again. Unlike images that can be read from the surface, her tactics range from kingdoms to praisers. The more one could analyze the opponent halfway through, the easier it would have been to get into this hand.

But Mira had even read through that option because she had known Maylin for a long time.

Tower shield interrupted between the two. That appeared there at the best timing that the collision was inevitable due to the "shrinkage" characteristic that it was only possible to go straight ahead and suddenly stop.

"Sweet sir!

This is the moment I thought I had a collision. What a shattered tower shield.

That was due to Maylin's blow. She went to the means of destroying the tower shield in order to avoid collisions with it. Sharp flying knee kick from fast travel by shrinkage. It had the power to easily crush tower shields that could prevent even a single blow from the Warcraft.

"Oh my...!

Immediately jumping back, Mira summons multiple dark knights for just placing souvenirs and surrounds Maylin. But all I could earn was a few moments. Maylin jumped as she did when she landed on one leg, kicking the dark night in the front. Turning herself with the recoil, she swung down the black sword with a single piece of paper, turning it on further and knocking down the remaining dark knight.

(Seems a lot stronger then...)

As far as I know, there are restrictions on attacks that can be connected from Shrinkage. One of those few is flying knee kicking, but it should also be the fruit of training, Maylin's. That was even more polished than it was in the game days. Not only power. It was more sophisticated until it was later derived.

Instead of getting the tower shield smashed in one blow, I didn't know Dark Knight would get a single armored sleeve. It was Mira who was so surprised, but she was no longer used to being surprised by Maylin. The response was also swift after that.

"How about this?

Before Maylin's spin stopped, earlier than she could get in shape, Mira hit her next hand.

Six ash knights took the place of crushed dark knights and once again surrounded Maylin. Maylin is more powerful than she once was, but Mira is not the same again.

"I've never seen this before!

Being similar and non-existent to Dark Knight or Holy Knight, with the same armored spirits. Maylin, who revealed her surprise at the appearance of a more sophisticated and bent knight, laughs at the same time. "Sounds interesting, sir," he said.

Maylin's movements, that's what keeps him running like running water, and then smoothly continuously. Shielded bash of ash knights rolled out almost simultaneously. It was a relentless siege attack since blocking the front, rear, left, and right escape, but Maylin had avoided it by flying it up.

"How about this!

It's a quick move as if it were a wildlife, but that's an escape we've got ready for you. Mira unleashes her immortal "practice shock" toward Maylin, who popped up on schedule. A bunch of manifold shockwaves strikes Maylin.

"Not yet, sir!

It was just after that. All the ash knights bounced upwards as the shock sounded loud. Moreover, the one of them has risen trying to interrupt on the ray axis connecting Maylin and Mira.

(Did you get the 'mastery' out here?)

It was a move that came from what was called "Maylin of Mastery" and so on. The move, named "Dream of the Handless", has the effect of extending the reach to the extent that it can be recognized.

What that means is that you can grab it with your hands even if you're away. In other words, Maylin is in a position to roll out zero-distance fairy art that is ineffective unless it is within reach.

The technique exercised by the technique is "A Grip of Fierce Impulse". It is a powerful fairy art that plays and destroys subjects by means of intense shock waves.

The ash knight was thus blown to the ceiling. And Mira's "Impact" ended up hitting that ash knight directly, sounding a mighty bursting sound, and just shivering the training ground in the aftermath.

An ash knight with a big hole in the ceiling falls to the floor making a ragged noise. And while in front of the sight, Mira realized that Maylin's appearance was not there already.

But Mira's ears do capture the sound. Bright "shrinkage" and the sound of it coming in.

"Not the front!

Descend to the floor with the downpouring ash knight, from the front without intermittent hair. Mira, distracted by such Maylin's movements, jumps out of it more reflectively than she thinks.

After the moment, Maylin's flying kick pierced where Mira was. It's an exact, unparalleled kick, which would have been a direct hit had it been slightly delayed.

"Again avoided, sir!

Maylin, who cuts the sky in a straight line, laughs happily. At the same time. He kicked and forcefully re-orbited the universe in "Wide Walk in the Sky" and approached Mira again.


Gapless change of direction and successive Maylin attacks. Mira managed to respond by twisting herself, but it was difficult to get ahead of her.

Masterful foot judgment has brought Maylin into melee. Mira knows a lot about melee, but in the first place, it's based on the martial arts taught by Maylin. It was no exaggeration to say that the difference between the mentors was still significant and that Mira had no chance of winning in the battle in proximity.

So how many times has it been raised is due to Holy Knight, which continues to summon inexhaustibly, and partial summons is significant.

