She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 35: 35 34 Exchange conditions

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The launch, which also added Captain Ecalato Carillon while eating whatever meal he has been transported, ends mainly with a story about the ancient temple. Zeph said the alfina was so striking. Emera said the Spirit Sword in the corner could only be used once. Asbal said Mira lacked the common sense of an adventurer and had a great gap with her strength. Flicka needs to know Mira's cuteness stays. Mira is a little envious of Cyril's admiration from the way he talks so pleasantly. From time to time, you say, "Right?" or "You think so, don't you?" He asks for his consent, "he hammers." Although I only denied the words "Mira is mine" to the best of my ability.

Mira had occasionally wiped Tact's mouth and ordered additional drinks as she listened to the conversations of the delightful Emeras.

At the end of the conversation, in addition to the Demonic Stone, we will talk about how to distribute the material stripped from the demon. In conclusion, there is no way to arrange the traces of the demon supposedly annihilated by the boulder on the table in the dining room of a single inn, and the material distribution of the demon will be gathered later in a private room.

One man opens the door to spring light snow when he finishes a street-splitting task and starts turning quite a bit belly and swelling drunkenness. When Asbal was invited by the sound of Karan Cologne and a light bell to turn his gaze, there was a seen face there.

"Oh, isn't that Kirik? You're here just in time!

A young man called Kilik. He was one of the members of the Ecalato Carillon and wore lustrous black armor. The face looked faceless and emotions seemed hard to read, but the moment I turned to my voice and looked at Asbal and the others, I smiled only slightly. The difference can't be discerned without comparing the pictures side by side, but I can tell that Kirik seems in a good mood for a long relationship, Asbal.

"What is it, Mr. Asbal? What do you mean, just fine?

Kilik asks in a voice with no extra discouragement as he walks loosely to the same table.

"There was something in today's trophy that just seemed right for you, and when I got back, I was going to give it to you."

With that said, Asbal points Mira in sight. Kilik captured a magical girl in his sight as he turned to be guided by that gaze.


Kilik squeaks with a degree of voice that no one can hear. Mira, who was smiling and cheeky with a tart of dessert, rushed to fix it when she noticed her gaze staring at her, and this just zeroed one cough.

"Well, isn't it true that your Lord is the Dark Knight of the Emeras?

Mira, who had heard only one story, inferred from its content and Kirik's appearance and said so.

"Sure, I'm a dark knight... What do you mean, Mr. Asbal?

"You're not following me."

Rising Asbal receives the Great Sickle from Cyril when he taps Kilik's shoulder often, offering it before Kilik.

"Is this... Huh? I feel a lot of power, but what's wrong with this?"

Kilik opens his eyes to the black sickle protruding in front of him. I felt the edge of the fireworks that only the dark knight who lay in the darkness could feel.

"It's a loot for the lady there, but she asked me to give it to a guy who could use it because he wouldn't use it. In our guild, you're probably the only one who can handle this. In the meantime, hold it."

Asbal says, try to push him gooey and hand the sickle to Kilik. Kilik, who received it by accident, actually tried to hold the Great Sickle and immediately felt its overwhelming power and gross fury.

"What do you say, do you think you can use it?

When asked so, Kilik lowers only slightly and sets the Great Sickle with both hands. The enchantment mixes with the power of the Great Sickle, and Kilik feels familiar with it.

"This... feels pretty powerful, but I think maybe I can use it"

Mira leaks a small, admirable exhale as she is impressed, staring at Kilik, who answers so. Even Asbal controls substitutes to the extent that they have been manipulated with both hands, without even dust.

"What do you say, miss? Looks like he could use it. Besides, I guarantee his personality. He looks dark, but he's tough enough to donate to an orphanage."

"Uh... Mr. Asbal. How do you know!?

For a moment, Kilik panicked at Asbal's words as he was about to take off the Great Sickle. The donation to the orphanage was a sneak visit to return a little favor to the priest who had taken care of him, since he was out of the orphanage. But to Kilik's question,

"Mm-hmm, we all know that."

And Zeph smiled teasingly, and said, the faces of Ecalato Carillon, who were on the spot, nodded loudly, and turned his tender eyes to Kilik.

While Kirik blushes with a big face that was faceless, Mira is convinced that this person would have no problem.

"Fine. Did you say Kirik? Let's just say we keep it with the Lord. Use it to refine it and fill up with more kids."

"Good for you, Kirik. Admitted."

"Uh... I can tell when I try to hold it, but this is quite a substitute. Are you sure you want me to use it?

"Hmm. I hope it helps for the world and for people."

With a sickle in his hand that was clearly out of character from the weapon he had been using, Kilik asked Mira from the front, feeling confused, and the girl replied so with her straight eyes. In the wake of those eyes, Kirik corrects his posture.

