She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 335: 335 334 Rare goods

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Three hundred and thirty-four.

'Thank you! This is going to work out!

"Um, patience is important. Don't stick around!

An hour and a little after I started communicating. The correspondence class by Dr. Mira is over.

Note that the name of the woman who is a student is Stella. The name she named was her real name, not her code name.

Besides, Stella says she's a Hidun apprentice. Though dodgy, the strength seems to be quite good, and the "Circular Ring Series", which also serves as the gateway to advanced summonses, has also been contracted multiple times.

Having tried to solve such a stellar problem with Zubari, Mira managed to stop just before sending Yale the receiver at the end of the day... to put it down.

"I still have business to attend to!

"Oh, I was!

Apparently, Stella was satisfied with Mira's class and forgot the key part.

"Uh, Kohon."

She told him to change it and then said, 'What can I do for you!' I went on.

Well, let me ask you one thing.

That's right. Mira put the question in her mouth before the business, just in case. Its contents are whether there is a way to get a message to Kagra, or Tortoise, who would still be flying around.

'... yes, that would be fine!

Stella replied that she had no problem after a little thought. She said that she now has regular contact every three days, so she can tell her what to do at that time. And the last regular contact was just three days ago, so if you leave a message now, you can pass it on tonight.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Then give me a message."

Yeah, I can see it, it's all kinds of prepared cagras. Now, in a few days, we're going to be able to get some information from Yogue.

Nevertheless, this request is an important project involving 'Ila Muerte'. Alerted to eavesdropping and the like, Mira entrusted Stella with a message that Alma wanted her to come to Nirvana as soon as possible because she was looking for help.

After contacting the headquarters of the Fifty Bells Federation, we were able to safely leave a message.

After running errands, Mira had left the communications room and, as Klaus told her, was visiting the office, which was straight across the hall.

"─ That's why. Peeksuke, the peacock ceremonial god, should be here in a few days. Then you'll let me know. Maybe because I think he's in the royal castle. Give me a report and I'll pick you up."

The message to Kagra is that Alma wants you to come to Nirvana as soon as possible because he wants help, and that if you send Pea Aid to Ratnatraya Branch, we will pick him up. In terms of security, it is difficult to go directly to the Royal Castle, which is why it took such a form.

"Okay. But if that's the case, can I take you to the royal castle?

In a few days, a quail Peasuke will come to help Mira. Klaus, who understood that, at the same time accepting it, said so. Even if I didn't bother to pick you up at the branch, he said it would be quicker to take Peasuke to the royal castle.

"Oh, it would help if you did, okay?

Mira inquired into the offer, which I really appreciate, and Klaus replied bitterly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Rather, it's something that can barely be on the table because customers are scared. If it wasn't for these occasions, I'd just be doing clerical work here all the time."

Rather, Klaus looks happy when he can wave a major player and go outside.

"That's it... then let's ask for it"

For such roles as security and escort, its strength would have worked positively. But when it comes to customer service, all the disadvantages are noticeable. Mira accepted Klaus' offer with sympathy.

It's already past noon if you notice. More time had passed than I thought by the summoning course I had taken for Stella.

Having felt hungry after all that, Mira goes down the east boulevard wondering if she would like to eat something before returning to the royal castle.

"I'm going to look at this again!

Is it sometimes at lunch? Unlike East Gateway, which was somewhere idle, East Avenue was crowded with people.

After all, time coincided with a lot of customers looking for restaurants, and many street stalls and sellers were seen on the main street.

Mira takes a relaxing walk down such a boulevard and searches for a lunch that suits her current mood. And while I'm at it, I can hear busy people coming from here and there.

You said you saw a famous guild where it was good to be out there or who was going to win. Various topics have been exchanged, but the majority of them were related to fighting competitions.

Even though it's still in the preparation stage, it seems to be this uplifting. There will be more people if qualifying for the main martial arts competition also begins.

Because of this, it is no exaggeration that this tournament has already been a success.

(That's a hell of a festival. … but considering the aim behind this, it can also be called the real deal from here on out)

Operation in progress behind the martial arts competition. Alma taught me to work together again to lure the evil organization Ila Muerte and destroy it. One of those operations is going to be Mira's escort.

There are many other operations underway behind this festival. By the end of this martial arts tournament, there is no doubt that the world situation will have moved considerably.

(If I found Maylin, I would have come to enjoy watching the tournament, but what a busy world!)

This time it was almost to Nirvana for fun: 10% work, 90% tourism. But when he realized, he was asked to escort the witch and was involved in a battle to destroy an evil organization called 'Ila Muerte'.

(No... if, originally...)