"I don't care if you knock it down or not, yo"

Maylin, who just beat Holly Knight down, looked forward to coming out next. He seems to feel that way when he's a really worthy opponent.

Holly Knight works to disperse the aim in order to keep the distance apart. Even with that robust defense, it would be crushed in a few rounds, but it was significant to be able to avoid the state of staying close.

Mira also covers a slight gap by restraining it with a partial subpoena of disgrace.

It just doesn't last long either. You've grown accustomed to corrugated defense by Holly Knight and partial subpoenas, because Maylin's response speed has grown steadily.

"I didn't know you'd be stuck anymore."

He also exchanged battle axes, bows, etc. on long spears as a new partial summons, but the boulder is Maylin. shallow in the sun since their development, they had already ceased to work.

And finally, the biggest crisis comes to Mira. If you think Maylin's intense flying knee kick shattered Holly Knight, a further flying kick scaffolding the universe approached Mira through the partial summoning tower shield.

Mira barely dodges it with a mirage step. But you can't escape Maylin's capture. After a quick change of direction, Maylin's sharp fist burst into Mira.

The blow had enough power to prune Mira's consciousness. Maylin was even measuring such additions and subtractions when she was in a meeting with what match. So it had the power to just put Mira out of combat through that defense, even if he crossed his arms and prevented a direct hit.

"After all, it's a hell of a streak."

With an overwhelming hit rate, Maylin's double-strike. If it must have been a first look, the battle would have been decided here. But Mira knew the moves. And measures were available. That's why I dared to create a situation where Maylin would roll it out.

Mira tries to cross her arms to prevent that blow. But I didn't just prevent it.

It's a defense with a holly night frame wrapped around it just before. It was for this moment that Mira, inferior to Meilin in all abilities affecting melee, was thus conserving an armed summons to compensate for the disadvantage. To drive Maylin's intuitive, flawless adjustment of power crazy and create a slight opportunity.

Shivering and heavy, the kind of shock that resonates to the core of the body. Having taken it, Mira grabs Maylin's hand in an instant.

"Oh, my God, I could stand it, sir!?"

The look on Maylin's face. That was a mixture of emotions as if expecting something I had done before, but also including the surprise that I couldn't defeat it.

"Summoning can also be used in these ways!

Mira, who just shouted that this was a new possibility for summoning, threw Maylin as if she were going to swing the bat full with her arm grabbed.

If Mira had just thrown it away, it wouldn't have been that big of a deal. Currently, however, Mira is wearing a holly night frame.

This is not just a substitute for compensating for defense. It is a technique that also gives the wearer the same muscle strength as Holly Knight.

Thus Maylin, thrown by the full swing of its full body, drew a straight line and clashed against the wall with fierce momentum.

A fierce collision sounds, and the bulletin board that was on the wall is shattered and scattered. That was a clash that, from anyone's eyes, just seemed to be sorry. Henry and the others are breathtaking to see if they're okay.


"That was a surprise, yo!

The next thing I heard was a happy Maylin voice. It was as if landing on a wall springing both legs to cushion the impact of the clash.

"Well, well, well."

In contrast, Mira laughed that way without upsetting Maylin in front of her without any damage. Mira knew. That Maylin avoids the clash without suffering. To that extent, there's nothing we can do about it.

But the next moment, there was a surprise in Mira's face.

"I'm going to raise more, sir!

Because Maylin, so tempered, stood up without going down to the floor and walked out the wall. And he stood upside down on the ceiling. Henry and the others flaunt the sight as if they had ignored gravity.

"It's not something clever again."

Mira immediately remembered when she saw it. Sasori of Hidun, who was an elite member of the Fifty Bells League, said he used the same moves.

Sasori's birthplace that it is in the forest west of Grimdart. Traditional moves to be passed down inside Karasawa. Sasori said that if he was talented, he might teach others, but is it the same thing as Maylin's?

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"By the way, why don't you tell me how to do it?"

Mira, who was going to visit inside Karasawa sooner or later to be taught, asked me to do so just to try.

"I can't do that, yo. They say you can't teach someone, sir."

From that reply, I deduce that seems to be the same skill as a sasori, Mira. Should the boulder be called Meilin? Seems to have been recognized and taught that talent. It has a stunning ceiling.

"To the mayor of the village in Karasawa, right?

"Exactly, sir."

Maylin answers Mira's question with her chest up. Because it is still a traditional skill, or it seems neat around it.

The talent for mastering technology, but I'm sure we've been able to keep our promises. At first glance it seems deceitful Maylin, but what she promises is a serious personality that she keeps exactly. It was unlikely that Maylin would be able to teach me on this occasion.