"Thank you. I promise you I will never do anything unintentional."

Taking Mira's thoughts seriously, Kirik takes a gesture of gratitude to a girl who is clearly younger than herself. The surrounding guests quickly return to their original conversation, even if they glance at Kirik for a moment at the way it is. In contrast, Emera and the others were smiling that this kind of place looked like a kirik.

"Ugh... um. How are you doing?

Facing Kilik's such serious demeanor, Mira cheeked the tart to mislead embarrassment by returning an ambiguous reply.

"That and I don't feel comfortable with you still getting such good stuff. Will you let me give you something in return?

Kilik asks Mira, who seemed to value the Great Sickle in the item box.

"Even if I say give back..."

I just gave you Mira because I don't need her, and I'm confused that much. However, he was unwilling to back off to Kirik and was determined to burn in his eyes. It's very different from the look on his face when he came back to the inn.

"Right. I, too, would like to thank you for something as head of the guild. I'm sure you can expect a considerable increase in your power in this case."


Mira further clogs her words with an ambush named Cyril, Captain of the Ecalato Carillon, who suddenly raises her name. Even if I try to be a Cyril, I can't just benefit from this and stay put. The Emeras all agree that this is the place, and their gaze is poured on Mira.

Mira understands from a strong willed gaze that she can't even make a mockery of it. Then I think about whether there was anything, and I remember something just right in my memory a while ago.

"If that's all you have to say, why don't you ask me?"

"Yes, I'll take care of it"

Cyril nods without asking Mira what she said so. Mira takes a piece of paper out of the seal, grinning bitterly for me to listen to her first.

"I'm going to tell you now, I want you to find out if there's been any incident or incident in the next few days, including the year and the month. How can you do that?

"Are you collecting information? We also have members who are good at intelligence, so I don't think it's a problem. Say it."

When Cyril answers that, he always prepares to be able to write down any poetry he comes up with, take the pen and note paper out of his nostalgia and wait for Mira's words.

"September 20, 2117.

June 18, 2132.

January 14, 2138.

That's it. I don't care about any minor matters. I want you to let me know if anything happens. "

A little when Mira finishes, Cyril's hand, which was running the pen, also stops, repeating the date written there to check with Mira. When Mira answered no doubt, Cyril returned the pen and notes to her nostalgia.

"Let us leave it to the fingerfolders among the agents of Ecalato Carillon. And I don't know what that means on this date, but I swear I will never divulge the information I get."

"Well, that would help."

I don't think it's going to be easy to understand, but it's about the most important person in the kingdom of Al Qaeda, the Nine Wise Men. I don't think it's anything like asking a guild of adventurers, but this could be a better camouflage than a bad national intelligence agent moving around. Mira thought so.

Negotiations were also over on the street, and as he was making a mockery of the unreserved topic, the store's pillar clock rang the bell announcing eight o'clock at night. The first time Mira puts her face up against that sound she hears and circles her gaze, she confirms the current time with that flow.

"Has it already been such a long time? Tact, it's pretty late, but you told your grandfather what time you'd be home.

Since Tact left his parents, he said he was being looked after at his grandfather's house. When Mira asks about it, there is something wrong with Tact. I should have enjoyed it until just now, but now the bats are wandering their gaze badly.

"What, did you come out without saying anything?

Continuing Mira asks, Tact startles his body and then turns his gaze towards Mira. It's obvious from the way things are that I didn't say anything to my grandfather. And in fact, the problem is, a kid like Tact is going to a Rank C dungeon with an adventurer. I can't believe that there's a parent to forgive. Mira stares into Tact's eyes as she zeroes her sigh as she fingers the tip of her jaw. Tact felt bad about it, too, and stuck his shoulders.

"When they heard my parents were dead, it was Tact who was sad, not just your lord. Your grandfather must have been equally or more grieved."


"In that case, what do you do with concern to the Lord? Does the Lord want to grieve his grandfather?

A tact that shakes his neck left and right without words.

"Right. When you go out, tell them where you're going before you leave. I promise."

Saying so, Mira smiles gently over the head of her depressed tact.


Tact chops and snorts the words into his chest. "Not a good boy," Mira embraced, Tact hallucinating his mother, who was buried in far distant memories in its warmth.

"Mira in sister mode........................"

"Let's read the air."

Emera controls Flicka, who has a rough nose and a thermal gaze at both of them, with a familiar hand.

"It's not Flicka, but Mira's a grown-up sometimes."

"Oh, my God, Loricon. Is that an excuse for yourself?

"Um? I'm still pulling that crap -!?

When Zeph says in vain, clean eyes, Asbal even brings up a new title. To Zeph, who holds his head all the time saying it's dishonorable,

"I'd like to hear more about that."