Mira reminds me that she was requested in some way because she happened to be here, but that she was invited to be a commentator for the Martial Arts Games, if you think about it. Instead of being involved, I wonder if it had been incorporated from the beginning.

"Well, that's good."

I realize that possibility, but I am certain that the witch is now in a dangerous position. So Mira tried to scare him off with a reward once this was done, and smiled invincibly.

And that's when I was mindful of lunch. The carriage, which was proceeding at a relaxing speed along the boulevard, stopped inadvertently right next to Mira.

In the middle of such a round trip, what is it? Yes, right after Mira had her doubts.

"At a temporary travel dealership to celebrate the 'Restaurant Feliblanche' Martial Arts Games - Su! How about a little extravaganza and a great treat -!

What the hell kind of trick is that? When men and women descended more refreshed than carriages, the wagon part of the carriage opened wide. And when the two of them jumped out of there, they handily installed the columns and billboards, quickly completing the stall. It's a hell of an early start.

(Ho, speaking of "Restaurant Feliblanche," you look familiar)

A sign called 'Restaurant Feliblanche' shines brightly at the top of the stall where it can be done. Mira knew the name well. I was checking out the tourist information before I came to Nirvana. He said it was the best and most expensive luxury restaurant in Ratonatraya.

When I saw it, what was sold in that stall were two kinds of lunches. One looks like a lunch box full of seafood and one full of meat. Mira, who saw the sample placed in front of her, was attracted to a lunch box of meat at a glance.

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Nevertheless, it is a luxury restaurant. We'll still be staying over a month. At this stage, we can't afford to spend heavily. Yes, it was Mira who tightened the purse string, but I notice it shortly thereafter.

What a 3,000-life lunch box.

(What, bye...!?)

If you think of it as 3,000 riffs for a lunch meal, it feels expensive. But "Restaurant Feliblanche" is a luxury store where even the cheapest and smallest plates cost six thousand riffs. And as far as the samples were concerned, the lunch box contained plenty of dishes from such a store. I mean, it's priced like I suspect one zero is missing.

With that in his eyes, Mira doubted her own eyes if she saw it wrong instantly. But that wasn't a mistake. While Mira is stunned, she realizes that from next to next, a guest arrives at the "Restaurant Feliblanche" stall and buys lunch for three thousand riffs.

It's a guerrilla stall, yet an amazing attraction. Compared to other stalls, the price of three thousand riffs is quite high. But the customers will have the lunch box without any strays.

Even though I had just started selling for that reason, the lunches lined up had already cut the other half.

"Wow... Me too... Me too!

Mira, who was instantly swallowed and screwed by people's waves, managed to return to me here and came forward to lose.

"Phew... I bought it"

It was like a storm. Less than five minutes after the carriage stopped, the 'Restaurant Feliblanche' lunch box was sold out, and this was withdrawn as quickly as it came again.

Mira's hand, nestled on the boulevard where such a storm passed, has one handbag. Even as I was caught up in that vortex of commotion, I managed to get 'Restaurant Feliblanche' lunches. Besides, they're both.

"... No, why should I buy it?"

After an instant of festivities, in the midst of the boulevard, whose waves pulled back and restored tranquility, Mira tilted her neck.

I was still in the middle of thinking about what I was going to do for lunch. It was before I decided that this was it. Nonetheless, I buy two expensive lunches of three thousand riffs a piece if I realize it.

It wasn't just the waves of people that Mira swallowed. That's momentum and collective psychology.

It's expensive if you just look at the price, but a great lunch box if you look at the contents. Mira, who had seen it sell to fly in front of her and was close to selling out in an instant, followed there almost reflexively.

And when I realized it, I was put in the momentum around me, and I acted like I was buying two sets.

(So... no wonder and no regrets.)

Mira chuckles slightly as she stares at the lunch box in the bag. It's expensive to try there as a lunch box, but there's no mistake when it comes to breaking cheapness when viewed as the dish of 'Restaurant Feliblanche', because it's the best value for money lunch box.

If you think about it in terms of profit or loss, you overwhelmingly managed to make a better purchase. This time it was scattered in a way that was completely flushed around, but Mira seems satisfied that it was not a bad purchase.

There was also a reason, besides the price, for Mira to think so.

That's rarity. Temporary travel retailer for martial arts tournament memorials served by 'Restaurant Feliblanche'. As the salesman said, the stall ahead is a special stall for fighting competitions only.

In addition, Mira had heard several of the customers who had killed her greatly. Based on the contents, the temporary travel dealership will open as guerrilla somewhere in Ratnatraya as earlier.