But that's what Maylin keeps doing and saying. "But you can think about it if you can beat me, sir," it's already with a shitty face.

"Ho, don't forget that word."

Mira, who had been with me for a long time, did read Maylin's mind, who said she could think and so on, even though she had been stopped.

One is the request that you be more serious. And the other is the overwhelming confidence that you can't possibly lose.

However, Maylin's words contained a line of prevention in times of need, such as' you can think about it '. Thought about it, but no, that's a common pattern. It is indeed a cowardly hand.

However, this may be the result of Solomon's wisdom. Even the Nine Wise Men have never won all battles. Wins and loses vary.

As a result, after buying into the sales language, Maylin had told us something about the secret operation, so Solomon taught her. That's when you just have to say, "I'll think about it if I can win".

Anyway, Maylin honestly started using it, saying that if she could really fight it, that would be fine. And so it is now.

So Mira knew she'd be teased where she won here. Now, the reason I had a crush on that mouthpiece was simply because Mira also really wanted to experiment with new tactics again.

When the two stood, the shimmering tranquility spread.

What happens next? The children, who saw the earlier offense shown by Mira and Maylin, stare at them with such eyes as not to miss a moment. Henry was also excited in advance of an unexpected level of battle. So much so that I don't care about the breaking training ground......

It was Maylin who moved first. I thought I ran through the ceiling and disappeared by the Shrinkage.

The next move was made by Mira. I heard a slight noise and let him take Maylin's flying kick from behind with both arms.

and that was the same interaction as earlier. But beyond that, one stage rises. Shortly after receiving it, Maylin's appearance on the sword line scratched out again as her hollow arm shook down the black sword.

Besides, the next moment, Maylin's fist was punched into Mira's back. It was a heavy blow with definite power.


I can't turn around and flash behind my back without getting my hair done. But there's no Maylin there anymore. On the contrary, now Mira is struck by a blow from the side. Although I reacted quickly, Maylin is not there already.

(Again, it's not bad when this happens...)

There is no more winning battle than a melee against Maylin. In addition, it would be more difficult if it were indoors. Because Maylin, who scaffolds walls, ceilings, etc. and moves around in three dimensions, is no longer handy.

It was, for one thing, thanks to Holly Night Frame that I couldn't settle right away. The exterior created by the summoning technique has special performance that is not found in normal armor or the like.

That's a protective effect. A protective membrane granted to the subpoena at the time of summons is also given to the Holly Night Frame. This effect not only compensated for the defense, but also disabled a certain amount of damage.

This means that when an armed summons is alive, you can fight without worrying about injury or anything.

"That looks a lot tougher than I thought, sir"

Maylin, who kicked Mira hard, stares with an intriguing eye at Mira, who then rises up immediately. Looks like they're checking the performance of the Holly Night Frame. Since then, we have repeatedly attacked with complete blind spots and different powers.

"It's not my favorite these days. It's not a substitute for hurting a little."

If she was alive, she would have already been knocked out ten times, but Mira stood up and restarted with a bare face. Nevertheless, it was nearly impossible to catch Maylin flying around endlessly with his eyes, and his speed was increasing steadily, making it extremely difficult to judge by sound.

When I captured it with five senses, I was already on the verge of being struck by a blow. All Mira could do was prepare for where she would be struck by Biosensing.

Though sturdy, a few more rounds would smash the Holly Night frame. But Mira didn't just keep getting hit. Even though it's impossible to capture it with your eyes, Mira, who kept running her gaze to chase it, finally activates it ready.

"And one more thing. Let me see if I can add it to my favorites!

Mira laughed with a smile on her face just saying it was an experiment. Further enlarged from its perimeter, countless magic formations emerged simultaneously throughout the training room.

"Oh, I feel awesome mana yo!

Maylin looks more like looking forward to what comes out rather than being vigilant in front of them. By contrast, at the edge of the training room, Henry and the others are just stunned by the sight. At the end of the eye where those various emotions intersected, they appeared.

"This is the same as earlier, sir"

Maylin, staring closely, leans her neck slightly dissatisfied.

It was Holly Knight that stood side by side with dozens in the training room. Until recently, it's the usual Holly Night of Mira, no different than how many times Maylin has beaten me down.

If there were any differences, would that be the number? This time, the number was high enough to fill the training room.

"What, not now?"

Mira, with a deeper grin, finally got to the finish there. I mutated everything I summoned into Holly Road.

Holly load of defensive specialties to the extreme, with a shield like a wall in both hands. With that defense, it will be possible to withstand Maylin's attack.