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"Mr. Zeph, didn't you like breasts?

Yes, Cyril and Kilik made the chase. Expose yourself to subtle sexuality. As a result, within a few days, Zeph's embarrassing title will become known to all Ecalato Carillons.

"So I'll just send Tact home like this."

Mira stands up with Tact when she says so. But I waited right away and my voice hung up.

"My lady. I haven't finished distributing the other kind of material, but what do we do?"

Mira remembers that the Devil's material is still there. Nevertheless, I wish I could say that I don't need it because it is a material that I don't even need so much, but I keep my eyes open that other faces don't.

"Well, I guess I'll come back after I send the tact."

"Then I'll send it to you"

Shortly after Mira says so, Cyril, who was listening to her about the distribution of demonic material, takes a seat and tells her that she will send tact instead.

"No, but no."

Speaking of that very beginning, it's because I promised I'd take him, and I can't let Cyril, who has nothing to do with this story, go through the trouble. When Mira tries to say no like that, Kilik also stands up.

"I'm coming with you. I don't think I can repay you any favors to this extent, but let me help you. And the two of us, the captain and I, will be safe and secure."

Indeed, to Mira, who thinks the safety of tact will be guaranteed but reluctantly,

"If Mira sends you away, don't think you'll be coached by mistake again"

Yes, Mira, reminded of her memories by Emera's teasing voice, admitted as she drowned.

"Sister Mira, sister Emera, Uncle Asbal, sister Flicka, and brother Zeph. Thank you. There's nothing I can do right now, but I'll pay you back someday."

As Tact rises, he stretches his spine and lowers his head deeply. Never forget, starting today with this day, Tact decides that he wants to be a fine adventurer like the ones he sees now.

Tact, who raised his head from a long thank you, had an adult look once because of his determination with gratitude.

"See you later. Mr. Tact."

"If you're going to be an adventurer, I'll tell you what I know next time."

"If you choose a magician, maybe you can teach me something, too. Come and ask me anytime."


Emera and the others wanted to stop by and stroke Tact's head. That brings Tact back to the face of the original boy in an instant with a year-to-year smile.

"Well, what... Tell your grandfather your parents are alive, too. I'm sure you'll be happy. It also showed the Lord the way of the three magicians. It's not what I say, but it's a corner talent. If you want to go for one, you should visit the tower. You're welcome. But don't forget to discuss it with my grandfather."

Finally, when Mira said so and stroked her head, Tact said with the best smile ever, "Yes! Answer." For Tact, it's all thanks to this one girl. Mira asks why or denies or responds instantly, and Emera, worried about it, brings her people, and at some point she's surrounded by such lovely people. In sincere gratitude for the luckily bonded edge, Tact followed the occasion.

Breaking up with Mira, Tact asks two of the famous guild's Ecalato Carillon commanders and members to escort him home with a large souvenir in his chest under the light of those who illuminate the darkness of the night.

Behind Cyril and Kilik as they finished explaining to Tact's grandfather and returned to Spring Pale Snow, there was a roar of thunder falling.

"Mira! Tact, please welcome me as well as you!

Shortly after Tact returns, Flicka overhears Mira's incredible words. That's the word, if you visit the tower, you're welcome.

Nine towers, the largest institute of art and research in the continent as well as in the Kingdom of Alkite. Some foil is not enough to get in there.

A place to be laughed at with your nose to the extent of a first-rate adventurer. Over the top notch dawns in day and night research, a nest of freaks. That's the silver tower.

Mira's position will be evident from the battle with the devil, who is the disciple of Dumbluff, the highest ranking there, and who is fulfilling the conditions for entering the tower. Flicka can't tell, but Mira, who said she would be welcome, can see that she already has quite an influence on the tower. And of course, the silver tower is an admiration for Flicka, the magician, and a sacred place.

"Mira, you can at least take a look at it a little, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh!

Unlike the passion-stained eyes that Flicka has ever directed at Mira, her eyes now hold her curiosity and envy as a magician.

"What the hell, okay, so why don't you let go!

Up until now, Flicka was like a beast jumping for prey. But now I'm tempted not to miss it, like after I catch my prey. Mira accidentally admits that she feels an obsession stain that has not been touched by her hand but is still unlikely to escape.

"Mira, I love it!

Flicka, whose emotions daunted with Mira's permission, eventually jumps and is intercepted by Emera, who had already assumed it. And this matter eventually settled down with Tact.

After a paragraph, Mira and the others gather in Zeph's room in the back of the second floor of Spring Light Snow.