Therefore, I couldn't buy it just because I had money, and it wasn't a substitute that if I waited again, I could handle it. Now if we met, we'd be lucky, if we could buy it, it would be a perception like a tournament event called Super Lucky, which is why it opened and it was that first kill early.

Now that those lunch disturbances have passed, it's still about a minute. On the boulevard, there was a glimpse of someone who must have rushed to hear about the emergence of a temporary travel dealership. I looked around and said, "Didn't you make it? -!" and those who mourn. So much so that the competition rate is high, which is why the scarcity also seems to increase from day to day.

(Well, let's just go home and have some fun!

Having made her lunch box an item box in front of such a sight, Mira springs them across the pegasus on her ass, freshening up and flying. Immersed in a bit of superiority.

"Welcome back! You're hungry!

It was the vague Alma words of the context that greeted Mira back in the royal castle's office.

"Mm-hmm? What, you're not eating?

The time is long past noon. No matter how busy the Queen's work may be, she will not be such a livestock subordinate as to take it up to mealtime. When I had that doubt, I got an unexpected answer.

"This is my first face-to-face meeting with Iris, so I prepared lunch with him in order to get a better rapport soon! When I got back, I was going to go to the IRIS room and get along with nature while I had a good lunch to keep and let them know that I was in danger! That's why I haven't eaten yet!

Alma said why with so much rage momentum. Apparently, she thought that the escort Mira and the witch Illis would be able to work things out quickly by dining together.

But Mira didn't come back after noon, and she couldn't even cancel the friendly operation she had prepared, and as a result Alma said she was waiting for her return as she punched into work to distract her hunger.

Also, that means that Iris is the same. I'm sure we'll be hungry by now, waiting for a new escort that's hard to come by, Alma says.

"If that's the case, not before we leave..."

Maybe I would have gone back a little faster if I'd listened to that. I can go back, I should. In retrospect of the summoning lecture, which began in the middle of correspondence, Mira tells him that she would have liked to have been taught in advance.

"'Cause I didn't think it would take this long."

Alma pointed her lips so that she could faithlessly turn to her side a lot. Use the communication device located in the branch of the Fifty Bells Federation to call Kagra. Speaking of which, it's easy, but I guess there were various checks and stuff. And Alma seems to think that's what caused Mira to slow down.

Momentarily, Mira's brain cells activate rapidly.

"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm still in touch with the top of the line. There's a lot going on."

As such, Mira tells the truth about what she didn't do. Ninety percent of the people who actually came back so late are summoning lectures. The matter itself was all told in about five minutes. So if I had cut it up immediately, I would have been home early another hour. And by now all three of them should have been satisfied with their stomachs and soothing.

"Well, then I can't help it.... So, how was it? Kagra, you want to come?

This time, Mira's connection is possible. That is why Alma does not speak any more about the causes of hunger, but asks about the consequences. I was wondering if you'd be interrogating Yogue.

"Um, looks fine. He said he would keep in touch every three days. I asked you to let me know in your regular contact tonight. We'll have movement as early as tomorrow."

If Kagra took it on, he'd send Peasuke over here right away. If you did that after contacting me, you would arrive in Ratnatraya by tomorrow.

Especially this time, it is a request from Alma. I'm sure Mira is quick to react, and she also talked about how she handled it when it did. Particularly bearing in mind that the branch manager of the Ratnatraya branch of the Fifty Bells Federation will bring Peasuke to the castle, and that the branch manager is very strong.

"So will you tell the gatekeepers and the guards? If a man named Klaus came to visit, he wouldn't be alarmed and would call me."

Confirmation is also carried out, and the receipt of Peasuke is carried out by himself. In the meantime, you will leave beside the witch, but there is Mira, the most powerful summoner on the continent. It means that you can always match your strength to continue your escort without him.

"Then when Pee-suke gets here, bring him straight here. I'll ask Kagra again then."

Alma seems to know all about it. Don't worry, go on with the words, mark the batin and the paperwork, and then say, "All right, over!" and stood up. And I said, "Thanks to you, I've made a lot of progress!" What a novel to say.

Looks like Mira cleared up most of the paperwork she had accumulated for her late return. Alma laughs soberly as she stretches wide.

But the next moment I let the belly bug sound, I shyly changed my expression and stared at Mira in the mood for eight hits.

Mira leaves the office first, trying to distract herself from nature, but then she just wants to hurry. And I think at the same time. I tried to keep the lunch I bought on my way home a secret.

At first, Mira was going to brag about getting something rare. But what would happen if they found out that they were buying a luxurious limited edition lunch box while waiting on an empty stomach? That was already more obvious than seeing fire.

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