And now that we've got all this number, there's traffic in the training room. Where walls and ceilings have been scaffolded, with so many obstacles, their speed will not be utilized. In other words, Maylin can no longer demonstrate the same mobility as before unless she manages to do something about Holly Road.

But Mira's plan didn't end there. He used the protection of the Spirit King, and applied the power of the Spirit of Light to it, to make the Holy Lord shine even then.

As a result, the training room overflowed with dazzling light that could not even open its eyes.

"This is too dazzling, Ne"

Maylin blocks her eyes in such a way as to be overwhelmed. To that voice Mira said, "Well, well!," he laughed, closing his eyes as well.

"Is this also a summoning technique? Interesting effect."

"Brother, I can't see a thing"

Henry and his siblings also closed their eyes in front of Holly Road, which glistened like the sun. The light is so intense that no one can keep their eyes open that it can be said that this is why they did not have to see the absurd use of the subpoena that continues.

"Well, how do we fight in this state"

It is impossible to check the target with both eyes. But Mira was able to locate Maylin in Biosensing. Nevertheless, that would be the same for Maylin, a fairy magician. You know where Mira is. But there was a decisive difference between the two of us.

Mira, the summoner, knows everything about Holly Road's placement, but in that Maylin hasn't been able to do it.

"This is trouble, sir."

Mira and Holly Road move around freely in the light. Confirming Maylin's move to get closer somehow, he passes by Holly Road. What's more, it's a huge shield that can be described as the murder weapon itself, and it's going for a subtle shield bash.

You perceive the sound and the signs, and Maylin called it a boulder with a single piece of paper. But neither does Mira end up like that. In dozens of holly roads, a few silenced types incorporated the power of silence.

After a few seconds, its intense shield bash burst, sounding dull.

"Mmm! What's that, I didn't realize that, sir!

Unlike Mira, who is usually paper-armed, Maylin's defense, which can be reinforced by training and even by immortality, seems to be less damaging than the blow of his blunt weapon.

(I thought I was going to strengthen it a lot... but I didn't know I was going to make up my mind about the counter. What a horrible martial arts daughter.)

Sturdy enough to beat the proximity class, Maylin. Mira knew better about it, which is why she set it up to be stronger, but the results were even more than expected.

By blocking your eyes and misleading your ears, you succeed in striking a painful blow into Maylin's opponent. But the next moment, the Holly Road was torn apart by a painful counterattack.

its speed of reaction and when it comes together. It seemed even more sophisticated than it had been at the time when I was familiar with the results of my martial arts training.

I knew it, but once again, Mira felt that winning over Maylin was no big deal, so she laughed at what kind of operation to try next.

"This is trouble yo"

Maylin, who is sealed in sight but precisely launches an attack by immortality on where Mira is. Mira, by contrast, moved Holly Road with caution that the rays would never open, always letting him take the attack with multiple bodies, not one.

I guess it's adjusting the addition and subtraction, Maylin's blow increasing in power with every repetition. It's about her. If you gave it all, even though it's Holly Road, you'd be kicked together. But I will not, for one thing, because this is Henry's home.

To defeat Holly Road, which boasts so much sturdiness, it was necessary to take a corresponding blow. If the hell it is, a blow like the earlier counterattack will suffice. But now, I always take it because of a few of them. When it comes to smashing this together, that's what you need to do to halve the mansion.

Meilin the boulder seems to be in trouble around here. We will not use any major moves, but will deal with them with a variety of applied moves. Nevertheless, I don't seem to care as much about destruction as I do. The training ground was slowly starting to get rough.

And after those attacks, this siege is finally coming to an end.

"Next, in this pattern!

Various tactics by Shining Holly Road. It was time to try another measure derived from it. Meilin's understanding of the additions and subtractions made a hole in the siege formation.

The blow that Maylin unleashed was enough to gently blow off the five Holly Lords. To that extent, though, the other Holly Roads in line took it and ended it.

But it didn't. The brilliantly targeted blow knocked Holly Road out of a large window that occupies one side of the training ground, didn't it?

"Oh my...!

Maylin was moving not to double line up. And they pulled it out perfectly where the protection was most diluted. Furthermore, you decided that it would be unfavourable indoors filled by the glowing Holly Road, and Mira jumped out into the garden herself with a moment of surprise as she tried to respond magnificently.

"Finally not dazzling, sir"

Maylin, who stabbed a quick stop at Holly Road, who rolled into the garden, turns to the light leaking training ground and makes a call just to come on.

"They got away with it. Well, I can't help it."

Succession battle by turning the battlefield into a garden. Tending out that the next indoor was an outdoor experiment, Mira jumped out to the garden quickly and just as quickly.

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