"Now, the continuous material dispensing turim"

From the item section, Zeph selects the material of the demon he can push in from one end and pulls it out unconstructively on the table. Two twisted corners, eight glowing nails, a lacquered black epidermis, and two wings. All of them show signs of disastrousness, and Emera feels slightly pulled off that it is also a curse. But I understood that Flicka was worried because she didn't say anything because she knew such things.

"But when I look at it again... I don't know, it's amazing"

"Right. The magic that resides in these nails alone is considerable. It looks like it has a flame because of the direction of power, so if you create a surgical arm, you'll be able to do something quite powerful."

Asbal stares at the demonic material in a sigh mix. Flicka says with one of her nails in her hand and her eyes gazed. And the earliest possible reaction to that Flicka word was Emera, who was watching over the far-roll.

"Magic Sword of Fire...... Huh!

With more obsession than is necessary for swords, Emera blows away emotions and so far on the other side, shining her eyes on the fingernails of the demons scattered on the table.

"Well, I'm going to distribute these first... Mira, are you sure you want this too? This isn't what we're doing for nothing."

"Ugh... you're right"

Question that you no longer know how many times. Emera, who was rising, is drawn back to reality in Zeph's words. The demons were not the kind of opponents they could win. On the contrary, without Mira, we would now be cold wrecks and buried in an unknown catacombs.

"It sucks. If you care, remember what I asked you to do. Even if it's trivial, I want information now. I have nothing better to do than that."

To Mira's words, Zeph and Asbal flaunt their shoulders as they look at each other. Flicka was taking notes with Cyril when Mira was saying and arranging the dates, so she intends to do so more than she did.

"Leave it to me!

The glow returns to Emera's eyes.

"Well, it's a horn on a raven. Miss, take whatever you want out of this. We'll split the rest."

"... Hmm, okay"

When Mira answers that, she glances over the table. The Devil's epidermis is a suitable material to be processed into armor lineage equipment. There is no equipment limitation, but the armor system can have a negative effect on movement if you have low muscle strength and strength. Now that this has become a reality, it will appear more pronounced. And Mira decided that the devil's epidermis was not necessary because those two statuses were very different from the general magician's. It can be processed and used as a reinforcement material for robes, but Mira has never worn such a robe because of her appearance. I haven't been able to tell you from my current outfit.

The devil's claws go very well with demon props and surgical costume creation. Wings are often used as reinforcements to magic and martial arts. But there are materials that go better with Mira than any of them. The Devil's Horn.

So, am I going to get this?

Saying so, Mira takes two horns.

"Lady, is that all you need? I don't need to be shy. If we try, we'll get paid just one thing."

Asbal asks Mira, who just picked two corners and took her hand off saying she didn't need anything else. As Asbal put it, the material of the demon, now thought to have been wiped out, is traded at a considerable high price. Because old battlefields, ruins, formations, etc. are rarely excavated today. In contrast, now the material in front of me is demonic material in a picked and fresh state. Its value will be considerable.

"That's enough. I don't think I can handle anything else."

Of course, Mira's chosen Devil's Horn is quite a substitute, but above all, it was compatible with Mira's handling of refining techniques.

"Well, if Mira says so. Why don't we split up?"

Mira decides she doesn't really seem to need anything anymore. Zeph drops her gaze on the table as she says. Then, at about the same time, his hand was offered on the table, and his hand grabbed the devil's claw and pulled in.

"Deputy Commander......"

Zeph and Asbal, Emera, vice president of Ecalato Carillon, with a chilling glance at Flicka. From around the Magic Sword of Fire, he was restlessly targeting the devil's claws with a tiger's eye. It's like a dog told to 'wait'.

"Uh... 'Cause that's enough, right?

When it came to swords, Emera turned blind from her usual dependable sister.

As a result, Emera had six nails, Asbal had an epidermis, Flicka had wings, and Zeph had two nails and a little epidermis, and the dispensing work was finished.

"So I guess I'm going home. We had fun inside."

Looking around, Mira says, the Emeras are all there to thank Mira. Surprised by the sudden, Mira waits for nothing to happen.

"Because it's thanks to Mira that we're alive. Let me thank you again. Thanks."

Emera smiles as much as she accidentally does.

"Thank you, miss. It's not just my life, it's my life."

"Thank you, Mira. I will return the favor someday. Give me your contact details if you can..."

"Me too, because I was able to blow things off. Thanks."

When Flicka is blocked by Emera along the way, Zeph succeeds her without getting her hair in.

This is how Mira is once again turned to her words of gratitude, and how embarrassed she is to win and swim her gaze.

"What? It's not like you're thanking me."

Turn that way with that said. But his cheeks were dyed red reasonably well, and he laughed less than full.

"Mira, you're adorable!

Of course, Flicka couldn't stand the look of it, and it was curtained after a series of streams.

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